Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 197 Fighting master [forty-one more]

After depositing the divine eagle, Lin Yi's evolution point was only 400 points left.

"It seems that after coming to Pandora, I have to do a lot of work, otherwise I really won't be able to get promoted to level 6."

Then Lin Yi took a step forward and walked towards the city.

The city is surrounded by a high wall.

This high wall is more than fifty meters high and about ten meters thick, which is obviously extremely strong.

But such a solid high wall is full of holes and even huge amounts of gaps, which seems to have experienced the baptism of war.

However, the war seemed to have passed for a long time, the gates of the high wall were not fortified, and Lin Yi entered the high wall at will.

Although the buildings inside the high walls were damaged during the war, most of them have been repaired.

I saw these buildings, which are basically more than 100 meters high, and even more than 300 meters high buildings can be seen everywhere.

Although there are many pedestrians coming and going on the street, they seem very indifferent and don't speak much.

Judging from the faces of these people, they are all yellow races. They speak almost all Mandarin.

It seems that we have arrived in China.

However, the current China is completely different from the China Lin Yi is familiar with.

He has no familiarity except for the appearance and language of the characters here.

He stopped a middle-aged man who was passing by and asked, "Hello, how can I get to the airport, I want to go to Magnesium."


The middle-aged man said, "Go to the city center."

Then he turned around and hurried away.

Lin Yi immediately inquired about the location of the city center and walked forward quickly.

But soon he discovered that it was unrealistic to walk to the city center.

The city is huge, and if you rely on walking, it is estimated that you may not be able to walk to the city center in ten days.

He can only go to the city center by car.

I took a taxi and walked for more than three hours before I reached the city center.

But embarrassingly, Lin also had no money to pay for the car when he arrived in the city center.

He said to the driver: "Please wait a moment, I'll get you the money now."

Without waiting for the driver to answer, after getting out of the car, he quickly left.

"Hey, don't go! At least leave your ID number!"

The driver yelled from behind.

Lin Yi did not care about him, and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.

It's not that he doesn't want to give money, he really has no money.

After escaping three streets, he found that the surrounding buildings looked much more high-tech than the buildings when he first entered the city.

Flashing neon lights, huge amounts of holographic projection advertisements, and even floating cars and high-altitude trains.

Lin also inquired about the location of the airport, and quickly walked to the airport.

Passing a place similar to a stadium on the road, but the sign on it is not a stadium, but a "Gladiator Arena."

Outside the gate of the arena, people come and go, coming in and out.

Business in this arena seems to be booming.

About two kilometers away from the arena, came to the airport. Lin Yi went to the ticket office, glanced at the electronic information board, and found that the air ticket to Magnesium was a full 9,998 yuan.

"I'm going, it's too expensive."

Lin Yi doesn't have a penny on him now, and this nearly 10,000 yuan is naturally too expensive for him.

At this time, he remembered passing by the arena before, and the message above said that the arena was recruiting gladiators.

You can get as little as 1,000 yuan in a game, and you still pay as you go.

Ten thousand yuan, for him, is at most ten games.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi turned around and walked towards the arena.

As a result, at the gate of the arena, the taxi driver was just looking at the gate.

Lin Yi could only hide in an unmanned corner, disguising himself as a level 5 evolutionary with biological energy, and then came to the entrance of the arena.

When he passed by the taxi driver, the driver also asked him if he had ever seen a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

Lin Yi shrugged: "I haven't seen it."

Then he entered the arena.

The business of the arena is very hot, and it can almost be described as a full seat.

Men and women, old and young, were shouting and roaring in the stands one by one, feeling like savages.

Looking at the arena again, two gladiators have just entered the arena.

One is a young man, and the other is a strong man with a beard.

The voice of the DJ on the scene shouted: "The current gladiator, one is a newcomer-Bull! The other is a gladiator-mourner who has won forty-nine games in a row."


When the DJ yelled out the word "mourner", there was a roar of joy on the scene.

Obviously, this mourner is very popular.

The brawny man raised his right arm and yelled: "Hoo——————"

The audience yelled at the scene: "Roar——————"

The on-site DJ continued to shout: "The mourners have won forty-nine games in a row within a month. As long as they win one more game, they can challenge our ultimate gladiator."


The mourner raised his right arm, Roar again.


The audience also followed Gao Roar again.

Five minutes later, the gladiatorial fight began.

The bull was holding a big knife and slashed towards the mourner.

The mourners faced the battle with a metal stick more than two meters long with thick arms.

The stick was obviously not light, and it waved Roar Roar into the wind.

In only three or four rounds, the bull was crushed to retreat again and again.

In another two rounds, the bull's knife was smashed into two pieces by the mourners. Then another stick hit the bull's head.


With a muffled sound, Man Niu's head exploded directly.

Red and white splashed in all directions, and a few broken brains stuck to half of the mourner's face, slowly sliding down.


The audience suddenly shouted in excitement.

The bloody scene, on the contrary, greatly irritated them, they all happily Roar madly, shouting.

The on-site DJ shouted: "Woo Roar-congratulations to the mourners. He has won 50 games in a row and won a prize of up to 50,000. Now, he has the qualifications to challenge the ultimate gladiator lion. As long as he wins Savage Lion, he will become the new ultimate gladiator and will receive a bonus of up to 100,000!"

Lin also became interested in seeing this.

He has made up his mind to challenge the ultimate angle king.

But before challenging, he still has to see what strength this ultimate gladiator is.

After about ten minutes, with the continuous mobilization of the live DJ, the mood of the audience has reached a climax.

In the side entrance of the arena, a figure finally walked out.

I saw this person was two meters tall, naked, with bulging muscles, and holding two sledgehammers about one foot in diameter.

As soon as this person appeared, almost all the audience on the scene stood up and shouted excitedly: "Wild lion-savage lion-savage lion -"

It seems that the popularity of this savage lion is even higher than that of the mourner.

The on-site DJ roared: "The wild lion is the ultimate fighting king in the arena for 15 consecutive months. He has won 123 games in a row..."

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