Infinite true path

Chapter 1405 Bisoka’s Invitation

Subconsciously, he grabbed the jade slip in his hand, but Huan Yin's mind was filled with doubts.

This is a message-carrying jade slip, and it is obvious that this message-carrying jade slip does not belong to the kind of person who has been waiting outside the cave for a long time and has not been able to get in. Therefore, this jade slip is not that someone sent a message to Yan Yang before, but just after Huan Yin stepped into the cave, someone seemed to know that "Yan Yang" was back, so he specially sent this jade slip. .

This is a bit scary. After all, Huan Yin has just stepped into the cave, and the jade slip has followed closely behind. Who on earth has such a clear grasp of Huan Yin's movements to such an extent? Also, was this jade slip passed to him or to Yan Yang? Couldn't his true identity have been exposed just after entering Central Shanxian City?

Opening the jade slip with a solemn expression, Huan Yin glanced at it and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out that this is a jade slip given to Yanyang by Pisuojia, the supervisor of Shura Temple in Central Shanxian City today, in order to invite Yanyang to his house as a guest.

According to the information Huan Yin had, although Yan Yang was cold by nature and didn't like to get close to others, he still had very few close friends in the entire Central Shanxian City. And this Bisuojia is the one who has the best relationship with Yanyang.

In this way, since it was Bisuojia's invitation to Yan Yang, Huan Yin's identity must have not been exposed. Huan Yin could also figure out why this jade slip came so timely.

The Inspector of Shura Monastery is now a high-ranking official position in Central Shanxian City, and Visuoka himself is quite close to Rahu. Therefore, Bisuojia's power is not trivial. If there is someone coming in and out of Central Shanxian City, and who they are, if he wants to know, he probably only needs a simple order. And I am afraid that the officer in charge of the entry and exit also knew that Yan Yang was close to him, so he should have taken the initiative to report Yan Yang's return to him this time.

So now that the invitation has come, should you go or not?

Huan Yin naturally decided to go. After all, Yan Yang's character would not refuse to go. If he really doesn't go, I'm afraid it will show his flaws. Huan Yin also wanted to see if he would be seen through pretending to be Yanyang in front of Pisuojia. If he found out, he wouldn't be qualified to see Luo Hu. What's more, Bisuojia has lived in Central Shanxian City all year round, and he has a very thorough understanding of Central Shanxian City. Huan Yin was worried because he didn't know Luo Hu's situation and didn't know how to start. If he communicates with Visuoka, he might gain something.

After standing up, Huan Yin was ready to leave. Just when he was about to fly, he paused. Then, he took out an empty storage bag and put 30,000 actinic essences into it.

According to the information Huan Yin had, Pisuojia asked Yanyang to go to the west for eight days to help him obtain five thousand actinic essences during his cruise. This kind of thing is unique to the Western Eight Heavens and cannot be found in Central Shanxian City. Although he didn't know what he was using the actinic essence for, Huan Yin believed that if he gave him 30,000 yuan at once, he would be overjoyed. By then, if Huan Yin needs his help, he should be able to run faster.

"Fortunately, I kept some actinic essence at the time." Huan Yin murmured, with a smile on his face. This kind of thing seemed rare to others, but to him, who had captured the West for eight days, it was nothing at all.

"It seems that when he sent the jade slips so quickly, he probably didn't just want to show brotherhood. I'm afraid he was impatient for the photochemical essence, and he was trying another way to rush me." Huan Yin added another sentence. Finally got up and flew out.

The location of Pisuojia's mansion is much better than that of Yanyang Cave. It is located in the absolute center of Central Shanxian City. Of course, according to the information Huan Yin had, this person was not as weak-minded as Yan Yang, so his residence should probably be extremely luxurious.

Along the way, Huan Yin experienced three more teleportations, and it took nearly half a day before he finally arrived at the door of Pisuojia's mansion.

As soon as he raised his head, the lavish and luxurious palace gate was already rushing towards Huan Yin with a strong aura of nobility. If someone who had never seen the world were standing here, he might really be taken aback by this nobility. My legs were weak from the pressure, and I sat down on the ground.

