Infinite true path

Chapter 1603 The Forgotten Sword

In the vast Shanxian City, battles between the Three Realms and the Spirit-Eating Realm broke out everywhere. However, the fierce battle between millions of people and millions of monsters only lasted for less than a day and a half after the three world masters joined the battle, and unexpectedly became less intense.

As a result, battles no longer broke out everywhere. The Soul Devouring World side suffered heavy losses. The number of monsters dropped sharply to less than a million in less than a day and a half. They were all besieged by the large forces of the Three Realms side in the northwest corner of the south of the city. It seemed that no one could escape. out.

The reason is that the three world masters are simply too powerful. They are the patron saints of the three realms and the masters of this land. They act together and possess the supreme power to reverse the world. It is difficult for the Spirit Devouring Realm to resist, and they cannot resist it for long.

This battle has long lost its suspense, at least in the minds of all the warriors from the Three Realms. The monsters on the side of the Soul-Eating World can no longer be the opponent of the Three Realms, and the seven-color mirror in the sky has gradually merged into the sky, so that the loopholes in the sky have almost been filled, and the side of the Soul-Eating World has no new reinforcements. Arrive.

What to do next? In fact, the right to speak on this issue has been completely controlled by the Three Realms.


No one will agree with this decision. If we want to talk, let these demons from the soul-devouring world go to hell to talk to the dead soldiers. They should pay the price with their blood, and they should be killed to pieces so that the Spirit Devouring World will never dare to set foot on the land of the Three Realms again.

Even in the desperate fight of the monsters from the Soul Devouring World, the Three Realms will still pay some price, but the Three Realms can afford this price and are willing to bear it!

As the battle progressed to the final stage, both sides paused for a moment in tacit understanding, as if it was a coincidental collision before one side finally gained momentum and the other side completely collapsed. Then, Huan Yin, Lu Ya and Ksitigarbha, the three world masters, personally charged at the front, shouting the slogan of charge, and led the soldiers to kill the last monsters that were surrounded by them!

The final fight may not even last a day, and all the monsters on the side of the Soul Devouring World will be killed, not even a single one will be left. Because this is about to become a one-sided massacre.

As a result, the killings on one side of the Three Realms became more and more intense. All the warriors of the Three Realms followed behind the masters of the three realms, complaining, taking revenge, and killing demons with their own hands!

Just like this, everyone has long forgotten the things that exist in other places in Shanxian City. They only see the monsters in front of them. They can only kill them all and kill them all!

Even the three major realm lords were killed and carried away.

Today's Shanxian City is already devastated and in ruins, and the things in it are basically not worth paying attention to. Of course, there are exceptions to everything, and this time there happened to be an exception.

This exception is so critical, yet it has been forgotten. It wasn't until it took the initiative to send out a signal that everyone remembered it!

The battle lasted for half a day, and there were only less than 500,000 monsters left in the Soul Devouring World. At this time, on the boundary to the north of the city, in this space that had long been forgotten and regarded as no longer a threat, an extremely harsh whistle came, and then a black light pierced the sky. , soaring into the sky!

The light whistle was too harsh, so even though Huan Yin and the others were all far away in the south of the city, the sound was clearly poured into each of their ears in an instant, and it even made people feel that the sound seemed to be intended to make them Heard generally.

So, everyone turned around and looked at the place where the sound came from, especially Huan Yin. The moment he heard the sound, his heart beat violently, as if he had an extremely bad premonition, so he was The person who turns away the quickest.

Huan Yin was the first to turn his face and saw the thick black light that cut through the sky. The black light with a long tail and a terrifying aura seemed to tear the sky apart. light.

In an instant, Huan Yin's expression changed like never before. The source of his previous bad premonition was captured by him at this moment!

Of course, most of the soldiers who saw the light seemed confused because they were not familiar with the light and could not see the light too clearly from such a distance. It wasn't until Huan Yin spoke a few words with a trembling voice that they realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Devil Sword...Shura!"

When Huan Yin spoke, he gave up the fight in front of him and rushed towards the long black light desperately, as fast as a meteor falling from the sky!

After Huan Yin, two more rainbows rose up in the sky, one black and one white, it was Ksitigarbha and Lu Ya. They all heard what Huan Yin said, so their faces changed wildly, and they decisively abandoned the battle in front of them and followed Huan Yin!

The demon sword Shura has always been the biggest threat to the entire Shanxian City. It was through this sword that Luo Hu successfully tore open the Tianmen, attracted the invasion of the monsters from the spirit-eating world, and also allowed himself to gain the power of the spirit-eating world.

This sword was actually more dangerous than Luo Huan in Huan Yin's opinion. Huan Yin even speculated that this sword was the sword of the spirit-devouring world, a sword of invasion!

But with the pursuit of Luo Hu, the killing of Luo Hu, and the sealing of the loopholes in the sky, leading an army to destroy the monsters in the spirit-devouring world, everything went so smoothly that even Huan Yin was blinded by blood, and actually used this weapon that had been dormant for too long. The sword was forgotten!

But now this sword turns into black light and rises into the sky at such a critical moment. What does it mean?

Huan Yin couldn't guess, didn't want to guess, and didn't dare to guess. His intuition told him that the sudden launch of the Demon Sword Shura at this time would surely bring about a brand new horrific disaster, and it was even very likely to be a catastrophe for the entire Three Realms!

Therefore, Huan Yin, who regretted not destroying the sword after Luo Hou's death, now had to stop the sword at all costs and intercept the sword!

How fast are the three world masters?

Especially Huan Yin, since he possessed the power of the true way, he was able to partially ignore the distance in space and turned it into "fake". In this way, his speed has made the consciousness unable to keep up.

However, they were still a step late. The speed of the Demon Sword Shura was amazing, rushing straight into the sky, and it was launched too early. Therefore, even if the Changhong transformed by the three world masters opened the speed to the extreme, when it was still thousands of feet away from the Demon Sword Shura, the Demon Sword Shura had already planted directly in the center of the colorful mirror above the sky, and the tip of the sword was extremely sharp and inserted into it!

The sound of "cracking" instantly echoed in the sky, and then a large number of cracks spread from the tip of the sword of the Demon Sword Shura like a spider web, and the seven-color mirror formed by the three realm masters began to show signs of weakness.

The warriors of the three realms were all stunned. They finally understood why the three realm masters rushed over so panicked after seeing the Demon Sword Shura. But now, everything seems a little late...

Once the Demon Sword Shura really pierced the seven-color mirror, what would happen next?

Is it the monster from the Soul Devouring Realm that invades again?

Perhaps, most of the warriors of the three realms think so. And even this result may be enough to make the three realms unbearable. But if it weren't for this result...

Huan Yin actually had a worse result in his heart, and this result was the real reason for him to do everything.

Finally, less than three breaths later, Huan Yin was the first to appear next to the Demon Sword Shura. He drew out the long sword Xingtian without hesitation, opened his true power to the maximum, and slashed at the Demon Sword Shura with one sword!

Then, Dizang and Lu Ya arrived at the same time. After they appeared, one of them directly hit the Demon Sword Shura with amazing power, while the other used all six scorching suns and also rushed towards the Demon Sword.

The three world masters attacked together with incredible power. However, at this point, the cracks on the colorful mirror were increasing, and the mirror had already seemed shaky, as if it would break at any time...

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