Infinite true path

Chapter 1500 Rest, Retreat, Improvement

After forcing back Luo Hu and his troops, the overall situation for the entire northern eight days was completely settled. Huan Yin and the others spent the next two days completely clearing out the remaining defenders in the north who had been stubbornly resisting for eight days, and also completely destroyed those teleportation arrays hidden in the open and dark. As a result, the entire northern eight days were finally truly recovered by Huan Yin, and there was no longer any hidden danger left. The four directions and eight heavens were truly brought under Huan Yin's control. Huan Yin's plan of using the four directions and eight heavens to encircle the central Shanxian Tian was completely completed.

Huan Yin knew that in the next period of time, it would be difficult for the war between Central Shanxiantian and Sifang Batian to break out again. Because most of the teleportation arrays between the two parties were destroyed, it was difficult for them to interact again. Unless Luo Hu made use of the formations leading to somewhere in Mount Sumeru, Huan Yin had already sent people to garrison those formations and even temporarily closed them.

So Huan Yin could finally take a breath, and his troops could finally take a breath.

Huan Yin asked Donghuang Yu'er to take charge of the reconstruction of the Northern Eight Days. Although this time the Northern Eight Days War consumed a lot of troops on his side, he believed that as long as the Northern Eight Days was rebuilt, his troops would soon be will be stronger.

Then, Huan Yin ordered the troops to recuperate and rest for three months. In three months, the ultimate battle may come.

After everything was settled, Huan Yin knew that it was time for him to choose to retreat. Today, he has gained too much power at once through the Heavenly Soul Tribulation. On the surface, his strength has grown rapidly, but in fact, he knows very well that he has not fully utilized the power he has obtained. He must spend some time in retreat to truly merge himself with the Blood Emperor. Only in this way can he be qualified to compete with Rahu himself.

Before retreating, Huan Yin called Ying Jue back to him and asked him to investigate two things.

One thing is about Luo Hu's deity. Huan Yin really wants to know what Luo Hu's deity is doing. Why has the eight-day battle in the north reached its final moment, but Luo Hu’s true form has not yet appeared. He did not believe that Luo Hu had given up the Eight Heavens of the North on his own initiative. After all, the strategic significance of the Eight Heavens of the North was extremely important to both of them. Therefore, something must have delayed Rahu. But what could it be?

The second thing is, what are those crazy soldiers and giants, and what is that huge weird one eye. Huan Yin discussed this issue with many people after his victory in the Eight-Day War in the North, but he never got an answer. Including himself, no one seemed to know their origins, and no one had ever heard of such weird existences in this world. Therefore, Huan Yin had no choice but to ask Ying Jue to conduct a thorough investigation and come up with a result.

Huan Yin's retreat, unknowingly, completely consumed three months.

Everyone thought that Huan Yin, who had just survived the Heavenly Soul Tribulation, was strong enough, but when Huan Yin came out of seclusion, everyone discovered that Huan Yin was different again. In just three months, Huan Yin has changed a lot. Everyone can't see through Huan Yin more and more. They only feel that Huan Yin seems to be stronger than when he was in a high position. He is more ethereal and unpredictable, as if he is different from himself. The others have completely widened the gap.

This phenomenon is reasonable, but it also shows that Huan Yin finally achieved his goal through these three months of seclusion and completely integrated the power of the Blood Emperor into himself. His strength is completely stable at an unattainable level.

The first thing Huan Yin improved within three months was his source power. He now has eight sources, this is an indisputable fact. The eight sources that can be dispersed and the eight sources that can be integrated are very different and cannot be compared with each other.

Huan Yin, who had just passed through the Heavenly Soul Tribulation, possessed eight sources that were not yet a whole. But after three months of integration, his Yin and Yang sources of power confirmed each other, and they all reached a higher level. On the basis of realizing the self-source power, , achieving true source power in one fell swoop. In this way, Huan Yin now holds a variety of true source powers, which shows his strength.

However, the biggest improvement in source power was the integration of the five elements, which allowed De Huanyin to finally obtain the legendary super source power. Huan Yin never obtained this kind of source power even when he was the Emperor of Heaven in his previous life. Now I finally got it. After experiencing it for the first time, I realized how powerful it was. It was incredible.

