Lin also couldn't get rid of Shadow Moon, feeling a little depressed.

And Yingyue seemed to be very interesting, although she insisted on following Lin Yi, but it was just following.

He didn't talk much, and Lin Yi did a lot of things, and she didn't participate.

She believed that after such a long time, Lin Yi would always accept her again.

In the next few days, Lin Yi kept wandering in the infected area.

Occasionally some survivors, Lin will also help them clean up the zombies around them.

But that's it.

Now in the infected area, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of survivors are scattered.

Let him bring all these hundreds of millions of survivors back to the safe zone. This is an impossible task.

Therefore, Lin Yi is now only to clean up the zombies within a kilometer of the survivors he encountered, and whether they can go to the safe area next depends on their good fortune.

As for Lin Yi himself, he still has more important things to do.

The system had already told him that Shadowyue said it was true.

Then in the future, he will definitely face the mysterious evolutionary at level 22 or even 23.

Therefore, he must now improve his strength as quickly as possible.

Therefore, in the process of his continuous advancement, he has been using fiery red energy to transform into fiery red mist, spreading out a radius of kilometers.

As long as he passes by, within this kilometer, all zombies and infected creatures will be swallowed by him.

It's just that now he has too much demand for evolution points, and the evolution points of these zombies and infected creatures are really too few.

According to the previous rules, if you are promoted to level 20 next, you need 200 million evolution points.

Even if he walks in the infected area for a month, he may not be able to get 100 million evolution points.

Although a master is equivalent to a level 18 evolution, there are not so many masters.

So far, Lin Yi has only encountered one master.

Soon, they have been wandering in the infected area for more than half a month.

In the past half month, where they were, the more serious the infection, the more they went.

In the past half month, the Shadowmoon Group, which had no leader, had been completely disbanded.

As for the Datonghui side, Zhang Xiaocui is still using evolution agents to create evolutionaries, hoping that these evolutionaries can kill Lin Yi.

With the technical support of that mysterious evolutionary, their evolutionary agent research and development speed is very fast.

By now, they can already create a level 20 evolutionary.

Only this time, Zhang Xiaocui did not act hastily.

Previously, Shadow Moon, a level 20 evolutionary, had been beheaded by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi now has the 20th-level evolutionary Shadow Moon next to him, and his strength has increased a lot.

If only relying on the 20th-level evolutionary, Lin Yi can't be taken at all.

Therefore, she has to wait until she creates a 21st or even 22nd level evolutionary before she goes to deal with Lin Yi.

Lin is also a thorn in her eye and a thorn in her flesh.

If Lin Yi does not get rid of it, she will not be able to sleep peacefully.

On this day, Lin Yi and Yingyue came to once Xiao Jiangnan sweat.

Looking around, the once prosperous city is now overgrown with weeds.

It took humans thousands of years to reluctantly drive the weeds out of the city.

Once humans disappear, these weeds will once again occupy the city in just a few months.

Those buildings have been covered by vines.

Many buildings have traces of flames.

Many more buildings have collapsed.

When Lin Yi and Yingyue walked on such a street, there was a sense of illusion.

It was as if he had come to another plane.

On the street, zombies and infected creatures come over from time to time.

But these zombies and infected creatures, as long as they enter the envelope of Lin Yi's fiery red mist, they will immediately turn into energy, merge into the mist, and eventually be swallowed by Lin Yi.

Generally speaking, there are many more zombies and infected creatures in cities.

Lin also planned to be here these two days to clean up the zombies and infected creatures here.

For this whole, Lin Yi's luck was not very good.

Not even one fighter is encountered, let alone the master.

So this whole day, he only gained 120,000 evolution points.

This makes Lin Yi feel a little strange.

Generally speaking, masters are indeed rare, but fighters are.

In a city like Khan, there are not seven or eight, at least there should be two or three.

But why have you never seen a fighter here?

Shadowyue, who has not affected Lin Yi's work so much, finally spoke in the evening: "I always have an ominous premonition. We will leave as soon as possible after we have cleared the zombies here."

Lin Yi nodded.

At night, Lin also felt a little tired.

Lin Yi has been devouring energy for half a day, and will not feel hungry.

Shadowmoon won't work.

So in the evening, they found a place that was a hotel before, and temporarily took a break.

Lin Yi scanned it with biological tracking and found dozens of zombies in this hotel.

His biological energy poured out of his body and swallowed these dozens of zombies.

Then he took out some food from his dimensional space to give Shadowmoon.

Before, Yingyue was planning to go to those supermarkets or communities to find some food.

But many of those foods have expired and spoiled.

And the food in Lin Yi Space was stored when the world was still in chaos.

There is a vacuum in that space, without air or microorganisms.

No matter how long it is left in, the food will not deteriorate.

Yingyue asked Lin Yi while eating, "You don't want to eat?"

Lin Yi shook his head.

Yingyue continued: "I remembered that when I lived in Hanyue's house, I used to cook for both of you. Those days were really happy."

Lin also didn't speak, just looked out the window.

When Yingyue saw Lin did not speak, she stopped talking.

But after a while, she said again: "Every city we passed before, no matter how big or small, there were at least two or three fighters. But now in such a big city, there are no fighters in it, don't you think it is strange? "

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It's really strange."

Shadowyue continued: "And we used to hear the roar of infected creatures or mutant beasts in other cities, but the infected creatures and mutant beasts in this city are very quiet. There must be something strange here. So. I suggest that we leave here as soon as possible."

Lin Yi also said: "I also feel a sense of inexplicable danger. When you finish eating, we will leave here."

While talking, suddenly, a roar came.


This roar was a voice that Lin Yi had never heard before.

On this silent night, under the hazy moonlight, the roar echoed over the entire city.

And under this roar, all the infected creatures and mutant beasts dared not move at all.

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