Infinite true path

Chapter 1478 Huan Yin’s ability

"What did Marshal Huang Ming become after he went crazy?"

For a moment, Huan Yin had such an idea in his mind. However, this idea was quickly suppressed by Huan Yin, because the strong sense of crisis made him unable to even care about the shock. His subconscious was constantly telling him that if he didn't do something, his next breath would be swallowed alive!

In the blink of an eye, Huan Yin's body lit up with a strong golden light. Tong Dong was behind Huan Yin and was very close to Huan Yin, so he could see it most clearly. When the golden light on Huan Yin's body lit up, the shadow of a seven-foot long sword actually appeared on Huan Yin's body. On the body, it extends from Huan Yin's head to his legs. If you look closely, it is the sword Xingtian!

At this moment, Tong Dong felt as if Huan Yin was Xing Tian and Xing Tian was Huan Yin. He didn't understand, but Huan Yin understood that under the pressure of the desire to survive in critical moments, what he used was the supreme method of "unity of man and sword". In this realm of the third volume of "Infinite Sword", what happened Now Huan Yin has gained a deeper understanding and is able to control it!

Although the crazed Huang Ming had no facial features and only had a huge abyss mouth, at this moment he obviously "saw" the changes that suddenly appeared on Huan Yin's body. Huan Yin gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, but he still kept on swallowing it towards Huan Yin!

Huan Yin's cultivation level is only five sources, which is far inferior to the current crazy Huang Ming. Coupled with the kind of restraint that is like a natural enemy, Huan Yin should not be the opponent of Crazy Huang Ming, so he has to sit back and wait for death.

However, the realm of the third volume of "Infinite Sword" is really too profound. After Huan Yin understood it, the sword energy was revealed and could even penetrate the chaotic world outside the sky to disperse the fog. In this way, once he displays this Tao, the combat power he can display is extremely amazing, enough to surpass his cultivation level!

The sword intention was extremely crazy at this moment, as if Huan Yin alone had spread out the boundless forest of swords. All the soldiers on Huan Yin's side also saw the changes that suddenly appeared on Huan Yin. The pure and unpredictable sword intent made their hearts tremble, and they had the illusion that their descendants had seen their ancestor!

The next moment, everyone saw that when the huge mouth transformed by the crazy Huang Ming swallowed Huan Yin, Huan Yin's whole body seemed to disappear for a moment, and truly turned into a sword Xingtian. At this moment, the man and the sword seemed to truly become one. There were no more people, only swords!

A howl burst out from the huge mouth. Everyone only saw a series of sword shadows passing by, but they did not see clearly what happened. However, there were obvious scars on the crazy Huang Ming's huge mouth. He even It's a few steps back from "thump thump thump". Looking at Huan Yin again, he reappeared in front of everyone, covered in sweat and pale. It was obvious that it was not easy to confront him just now. But he survived and even protected Tong Dong who was behind him!

The person who was most surprised by the sudden scene was Tong Dong. Although he didn't see clearly what Huan Yin had just done, he was able to defeat the crazed Huang Ming. He might be able to survive with Huan Yin. This is great luck. .

Overjoyed, Tong Dong planned to rush forward, pulling Huan Yin to retreat first, and shouted: "Your Majesty, retreat first!"

After saying a word, before he had time to move, all the soldiers under his command actually ignored the surprise at this moment, and their expressions changed drastically!

Because behind Tongdong, the huge one-eye high in the sky has always existed, but it didn't happen for a long time, and people actually forgot about its existence. And at this moment, it seemed to deliberately take advantage of Tong Dong and Huan Yin's busy mind. It suddenly turned its direction and aimed at Tong Dong and Huan Yin. It even instantly stimulated green light. No, this time it wasn't. Light, but rays of light, was shining overwhelmingly towards Huan Yin and Tong Dong!

"Your Majesty, Mr. Tong, retreat quickly!" In the formation, a general shouted to Huan Yin and Tong Dong. However, it's too late to say anything at this time.

Above the one eye, green light poured downwards, covering an area of ​​half a mile in an instant, and it looked like the area was still expanding. The speed of light is so terrifying, not to mention that Huan Yin and Tong Dong have not fully reacted yet, even if they did, it would be impossible to escape!

