Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 199 Ultimate Gladiator (Part 1) [Forty-three more]

In the hearts of the audience, the wild lion is completely invincible.

For more than a year, they have witnessed too many savage lions fights. Basically, as long as the savage lions appear on the stage, the opponent is waiting to be abused.

No matter how strong the opponent is, in front of the wild lion, he can't resist his five hammers.

Like today's mourner, he has been the strongest opponent to challenge the wild lion in more than a year, but he was still killed by the five hammers of the wild lion, and in the end he was tortured.

So that mysterious man, Brother A, who has not participated in even a gladiatorial fight, is completely a novice.

Those who said he was here to die have praised him.

He was here to abuse the corpse.

The on-site DJ yelled: "Now everyone can bet. If the mysterious man A wins, please choose A, and then bet; if the ultimate angle Wang Manshi wins, please choose B and place your bet."

Those audience members started placing bets without even thinking about it.

After another five minutes, the betting is over.

On the big screen at the scene, the results of the betting are calculated:

102833 is more than 1270.

At 10 yuan per bet, the bet on the wild lion wins, which is more than 10,000 bets.

The bet that Lin also won was just over a hundred bets.

In other words, if the wild lion wins, he will only win less than a dime for every bet he wins;

And if Lin Yi wins, bet every bet he wins will win more than 100 yuan.

Ninety-nine percent of the people bet on the wild lion to win. Although they can't win much money, they don't want to make money, so they just have fun.

And the most important thing is that you can see the savage lion abuse the corpse again.

The DJ At the moment shouted: "Now I have a mysterious person, Brother A—"

I saw a figure walking out from the side door of the arena.

His lower body was gray jeans, his upper body was black leather jacket, and his head was wearing a hood. He couldn't see his face clearly. On the back, the blood-red double-winged flying dragon pattern is very conspicuous.

The audience was taken aback when they saw this dress.

Then someone shouted: "Mysterious man? Hey, wearing a hat is a mysterious man? Wouldn't it be more mysterious for me to wear a straw hat?"

"What age is it, and wearing a hood to pretend to be cool, it's simply too tasteless."

"Just like you, you deserve to be killed by a savage lion."

"Just this small grid is not as big as the heavy hammer of a wild lion."

"Betting on him to win is not as interesting as guessing how the savage lion will abuse his body."

There was a cheering voice at the scene.

Some people even insulted on the spot: "Hillboy, go back to the country!"

Lin also ignored these people at all.

Facts speak louder than words.

In a few minutes, he will make these people shut up.

The DJ on the scene spoke again: "Now, let us invite our ultimate gladiator king-the wild lion -"

Everyone on the scene stood up spontaneously, raised their hands high, and shouted in unison: "Wild lion-savage lion-savage lion -"

The savage lion walked out of the passage holding the two hammers.

The posture when walking is quite domineering, every step is like an elephant coming out.

The audience at the scene screamed frantically when they saw the wild lion as if they had met their father.

The wild lion swung his right hammer to greet the audience on the left.


The audience on the right shouted in unison.

He swung his left hammer again to greet the audience on the left.

The audience on the left also shouted in unison.

The atmosphere on the scene once again rose to an unprecedented level.

However, the DJ is also very professional. In order to maximize the atmosphere of the scene, he will do a simple pre-match interview.

He first interviewed the wild lion: "As our ultimate gladiator, we have defeated our opponents in 124 consecutive games. Do you have anything to say to this newcomer in front of you?"

Man Niu glanced at Lin Yi in disdain, raised his chin, and said in a strong voice: "Boy, as a newcomer who challenges me by exception, you should feel honored. As a newcomer, I give you a benefit: you can choose one. How to die."


The scene boiled again.

"So handsome!"


"You can choose a method of death, which will definitely become a buzzword this year!"

"The ultimate gladiator is the ultimate gladiator. Every word, every stroke, even a full stop is so domineering!"

The on-site DJ waited for the audience’s voice to calm down a bit, and said: “You deserve to be the ultimate gladiator. If you say it, it’s so domineering. We look forward to your wonderful performance again. So as a newcomer who wants to challenge the ultimate gladiator, mystery Brother Ren A, do you have anything to say to the ultimate gladiator?"


Lin Yi stood there without saying a word.

DJ thought that Lin Yi hadn't heard it clearly, and asked again: "Mysterious man Brother A, before the challenge, do you have anything you want to say to the ultimate fighting king Savage Lion?"


Lin Yi still just looked at the wild lion coldly, without saying a word.

Many audience members laughed out loud.

"Cut, are you so scared that you can't speak?"

"It's not just speechless, it's just scared to pee, right?"

"Actually, I think what DJ said is not quite right. You should ask him,'As a new corpse who is about to be abused, what do you want to say to the corpse abuser"? Hahahaha.

"Yes, that's right, you should ask, hahahaha..."

The DJ on the scene saw Lin also did not speak, a little embarrassed.

He asked again: "Mysterious man Brother A, do you really have nothing to say to the wild lion?"

Until At the moment, Lin Yi said lightly: "Will you talk to Deadman?"


The on-site DJ was taken aback.

The average newcomer, in the first fight, many will be nervous.

But this mysterious man, Brother A, was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he challenged the murderous ultimate gladiator in the first game. Not only was he not nervous, but he even said such a sentence calmly.

Will you talk to Deadman?

It's too hanging!

DJ couldn't help but give a thumbs up to this mysterious man, Brother A.

But because the wild lion was still there, he resisted the urge to admire a few words.

The audience was even more taken aback.

None of them thought that this newcomer would be so strong--no, this is not strong, but the savage lion is not in the eyes at all.

The average rookie will have stage fright in the first game.

And this guy, facing the ultimate gladiator in the first game, would actually say such things lightly.

This is too pretentious, right?

Someone immediately yelled: "Kill him!"

"Dare to look down on the wild lion and abuse him!"

"Kill this kid who doesn't know the heights of the earth."


In the end, these voices converged into two words:

"Corpse abuse—"

"Corpse abuse—"

"Corpse abuse—"


Everyone had already regarded Lin Yi as a dead body, just waiting to see how the savage lion abused him.

The wild lion originally looked down on Lin Yi, and didn't even bother to use his full strength.

But when Lin Yi's words were just aroused, I suddenly felt annoyed: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

Speaking, he wielded two giant hammers, like a giant elephant, and rushed towards Lin Yi.

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