Infinite true path

Chapter 1462 The focus of this battle

Mani Zangtian is a day that is almost in the center of the entire northern island. This day has always been the place where the Eight Heavenly Kings of the North live, so just like its location, its status has always been the first of the Eight Heavens of the North and the core of the entire Eight Heavens of the North.

However, the current Great Heavenly King of the Eight Heavenly Countries in the North had already been beaten to pieces by Huan Yin, and all his troops were wiped out. Therefore, Huan Yin still considered this place as the absolute core, and naturally he had no chance to compete with the Great Heavenly King. It’s related.

According to the information provided by Shadow Lord, there is only one teleportation array in the entire huge Mani Tibetan sky at this moment. However, this teleportation array is different from other teleportation arrays. It should be improved from the main teleportation array that originally existed in Mani Zangtian.

The original teleportation array of Mani Zangtian was used to communicate with the eight northern heavens and the central good appearance sky, and its effect was extremely powerful. Now that this formation has been improved, its effectiveness is more than dozens of times that of other teleportation formations distributed throughout the eight days in the north. According to Shadow Lord's estimation, it may even be a hundred times more effective.

In this way, the effectiveness of this teleportation array alone may be able to surpass the combined effectiveness of all other teleportation arrays. Huan Yin has long regarded this teleportation array as his primary goal, and this is why Mani Zangtian became the focus. .

However, this is only one of the reasons. There are two reasons why Mani Zangtian was regarded as the most important by Huan Yin. One is that Beitian is not stupid. Since the teleportation array here is so important, they must send heavy troops to guard it. Moreover, this heavy force is currently the largest in the entire Northern Eight Days.

What is the strongest fighting force in the eight days in the north today? Naturally, it is not the fighting power of the Northern Eight Heavens itself, but the strong support from Central Shanxian City. The exact identity of the Shadow Lord could not be ascertained. He told Huan Yin during the summons that the opponent was too powerful and he did not dare to approach him at all. Based on the situation, he judged that it was most likely a force commanded by the Marshal of Central Shanxian City. . And that marshal is now the true highest commander among the eight-day garrison in the north.

As for the second one, it’s the “weirdness” that Shadow Lord mentioned many times. The weirdness is not everywhere in the entire Northern Eight Heavens. Shadow Lord pointed out that the weirdness is in the Mani Hidden Sky, next to the core teleportation array, close to the strongest defenders. There seems to be some connection between them.

For Huan Yin, it was natural for him to personally lead his troops to eliminate the strongest combatants. And that "weirdness" has always made him uneasy. If he didn't see it with his own eyes and come into contact with it, he would never feel at ease.

Soon after, Huan Yin moved forward and never divided his troops again. Tong Dong and the 200,000 troops followed him all the time, and unknowingly entered the scope of Mani Zangtian.

Here, there will be no other teleportation formations, so Huan Yin can no longer divide his troops. The power of these two hundred thousand people was the power he used to fight against the marshal of Central Shanxian City. It's just that these powers seem to be weaker.

After flying for a while, a green light from a distance caught Huan Yin's eyes. This light felt familiar to Huan Yin, so he reacted subconsciously. When he looked towards the direction from which the light came, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Huan Yin saw that weird green one eye again!

Huan Yin remembered seeing it for the first time when he led people to explore the north for eight days. At that time, the one-eye was still floating outside the city, so he could see it from a distance. And this one-eyed one is so weird that people dare not look at it more. Once you watch more, such as Xuanwu, you will suddenly go crazy.

But he didn't expect that the one-eye that had never appeared, and something that Huan Yin had always cared about, would have come here.

For Huan Yin, even though he had made great progress since he invaded the city, the weirdness in the city still made him uneasy. He had a very bad premonition, but he didn't know where to start or how to solve it.

The green light curtain on the moat, the green light that suddenly appeared during the battle outside the city, and the green one-eye that appeared again at this moment all gave him strong pressure and made him uneasy.