The super source power is many times more powerful than the true source power. The Five Elements Super Source Power alone is enough to allow De Huanyin's strength to completely surpass the realm of Eight Sources. Now even if a monk from the Nine Sources of Great Perfection confronts him, unless the opponent possesses multiple true source powers, he will only be able to defeat him. I'm afraid he's no match for him!

Huan Yin once wanted to try to use the super source power in a closed secret room to see how powerful it was. However, in the end he failed to do so. It wasn't that he couldn't use it, but that as soon as the breath of super source power appeared, the entire closed room seemed to be bursting, unable to contain the breath of source power at all. In this way, Huan Yin had no choice but to give up trying. Perhaps, Luo Hu's true form was the first to experience the power of this source of power in Huan Yin's hands.

The second power that Huan Yin improved during his retreat was the power of the Baji Rakshasa Sword. He was very fond of this kind of power back then, but because he couldn't practice it well, he rarely used it now. But it's different now. With the return of the Blood Emperor, he has already achieved considerable achievements and attainments in this way. In this way, Huan Yin became familiar with and adjusted this method, and now it can be directly used in battle, and its power is extraordinary.

More importantly, as Huan Yin continued to realize, he gradually discovered that there seemed to be an unfathomable source of power hidden in the power of the Eight Extremes Rakshasa. However, a mere three months was not enough for him to fully figure it out. What's more important is that he found that he didn't have enough opportunities this time, so he could only put the matter on hold for the time being. However, this brought him the opportunity of Ninth Source.

The third power that Huan Yin improved during his retreat was the method of summoning spirits and the true way.

Now Huan Yin has collected the Chaos Beast Chart and the Chaos Beast Bead, and he finally reintegrated the two treasures into a complete Chaos Beast Chart.

The complete picture of the chaotic beasts is a treasure given by the first-generation beast mother, which is of great help to the method of summoning spirits. After Huan Yin's research, he found that this treasure is also very helpful to the power of the true way.

With the help of this treasure, Huan Yin's power in the true way and spirit summoning was instantly significantly improved. Especially for the spirit summoning, the improvement was extremely obvious. In this way, coupled with the fact that Huan Yin's current power of the true way is extraordinary, and the method of summoning spirits is close to perfection due to the blood emperor's practice. The two factors are superimposed, and Huan Yin spent a lot of time adapting and refining during this retreat. In the end, Huan Yin completely entered a new realm in the true way and the method of summoning spirits.

Along the way to the true path, with the help of the complete Chaos Beast Map, Huan Yin's power increased to a higher level, and he became more and more convinced that everything in this world was false. Even though he still had too many things that he refused to admit, deep down in his heart, he had actually begun to accept the morality of the true way.

Huan Yin gained even greater rewards along the way. With the complete picture of chaotic beasts and the help of his current true power, he has truly entered the realm of the beast Taoist master in one fell swoop.

The Taoist master is an extremely tyrannical monk who only exists in legends. The saying of "leaving out the three realms" makes people yearn for him and make their blood boil. And this ethereal realm that everyone thought was out of reach was finally achieved by Huan Yin. After Huan Yin comes out of seclusion, all the beast Taoists will completely surrender to him. With the wave of his hand, he should be able to control the life and death of all the beast Taoists at will!

However, this is different from letting the true and false change with a wave of the hand, whether there is a replacement or not. Because Huan Yin's power is only effective for the animal realm, and it is not absolutely effective regardless of conditions. His power is still limited, and he cannot achieve infinite control that completely ignores quantity and range.

This is the difference between spiritual enlightenment and the true way. Or to be more precise, the true Tao is the foundation, and the spirit summoning is more of a Taoist method derived from the true Tao, and its level of domineering is far less than the true Tao. It can also be said that Huan Yin did not practice the spirit summoning to the extreme, because the spirit summoning practiced to the extreme is the true way, which is a different path on the great road to the same destination.

After completing the above three things, Huan Yin took a closer look at the power of the dragon in his body, and also practiced the Suanni Cauldron to ensure that he could use it freely. Then, he spent all the remaining time on the third volume of "Infinite Sword".

This third volume, which has no inherited text, is an important force for Huan Yin to defeat Luo Hu and is indispensable.

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