Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 178 The Power of One Punch【Twenty-Two More】

Lin also understood this in his heart.

It seems that the Shadowmoon Group and Cheng Donghai are not just a simple employer-employee relationship.

The system in Lin Yi's mind appeared at the moment: "You are right, there must be a dirty PY transaction between them."

Cheng Donghai is a key figure, so he came forward to request the protection of the Shadowmoon Group.

The condition of the Shadowmoon Group is not money, but the first to get that kind of virus.

It seems that becoming the East China Sea is a goal that I must devour.

In the past, Lin Yi thought he could only devour evolutionary and infectious creatures, but now he knows that he can devour ordinary humans. It's just that when it devours ordinary humans, it won't get evolution points. But these human memories, he will still preserve them intact.

Therefore, he must swallow Chengdonghai and get the memory of Chengdonghai.

It's just that there are ten level 5 evolutionaries around Chengdonghai who are protecting, especially the level 6 evolutionary.

He has never fought a level 6 evolver before, and I don’t know how strong these level 6 evolvers are.

So for the time being, we can't attack rashly.

He slowly retreated into the jungle, waiting for the opportunity to swallow the East China Sea.

Cheng Donghai's car stopped at the door of the prefabricated house built temporarily on the side of the construction site. He got out of the car and entered one of the rooms.

Those 5th-level evolutionists entered the rooms on both sides of the room where he was.

As for the level 6 evolutionary, he entered the same room as Cheng Donghai.

Lin Yi probed with Biological Tracking Ability, and his brows wrinkled again.

I don't know who is going to kill Cheng Donghai. The protection of Cheng Donghai by these people is so strict. They need Level 6 Evolutionists to live with Cheng Donghai for protection.

In this way, it will be very difficult for oneself to start.

In the drizzle, he endured the cold of the rainy night and continued to detect with the biological tracking Ability.

During his exploration, Nacheng Donghai and Level 6 Evolutionary entered the room one after another.

There are two beds in the room, and it looks like the two of them are going to rest here tonight.

Cheng Donghai has a net worth of more than one billion yuan, so he would sleep in a mobile boardroom, which Lin really didn't expect.

And that 6th-level evolutionary and Cheng Donghai were inseparable from each other, which made Lin didn't expect.

At this time, I listened to the level 6 evolutionist continuing to say to Cheng Donghai: "Cheng Lao, let alone I didn't remind you, this matter must be kept secret. Once the wind is revealed, I am afraid that many forces will hear it. It was in trouble at that time."

Cheng Donghai smiled indifferently and said: "Don't worry, I have done a good job of confidentiality. Even the workers on these construction sites will become our experimental products once the project is completed."

The level 6 evolutionary nodded and said, "Well, this is the best way."

The anger in Lin Yi's heart became more intense.

The actions of these people are simply appalling.

This is the East China Sea, and what Shadowmoon group is there, it's not a good thing!

Lin Yi wished that he could jump out now, and kill them for a while, and wipe out these Shadowmoon group assassins and Cheng Donghai, but his reason still defeated the impulse.

He must wait for the opportunity.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

At about eleven o'clock in the night, in the room to the left of Cheng Donghai, a lean and skinny Level 5 evolutionary who looked like he was in his fifties and couldn't fall asleep. He tossed and creaked the bed like this.

The Level 5 evolutionary below him cursed: "Spin, don't sleep in the middle of the night, always sway there, so I can't sleep."

Ma Gan said: "Thinking of a woman, I can't sleep if I want to."

"Can't fall asleep and hit a shot."

Ma Gan said: "I've hit two shots a long time ago, but I still can't sleep."

The 5th-level evolutionary below him cursed: "Don't shake if you can't sleep, then shake Lao Tzu and kick you down."

Unexpectedly, the top swaying more severely, the stick sat up directly and said: "No, I have to find a woman to vent the fire."

The 5th-level evolutionary below him cursed: "Where can I find a woman in this barren mountain?"

Ma Gan said: "Three miles down from here, there is a Lin Family Village. Find a woman in the village..."

"You really can do it. We are evolvers, they are low-level humans. You are too heavy to talk with them."

"Think of it as a human being."

As he said, he put on his clothes.

Lin also heard this, and said in his heart: These evolvers think that they are superior, and treat ordinary people as inferior humans. In their eyes, ordinary humans are like livestock.

Did they forget that they themselves were also born by ordinary humans?

At this time, the door of the movable board room opened slightly.

The slender body shape of hemp rod appeared from the crack in the door.

In the room behind him, a voice said: "You really want to go!"

Ma Gan said with a smile: "Dying under the peony flower, you are also romantic."

He said that he closed the door and walked down the mountain with one foot and one foot shallow, looking towards Lin Yi and his village.

Lin Yi didn't catch up immediately, but stopped there for two minutes, making sure that no one else in the movable board room came out, then turned around and chased the stick.

At the moment it was drizzling, and it was night again, and it was still in the mountains and there was almost no light.

Even though he is a Level 5 evolutionary, he has much better vision than ordinary people, and he will trip by the roots from time to time.

As he walked, he cursed and said: "This time I took on a special mission, come to this kind of ghost place where birds don’t shit and chickens don’t lay eggs. I can't even find a woman. It's late at night, let me go three or four. It’s too unlucky to go looking for a woman on Lishan Road. Whoops..."

As he was talking, he was slipped by the turf.

He continued to curse and grin, his hands on the ground, he remembered.

But at the moment, he found a dark figure in front of him, who was already standing in front of him at some point.

He was shocked in his heart, and quickly rolled over to avoid the possible attack of the dark shadow.

Then he looked at the dark figure again.

The light is too dim to see the face of this dark shadow.

He seemed to be wearing a hood, and under the hood, there seemed to be a cold, bloodthirsty gaze staring at him.

The blood-red energy surging on the stick wanted to condense the natal weapon.

But at the moment, the dark shadow moved.

He banged at the stick with one punch.

Seeing that there was no time for Ma Gan Jian to condense his life weapons, he had no time to evade, he also instinctively stretched out his fist and blasted towards Lin Yi.


There was a muffled sound of fists intersecting, followed by the sound of broken bones.


With just one punch, he broke the thin arm of the stick that was as thin as a stick.

Next, Masha opened his mouth to make a scream.

But Lin didn't wait for him to speak, and another punch was blasted out, puff——

Lin Yi's fist blasted directly into the mouth of the pole, and then came out from behind his head.

A cloud of blood spread.

On the fist, the rain mixed with blood, slowly falling...

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