Infinite true path

Chapter 1451 First Battle

Eight days high in the sky in the north, a huge figure of Huan Yin soon appeared. This figure is naturally different from Huan Yin who has changed his appearance now, but is the same as when Huan Yin was on the throne, wearing a crown and dragon robe.

This figure is sitting on a huge dragon chair, exactly like the Emperor Shaktian back then. The huge Emperor Shakti looked calm and intimidating, and had an obvious kingly temperament. When he looked down, his voice was like a loud bell, clearly pouring into the ears of every citizen of the Eight Heavens of the North:

"I am Shi Tihuanyin, the true emperor of the heaven. Listen to the eight heavens in the north. Rahu has usurped the throne, brought trouble to the heaven, and poisoned the people. He deserves to be punished for his crime! Now I am returning according to the destiny of heaven, vowing to destroy Rahu, bring order to the chaos, and save the people from the fire and water. In my eyes, all living beings in the Heavenly Way and the Asura Way are equal, there is no distinction between superior and inferior, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior. As long as they are my people, I will treat them generously and grant blessings!"

"If the people in the eight heavens in the north can quickly draw a clear line with Rahu at this moment and submit to me, I will treat them kindly and make no distinction. Those who are stubborn and incompetent and associate with the rebels will be killed without mercy!"

As the words fell, the huge image of Emperor Shitian in the sky gradually disappeared. However, what can be discovered is that regardless of the mood of the soldiers and civilians hidden in the city that Huan Yin and the others could not see at the moment, the entire garrison outside the Eight Heavens City in the north, as far as Huan Yin could see, was in complete chaos at this moment.

The war is about to begin, and the momentum created by Huan Yin's side is so strong that it has impacted the hearts of everyone in the eight days in the north. The most important thing is that Huan Yin ruled the heaven for countless years, and his status and prestige were unparalleled. Even now, Luo Hu has used his cruel methods to force people's hearts to his side, and he is trying to continuously weaken Huan Yin's status and influence in people's hearts in various ways. However, after all, Luo Hu has only been on the throne for a few hundred years and has not learned the art of emperors. How can he be seriously compared with Huan Yin, who has ruled tens of thousands of times longer than him or even more, and is the first emperor in heaven?

In this way, once Huan Yin really appeared, people's memories of him were awakened again, and they had to be shocked, and some even trembled and wanted to kneel down.

The defenders outside Batian City in the north looked around again at this moment and found that the surrounding mountains were full of troops and equipment. Huan Yin's army was pressing down on the territory, and they felt like they were surrounded on all sides and had no hope of survival. If you want to survive, you must choose to surrender as the huge image of Emperor Shitian said.

As a result, panic and exclamations spread among the defenders for a while. There were various voices, and some even mentioned surrender.

At the moment when the Northern Eight-Day garrison was about to collapse, suddenly, a very deep voice sounded in the Northern Eight-Day City: "What are the remnants of the old emperor, what are you afraid of? Those who bravely kill the enemy will be heavily rewarded. Behead them." The Emperor of Heaven personally worships the head of the old emperor and makes him a marquis! Those who are afraid of surrender will be killed without mercy!"

The sound came from an unknown place in the Eight Heavens City in the north. To the defenders outside the city, the source of this sound was the same as the sound of the previous image of Emperor Shitian, which was extremely distant. But this voice was not inferior to the voice of Emperor Shitian's image. It was extremely penetrating, ruthless and cold, and clearly passed into the ears of every eight-day defender in the north.

No one can hear concern from this voice, no one can hear reward from this voice, and no one can hear encouragement from this voice. There was only coldness in the voice.

However, even so, when the eight-day northern garrison heard this voice, their expressions changed subconsciously, and they no longer dared to talk about surrender. Even though they were still a little panicked, they forcibly remained calm, and it seemed that Already ready to fight and ready to die!

The owner of this voice had a different way of leading troops than Huan Yin. Huan was good at leading troops, and although he was also harsh, he could clearly distinguish rewards and punishments, and he was also good at boosting morale. But this man's methods were simple and crude. He could only control them with iron blood, turning the soldiers into fighting machines, as if once the soldiers disobeyed his will, they would suffer more terrible suffering than death.

In this way, Huan Yin's soldiers respected Huan Yin. But the soldiers guarding the city in the north for eight days were afraid of that man.

