Infinite Torture Evolution

Chapter 834 Chapter 834

Lin Yi beats five to two to get the little demons under the Bull Demon King.

This surprised the Bull Demon King a little.

But it was only a little surprised, and then he waved his fist and blasted towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also waved his fist and greeted him directly.


The two fisted together, and a Shockwave appeared directly.

Lin Yi was blasted upside down and flew more than 20 meters, barely stabilizing his figure.

But the Bull Demon King was as steady as Mount Tai, motionless.

This Bull Demon King was actually more than ten times stronger than Lin Yi at level 19.

Lin Yi only after this small confrontation, Lin Yi also knew the weakness of the Bull Demon King, that is, his speed was not fast enough.

With Lin Yi's 19th-level evolutionary speed, it is far beyond the Bull Demon King.

Thinking of this, the fiery red energy gushing out of Lin Yi's body, condensed and formed on his arms.

I saw his arms quickly condensed two magma-like giant hammers.

Both of these two giant hammers are more than half a meter in diameter, as if they are composed of a piece of rock.

In the crevices of these rocks, a fiery red magma-like light can be seen.


Condensed again.

This is the first time Lin Yi has used it in actual combat since he has the warhammer form.

At this time, the Bull Demon King leaped high again and blasted Lin Yi with a punch.

Lin Yi took a few steps forward and raised his right hammer. With the inertia of these steps, the right hammer blasted towards the fist of the Bull Demon King.


There was a loud noise, and another Shockwave spread.

This time, Shockwave rushed away all the little monsters who fell on the ground within a radius of ten meters.

This time, Lin did not retreat, but the Bull Demon King retreated slightly.

In the warhammer form, Lin Yi's power reached ten times, already slightly better than the Bull Demon King by half.

Lin Yi took the advantage with one blow, and without stopping, he continued to wield the warhammer to attack the Bull Demon King.

The speed of the Bull Demon in Lin Yi seemed to be too slow, even if he used the warhammer, the speed of the Bull Demon was still slightly slower than him.

As a result, the Bull Demon King was forced to retreat again and again.

All the little demons around were surprised.

Their great king, that is the strongest power within hundreds of miles.

They had only seen the king sling other people before, and had never seen anyone able to force the king back half a step.

Today this little guy has not only forced the king back for half a step, dozens of half steps have passed.

Seeing that he had slightly lost Lin Yi in terms of strength and speed, the Bull Demon King immediately withdrew 100 meters back.

Then his right hand probed out of thin air, and a steel fork was grabbed from the void by him.

This steel fork is about one foot long, and the whole body is pitch black.

There are spikes at the tail and three spikes at the top.

"Yellow-mouthed kid, dare to come to my Huoyan Mountain! Today I will teach you whether to come back or not!"

The Bull Demon shouted angrily, waved the steel fork, and stabbed at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi relied on his speed advantage to dodge the steel fork and continue to smash at the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon turned around and opened the warhammer.

Then came a set of combos.

Obviously, the Bull Demon King had practiced this combo countless times, and he was very familiar with it.

Under this series of moves, Lin Yi was actually forced to retreat steadily.

Lin Yi wanted to wait until this set of tricks was over before going to deal with the Bull Demon King.

But who would have thought that the steel fork of the Bull Demon King had used it for thousands of years, and was so proficient that he could no longer be proficient.

Basically, it looks like a combo, which is an infinite combo.

When he has a steel fork in his hand, it is infinite power.

Wanting to take advantage of the gap between him and his tactics is completely a fantasy.

Lin Yi has even used teleport to attack, but the Bull Demon King can always open the giant hammer when Lin Yi's giant hammer is about to get close, and attack.

Lin also knew that if he wanted to take down the Bull Demon King who used the steel fork, he couldn't rely on a giant hammer.

The top of his head immediately burned with a raging flame.

But this flame is not the blue Angel's fire, but the red hell's fire.

After so long of practice, Lin Yi’s Angel Fire and Hell Fire can now be switched freely.

The Bull Demon King has done a lot of evil in his life, and it is more appropriate to deal with him with the fire of hell.

Seeing that Lin Yi's head turned into a flame-burning skeleton, the bull demon said with a smile: "It turned out to be nothing but a boneless spirit. Let me take care of you today!"

Speaking, continue to swing the steel fork to stab Lin Yi.

Lin didn't evade and stood there to let him stab him.


With a soft sound, the steel fork had already pierced Lin Yi's body.

Such a stabbing made the Bull Demon a little surprised.

It pierced in, as if pierced a piece of clothing, there didn't seem to be any flesh and blood in it.

There is definitely no flesh and blood.

Lin Yi in the form of hellfire is just a layer of flames enveloping his bones.

While the Bull Demon was still surprised, the flames on Lin Yi's body had already begun to spread upward along the Bull Demon's steel fork.

Soon, the Bull Demon King saw that the situation was not good, and quickly wanted to let go of the steel fork.

But Lin Yi had already grabbed the soul chain out of thin air and threw it directly at the Bull Demon King.

The chain of hellfire wrapped around the cow demon twice, and bound the cow demon alive.

Then, the flame on the soul chain began to spread to the bull demon king.


The Bull Demon roared in pain.

He killed countless people.

Under the scorching fire of hell, his soul was extremely painful.

Soon, he was burned to his knees by the hellfire.

The little demons around met, all of them fled in horror.

Even after being kicked by Lin Yi just now, they almost all lost their Ability.

But At the moment, even if you crawl, you must crawl away.

In fact, Lin Yi himself was a little surprised.

Did he get rid of the big boss of Bull Demon King so quickly?

This is a bit too easy, right?

At this time, the Bull Demon King was in extreme pain, he opened his mouth wide and stuck out his tongue.

Above the tongue is a small emerald green fan that is one inch long.

This fan grows as soon as it meets the wind, and quickly reaches a length of more than one foot and a width of three feet.

It turned out to be a treasure fan made of banana leaves-a banana fan!

This banana fan seemed to have spirituality. After it became bigger, it automatically slapped it at the Bull Demon King.

With just such a fan, the hellfire on the Bull Demon King was actually extinguished.

Even Lin Yi's soul chain, At the moment seems to have become an ordinary iron chain.

Lin was also shocked.

Since he had hellfire, this is the first time he has encountered something that can extinguish hellfire.

Speaking of this banana fan, there are two handles in total.

One is the treasure fan of Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun often used it to fan alchemy and fan the fire.

The other handle is the treasure fan of Princess Iron Fan, the wife of the Bull Demon King, which is the most yin thing.

One fan can extinguish the flames of the Flame Mountain for eight hundred miles.

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