Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 827-Twenty-Level Evolution

Besides, after Lin Yi swallowed that huge amounts of Goliath, in the following days, he did not encounter any powerful monsters.

When both he and Shadowyue recovered, the combination of the two was basically a rampage in the wild.

People stop killing, pigs stop killing pigs.

The two work together to clear monsters and zombies very fast.

However, although the two of them were quick to clean up the monsters, they were not as fast as the monsters infected.

In these ten days, the number of people infected in the world has increased a lot.

It can be said that basically more than 80% of the people who are still in the wild have become zombies.

Only the last less than 20% are still holding on.

In the end, less than 20% of the people, half of them are evolutionaries.

However, their ranks are not too high, and they are generally 5 or so evolutionaries.

On this day, Lin Yi pinched to count the days, and the last four days before it was the end of the month again.

Now in reality, the strength of these monsters he encountered is too bad, and it is difficult for him to quickly improve his strength.

Only when it comes to the film and television planes, it will last for a few dozen years, or even decades, to improve the strength.

And because it takes almost no time in reality when entering the film and television plane, this is Lin Yi's way to quickly improve his strength.

On this day, Lin Yi and Yingyue continued to wander around the wild area, picking up a few wild monsters from time to time.

In the evening, they came to a playground.

But as soon as he entered the playground, Lin also felt that the atmosphere was a little weird.

Generally speaking, there should be many zombies in these playgrounds.

But in this game field, there is not even a zombie.

The entire playground was filled with a faint mist.

And under them, those vines entangled on the ground.

The huge amounts of Ferris wheel are already covered with vines.

Yingyue followed Lin Yi as she walked forward, and said, "This playground is so ghostly, there must be something strange."

Lin Yi naturally felt that the atmosphere of this playground was strange.

He used the bio-tracking to explore it, and his heart suddenly stunned.

He knew the source of the strange atmosphere of this playground.

He walked towards the east side of the playground, walking lightly.

And behind him, Shadow Moon followed him.

The two came to the east of the playground one after another.

Here, the venue for the merry-go-round.

The strange thing is that the entire playground is lifeless, but the merry-go-round turns slowly.

When the two looked at the slowly rotating merry-go-round, they saw two children about ten years old sitting on a merry-go-round.

The two little girls wore identical clothes and identical double pony tails.

From the back, they are definitely two very cute little Loli.

However, when the two of them looked back at Lin Yi and Yingyue, the two well-informed people, Lin Yi and Yingyue, both felt a chill in their backs.

The two girls had identical smiles on their faces.

This is a smile that is not a smile, but not a smile.

This eerie and weird environment, coupled with this weird smile, already makes people feel creepy.

But this is not the scariest.

The scariest thing is that there are no pupils in the big eyes of these two girls.

Both eyes were white.

These two girls looked back and smiled, and they would definitely scare many people with heart disease to death.

"These two girls are really evil."

Yingyue said: "Judging from their aura, they are even stronger than me."

"They are level 21 evolvers."

Lin Yi said.

"Level 21 evolutionary?!"

Shadow Moon also looked surprised.

After all, I have never seen a child as an evolutionary, let alone reach level 21.

"They are likely to have been injected with the evolving agent. It seems that the Shadowmoon Group has developed an evolving agent that can create level 21 evolvers."

Lin Yi said.

Yingyue nodded, but then said: "But there is no need to worry too much. Based on previous experience, the evolvers made with evolving agents are much weaker than those who are promoted through normal cultivation. "

Lin Yi did not relax because of this.

"Their strength is not as strong as the normal 21st-level evolutionary. But I am afraid that the Datonghui will not only create the two of them."

Yingyue heard this, her expression dignified again.

Indeed, as Lin Ye said, these two 21st-level evolutionaries may not be very strong.

But what if it is 20?

200 or even 2000?

If Datonghui can mass produce 21-level evolvers, then they may not be able to stop Datonghui anymore.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi had already made up his mind: After solving the two people, he rushed to the headquarters of the Datonghui.

Zhang Xiaocui must be stopped.

As for the possibility of encountering that super mysterious evolutionary, Lin Yi definitely considered it too.

Anyway, he has teleportation technology, even if he encounters that mysterious evolutionary, he can escape safely.

At the moment, the two girls jumped off the merry-go-round, held hands with each other, and walked towards Lin Yi.

On Lin Yi, fiery red energy has emerged.

The Shadow Moon nearby, the fire attribute energy of the left hand, and the water attribute energy of the right hand, have all been condensed.

In this way, depending on the situation, it can be determined whether it is water attribute energy or fire attribute energy.

The two girls walked 10 meters to Lin Yi and blinked at Lin Yi with two large white eyes.

Then a girl asked: "Brother, sister, are you here to play with us?"

Lin Yi always uses biological tracking to explore and keep an eye on it.

He did not answer the two girls.

The two girls continued to walk towards Lin Yi and Yingyue, and said as they walked: "There is no one else here, it's not fun at all. It's really nice that you come to play with us now."

When they reached 5 meters in front of Yingyue and Lin Yi, they seemed to reach out for La Lin Yi and Yingyue.

Lin Yi and Yingyue naturally took two steps back subconsciously.

But just at the moment, 咻咻——

The two girls suddenly turned into two shadows and attacked Lin Yi and Yingyue.

Its speed is far beyond Lin Yi and Yingyue's imagination.

In an instant, the two girls appeared 10 meters behind Yingyue and Lin Yi, still standing holding hands.

But Lin Yi had already seen a bone wound on his body.

A wound with deep bones also appeared on Yingyue's body.

The difference is that in Shadowyue's wound, blood is flowing out quickly.

She hurriedly condensed the wound with water attribute energy to treat herself.

As for Lin Yi's wound, only a little blood began to bleed.

Then the wound became thinner and smaller at an extremely fast speed, and the blood no longer flowed, but dripped out drop by drop.

After a while, the wound disappeared.

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