Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 447-Killing Level 10 Evolutionists in a Second [Four More]

The figure came extremely fast and appeared in front of Lin almost instantly. The long sword in his right hand was already handed to Lin Yi's throat.

Being able to pierce the throat accurately at such a fast speed, this person has a very strong ability to control the position where the sword pierced.

It seems that this is a strong opponent.

And because Lin was caught off guard, and this person was waiting for work, it seemed that he was faster than Lin.

Seeing that the tip of the sword had already hit Lin Yi's neck, and an inch further forward, it could pierce Lin Yi's neck.

At the moment of crisis, Lin Yi couldn't avoid it using any other methods. He subconsciously raised the little finger of his right hand.

In his body, a burst of energy instantly passed through a meridian and reached the little finger of his right hand.

A group of fiery red energy condensed there.

call out--

This fiery red energy shot out like a beam of light, just hitting the person's lower abdomen.

The person's lower abdomen hurts, and the speed is much slower.

Lin Yi had a chance to flash around and avoid the sword.

Looking at the man again, At the moment he was lowering his head, looking at the thin finger hole in his abdomen.

This hole directly pierced his lower abdomen to the back of his waist.

He turned his head and looked behind him, and saw that the wall behind him was pierced with a finger-thick, bottomless hole.

Although he was not seriously injured this time, it also shocked him.

If it hit him in the head just now, he would have died.

He had been prepared to fight an ambush, but failed to kill the target, but was almost killed by the target.

And Lin Yi secretly regretted that he had just resorted to this move in a hurry, otherwise, if he aimed at a point and hit the person's head, the person would have died.

At the moment, he used biological tracking to probe some, only to see that this person turned out to be a level 10 evolutionary.

You know, so far, he has seen only a few level 10 evolutionaries.

And this person is not any 10th-level evolutionary he knows, and this person's combat tactics look very rusty. Obviously, he has just been promoted to the 10th-level evolutionary.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently: Do you think it's great to be promoted to level 10? I will teach you how to be a man today.

Thinking of this, on his right arm, fiery red energy covered it.

The entire right arm became three times thicker in a short period of time.

It was covered with fiery red energy, and on top of the fiery red energy, blood-red vines were entangled and entangled.

These blood-red vines quickly condensed a sharp blade on the top of the right arm.

This sharp blade is wide at the front and narrow at the back.

The widest part is more than a foot wide, and the narrowest part is not much worse than a finger.

Scarlet vines crawled across the entire blade, giving the blade a touch of mystery and weird in addition to its domineering.

The 10th-level evolutionary looked at the sharp blade in Lin Yi's hand, and then at the long sword in his own hand, suddenly he felt a little embarrassed.

People's weapons are called weapons. What is your own?

Thinking of this, he condensed another shield.

But this shield looks like an ordinary round shield.

One sword and one shield or one sword and one shield, this is the standard configuration for general evolvers above level 10.

Lin Yi looked at the shield, sneered, and stood up.

The volley jumped up to a height of two meters, the sharp blade of his right arm was raised high, and he slashed at the man fiercely.

This downward movement is extremely fierce and fast.

It was impossible for that person to avoid it, he wanted to use a sword to block, but he was afraid of not having enough power.

He can only shrink his head, then put the shield on top of his head, and use the power of his entire left shoulder against the shield, hoping to block Lin Yi's attack.


The sharp blade drew a semicircle in the air and slashed hard on the shield.

The next moment, I saw that level 10 evolutionary, even the human being with a shield, was cut in half.

Before he died, he was still complaining in his heart: He is also a level 10 evolutionary, so why is the difference in strength so big?

In fact, it was not just him, even Lin did not expect this blade to be so sharp.

In his impression, the blade is very sharp, but it wouldn't be enough to kill level 10 evolvers with a single shot, right?

But think about it, this 10th-level evolutionary had just been promoted not long before, and his strength was already much worse than Lin's.

In addition, his weapon is formed by his own Ability;

And Lin Yi's weapon is made of biological energy.

Biological energy was originally at a level, which was one level higher than the energy in these ordinary evolvers.

In addition, his actual combat experience is more than a little bit richer than that of the kid. So it is reasonable to kill him in seconds.

The fiery red biological energy gushes out of Lin Yi, swallowing the 10th-level evolutionary.

A systematic prompt sounded in his mind: "Swallow 10 level evolvers, gain 5000 evolvement points, and currently 47100 evolvement points."

Regardless of whether you are an old 10-level evolutionary who has been promoted for decades, or a new 10-level evolutionary who has just been promoted, as long as you are a 10-level evolutionary, it is worth 5000 evolution points.

There are only less than 3,000 evolution points left now, and Lin Yi is really a little excited.

However, because of the emergence of such a level 10 evolutionist, Lin Yi was also more cautious.

From the consciousness of these 10th-level evolvers, he knew that those people had not only researched medicines that could turn ordinary people into evolvers, but had also developed medicines that could elevate evolvers to their ranks.

This 10th-level evolve just now was actually a 9th-level evolve before.

After injecting that kind of medicine, he was promoted to a level 10 evolutionary.

Lin Yi thought about this and understood that this 10th-level evolutionary, in fact, his strength, consciousness and other aspects are actually still at the 9th-level evolutionary stage.

Speaking of it, he is at best a 9th-level evolutionary with a top-of-the-line version.

As a level 10 evolutionary, killing him is definitely easy.

After devouring these level 10 evolutionaries, Lin Yi opened the secret door of the factory director's room again, intending to evolve the underground laboratory.

But at the moment, he suddenly felt bad and quickly backed away.

The next moment he retreated more than 20 meters later, he saw another dark shadow popping out of the secret door.

Moreover, Lin Yi could clearly feel that the level of this black shadow was also a level 10 evolutionary.

However, unlike the 10th-level evolutionary just now, the aura of the 10th-level evolutionary just now is not very strong.

The breath of this 10-level evolutionary is very strong.

Coupled with his footsteps and body skills when he came out, this let Lin also know that this person is definitely an old 10-level evolutionary.

After he was promoted to a level 10 evolver, he had never played against a normal level 10 evolver.

Thinking of this, his eyes became excited again.

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