Infinite true path

Chapter 1464 Huan Yin’s Formation

According to legend, the first generation among the ten generations of Ming kings is called "King Ma Shou Ming".

At this moment, as the evil aura above Mani Square became more and more intense, the 50,000 troops sent by Marshal Huang Ming had completely disappeared in the light of the formation. What followed was a brand new huge god that was looming in the thick fog and constantly solidifying.

This god is probably hundreds of feet tall, has three sides and four arms, and his upper body is naked. One pair holds a diamond ring to subdue demons, while the other pair holds two long swords. There is no hair on the top of this god's head. Instead, there are blazing flames, making him even more angry. The three sides of the god represent three heads, but one of the heads has a horse face, and the head becomes a horse head.

Take a closer look, what is this if not King Ma Shouming?

It seems that Huan Yin and Tong Dong's judgment is completely correct, and Marshal Huang Ming is crazy but has crazy capital. The troops he commanded were practicing the lost ancient formation - the Tenth Generation Ming King Formation. No wonder he was so arrogant that he wanted to confront Huan Yin without resorting to any other means of ambushing him here.

As the King Ma Shouming on the opposite side continued to take shape, Huan Yin knew that there was no point in saying anything now. No matter what formation is on the opposite side or what kind of king is sacrificed, for him, he must win. He has not forgotten that his goal is to win quickly and destroy the teleportation array here as soon as possible.

"Tong Lao, destroy him." Huan Yin said calmly, facing King Ma Shouming without any panic. Then, like Marshal Huang Ming, he retreated, obviously not planning to join the battle!

Tong Dong nodded, winked at a general beside him, and then withdrew. The general quickly took a step forward, and the army followed him. A closer look shows that at this moment, Huan Yin's side has only about 10,000 troops, only one-fifth of the opponent's troops!

The opponent used 50,000 people to become King Ma Shouming. Did Huan Yin actually plan to fight with a mere 10,000 people? Are the people on Huan Yin's side too arrogant?

Soon, Huan Yin's men and horses were re-arranged, and they were standing very casually, with no direction pattern visible. Then, they all took out their magic weapons one by one, but they were all fairy swords, without any exception!

The light of the formation under his feet lit up, it was golden light. The golden light extended from their feet to the tips of the fairy swords in their hands, and as all of them shouted in unison, the formation they formed was so simple and direct, even more powerful than the formation of King Ming on the other side. Many, but they come first!

The simple formation was filled with golden light, but there was no sense of killing intent or momentum. It seemed that the formation and the means of combining it were so crude and crude. In front of King Ma Shouming on the opposite side, the momentum had already fallen behind.

But just when Marshal Huang Ming on the opposite side looked sarcastic, thinking that Huan Yin's formation was vulnerable, the general once again led everyone to let out a loud shout, and everyone's sword tips pointed towards the front of King Ma Shouming. refer to!

Suddenly, a shocking sword energy, like thunder on the ground, suddenly appeared in front of the formation, and sprinted directly towards King Mashou Ming!

This sword energy has no substance at all, it is invisible to the naked eye and difficult to detect with spiritual consciousness. However, the sword energy rushed out and set off a storm directly on the ground. As soon as the Mingwang evil energy stirred up by the formation of King Ma Shouming came into contact with the sword energy, they could not resist it at all, and separated on both sides on their own, as if they were met. Natural enemy!

At this moment, Marshal Huang Ming's expression had changed. However, the sword energy was too fast. Before he could react, he saw the sword energy rushing to King Ma Shouming's feet. At this time, fortunately, King Ma Shouming has just taken shape!

When King Ma Shouming saw the sword energy coming, he roared, rushed out of the evil energy, and was completely revealed in front of everyone. Then, he stepped hard with one foot, stepping directly on the sword energy!

"Boom!" A shocking loud noise erupted. King Ma Shouming's step was extremely powerful, but the opening sword energy that Yu Huan Yin unleashed at will was even more powerful than this step. Even though King Ma Shouming broke the sword energy with one foot, the power of the sword energy also stirred King Ma Shouming, causing him to fall over directly. If he hadn't finally used the two swords in his hands to support him, he would have fallen completely!

