Infinite true path

Chapter 1454 Battle outside the city (3)

In the blink of an eye, Tongtong's wind and thunder chariot formation had rushed to the opposite side of the moat. With astonishing momentum and strong pressure, it rushed straight towards the absolute core of the eight-day defenders in the north - the powerful giant.

However, as the wind and thunder chariots roared, they had not hit the giant yet, but they had already hit many northern eight-day defenders as they advanced.

These soldiers were really unlucky. Their flesh and blood bodies were not only ineffective in blocking the impact of the thunder and lightning chariots, but were instantly reduced to charcoal by the thunder and lightning, leaving them with no ability to resist at all.

After advancing a hundred feet all the way, the huge power grid of the Wind and Thunder Vehicle Formation was actually covered with charred corpses. The power of the Wind and Thunder Vehicle Formation was so powerful that it made people's hearts tremble. Tongtong's pioneering work back then has finally shown its power in actual combat today!

However, seeing that the wind and thunder chariot formation was less than a hundred feet away from the giant, the giant was still entangled with the water flow formed by Devapolo's troops, unable to separate at all, as if it was about to receive a hard blow. Suddenly, there was a "buzzing" sound from the eight-day city wall in the north, and in an instant there was a sound of breaking through the air.

The huge archery crossbow formation completely exploded, and more than 500 thick crossbow guns instantly blasted towards the wind and thunder chariot formation. The speed of the wind and thunder chariot array is astonishing, and the momentum is astonishing. The power of the divine crossbow is also very impressive, and the speed is so fast that people feel scared. It is the last to arrive, and it has already rushed in front of the giant before the wind and thunder chariot array hits the giant. , came into contact with the Wind and Thunder Vehicle Formation!

"Boom, boom, boom!" Strong roars continued to erupt. Whenever a crossbow gun was fired on the wind and thunder car, the wind and thunder car could no longer support it and exploded. The crossbow gun was not much better. It also exploded and died together with the wind and thunder chariot.

As a result, as a large number of explosions and roars occurred at the same time, although more than 500 crossbow guns were instantly reduced to ashes, the originally intact and extremely powerful wind and thunder chariot formation was also instantly riddled with holes. Not to mention more than 500 wind and thunder vehicles were directly destroyed, because the blast was so strong, more than a hundred wind and thunder vehicles were affected and were also destroyed. Nearly two hundred vehicles veered directly away from the direction and were no longer facing the giant.

As a result, the formation of more than a thousand wind and thunder vehicles came to an end. Due to the volley fired by the Shen Shen Crossbow Formation, only a hundred or so vehicles were still intact and facing the original target. The remaining strength was probably only about 10%. .

In the distance, Tong Dong watched all this happen and clenched his fist. He was extremely confident in his Wind and Thunder Chariot Formation, but he had also heard of the God-Shooting Crossbow Formation for a long time. He was not surprised that the Shen Shen Crossbow Formation had this effect.

This formation has always been one of the strongest city defense formations in the Eight Heavens of the North. It is said to have the power to shoot down immortals, hence its name. Hearing it a hundred times is better than seeing it once. Now when we have a confrontation, we realize that this formation is really amazing.

"Are you serious?" Tong Dong murmured, his eyes bright, still looking at the battlefield.

The roar of the Wind and Thunder Chariot Formation and the Archery Crossbow Formation spread across the battlefield, killing too many soldiers. Most of them are the northern eight-day garrison, but some of them are soldiers under Defarpolo who were scattered before. They were all extremely miserable, and almost no one survived the impact.

As for the nearly 200 wind and thunder vehicles that deviated from the direction, they also crashed into the crowd randomly, killing an unknown number of people before they were finally exploded and destroyed. Among them, more than a dozen were out of control and crashed directly into the last two water dragons on Tongdong's side who were still fighting. In the end, one of their own killed one of their own.

Combat is so ruthless, and once it starts, it's difficult to completely control it.

As for the more than a hundred wind and thunder vehicles that had the same target in the end, they directly hit the giant's body. Devapollo led a large force to escape the moment before the wind and thunder chariot arrived. Then a huge roar appeared again, and many holes were knocked out of the giant's huge body in an instant. A large number of screams appeared, and a large number of soldiers were thrown out of the giant's body, ending in a tragic death.