Huan Yin naturally wouldn't, but at this moment, he seemed to have a different face, his face was expressionless, and he didn't even have the slightest smile.

When it comes to visiting someone's house, one should naturally be overjoyed, but why does Huan Yin have such an expression of needing to be beaten? Isn't this causing trouble for others?

However, Huan Yin knew that Yan Yang's personality was like this. He was indifferent by nature, always looked lifeless, and basically didn't talk much to others. And the more Yanyang comes into contact with close and friendly people, the more Yanyang behaves like this. Because Yan Yang was the most relaxed at this time, Cha Cha fully revealed his true nature and was not afraid of offending others. He knows it himself, and everyone who knows him knows that he is like this.

However, Yanyang would greet those whom he was unfamiliar with with a smile and seemed to talk more. However, the smile was just an act, and the words were superficial and insignificant politeness, but they were not Yan Yang's true nature. When Yan Yang went out on a tour, he often showed this image when he saw the kings and marshals of the heavens, making people think that he seemed to be extremely polite. But in fact, it was just a deliberate act by the patrolman because of his work needs.

It was also because of this that when Huan Yin pretended to be Yan Yang to face the Eight Heavenly Marshal of the West, Ku, he was polite and had many words. It was just Huan Yin's imitation.

After knocking on the door of the mansion three times, Huan Yin stepped aside and waited quietly. After a while, the grand and heavy door slowly opened, and a servant who looked like a steward led three boys to greet him at the door. When Huan Yin looked at them, they also looked at Huan Yin.

Huan Yin didn't speak. After the steward-looking servant looked at Huan Yin for a while, he suddenly stood up straight. A bright smile appeared on his dull face as if by magic, and he faced Huan Yin. Yin bowed deeply and said, "It turns out that Lord Yan is here, but he is not welcomed from afar!"

"Is Bisuojia here?" Huan Yin remained expressionless, and only four words came out of his mouth for a long time.

The man opposite quickly invited Huan Yin into the gate and said, "Master is here. I will take you to the back hall to serve tea first. Master will be here soon."

Huan Yin nodded and walked into the mansion.

The mansion is huge, and Huan Yin walked for a long time because he was going to the back hall. However, he knew that the back hall was the place where people with good connections could go. If he wanted to save more face, he should serve tea in the lobby or the front hall.

After being arranged to sit down, Huan Yin did not squint his eyes and just took some tea to taste by himself. He looked like a man who had been to the back hall many times. There was nothing here that could make him curious.

After sitting for a while, footsteps sounded outside the hall. There was a continuous sound of footsteps, and it was obvious that many people had come at once. However, among the sound of footsteps, there was one sound that was particularly loud and heavy, as if the person was stepping on the floor very hard.

Huan Yin put down his tea and looked towards the entrance of the hall, where he saw a mountain of meat walking over with a group of servants. However, because the meat mountain was so fat and tall, the servants behind him were almost invisible.

Huan Yin knew that the terrifying mountain of flesh was Pisoka, so he sat down and said, "Here we come."

Bisuojia seemed to have long been accustomed to Huan Yin's indifference and simplicity. He swayed his huge body and cupped his hands to Huan Yin. He laughed and said, "Brother, long time no see, you have lost weight!"

After saying that, Pisuojia stood in front of Huan Yin for a while, seeming to look at her carefully and caringly, but he did not come up to hug Huan Yin. It seems that he knows that Yan Yang doesn't like to be too close.

Finally, he also sat down, of course on a special huge seat. Then, the servants behind him quickly brought some fairy fruits and snacks, and then only four people were left to take care of them, while the rest withdrew.

Huan Yin frowned slightly, glanced at the two servants standing behind him, and said nothing. But Bisuojia was very observant and said, "What, two servants serving your brother is too much? Forget it, you have such a temper."

Then he turned to the two servants and said, "You two should go down and wait."

The two servants walked away, and Huan Yin took out the storage bag from his arms and threw it into Bisuojia's arms. Huan Yin said: "You want it."

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