Infinite true path

Chapter 1457 Battle outside the city (6)

There are as many flying centipedes in the sky as there are locusts sweeping outside Batian City in the north at this moment.

Although these locusts are small and seemingly weak, they are actually extremely powerful. In addition, they are pervasive, overwhelming, and able to suck people's life away, making them very difficult to guard against. As long as someone is accidentally sucked by one of these locusts, he will immediately turn into a mummy and die tragically on the spot.

The garrison outside Batian City in the north is now in chaos. Except for the elite, the other soldiers have almost become a broken army, and it is difficult to organize even a decent resistance. And locusts are the most suitable to harvest the lives of these soldiers.

Their ability to resist was too poor, and they were often bitten by locusts in a panic, turning directly into mummies and falling down in front of the horrified eyes of their companions. But in the next moment, the northern eight-day defender who had just watched his companions turn into mummies was also bitten, and he became a mummy again.

Suddenly, the eight-day defenders in the north began to die in large numbers. But it's not just because of the locusts, but also because the flying centipedes are still there in the sky. They can still spit out venom. Once someone is stuck with this venom in the eight days north of the ground, most of them will die suddenly on the spot.

Of course, no matter how bad the eight days in the north are, there will always be some soldiers who can barely resist for a while. However, although they blocked the invasion of locusts and avoided the venom of centipedes, in their panic, they accidentally bumped into the ubiquitous strange eggs, and a new "surprise" appeared again.

Some soldiers bumped into the strange egg, which exploded directly. Not only did he take away his life, but those who were near him were also buried with him. But this is considered lucky. If you are not lucky, you can trigger a formation directly in the monster egg. The formation is powerful and affects more people. It may reduce their combat effectiveness sharply and become a meal for the locusts, or make them They were all poisoned, and even worse, they saw phantoms and turned around to fight with their own people.

However, this is not the worst luck. The worst luck was that a ferocious beast was knocked out of the monster egg and was eaten alive. Then, the ferocious beast dropped his broken body, revealed a ferocious look, and began to kill his allies...

Soon after, the only ones who were really resisting were the elite troops from the Eight Heavens in the North and the giant that had always existed before.

The giant is really strong, locusts can't pierce its skin, and its venom can't do anything to it. As for those strange eggs, it was also difficult to have any impact on it. Instead, it stepped on them and destroyed a piece of strange eggs in an instant.

This giant is also an instrument, and it is obviously an instrument that the Eight Heavens in the North are proud of. Although the equipment on Tongtong's side is powerful, without using the absolute main equipment, there is really nothing that can be done about it. But soon, you can see three giants coming out of the army on Tongtong's side. These three giants are extremely huge, and are actually a head taller than the giants of the Eight Heavens in the North. They crossed the wide moat in a few steps and rushed straight towards the giant that was fighting fiercely in the north eight days. Their goal was to destroy the opponent's giant!

As for the eight-day elite from the north who had fought against Defapol's troops, they really showed their elite strength. Under the organization of their generals, they stepped into formations and integrated offense and defense, which also prevented the locusts from getting close and the venom could not get close. However, Defarpolo's large army was clinging to them at this moment, leaving them stretched thin and in an increasingly dangerous situation. Until gradually, some of them finally bumped into the strange egg when they were not paying attention, and the "surprise" finally broke out on them. In this way, their situation becomes even more worrying.

At a certain moment, on this side of the moat, Tong Dong looked at the situation on the battlefield with an expressionless face. Suddenly, a stream of light flashed across and came to him. He took it and saw that it was a jade slip carrying a message. The jade slip was obviously sent by Huan Yin. He opened it and saw that there were only four words on it: Surround but not kill.

Tong Dong knew Huan Yin very well. He immediately understood the meaning of the four words Huan Yin, so he nodded slightly to the higher place, turned around and gave the order.

Regarding the eight-day defeat of the army in the north, Tongtong's side has gradually entered a situation of cleaning up the battlefield. As for the giant, after the three giants walked out of Tongdong, they gradually became weak and were beaten to pieces. Only the elite of the eight days in the north were the most tenacious. They struggled with Defarpolo and were at a disadvantage but showed no sign of collapse.

