Seeing the peach blossom tattooed on the woman's shoulder, all the robbers trembled in their hearts.

The gang leader also saw the peach blossom with his cross-eyed eyes, and Roar screamed, "Spring Thirty Mother!"

A gust of wind blew past, and the peach blossoms in the hands of Spring 30's mother were blown up and up.

Spring Thirty Niang sneered, took out a stack of copper coins, and said coldly: "Peach blossoms pass by, and no blade of grass will grow. The money will fall, and the head will not be protected!"

With a flick of his right hand, the pile of copper coins flew out and landed directly on the heads of the twenty-odd robbers.

There are ten stacked coins on top of each person's head.

This is the rule of the Spring Thirty Mother, as long as the copper on the head of a person drops, she will take the person's life.

Seeing this, the helper said angrily: "What are you afraid of, Spring Thirty Mother! She is only one person, we have so many brothers, and we are afraid that she will not succeed? Let's go together!"

Speaking, he rushed forward with an axe in his hand.

But after two steps, no one followed.

Looking back, the robbers had knelt on the ground one by one, pressing the copper coins on their heads with their hands, for fear that the coins would fall.

The helper immediately cursed: "You guys, you have no loyalty!"

Spring Thirty Mother sneered, and said, "The leader is very spineless."

"That's natural!"

After the gang leader finished speaking, he immediately knelt to the ground, then his whole body crawled on the ground, and said sincerely: "Swordwoman, please forgive me——"

Ever since, this Spring Thirty Mother was invited into the yard by these robbers and lived in the best wooden building in the yard.

According to the Spring Thirty Mother, she doesn't know how many days she will live here.

That night, the helper came to Lin Yi.

"Brother, you are too right, this woman is really not easy to provoke. Since you are here to help me, you can quickly find a way to get him. It is best to kill him first. If it is not possible, you have to get rid of her. !"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No."

"Brother, please do me a favor. As long as you help me this time, I will let the second master serve you as a cow!"

Lin Yi said: "I don't mean this time to help. This time, someone will come to help you naturally."

"Who would it be?"

Lin Yi explained: "It is said that five hundred years ago, this was Wuzhishan. After the Tang Monk rescued Monkey King here, he went to fetch the Western Classics together. As a result, Sun Wukong not only failed to fetch the Western Classics, but also colluded with the Bull Demon King to eat Tang Monk. Guanyin was meant to be eliminated. But Tang Seng used his own life to help Monkey Go in exchange for a chance to rehabilitate. It is said that 500 years later, that is now, Monkey King and Tang Seng will meet at Wuyue Mountain and continue to complete the task of learning the scriptures.

Now this woman came to Wuyue Mountain to find Tang Monk and eat Tang Monk meat, so that she would live forever. "

After listening, the helper nodded and said: "It turns out that the story in the middle is so twists and turns, I hope you didn't blame me."


Everything that happened next was exactly the same as in the original movie.

First, the helper and the others failed to attack the Spring Thirty Niang, and then the younger sister Bai Jingjing of Chun Thirty Niang appeared.

When the helper saw Bai Jingjing, he fell in love with her at a glance.

She didn't want to kill the Thirty Mother of Spring either, thinking all day about how to please Bai Jingjing.

For this reason, he shaved off his beard and dressed up as a scholar.

Later, the Bodhi ancestor appeared and gave a demon mirror to the gang lord Supreme Treasure.

However, Zhi Zun Bao discovered that the white Jingjing was the bone spirit; the Spring 30 Niang was the spider spirit.

He once again asked Lin Yi for help, but Lin Yi said that the time had not come.

On this day, Spring Thirty Niang Yi Awakening came and was grooming upstairs.

Suddenly saw Lin Yi in the yard.

Lin Yi's clothes are completely different from others, and Lin Yi rarely comes out these days, which arouses her interest.

She immediately called Roar upstairs and said: "This little brother, I have a few words to ask you, can I come up and sit down?"

Originally, before the climax of the plot, Lin also did not want to interfere with the plot too much.

But now that they have hired Roar, it's unreasonable for Lin to not go up.

Under other people's worried or envious eyes, Lin Yi went up to the second floor.

On the second floor, Spring Thirty Niang was already dressed.

Really a classical beauty.

Bai Jingjing next to her was just getting up and was still combing her hair. Seeing Lin Yi coming up, she teased Spring 30 mother and said: "Madam, early in the morning, call a man into the house. You shouldn't have a hair-spring." Bar?"

Spring Thirty Niang counterattacked: "What are you going to fool around with the gang leader at night? You are Fa-chun."

Then he said to Lin Yi very politely: "Sit down."

Lin Yi was not welcome, and sat down directly.

Na Chun Thirty Niang said: "I think the little brother's clothes and dressing up are not like Wuyueshan people. How can they get mixed up with these robbers? This is very unreasonable."

"If it is unreasonable, it is really unreasonable for you two beautiful girls to mix with these bandits."

Spring Thirty Mother laughed and said, "The little brother is really clever. I don't know what the purpose is for the little brother to come to Wuyue Mountain?"

Lin Yi said, "Don't worry, I won't rob Tang Seng with you."

Lin Yi explained the purpose of these two people.

The two looked at each other, and then their faces condensed.

Spring Thirty Mother said: "Who are you in the end?"

Lin Yi calmly said: "It's just an ordinary person."

"Ordinary people?"

Spring Thirty Mother sneered.

In the next moment, a burst of smoke filled her body, and the whole person turned into a huge amounts of spider.

Bai Jingjing's body was also filled with smoke, turning into a white bone spirit.

The two originally wanted to scare Lin Yi.

Unexpectedly, Lin didn't have the slightest fear, on the contrary, he was calm and composed.

He smiled and said, "It turned out to be a fellow man."

As he spoke, blue flames on his body burned, and his head turned into a skull with blue flames.

The white bone spirit saw him and said in surprise: "Are you also a white bone spirit?"

Lin Yi replied: "Exactly."

"But why is there a flame on your head?"

Lin Yi said, "I have practiced for thousands of years, and my Taoism is extremely deep, so naturally there will be flames on my head."

The bone spirit was skeptical and looked at the spider spirit next to him.

The spider spirit said, "Don't look at me, I haven't heard of it. Master hasn't mentioned it either."

The Bone Spirit said: "Since it's a monster, it must have come for Tang Seng's flesh. Today, our sisters joined forces. Let's get rid of him first."

With that, the keel whip in her hand was thrown towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi teleported and appeared directly behind the spider spirit.

Then the soul chain appeared, slammed it violently, and got tangled in the spider spirit's legs.

The spider spirit was immediately tied up like a zongzi.

And when the keel whip came over, Lin Yi's right hand, which was burning with blue flames, grabbed the whip.

Then he jerked, and pulled the bone spirit over and fell directly under his feet.

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