The two major organizations in the world sent people to Chang'an City to take Lin Yi's life.

Although Lin also killed zombies to save those ordinary people.

But because of his existence, it is very detrimental to these two organizations, so these two organizations will take his life.

Lei Ying arrived at Chang'an City first.

I saw the streets and alleys of Chang'an City, almost all have turned blood red.

What I saw along the way, even a zombie was gone, and I couldn't even see the broken limbs. What I could see was the blood and meat all over the street.

Even in the residential buildings, blood is constantly flowing out.

Along the way, there are occasional humans walking.

They will all escape from this hellish place.

However, this did not stop Lei Ying.

Once he decides what to do, he will never move forward.

He quickly took him to the center of Chang'an City, the Greenland International Financial Center.

In the tallest building in Chang'an City, he saw Lin Yi lying motionless on the ground.

He could feel that Lin Yi's breath was very weak.

At the moment, Lin Yi was not as strong as he had seen before, nor was he an eleventh-level evolutionary as he saw in Coal City last time.

To be sure, Lin Yi at the moment is not even as good as an ordinary person.

Lei Ying determined that Lin Yi at the moment was completely the meat on the chopping board, leaving it to be slaughtered by himself.

He stopped hesitation, and purple lightning condensed in his hand.

Pricked towards Lin Yi's chest.

This purple lightning is very peculiar. When attacking at a distance, it is an energy attack, and when it is attacked at a close range, it is a physical attack with a small amount of energy attack.

The purple lightning penetrated Lin Yiyou's heart almost instantly.

Lin Yi was lying on the ground, still motionless.

Lei Ying was not sure, he had clearly pierced Lin Yi's body, but Lin Yi did not have the despair that ordinary people had before death.

He didn't know if Lin Yi was really dead.

But to be on the safe side, he decided to cut off Lin Yi's head.

However, when he took out a dagger, Lin Yi's eyes suddenly ignited flames without warning.

Lei Ying was taken aback, and quickly backed away.

He remembered the powerful strength of Lin Yi when he was in the coal city the last time he was transformed into Ghost Rider.

Coupled with the terrifying power that Lin Yi showed just now, his first reaction was not to cut off Lin Yi's neck, but to withdraw from 100 meters in an instant.

Let's talk about your safety first.

At the moment, it was already dark.

The flames of Lin Yi's eyes burned rapidly, burning his eyes through, leaving only two deep black holes.

Then, the flame quickly spread to the top of his head, burning his entire head to the point of only bones.

Then, the flame spread to his whole body, and the flesh and skin on his hands were also burned, leaving only the thick bones.

After a while, Lei Ying was surprised to see that Lin Yi, who had clearly pierced his heart before, actually stood up.

His head is a skull with flames, and his hands are skulls with flames.

Especially when he "looked" at himself with those black eyes from under his hood, he only felt like a furry from the bottom of his heart.

"How is it possible? He has clearly pierced my heart..."

Lei Ying said.

He definitely didn't know that Lin Yi, who was at the moment, had been burned into skeletons by flames, and even his heart had been burned. You have a fart to pierce the heart.

It turned out that although Lin Yi had run out of energy in his body before, what Brother A had run out was only his biological energy.

And his hellfire energy was not consumed.

Lei Ying felt the breath of Lin Yi at the moment, and felt that Lin Yi was much stronger than before.

However, according to Lin Yi's breath, it should be only a twelfth and third-level evolutionary.

Although Lei Ying still had a shadow in Lin Yi's heart before, since the group leader said he wanted to kill him, it would be considered as a desperate death to kill him.

Thinking of this, the purple lightning condensed again in Lei Ying's hands and attacked remotely towards Lin Yi.

However, after his purple lightning hit Lin Yi, Lin Yi did not suffer any harm.

Instead, there was a devilish sneer in his mouth: "Quack, quack..."

This devilish laughter echoed in this empty city, making Raiying's heart tense.

His long-range attack was originally an energy attack, belonging to lightning energy.

When the lightning energy hits the human body, it uses the electric shock effect to attack the human.

But now Lin also has no flesh and bones at all. At the moment, he is completely an insulator.

Raikage's lightning attack naturally cannot cause damage to him.

Lin Yi pulled both hands out of thin air, and the soul chain was pulled out by him.

With a flick of the soul chain, it stretched towards Lei Ying.

Lei Ying quickly avoided it on his side.

But the soul chain looked like it had eyes, turning around and continuing to attack Lei Ying.

Raiking constantly dodges around.

But the soul chain still chased him constantly.

Raikage also went through countless battles.

Seeing this, he knew that his long-range attack was not Lin Yi's opponent at all, and he could only attack in close quarters.

So he slammed into Lin Yi.

The lightning in his hand directly attacked Lin Yi's head.

Lin Yi flashed sideways, avoiding the lightning attack.

Then the soul chain was quickly recovered, turned into a short chain like a stick, and fought with Raikage.

With Raikage so close, Lin is not as dominant as before.

After all, his advantage is remote, not close.

Moreover, Raikage was two levels higher than him, and his strength was much stronger, and he was also faster than him in terms of speed.

After a few rounds, Lin Yi was hit several times by Lei Ying, and several ribs on his body were broken.

However, as a Ghost Rider, his rib was broken. It was just a small matter. As long as the fire of hell is not extinguished, he can fight forever.

Many people saw this scene through the screen.

They all said one after another: "It's Ghost Rider!"

"Yeah, it turns out he is Ghost Rider!"

"That Ghost Rider in Shanghai City and Coal City!"

"But why does this man have to deal with Ghost Rider?"

"Do you still want to understand? Ghost Rider is a good guy, this guy is a villain, so naturally he has to deal with Ghost Rider."

"Hope Ghost Rider can win."


"But it seems that Ghost Rider can't do him."

"Nonsense, Ghost Rider just exploded with such strong energy and washed the zombies in the entire Chang'an City. Now I have to fight him again, how can there be so much power?"

"Then what to do?"

"What to do? All we can do now is to pray for Ghost Rider."

At the same time, in addition to Chang'an City, there are three other 15-level evolutionists, who are rushing towards Chang'an City at the fastest speed.

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