Infinite true path

Chapter 1449: Raise an army!

Huan Yin knew that the changes that had gradually occurred in the eight days in the north were directly related to Ying Jue and the others, which meant that the rumors spread by the Ying Jue and the others in the city had had very obvious effects on the morale of the army and the people.

The human heart is a very strange thing. After it is affected, no specific changes can be seen at all. But as long as the impact is real, even if it is extremely slight, it will eventually be reflected on specific things. For example, people's behavior, and if there are too many people, it will be affected. What changes is the atmosphere.

What is changing during the eight days in the north is the atmosphere. As Shadow Lord continued to move, it gradually seemed like a layer of dark clouds shrouded the sky over the northern eight days. Even if the sky is clear, the people in the city seem to be out of breath.

Huan Yin didn't know what kind of rumors Ying Jue had spread in the city, but he knew that Ying Jue was a master in this field, and it seemed that his performance this time would not disappoint Huan Yin.

In a few days, I am afraid that the atmosphere in the Northern Eight Heavens City will become extremely depressing. At that time, once the light curtain breaks and Huan Yin leads his army to charge, victory will become easy.

In this way, with all the changes going on, time flies by. Unconsciously, ten days have passed. Within ten days, the morale of Huan Yin's side had reached its highest level, and preparations were extremely complete, like an unsheathed sword. According to the reports from the spies, the atmosphere in the northern eight days was extremely depressed. Many people were dejected and listless, as if they were deserters who had just lost a battle.

High and low, perhaps the verdict can already be made.

At noon that day, a jade slip flew from outside the tent into the tent where Huan Yin was. Huan Yin took the jade slip and found that it was the messenger slip sent by the Shadow Lord himself, so he quickly opened it and saw these contents: "Within one day, the light curtain can be broken, and the king can mobilize his troops." General, prepare to charge and kill. In addition, it has been found that there are less than 800,000 defenders in the city. Except for an elite force of 300,000 sent from Central Shanxian City, which needs special attention, the northern eight days itself has insufficient defenders. For concern. The eight-day teleportation array in the north is extremely limited, and the Central Shanxian City is not deploying troops very quickly. All appearances are just a bluff!"

Huan Yin was a little surprised after reading the jade slips, and said to himself: "There are less than 800,000? The defenders of Zhongshanxian City are only about 300,000? After so many months, Luo Hu has only mobilized such a small number of troops. Eight days to the north?”

This news really surprised Huan Yin. He personally went to the north to observe the area around Bantian. At that time, he saw camps set up everywhere outside the city and troops everywhere. He thought that Luo Hu had mobilized at least one million people. Eight days north. In this way, there may be millions of elite soldiers in the north within eight days. It turns out that it was all just a bluff.

Luohu didn't have a capable person like Suzaku, and his realm power had just been obtained, so he was probably not yet proficient in using it, so he couldn't mobilize many soldiers and horses from Central Shanxian City here. He knew in his heart that there were not enough troops in the city, so in order to cover up others' deception, he stationed all the troops outside the city to give a false impression of menacing power. However, in fact, the city was empty, and it was simply a matter of strength from the outside but from the inside!

"No wonder the Northern Eight Heavens used that light curtain to seal off the entire city. No one could leave the city. They didn't even send out a single spy. They knew very well that when we came here, we must be overwhelmed by Mount Tai. Their troops were meager, so whether or not to explore was a matter of course. There is no difference. They might as well seal themselves off and put on a posture so as not to reveal any flaws. If they can frighten us, they will have more time to mobilize their troops. Unfortunately, no matter how weird Luo Hu's light curtain is, I will still give it to him. Breakthrough, the capable people here are not vegetarians!" Thinking of this, Huan Yin was already a little happy. As long as he sends troops as soon as possible, this battle will be much easier to fight than he imagined!

There was no need to delay, and there was no need to hesitate too much, so Huan Yin quickly erased the content on the jade slip, and then wrote a new message: "At noon the day after tomorrow, break the light curtain and come down with a drum!"

After finishing writing, Huan Yin sent the jade slip out, and the jade slip disappeared without a trace with a "swish" sound.

Ying Jue said that the light barrier could be broken in one day, but Huan Yin still gave him two days. Two days can allow Shadow Lord to deal with unexpected situations, and Huan Yin can also have enough time to start the formal deployment of troops and make the best preparations for the real charge.

After giving the order to Shadow Lord, Huan Yin felt relieved. But gradually, a little bad feeling crept into his heart again.

It was about the huge one-eye in the eight days in the north and the light curtain outside the city.

Huan Yin still can't see through these two things at all, and they only give him an extremely evil and dangerous feeling. As early as when he led his people to personally investigate the situation in the north for eight days, these two things had become the focus of their observation. Among them, Yue Fengyun even said that if we don't try to understand these two things, we are afraid that we will suffer big losses in this battle.

But no one has figured it out yet. Huan Yin's tactics here have become to rush and kill as soon as the light barrier is broken.

Huan Yin did this naturally because he wanted to grab time. Especially now that Shadow Lord has discovered that there are not many defenders in the city, it is even more important to seize time.

However, even if you just look at the light curtain, there is a fundamental difference between breaking it and understanding it. Once we understand it, we can find its root cause, and perhaps we can find out the unknown cause. And simply breaking it may just scratch the surface.

As for the huge one-eye, Huan Yin and the others didn't understand it at all. Once they launched an attack, they couldn't predict whether that thing would bring unimaginable changes to them.

Huan Yin believed that since Shadow Lord had been in the north for so long, he must have tried to check out the one-eye. Even the formation master has now determined that the formation eye can break through the light screen within one day, which means that he has thoroughly studied the formation behind the light screen.

However, the Shadow Lord didn't mention anything about the one-eye and the formation on the jade slip just now, which can only mean that even now, they haven't seen the slightest clue about these two things. These two things are still a mystery to them.

This is even more of a silent warning. It would be okay if Huan Yin didn't think of this, but when he thought of it, he felt even more stressed. After all, if you are so close to research, you should at least gain something, especially for the light curtain formation. But it turned out not to be the case. So how much impact would these two mysterious things have on this war? Huan Yin couldn't predict it at all.

"Xuanwu just deduced the light curtain a little bit, and he was completely confused, as if he was going crazy. I know Xuanwu's cultivation and attainments very well, even he is like that, these two things..." Huan Yin murmured, he was very I don't like the feeling that there are things that are completely uncontrollable before the war, especially when these things are so dangerous.

But in the end, Huan Yin suppressed the ups and downs in his heart. He knew that thinking so much was meaningless now. It’s not clear anyway, so why bother thinking about it?

What's more, now he also has to lead the charge. The emptiness in the eight-day city in the north was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. In the face of this opportunity, the weirdness of the one-eye and the light curtain felt like nothing. As long as he could capture the North for Eight Days in one go, he could slowly go back and study these two things. At that time, the four directions and eight heavens will encircle Central Shanxian City, and Central Shanxian City will be completely isolated. I believe these two things will gradually be ignored and forgotten.

"That's it. When the fight starts, just pay special attention to the one-eye. If the light curtain is broken, it won't have any effect." Thinking of this, Huan Yin shouted loudly outside the tent: "Come on. People, summon all the marshals and generals to discuss raising troops!”

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