If you can't avoid it, you will be hit by the green light. People in Huang Ming's army were hit by green light before, and everyone could see the consequences. Now Huan Yin and Tong Dong haven't figured out what this light is, so they naturally don't know how to defend against it. So, are they going to end up going crazy?

Huan Yin turned around sharply and saw the light falling, and his eyes were about to burst. This attack was too reckless. He was actually paralyzed by the opponent's crazy appearance, and calculated at all levels to end up in such a passive position.

At this critical moment, he couldn't think too much. This time, Tongtong was attacked before him again. If he didn't try to save him, Tongtong would probably not survive!

"Time!" Huan Yin shouted, and once again under Tong Dong's disbelieving gaze, he actually went against the momentum and came to Tong Dong's back in a strange way. What happened at this moment seemed to be a reversal of time. Huan Yin returned to the position where he took the initiative to rush forward, and then turned around to block the green light for Tong Dong!

Time Taoism is now extremely powerful in Huan Yin's place, and Huan Yin even vaguely feels that it contains a source of power. It's just that this source of power is too profound, and Huan Yin hasn't figured it out yet.

The next moment, the green light fell, and Huan Yin was the first to bear it. But no one knew that at this critical moment, even though Huan Yin was strong, he could not resist the green light that did not understand the situation at all.

In any case, everyone saw that Huan Yin suddenly disappeared at this moment, and his whole body seemed to evaporate out of thin air. Even if everyone opened their spiritual sense to the maximum, even Tong Dong who was next to him did so, but no one saw Huan Yin again!

Huan Yin, ran away?

The green light fell to the place where Huan Yin disappeared. It was very strange that it could not shine in and dispersed from both sides. There was obviously nothing there, but it seemed that the air formed a passport there by itself, blocking all the green light.

Of course, from the place where Huan Yin disappeared, the green light could not reach it. Tong Dong happened to be there. He was surrounded by terrible green light, but he was safe and sound, and was firmly protected by an unknown force!

At this moment, a soldier under Huan Yin's command reacted, so he pointed to the place where Huan Yin disappeared and shouted: "It's the Lord, the Lord must still be there, he is protecting the Marshal!"

After the voice fell, Tong Dong was stunned, and suddenly found that his arm seemed to be grabbed by something. There was still nothing around him, but at this moment, he thought of the soldier's words, and suddenly stopped resisting. He was pulled by the sudden force and flew out of the Wuliang Sword Forest.

All the way, Tong Dong seemed to be blessed by the gods wherever he was. Wherever he went, the green light separated by itself and could not touch his body at all. It was not until he completely walked out of the coverage of the green light that he felt the power in his hand loosened, and he fell to the ground.

"Huh!" Tong Dong let out a long breath. He was attacked twice in a row in one attack, but he didn't expect that he could still escape from death and return to the main camp safely. He really felt like he had a dream.

There was nothing beside Tong Dong, but at this moment, Huan Yin stepped out of the air and appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, his face was as pale as paper. Obviously, he was not at ease after all the things he had just experienced, although everyone could not see how much pressure he had endured because of his disappearance.

"Thank you for saving my life, my Lord!" Tong Dong knelt down to Huan Yin. Although he didn't know what happened just now and what kind of Taoism Huan Yin had performed, he knew that it must be Huan Yin who saved him.

In the eyes of the generals, Huan Yin suddenly became mysterious and tall. Now they know that their monarch is not as simple as he seems on the surface, but a person with great cultivation.

The Taoism that Huan Yin finally performed just now was the true Tao. When the true Tao appeared, everything was false, only Huan Yin was true, so no one could see Huan Yin at that moment. But Huan Yin was on the real side, but he could resist and touch the false. So he blocked the terrifying green light and saved Tong Dong.

Huan Yin has always known that the True Dao is powerful. Now he has really mastered the True Dao and can control it freely. What makes him feel even more fortunate is that the True Dao also worked on the strange green light and did not disappoint him. However, he still has lingering fears after coming into contact with the green light through the True Dao just now.

The green light is not simple.

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