However, Huan Yin knew that it was meaningless to think about that much now. At this point, he had to face it, so he might as well suppress the negative emotions in his heart.

"Don't look at that one-eyed person!" Tong Dong shouted beside Huan Yin.

Tong Dong also knew that this thing was weird, and he was afraid that the soldiers behind him would be tricked, so he said this.

The soldiers received the order and all turned their attention away. So this time, there was no problem with the troops behind Huan Yin.

Tong Dong stood next to Huan Yin and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that you have arrived."

Huan Yin nodded in agreement. Because at this moment they had flown forward some distance, not only were they much closer to the huge one-eye, but they could also roughly distinguish the situation near the one-eye.

The one-eyed eye is huge, floating in mid-air in a square. However, compared to the huge square, the one-eye does not seem too big. Under One Eye, there were a large number of troops lined up neatly and ready, as if they had been waiting for Huan Yin and his companions to arrive. At a glance, the size of the army was obviously more than double that of the army led by Huan Yin behind him, so the number of soldiers in that army was probably nearly 40 or even 500,000!

The troops occupied less than half of the square, which showed that the square was really huge. When Huan Yin looked at the troop, even though he was far away and could not see clearly at all, he always felt that there was a sharp gaze in that troop shooting back at him, also observing him!

Huan Yin recognized the square. It had already existed when he was in power. That is the central square of Mani Zangtian, and also the central square of the entire northern eight heavens.

This square has always been the highest-level place in the North. When Huan Yin was in power, every time he came to the north for eight days, the Eight Heavenly Kings of the North at that time would hold a ceremony for Huan Yin in this square to welcome Huan Yin's arrival.

But now, Rahu has usurped the throne, and the square has become a place to receive Rahu grandly. It's just obvious that because the Eight Heavens in the North now ranks first among the Eight Heavens in all directions, the square has been widened accordingly, and it is even more grand than the square in Huan Yin's image.

The square is famous as Mani Square. There should be a teleportation array on Mani Square, which is the main teleportation array connecting the northern eight heavens with Central Shanxian City. It is also the only teleportation array in the entire Mani Zangtian. Now, this teleportation array has obviously become the main teleportation array used by Luo Hu to increase troops to the north for eight days, and it is also the primary target of Huan Yin's trip.

It doesn't take much thinking to know that the people arrayed in the square at this moment must be the most elite troops from Central Shanxian City. Their leader is the Grand Marshal of Central Shanxian City who is in charge of the entire northern eight-day war situation at this moment, and the combat effectiveness of their unit must be the strongest combat effectiveness in the entire northern eight days at this moment!

Therefore, if Huan Yin can capture this army, maybe he can complete the mission. But if not...

Of course, all this depends on whether that weird one eye will make any move.

"Be careful." Huan Yin reminded Tong Dong, but his voice lowered unconsciously.

A strong feeling of oppression had already hit Huan Yin's face. Even from such a distance, he found that the army on the square was completely different from all the armies he had encountered before. This army is the strongest he has ever encountered so far!

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid Shadow Lord's information is wrong." They got closer, but the troops below still didn't make any move, just waiting quietly, and Huan Yin didn't see any ambushes or formations around them. , not even the most basic harassment. The troops below seemed to want to fight them openly and did not prepare any underhanded means. However, Tongtong still said this.

Yes, Huan Yin also saw that Ying Jue's information must be wrong. Because Shadow Lord said that there were less than 800,000 troops in the northern eight days. But now, there are probably four to five million people in the square below, not to mention that there are enemies everywhere in the eight days in the north. Even taking into account the time spent delaying outside the city, Luo Hu could increase his troops again, but the speed would not be so fast.

"Shiti Huanyin, welcome to your arrival. I have been waiting for you for a long time. Please rest assured, I swear on my personal Taoist heart that there are no ambushes around here, not even a formation. You can safely land. Hahaha!" Finally at this moment, Huan Yin was closer to the square and saw a commander in gold armor standing up at the front of the large army, looking at him with bright eyes, and said: oath!

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