As for the giant itself, it was forcibly hit by the force of the wind and thunder cart. It flipped over and half of its body fell down. It also forcibly pulled out a large part of its lower body!

The giant was hit hard, it's obvious!

"Merge!" Devaboro was high in the sky and took advantage of the chaos to issue the order.

As a result, the three streams of water rejoined into one large stream. They swept downwards, engulfing enemies when they encountered them, and immediately absorbed the soldiers who had been scattered before. In this way, the strength of Devapol's side gradually recovered.

It's just that the eight-day garrison in the north certainly wouldn't let this matter develop. Soon after, the water flow from Devapol's large army dispersed another group of soldiers. Just as they were advancing all the way, six whirlwinds suddenly came from all directions and headed towards Germany. The water flow formed by Vapolo's troops surrounded them.

Defarpolo's troops were frightened and quickly divided into four groups before running away, otherwise they would have been crushed to pieces by the six whirlwinds.

The last six parts of the whirlwind merged into one, and the light of the formation lit up, turning into a huge army of 300,000 people on the path forward of Defapol's troops. These troops were neatly arranged and menacing. They were obviously not at the same level as the defeated armies Devapolo had encountered before.

"Hmph, do you really think that I am so unscrupulous when there is no one in the north for eight days?" In front of the troops, the leader was a middle-aged general wearing a general uniform. His eyes made contact with Defarpolo, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit. , his cultivation is revealed, and he is at the top of the Four Sources!

Defarpolo's army also transformed into troops again. Defarpolo stood at the forefront, and when he looked at the opposite side, his eyes became a little solemn. The troops in front of him gave him a strong sense of oppression. This was the first time he encountered such troops since he committed suicide and went to the northern island.

"You are a clown who dares to block the master of the king, you are overestimating your own capabilities!" Devaboro cursed angrily, and then commanded the troops again. Under the blessing of the light of the formation, it turned into water again, and rushed forward, with an unstoppable force. Momentum!

The opponent also activated the power of the formation and once again turned into a large whirlwind. Wind and water were fighting together like this, and it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

There are always elites in the eight days in the north. It is impossible for Devapolo to directly enter the city on his own. Tong Dong had already expected this. Now that one finally appears, his target is this elite!

"Where is the Flying Centipede? Charge forward!" Tong Dong raised his sword again and let out a loud roar.

Suddenly, on the ground behind Tong Dong, some of the countless instruments that were densely packed before, perhaps as many as three hundred, lit up with a dark blue light. Then, I saw those instruments lifting off from the ground one by one, heading towards the north eight days to kill!

Taking a closer look, those flying instruments turned out to be giant centipedes. These centipedes danced with countless tiny legs and came to the sky above the flat land outside the Eight Heavens City in the north, immediately making the entire land darken!

Below, soldiers from the North Eight Heavens suddenly rose into the sky, trying to destroy these flying centipedes. However, these flying centipedes are extremely powerful and spit out acid. When they come into contact with people, they will be poisoned and die immediately. Among the countless thin feet can be drilled one by one the monks who are stepping on the formation. They are equally strong and fight crazily. They will not let the enemy get close to the centipede easily.

"Buzz!" In the distance, the sound of the bow string being fully drawn appeared again. It was the archer crossbow array on the distant city wall that was launched again, all aimed at the centipede in the sky. The Shen Shen Crossbow Formation is extremely powerful. If they really launch a salvo at the Flying Centipede, the hundreds of instruments that Tong Dong has worked so hard to build will all be in vain.

Tong Dong did not panic, he looked at the distant city wall, and said: "Quickly activate the Tiger Cannon and stop the Shen Shen Crossbow for me!"

After giving an order, I saw another purple light shining brightly behind Tongdong. More than three hundred huge catapults were pushed to the front, and on the catapults, they carried objects that made people look at them at all. The unknown black sphere was covered with strange runes.

The catapult was launched instantly, just in sync with the opponent's crossbow. As a result, more than five hundred crossbows shot towards the sky in an instant, shooting at the flying centipede. But at the same time, more than 300 Tiger Cannon shells also launched into the sky at extremely fast speeds, reaching the sky earlier than the Shen Shen Crossbow.

After the black cannonball took off, the runes on it flashed, and it actually let out a tiger roar. Then, the shell exploded, and a snow-white tiger emerged from it. Like a real living creature, it bared its teeth and claws and rushed towards the God-shooting crossbows!

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