Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 822 The Invincible Goliath

The sledgehammer on Nagolia's left arm smashed down towards Lin Yi.

Although Goliath was slow, but because of the tremendous strength, when he really lifted the sledgehammer and smashed it down, the speed was also extremely fast.

Before the sledgehammer fell, the blades of grass on the ground were bent down because of the strong wind brought by the sledgehammer.

Lin Yi raised his head and watched the huge hammer smash down toward him. He quickly teleported and moved to a building a kilometer away.


When he had just moved to the building, Goliath's sledgehammer slammed down where he had just stood.

A Shockwave swept the dust and spread to the surroundings.

Spread out to a full radius of kilometers.

The ground within a kilometer seemed to shake.

Seven of the ten buildings within a kilometer have collapsed.

Lin Yi was standing on the top of the building a kilometer away, feeling that his feet were not very secure.

He couldn't help changing his color in amazement: The power of this Goliath is really too strong. Compared to Goliath in the game, it is definitely more than ten times stronger.

At this moment, Shadow Moon in the distance roared towards Lin Yi, "Don't hurry up?"

Lin Yi exclaimed, "Its speed is flawed. I can definitely find a way to deal with it."


Yingyue shook his head helplessly.

At the moment, Nagolia missed a hit, and walked slowly towards Lin Yi.

Although it moves slowly, it has very large steps because of its height.

One step is more than twenty meters.

Lin also saw that Goliath was walking towards him, but he did not leave.

Instead, while backing away, he was looking for weaknesses in Goliath that might be breached.

Goliath saw Lin also keep retreating, and it began to accelerate slowly.

It accelerates very slowly, just like a big truck.

But like a big truck, although it accelerates slowly, if it is rushed up by it, it is also very scary.

Goliath is like this now.

Soon, its speed has been increased to the fastest.

When it reaches the fastest speed, no matter whether it is a tree or a building in front, it does not exist for it.

Its four legs kept moving, and it quickly chased Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was surprised to find that when it really charged up, its speed was no less than that of those 15th-level evolutionary.

This is very scary.

Lin Yi watched it chase him, and he continued to back away.

Goliath is still more than 200 meters away from Lin Yi.

Originally, at Lin Yi's speed, at such a distance, it was very safe.

However, when Nagolia saw that he couldn't catch up with Lin Yi, he suddenly jumped and rushed forward.

Its flutter is not like a tiger flutter;

It's not like a human being.

It is as if the sledgehammer of the left arm is swept forward first, and then the sledgehammer is led to fly forward with the body.

When in the air, its entire body is parallel to the ground.

This flutter instantly narrowed the distance with Lin Yi.

Then, it fell to the ground.

But because of the huge amounts of inertia, it still rubbed the ground and continued to slide forward.

While sliding out, its left arm still maintained a forward posture.

The sledge hammer on his left arm slid forward at this high speed and knocked down a large area of ​​the building in front.

The whole thing looked like a hill sliding forward, running rampant.

At this time, because the speed was too fast, its giant hammer was already less than three meters away from the forest.

If it were under normal circumstances, Lin would not be able to avoid it at all.

Fortunately, Lin also has the teleporting skill, he teleported directly to a kilometer away.

The hill-like body slid forward quickly, and the sledge hammer opened the way in front.

The ground behind it was brought out by its body in a messy gully.

This guy's pounce is so terrifying.

Thanks to Lin also possessing the teleporting skill, if someone else is replaced, this is definitely the fate of being killed by a spike.

500 meters behind Lin Yi, Yingyue watched Lin Yi take such an adventure, and repeatedly said: "Madman, really a madman."

Lin Yi's Wan Jian Gui Zong and Zhong Chong Jian seemed to be tickle in front of this big guy.

But he did not give up trying.

Because he still has the strongest killer move.

He turned his head and shouted at Shadow Moon, "Stay back!"

Yingyue heard Lin Yi's words, and then looked at Lin Yi's eyes, and she knew what Lin Yi was going to do.

She could only curse a few more words: "This guy is really crazy!"

Then she could only retreat quickly.

At the same time, Lin Yi looked at the huge amounts of guy.

I saw that the monster was still sliding forward against the ground because of its huge inertia.

The place it slid across was a mess, like the end of the day.

Before it stopped, Lin Yi gathered bloody lightning in his right hand.

Then, the blood-colored lightning grew rapidly and quickly reached 500 meters in length.

Goliath's size is already extremely large.

But in front of the 500-meter-long bloody lightning, it also seemed so small.

Under this bloody lightning, a radius of 5,000 meters was reflected in blood red.

Then, Lin Yi's body melted into this huge amounts of blood red lightning.

This blood-red lightning rose up into the sky with a creaking sound.

Soon, this blood-red lightning disappeared into the night sky at an extremely fast speed.

Shadow Moon has seen the power of Scarlet Lightning twice.

For the first time, Lin Yi, with a level of 17 strength, used Scarlet Lightning to cause her, a level 20 evolutionary, to be injured.

For the second time, Lin Yi, with the strength of an 18th-level evolutionary, directly killed her, a 20th-level evolutionary, with Scarlet Lightning.

And this time, Lin Ye has grown into a 19th-level evolutionary, and his Scarlet Lightning power must be several times or even ten times stronger than in the past.

So the only thing Shadowmoon can do now is to stay away.

She quickly ran 5 kilometers away.

She felt that with the power of that bloody lightning, I am afraid that it is safe to hide only 5 kilometers away.

After hiding on the roof of a community that he believed to be safe, Shadow Moon constantly shook his head and said: "I really don't understand. His usual strength is a bit stronger than that of an evolutionary at the same level. But comprehensive. After the outbreak, he was able to reach the point where he could challenge his opponent by leaping two or even three levels. Where did he learn so many powerful and terrifying moves?"

And Nagolia At the moment has also stopped.

It raised its head and looked at the dark sky.

Soon, a little red light appeared in the deep black sky.

Then, this red light quickly expanded.

After another two seconds, I saw the red light turned into a huge bloody lightning hundreds of meters long, bombarding the ground.

Even Goliath seemed to feel a little threat.

It wants to escape, but at its speed, in front of this lightning, it is no different from a child's step. How can it be able to escape?

In desperation, it could only raise the sledgehammer on its left arm and greet the blood-colored lightning.

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