Infinite true path

Chapter 98 Brother

Where the light converged, two figures more terrifying than the gray hungry ghosts were revealed - the cyan one had no head, its chest seemed to have been chopped open with an axe, and was full of filth; the blue one was directly a A one-arm that is about seven feet long, standing on the ground with the arm, and there is a blood-red one eye in the center of the open palm.

As soon as these two hungry ghosts appeared, the sounds of fear from the surrounding Gao family became even louder, and some women even fainted from fear on the spot.

At this moment, the relaxed expression on Huan Yin's face was no longer there. Of course he was not frightened, but because the two newly appeared hungry ghosts were both at the peak of the fifth level of Qi Condensation, which was the same as his current cultivation. Exactly the same. Now Huan Yin had to face three hungry ghosts at the same time, and there were two others with the same level of cultivation as him. Naturally, he no longer dared to take it lightly.

This time, it was Huan Yin who took action first. With one against three, he had to take the initiative. Huan Yin stretched out his hand and pulled out an ordinary long sword. Then he held the sword and danced again. The original sword flashed in front of everyone's eyes. When they saw it again, it had turned into six swords—— Shadow swordsmanship!

After the Shadow Sword was used, Huan Yin's spiritual power surged again, and the six long swords were arranged in groups of two and stabbed at the three hungry ghosts respectively.

When the three hungry ghosts saw Huan Yin's attack, they didn't dare to be careless at all. They have seen that Huan Yin's strength is not as simple as what they saw, not to mention that Huan Yin is also familiar with Dharma Sui Nian Qi. If they want to defeat Huan Yin, they will not be able to do it without using their full strength.

The six long swords quickly flew in front of the three hungry ghosts. The one-armed hungry ghost suddenly took a step forward. I don't know where the sound came from his mouthless body, but he actually shouted: "I'll block this sword, and you kill him." Then, the palm of the top of the one-armed hungry ghost enlarged instantly, covering all six of Huan Yin's swords.

Huan Yin saw that the hungry ghost wanted to block his shadow sword alone, so he pointed at the shadow sword in the distance, and the six shadow swords immediately bloomed with a sword light that was two feet long. Huan Yin's shadow sword skills now are far from what he used to be. Since the hungry ghost wants to block the sword by himself, he can just pierce him directly.

The one-armed hungry ghost saw the changes on Huan Yin's sword, but did not flinch at all. Suddenly a burst of blue light emitted from his big blue hand, and it instantly illuminated the six swords one foot away from his palm. As soon as the blue light arrived, Huan Yin's six swords were immediately blocked, and they were unable to make any further progress for a while.

Huan Yin has studied the sword-control chapter of Infinite Sword a lot this year, and he is quite confident in his swordsmanship. Now the one-armed hungry ghost opposite him has the same level of cultivation as him, and he can actually catch all his shadow swords. This It really surprised him. However, now he has no time to increase the strength of his shadow sword, because the other two hungry ghosts have already pounced on him.

Huan Yin stepped forward and floated backwards. Then he pushed out with both hands and pressed against the ground. An earth wall rose from the ground, immediately separating him from the two hungry ghosts rushing towards him.

However, the two hungry ghosts were not blocked by Huan Yin's earthen wall at all. They came out directly through the wall without losing momentum and caught up with Huan Yin again. Just when the two hungry ghosts were shining brightly and thought that Huan Yin was ignorant and could take advantage of Huan Yin, a strange arc suddenly appeared on Huan Yin's face. Then he opened his arms, thrust his palms outward, and then quickly turned it to his chest and pressed it. When he closed his hands, flames suddenly shot out of the two hungry ghosts' bodies, directly covering them. Looking from a distance, a huge fireball could be seen standing in the air, and the roar of a hungry ghost could be heard coming from it.

In fact, Huan Yin naturally knew that hungry ghosts were spirits and had no physical body at all, so the earth wall could not stop the two hungry ghosts. However, when he used the earthen wall, the two hungry ghosts thought that Huan was young and ignorant and wanted to take the opportunity to kill him. Unexpectedly, Huan Yin simply sold a flaw to a hungry ghost, and then directly used his newly learned "Fire Shield" to invite you into the urn.

"Refining!" Huan Yin no longer hesitated, shouted lowly, and started refining the two hungry ghosts.

Everyone in the Gao family around them couldn't help but burst into cheers when they saw Huan Yin restraining all three hungry ghosts in the blink of an eye.

"Immortal, it's really an immortal! It turns out there really are immortals in this world!"

"Our Gao family is saved, we are saved! Thank you, little fairy!"

"The little immortal has such handsome kung fu, it's amazing!"

Mortals are ignorant, but Huan Yin is very aware of his current situation. Although he suppressed three hungry ghosts on the surface, but now he was one-on-three, while controlling the flame shield and controlling the shadow sword, how easy was it?

Soon, sweat began to break out on Huan Yin's forehead, and he could feel the two hungry ghosts in the blazing fire cover about to break out.

