Lin Yi comforted Fairy Zixia, her mood improved a lot.

However, since Supreme Treasure came back from the market, he hasn't talked much.

Fairy Zixia took the initiative to speak to him many times, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Fairy Zixia's good mood gradually deteriorated.

Seeing the night is approaching, Fairy Zixia said helplessly: "Supreme Treasure, don't be angry, I was joking with you."

Supreme Treasure still ignored Zixia Fairy.

In fact, Lin also knew that Supreme Treasure was not really angry with Zixia Fairy, but he was afraid that if he "forgave" Zixia, he would be out of control afterwards. That would not be able to afford Bai Jingjing.

"How dare I be angry with you, big sister? It's too late for me to offer you as a bodhisattva."

Zhi Zun Bao said.

Fairy Zixia didn't know the true thoughts in Zhi Zun Bao's heart, thinking that he was really still angry.

Fairy Zixia thought, if the two have been so awkward, it might as well be separated temporarily.

"The Moonlight Treasure Box is with my sister. I don't know where she is hiding. It's dark. I'm going to find my sister. Be careful."

Fairy Zixia said.


Zhi Zun Bao said.

Fairy Zixia glanced at Zhi Zun Bao last, and the corners of her mouth moved, as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end he didn't say anything, he could only turn around and leave slowly.

Zhi Zun Bao turned his head, looked at Zi Xia's back, opened her mouth, and wanted to stop Zi Xia.

But in the end, she didn't say anything, she could only watch Fairy Zixia leave, leaving a touch of loss in her heart.

Lin Yi also shook his head and sighed.

As a bystander, he knows their inner thoughts best.

In many cases, the two sides missed each other because they did not communicate in time.

So, just say what you think in your heart.

This is the most important.

Lin Yi looked at Zhizun Bao and then at Zixia.

Finally decided to follow Zixia Fairy.

Because the next Supreme Treasure will encounter a series of absurd things, but basically there is no life-threatening.

Fairy Zixia will meet the Bull Demon, and the Bull Demon will grab her and force her to marry.

The Bull Demon King is also a lascivious.

When you encounter Bai Jingjing five hundred years later, you will force Bai Jingjing to get married;

When the current Bull Demon encounters Fairy Zixia, he will force Fairy Zixia to marry.

Fairy Zixia is a supreme treasure, how could Lin Yi let that old cow succeed?

So Lin also planned to follow Fairy Zixia.

He turned his head and said to Zhi Zun Bao, "A lot of things will happen to Fairy Zixia, I will follow. Take care of yourself."


Zhi Zun Bao's mood was a little depressed.

Before leaving, Lin Yi said, "Supreme Treasure, there is a word for you before leaving."


"Follow your own heart."

"What's the meaning?"

"literal meaning."

After speaking, Lin Yi turned and moved.

Zhi Zun Bao understood the meaning of Lin Yi's words, a little at a loss.

Seeing that Lin Yi was about to go far, he suddenly shouted: "Hey, you said that a lot of things will happen to Fairy Zixia, what will happen? There will be no danger, right?"

Lin Yi raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Since you have rejected her at the market, why do you still care about her so much?"

"I'm not concerned, it's just the curiosity of the people who eat melons. Is this a reasonable explanation?"

Zhi Zun Bao said.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, shook his head, and said nothing.

Turned around, chasing the fairy Zixia in the distance.

Qingxia did not appear that night.

Lin Yi and Fairy Zixia made a fire with dry grass on the Gobi, and they sat in front of the fire.

At the moment Fairy looked unsettled, and said, "The Supreme Treasure seems to be very angry."

Lin Yi said, "Don't worry, he just can't figure it out for the time being. What's more, he already had a girl in his heart before, and now suddenly let him accept you, this is impossible."

Fairy Zixia said: "Aren't you comforting me?"

"It's comfort." Lin Yi said, "but I'm telling the truth, you will know later."

Fairy Zixia felt a little better when Lin Yi said this.

"Lin Yi, have you ever met Supreme Po's lady?"

"I have seen it."

"Can you tell me about her?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That girl is Bai Jingjing. Strictly speaking, she is not his wife. Because they have not married yet..."

Lin Yi told Fairy Zixia about Bai Jingjing.

Fairy Zixia listened very attentively, and finally said: "I really envy Miss Jingjing. Although she is a demon, she can easily get the heart of the supreme treasure."

Lin Yi smiled and said: "The gods have the troubles of the gods, and the monsters have the troubles of the monsters."

"You don't seem to worry about it."

Fairy Zixia asked rhetorically.

"You said it too, it's just ‘look’."

Fairy Zixia nodded.

"I don't think my sister will come tonight. It's getting late. Let's rest early."

Fairy Zixia said.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yeah. Take a rest."

Then he revealed his rental house.

Apart from some withered grass, there is no shelter on this Gobi.

And at night, it was extremely cold.

Lin also couldn't let Fairy Zixia sleep outside like this.

After entering the house, Fairy Zixia saw the modern things in Lin Yi's house and was very surprised: "What are you all these things? Where did they come from?"

Lin didn't explain too much, saying: "These are all things from my hometown."

Fairy Zixia saw the Fire Crow, which had grown to half a length, and said, "Wow, isn't this the Golden Crow? How could it be here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head and said, "No, I have seen the Golden Crow. The Golden Crow has three legs. This one only has two."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "It's not the Golden Crow, it's just a descendant of the Golden Crow."

That night, Fairy Zixia slept on the bed, and Lin Yi sat on a chair and lay down on the table for the whole night.

At the same time, when Supreme Treasure fell asleep in Pansidong, he kept yelling: "Jingjing...Jingjing...Zixia...Zixia..."

He woke up suddenly in the middle of the night.

When I woke up like this, I couldn't fall asleep anymore, and my stomach kept groaning.

I searched the entire Pansidong, but I didn't find anything to eat.

He was so hungry that he couldn't sleep, he went out of the cave and wanted to go out.

As soon as I came out, I saw some purple, red, and green mists appearing at the market below the mountain, which seemed very strange.

People are curious, and Zhizunbao is no exception.

Under curiosity, he walked down the mountain.

And when I went to the market like this, I met the old Black Mountain demon, almost inhaled Yang Qi.

Originally here, he should meet Tang Seng, Tang Seng used a bomb to get the Black Mountain old demon.

But perhaps it was the appearance of Lin Yi that changed the plot, and Tang Seng did not appear.

The Old Demon Black Mountain had absorbed enough yang energy, and saw that Supreme Treasure and a few others were left.

He took all of them back to Heifengling and kept them as dry food.

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