Huan Yin, who was on the distant mountain, could naturally see the sudden scene clearly. Today, he was going to launch an attack on the Northern Eight Heavens in accordance with the agreement with the Shadow Lord. Naturally, he wanted to build momentum first, overwhelming the Northern Eight Heavens in terms of momentum, and even causing the Northern Eight Heavens defenders to fall into disarray.

At the beginning, he had almost achieved his goal, but he didn't expect that a voice suddenly appeared that could reverse the situation and greatly reduce the effect of what he had done.

Huan Yin had long heard that after Luo Hu came to power, he suppressed them with violence and blood, even against his own troops. And the level of cruelty is enough to make people tremble, to the point where they have no idea of ​​resisting and must subconsciously comply. So too, Rahu controls the army in this way.

Seeing is better than hearing. Although I don't know who made that voice today, it must be one of Luo Hu's capable men. At this level, he is probably a bit like Rahu.

Seeing that the army gradually calmed down, the person who had spoken before was obviously a little satisfied, so the coldness in his voice was much reduced, and he spoke again: "Stand your position, set up your formation, and prepare to meet the enemy. We have With the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven, we will win this battle!”

As soon as these words came out, the status of the garrison outside the Eight Heavens City in the North changed again. It was as if these words really gave them a lot of courage, gradually ignited their fighting will, and gave them the urge to fight!

Seeing such changes, Huan Yin knew that if he did not start a war, all the postures and intimidation he had put up before would be in vain. Because at least now, the soldiers defending the city have not fully shown their momentum and courage. They seem to be calm on the surface, but they are still affected by Huan Yin's momentum. But after a long time, I'm afraid it won't be like this anymore.

So Huan Yin no longer hesitated. He looked away and said, "Who will take the lead?"

In an instant, several marshals stood up from Huan Yin's side, obviously wanting to come out on top. However, the fastest one was Huan Yin's old subordinate Tong Dong. He was the first to walk in front of Huan Yin. His tall body blocked the others and said: "Your Majesty, I will fight this battle from the west for eight days." !”

Huan Yin nodded.

When the marshals saw Huan Yin nodding, they stopped fighting. Tong Dong bowed deeply to Huan Yin and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we don't need other friendly troops to help in this battle. Only eight of them in the eight days in the north are here." With 100,000 defenders, I can capture the west in eight days and one day!"

After that, Tongdong flew away.

After a while, all the soldiers on Huan Yin's side let out a roar that shook the sky. The roar was louder than the previous trumpets, stronger than the drums, and contained an iron-blooded will and a domineering determination to compete with others!

This is the battle cry of Huan Yin's entire army!

Suddenly, the expressions of the eight-day defenders in the north changed again. Fear showed on their faces again, and they looked towards Huan Yin. And they also saw, amidst the roar, millions of people and horses carrying a large number of terrifying equipment, neatly but with shocking momentum, marched down from the mountain peak, rushed to the other side of the moat, and firmly anchored the city. position.

These millions of people are exactly all the soldiers of the Western Eight Heavens led by Tong Dong. There were densely packed heads of people, the troops were astonishingly powerful, and there were countless weapons. It's just that these are just the battles on Tongdong's side before the war started. Once the war begins, no one knows how many hidden methods will emerge.

The expressions of the eight-day defenders in the north changed again. At a glance, they found that the number of people rushing to the other side was obviously much more than that of themselves and others. Although the huge equipment had not been activated yet, even if it was just a simple display On the ground, everyone was extremely terrifying. As the entire Western Eight-Day Team walked, the ground shook and the water in the moat swayed.

However, the most terrifying thing is not this. The eight-day defenders from the north clearly found that the surrounding peaks were still full of human heads at this moment. It seemed that the number of people was not reduced at all because of the rush of the eight-day army from the west. So how many people from Huan Yin's side are surrounding and killing them? Can they still stand a chance?

"Those who submit live, those who resist die!" Tong Dong led his troops to the moat and roared again.

As soon as the roar fell, the whole army responded. So all of a sudden, the roar shook the sky again!

"Those who submit live, those who resist die!"

"Those who submit live, those who resist die!"

The northern eight-day garrison, which had been somewhat calm, actually started to become chaotic again. Huan Yin's side was too powerful, and Tong Dong was even more skillful in leading his troops. Under his command, millions of people followed orders and prohibitions in uniform order and with a shocking momentum.

If you want to bring an elite army to this level, there are many generals in the world who can do it. But the millions of people seem to be all elites, and the enemy cannot help but be frightened!

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