Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 830 New Plane

When the turntable stopped rotating, Lin also looked at the position pointed by the pointer.

Under this look, my heart jumped.

I saw the location pointed to by the pointer, which belongs to the consumable category.

This is a skill pack.

The skills inside are not a single skill, but a few words: Superman all skills!

This means that as long as you use this skill pack, you can have all the skills that Superman has in five minutes.

For example, laser eyes, such as Flight, and super power, etc.

Although the first two draws were quite bad, the last draw was still very cost-effective.

Then, Lin Yi returned the things from the two lotteries, and the system returned him 10 million evolution points in a very humane way.

After the lottery draw, Lin Yi's consciousness returned to the rental house again.

Then he left the rental house.

Outside the house, there is a piece of yellow sand.

When Lin Yi appeared on a certain plane several times before, he saw the desert at first glance.

There are many movies with a desert in the beginning, and Lin also doesn't know which plane it is.

He directly summoned the desperate armor from the space to wear on his body.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, see if you can connect to satellites and other equipment."

Lin Yi said.

J.A.R.V.I.S quickly replied: "I'm sorry, sir, there are no modern signals such as satellites."

Lin Yi nodded, at least he knew that this plane was not the modern world, let alone the future world.

Anyway, first look for anyone. As long as you can see someone, Lin will also know what plane it is.

The armored foot thrusters activated and flew towards the sky.

While Flight, Lin also used biological tracking to explore within a radius of five kilometers.

Not long after flying, the long yellow sand has disappeared, replaced by Gobi.

Above the Gobi, we can occasionally see some reed-like withered grass that is as tall as a person.

After flying for a long time, Lin Yi finally found that there was a trace of someone.

It looks like this is a very desolate town.

The buildings in the town are not built of stone, nor wood, but soil.

The walls around the town are earthy, and the houses in the town are also earthy. Coupled with the breeze, the whole town will raise dust.

In short, from the inside out, it seems to be rustic.

The people in the small town are also quite rustic in dress.

It even seems that many people wear worn-out clothes.

However, it can be seen from their clothing that this should be ancient.

Lin Yi put away the armor, and then entered the city.

When the people in the city saw Lin Yi's Brother A suit, they all looked at him curiously.

An old man who passed by saw Lin Yizhi dressed up and said, "Young man, are you from a foreign city?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I am a foreigner and I just came here."

The old man said, "Look at your dress. No one in our country wears such a dress. By the way, if you are a foreigner, I don’t know much about us here. Anyway, if you have nothing to do, don’t go to the town. south."

Lin Yi wondered: "Why?"

"Twenty miles to the south of the town, there is a place called Wuyue Mountain. There is a group of strong men who often stop people who pass by. The light one robs the wealth, and the heavy one kills."

Lin also heard the three words "Five Mountain Mountains", and then looked at the surrounding environment, he already vaguely understood which plane it was.

He said to the old man: "Master, I think the terrain around here is very flat, there are no mountains."

The old man said, "You don’t know, it’s said that five hundred years ago, Monkey King, Monkey King, made a big noise in the Heavenly Palace. The Tathagata Buddha turned into a big mountain with his palm and pressed him underneath, called the Five Finger Mountain. Later, the Tang monk rescued the Monkey King, and the Monkey King came from inside. After jumping out, the mountain was razed to the ground and turned into a relatively flat hill, which was renamed Wuyue Mountain."

Lin Yi knew in his heart that this was the plane he was thinking of.

He nodded to the old man and said, "Thank you, old man."

Then he turned around and walked south.

The old man quickly grabbed him: "Where are you going?"

"Wuyue Mountain."

Lin Yi finished speaking and left quickly.

When the old man saw him, he shook his head helplessly and sighed: "This young man...oh..."

At Lin Yi's speed, he arrived at Wuyue Mountain in just ten minutes.

This Wuyue Mountain indeed looks like a very flat hill.

It can't even be called a hill, it's just that the terrain is slightly higher than the surrounding ground.

There are no stones around, and the ground still looks like Gobi, with some withered grass as tall as a person from time to time.

While Lin Yizheng was walking, he suddenly saw the withered grass moving not far away.

He used biological tracking to scan, and he discovered that the dry grassland was camouflaged there, and under the dry grass was a secret tunnel.

The exit of the underpass is covered with a wooden cover.

Lin Yi leaped to the dark crossing, slammed his right hand down, and directly penetrated the cover, grabbing a person from below.

This person is very thin, and the top of his head is already bald, but he has half a circle of long hair around.

As soon as he was caught, he knelt directly on the ground, and shouted hysterically: "Heroes, please give me your life, heroes, please give me your life!"

What makes Lin Yi strange is that this person's voice turned out to be the voice of a woman.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Blind!"

The man raised his head strangely and looked at Lin Yi with his big eyes open: "The hero recognizes me?"

Lin Yi said: "It's more than just knowing."

"Heroes are familiar with me?"

The blind is even stranger.

"Very familiar!"

Lin also replied.

With his eyes wide open, the blind man looked Lin Yi up and down twice, and said, "But I don't have any impression of the hero."

"It will be there later."

Lin Yi said.

The blind man was still very puzzled and asked Lin Yi: "What is the point of the hero coming to our Wuyue Mountain?"

Obviously he is a man, but he speaks in a woman's voice, and he always speaks in a hysterical manner, which makes people laugh.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Look for your helper."

The blind man was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lin Yi vigilantly: "Do you want to be unfavorable to our helper?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to help you help the Lord."

The blind man looked at Lin Yi's eyes seriously with his big eyes, and said after a moment: "I see sincerity in your eyes. It seems that you are indeed here to help us help the Lord."

"Why not lead the way?"

Lin Yidao.

The blind man nodded: "Well, I will lead the way."

The blind man said to Lin Yi, "Heroes, please."

Then, with Lin Yi, walked quickly to the left side of the hillside.


[Always disturbed by things like this, Anxin codewords have become a luxury. However, Yijiang will work hard to ensure three changes every day. Everyone occasionally rewards and tempts Yijiang. 】

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