Under Tong Dong's order, the elites of the Eight Heavens in the North became the focus of his side's care. As a result, more venom rushed towards them, more locusts rushed towards them, and more strange eggs fell beside them. There was also a giant on Tongdong's side, and one of them came out, no longer caring about the other giant, and turned to attack them.

At this time, the elite of the Northern Eight Days were completely overwhelmed. More and more warriors among them began to die, and their combat effectiveness began to be reduced. And the more this happened, the more miserable they became. It was not until half an hour later that the general of this unit suddenly discovered that his side had simply lost the qualification to fight with the opponent.

But at this time, he looked around again and found that the battlefield outside the city in the entire northern eight days was in a mess. This was still their territory, as if it had become the opponent's territory. If there were no reinforcements, there would be no need to continue the battle!

reinforce? This general knew very well that in the battle plan, he was the absolute main force in the battle outside the city. The purpose of this battle is just to test. Therefore, no one with greater combat power than him will come to this battlefield. Therefore, there will be no so-called reinforcements!

Therefore, if he doesn't get out now, he and his troops will die without a burial place!

Gotta run!

The general finally began to try to lead his troops to break out of the encirclement. Unexpectedly, the people on Tongtong's side seemed to have seen through their intentions long ago, and made special arrangements for their breakthrough.

In this way, they tried to break out several times, but found that it was impossible to do it. On the contrary, the more they break through, the more heavy their losses will be. The combat effectiveness of their hundreds of thousands of troops is declining sharply!

In desperation and desperation, the general, knowing that there would be no reinforcements, finally sent a jade slip to the city, asking for reinforcements. He originally thought that his message slip would probably be stopped by the other party, but he didn't expect that he was lucky and the jade slip was successfully sent out!

Soon after, a roar erupted in the city in the northern eight days, and there was a strong fluctuation, as if there was some dispute in the city. The details are unclear, but soon I heard the roaring man yelling again: "You don't care about my people's life and death, I can't care about it!"

After the words fell, suddenly, the closed city gate under the eight-day city wall in the north suddenly opened wide. A large number of troops rushed out from the city gate and quickly formed an array below the city head. At a quick glance, there might be around 200,000 people!

Two hundred thousand people is not that many, but the momentum of this army is different. It is obviously at least one level stronger than the troops led by Devaboro. And the man standing at the front of this army, wearing armor and with a scowl on his face, is the current Great Heavenly King of the Eight Heavens in the North - King Polizzi!

Seeing the appearance of King Poliqi, Huan Yin from the high place laughed loudly: "As expected, this old guy still couldn't leave behind one of his main forces and couldn't help but rush out."

On the side, Xuanwu also laughed: "This old guy must have had a big quarrel with the marshal of Shanxian City, and rushed out desperately. Their plan was messed up because of your superior's strategy of surrounding the area for reinforcements."

Dong Huang Yu'er said: "Wouldn't it be much easier if we could take this opportunity to eliminate King Poliqi outside the city and then enter the city?"

Huan Yin shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that's not entirely true. King Poliqi only brought out 200,000 people. It seems that he was restricted to a certain extent by the marshal of Shanxian City who came for reinforcements. However, In any case, if we can take this opportunity to destroy him, the local defenders in the northern eight days may not have to worry too much. "

"Send an order to Tongtong for me. King Poliqi must be dragged outside the city and executed!"

An orderly soldier took the order and went to deliver it. Jiang on the side was gearing up and said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Tong is afraid that he will not be able to keep King Boliqi. King Boliqi's cultivation level is in Liuyuan and is very strong. At this moment, King Boliqi has appeared, and they are in the city. That’s all the power I can bring out, why not let me go up and kill King Poliqi!”

At this moment, a jade slip flew into Huan Yin's hand from the direction of eight days in the north. Huan Yin opened it and saw that it was the Shadow Jue delivering a message. The letter said: "There are more troops in the city, and there are also unknown people." It’s weird, we should fight quickly outside the city!”

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