"Fire explosion!" Huan Yin was very decisive. When the two hungry ghosts were about to break out of the shield, he directly detonated the fire shield. Suddenly there was a huge fire in the sky, and even sparks shot out, throwing the two embarrassed figures out.

However, Huan Yin took advantage here, but it was not so easy over there. Just when he focused his attention on the flame shield, the blue light in the palm of the one-armed hungry ghost over there suddenly swelled, and then he squeezed it hard, and directly crushed the six shadow swords in front of his palm into a ball. , and then the five shadow swords suddenly disappeared, and Huan Yin's fairy sword was also crushed in his palm.

Huan Yin's technique was broken and the magic weapon was destroyed, and he immediately suffered a backlash. His throat felt sweet and he vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing that Huan Yin was injured, the one-armed hungry ghost laughed wildly, raised its giant palm, and fanned towards Huan Yin again. When the two hungry ghosts injured by Huan Yin saw that Huan Yin was suffering a loss, they turned back and fought back regardless of their own injuries.

Huan Yin calmed down and turned to look at the mountain behind him. Not far below the top of the mountain, there was a wide platform with neatly laid floor tiles and some wooden figures nailed on it. On the ground, it seemed that the head of the Gao family was fond of martial arts, and the platform was used for them to practice martial arts.

Huan Yin led the three hungry ghosts and jumped towards the platform he saw. There were too many mortals in the position he was in now, and the battle was likely to affect innocent people, and it was difficult for him to let go of the fight.

Naturally, the three hungry ghosts did not think as much as Huan Yin. At this moment, they only had Huan Yin in their eyes. As long as they defeated Huan Yin, the Gao Mansion would still be theirs. If Huan Yin won, they would probably be driven to pieces.

Huan Yin jumped down the mountain and came to the platform. However, several hungry ghosts followed closely, not much slower than Huan Yin. As soon as Huan Yin stood still, he saw three colors of gray, green and blue light coming towards him. His heart tightened slightly, and he took out an ordinary fairy sword again, and then poured his spiritual power into it, instantly dyeing the sword in his hand. It was all red. However, this red is different from the blood red of Yue Qingfeng's blood sword, but fiery red.

What Huan Yin was performing at this moment was the swordsmanship handed down from Jiange, called "Red Flame Slash". This red flame slash uses spiritual power to turn into flame power, and then pours it into the sword body, allowing the sword to generate the power of flame before slashing.

Huan Yin's sword flashed red and he slashed directly at the three rays of light and shadow coming from the air. As soon as Huan Yin swung his sword, a sword light that was seven or eight feet long suddenly shot out and swept towards the sky.

At this moment, the mortals who were still staying at the foot of Gaojia Mountain suddenly saw a fire rising into the sky from the platform below the mountain top, almost like the tail of a fire dragon sweeping across the sky, and their eyes were filled with incomparable horror.

"It's fire again!" Someone exclaimed from the three rays of light in the sky. It was obvious that the hungry ghost felt great pressure from Huan Yin's methods. However, the three hungry ghosts were superior in number and their cultivation was not weaker than Huan Yin, so naturally they were not afraid of Huan Yin's methods. The momentum of the three rays of light did not change, and they continued to run downward, regardless of the fiery red sword light sweeping from the side.

"Boom!" Huan Yin's sword light hit the three-color light in the air impartially, making a loud noise that shook the sky. The fiery red sword light collided in the air and immediately collapsed and scattered, making the originally dark sky turn red.

Under the blazing fire, although the gray, green and blue lights were slowed down a lot, they still did not change their direction and continued to rush towards Huan Yin on the ground.

Huan Yin didn't expect these three hungry ghosts to be so powerful, and he couldn't resist them at all with one blow. Fortunately, their momentum slowed down and Huan Yin was able to get away. So, he rushed from the ground to the sky, going against the momentum of the three hungry ghosts and dodging their charged attacks.

The attacks of the three hungry ghosts were dodged, and their bodies were not revealed when they fell to the ground. They rushed into the sky again and continued to pursue Huan Yin.

Huan Yin was in the air, and the fire sword was raised again, and a stream of fire light fell down in the air, the sound was amazing. Huan Yin was powerful and the hungry ghosts were even more aggressive. They directly knocked away Huan Yin's sword light and continued to kill madly.

Huan was in the air and couldn't dodge. Naturally, the only thing he could rely on at this moment was the sword in his hand. So, he raised his flaming sword, and without any hesitation in expending his spiritual energy, he continued to quickly cut down the light rushing downwards.

That tiny figure in the dark night was like the God of Fire in the Nine Heavens. His momentum was so great that it seemed that even the sky had been burned by him. No one spoke. This earth-shattering scene deeply shocked the hearts of more than a hundred people on the ground.

It turns out that this is Xian. It turns out that this is the immortal!

At some point, on the top of the mountain in Gaofu, a woman stood outside the attic. This woman was standing against the wall. Her weak and haggard face was not exactly beautiful, but it was charming. The woman stared intently at the young man's figure in the sky, so lost in thought that she didn't even notice the tears falling down her cheeks.

"Brother..." the girl muttered softly.

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