Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 633 Gourmet Fleet

Monkey King squeezed the mecha into iron knots out of thin air, definitely is another black technology.

By controlling the force field, it creates a small but extremely powerful gravitational field inside the mecha. The mecha is attracted by the huge attraction of the internal gravitational field and will naturally shrink into a ball.

However, this technology, not to mention the fact that Lena has no Lieyang Star, is the Angel civilization of Lingxi, and it has never appeared before.

This naturally shocked everyone present again.

Even Ge Xiaolun, who was near the ship, looked at Monkey King in shock and said, "Brother Monkey, this is too... incredible."

Monkey King seemed to have done nothing, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, just hurry up."

Ge Xiaolun hurriedly replied: "Yes, right, right, do business."

He continued to analyze the starlight barrier.

As for the others, they continued to attack other gluttonous warriors and gluttonous warships to cover Ge Xiaolun.

Since the two big mechas were already dead, ordinary gluttonous fighters were not at all an opponent of Sun Wukong and other heroes.

In less than a moment, another fireship was shot down by Lingxi and Lena together.

Lin Yi felt a bit like a spectator at the moment.

These people are fighting in the sky, and it seems that they can't help much.

All he can do is when the gluttonous warriors are shot down, follow up to make up the knife and swallow all these gluttonous warriors one by one.

Of these gluttonous warriors, one has 500 evolution points.

With so many evolutionary points, it seemed like it was in vain.

After another minute, Ge Xiaolun finally exclaimed excitedly: "It's a success!"

Everyone looked at the main ship, and saw that a large hole with a diameter of more than fifty meters appeared on the starlight barrier on the main ship.

"South China Sea Fleet, throw all the shells over and shoot at me!"

Ge Xiaolun yelled.

On the South China Sea Fleet, on the Juxia aircraft carrier, General Du Kao immediately gave the order and shouted angrily: "Fire—"


Sea-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft artillery, etc., all muzzles capable of firing were aimed at the opponent.

Hundreds of artillery shells all flew towards the southern sky.

When these shells flew to a certain place in the sky, they all disappeared all at once strangely.

In the next moment, these shells appeared on the wormhole of the starlight barrier opened by Ge Xiaolun without warning.


Hundreds of shells all passed through the wormhole, flew into the starlight barrier, and blasted on the main ship.


On the main ship, fire suddenly burst into the sky, turning half of the sky into a fiery red color.

Then, the main ship fell obliquely from the sky in black smoke.

Smashed on the cause outside Juxia City.


The main ship hit the ground and exploded twice.

The fire rose to the sky.



"Nima, it's finally done!"

"So happy, so happy!"

Everyone screamed.

Lena said: "Don't be eager to be happy, now kill all the remaining ten firepowered ships! Xiao Lun, Lingxi, Monkey King, and me. Intercept these firepowered ships and don't let them go."

Ge Xiaolun heard this and said excitedly: "Okay, the South China Sea Fleet, throw all the firepower there, and I will throw it all on these fireships."

While the two were talking, Monkey King had already jumped up and jumped onto a firepower ship.

In less than ten seconds, the fireship began to fall.

His efficiency is really nothing.

Next, a few people joined together, and the South China Sea Fleet was fully fired, none of the remaining gluttonous firepowers really escaped.

Seeing that the last gluttonous fireship was also shot down, everyone in Xiongbing Company was rejoicing: "Xiongbing Company, victory in the first battle!"

"Dare to come to Lao Tzu's place to go wild, so that you will never come back!"

"Aliens, but so!"

At the same time, there was good news from the South China Sea Fleet.

Just as the gluttonous company was fighting, Morgana's sniper team opened more than a dozen wormholes and wanted to carry out beheading operations on General Dukao.

Because of Lin Yi's early warning, Qiangwei blocked the wormholes, leaving only one.

And sent all the firepower of the South China Sea Fleet into the wormhole.

Morgana's demon castle, under these firepower strikes, directly destroyed half of it. Even her demon wings have suffered huge losses.

It is estimated that within a short period of time, Morgana would not dare to appear on Earth again.

Double happiness came to the door, which boosted the spirit of Xiongbing Company.

When the plot is here, the Battle of Tianhe should be over, and Lin also estimates that he will leave this plane soon.

However, on the way back from the Xiongbing Company, there was a sudden news from General Dukao.

"The large-scale gluttonous fleet is gathering in space. There are at least 20 main ships and no less than 200 firepower ships. This time, their target is likely to be Juxia City."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard it, and some even showed a look of horror in their eyes.

One main ship and twelve firepower ships in Tianhe City, let them spend a lot of time.

Now with twenty main ships and two hundred firepower ships, they have no resistance at all.

Lin Yi only understood now that it turned out that it was the Battle of Juxia again.

In the original work, the focus is on the Battle of Tianhe, and the Battle of Juxia is just a brief introduction.

When Ge Xiaolun returned to Earth after Keisha's fall, the Battle of the Great Gorge had already been fought, and the company had been broken up.

But now, because of Lin Yi's participation, the plot has changed.

After the battle of Tianhe, the battle of Juxia will be fought again.

Moreover, the Battle of the Great Gorge was much more difficult than the Battle of Tianhe.

In the original work, the Xiongbing Company failed in the Battle of Juxia.

And now, Lin couldn't let the Xiongbing Company fail again.

But looking at the current situation, almost no one thinks that the Xiongbing Company can defeat the gluttonous again.

After all, this time, the amount of gluttonous food is too much.

When everyone was silent, Monkey King said: "No matter how many monsters and ghosts there are, what is there to be afraid of? My grandson defeats the Buddha by fighting and defeating demons. This is my strength. No matter how many demons and ghosts there are, they will be given to me. Sun washed his neck and waited."

Monkey King's words are full of confidence.

This made everyone feel more at ease.

Liu Chuang scolded: "Brother Monkey is right, I am not giving it to the God of War of Nuo Xing. My big sword is already hungry and thirsty!"

Xin Zhao said, "But you are an axe."

Liu Chuang said: "Whether it is a sword or an axe, if they dare to come to the earth to play, I will stay with them to the end!"

Lena looked firm and said: "If they really destroy the earth, my solar flare will definitely avenge the people on earth."

Liu Chuang said, "I said Captain Goddess. Why do you sound like the Avengers? Are you a member of them?"

While speaking, everyone's feelings were raised again.

Definitely, they don't arrogantly think that they will definitely win.

But if the earth is really going to be destroyed today, then they will be the first to die for the earth!

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