On the throne, Marshal Huang Ming suddenly stood up and looked at the formation on Huan Yin's side, his eyes filled with unprecedented solemnity. Huan Yin's formation looked very simple, like the most basic formation, but he didn't expect that the power would be so terrifying as soon as it was used. And the most important thing is that the people on Huan Yin's side who formed the formation are only one-fifth of those on his side!

In the past battles, he used the ten-generation Mingwang formation to fight against the enemy. In which case did he not compare one to ten? Unexpectedly, this time, he was beaten one to five and was clearly at a disadvantage!

"Who knows this formation!" Marshal Huang Ming shouted to the people below. All his soldiers had been shocked by Huan Yin's formation for a long time. They were all taking a closer look, but no one saw the clues. . There are only a lot of people who murmur: "A heavy sword has no edge, a great skill has no workmanship..."

Of course no one recognized Huan Yin's formation, because from the source, this formation did not belong to the heaven at all.

However, even in the human world or hell, no one knows this formation, and even searching through all the classics there is still no way to verify it. Because this formation has never officially appeared in the world, except for Huanyin himself, people who have seen this formation have never seen its true power when it is fully deployed. Perhaps, this formation will only become famous in the heaven after this battle, and one day, it will also shock the three realms!

This formation was created by Huanyin himself. He and Xiaotian worked hard to study and combine the meaning of the infinite sword formation of the infinite venerable with the changes of the formless sword formation of Guangchengzi of the Ziyin Sect in the human world, and then continuously improved it to form a peerless formation. It is also the first formation in Huanyin's hands-the infinite sword formation!

The infinite sword formation was only passed on by Huanyin to his direct lineage, and it has been taught by Xiaotian himself. At this moment, the troops led by Tongdong who was with Huanyin were Huanyin's absolute direct lineage in the heaven. They were the first group of forces he cultivated since the Eastern Eight Days. It can be said that they are Huanyin's personal soldiers!

Although these 200,000 people are not many in number, they were given the Infinite Sword Formation by Xiaotian, and they practiced day and night without slacking off. However, the sharp swords were never easily unsheathed, and even when they fought outside the Beifang Batian City, these 200,000 people never moved. They did not move because King Polizzi did not have the qualifications, and now it was time to move!

Huanyin's Infinite Sword Formation had been improved countless times by him and Xiaotian, but the changes in this formation were really endless, just as the word "infinite" should be. So even at this point, it is still far from perfect, and perhaps it will never be perfect. In this way, Huanyin and Xiaotian removed all those flashy parts, leaving only the most useful parts for fighting and the most powerful parts for killing enemies. Each move seems simple and ordinary, but its power is amazing and extraordinary. The previous confrontation is the best proof.

On Marshal Huang Ming's side, the Horse-Headed King of Wisdom, who was transformed by the vanguard, suffered a loss right from the start. The soldiers were naturally dissatisfied and thought that they were careless, so they controlled the Horse-Headed King of Wisdom to quickly stand up again and rush towards Huan Yin again.

Marshal Huang Ming felt very bad at the moment. His subconscious mind kept reminding him that he should be more cautious and should gather the troops back and rearrange them to be safe, otherwise he would suffer a big loss.

However, his strong self-esteem blinded his reason. How could he, Marshal Huang Ming of the Central Shanxian City, be afraid of Huan Yin's mere 200,000 troops? What's more, he couldn't feel the pressure from the other side anyway. The other side seemed to be a bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, not worth mentioning. Moreover, he had already boasted in front of Huan Yin and boasted about himself to the sky. How could he lose face at this moment?

Seeing the Horse-Headed King of Wisdom rushing over, his momentum became stronger and stronger, and his murderous aura was even more compelling. The two long swords in the hands of the Horse-headed King of Light were raised, and silver light flashed on the long swords. With one sword, he could split mountains and cut off seas. Marshal Huang Ming's confidence rose again.

But in the next moment, the general in charge of the troops on Huan Yin's side shouted, and the 10,000-man army immediately mobilized their spirits. With the blessing of the formation, the long swords stabbed, and in the high sky, densely packed air swords turned from virtual to real. At first glance, there were no less than tens of thousands!

"Ten thousand swords, destroy the immortals!" The general roared!

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