Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 101 Meng Huo? What a good man! (Please subscribe)

Meng Huo didn't know how many people voted for Dong Huang. At this time, he just wanted to take revenge!

When Meng You thought that his newlywed and beautiful wife might have been raped by Dong Huang's army, he was filled with anger and anger. He urged Meng Huo and said, "There is a cave to the southwest called Bald Dragon Cave. The master of the cave is thinking. Your Majesty, you are very close to your brother, so you can join him."

With no other choice, Meng Huo asked Meng Xian to go to Tulong Cave to meet King Duosi and understand the situation.

When King Duosi heard this, he said, oh, there is such a good thing, the noble man is here, why don't you invite him!

So King Duosi quickly led his troops out of the camp. After verifying the identity of the Meng Huo brothers, he happily tied them up. Then he prepared beautiful women, treasures, and gifts, and happily went to Dong Huang to ask for credit.

Because of the occupation of Meng Huo's lair and the mythical beast thing concocted by Zhang Ren, King Duosi had already turned his heart to Dong Huang, the barbarian king who was the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. He was worried that there was no suitable tribute, but Meng Huo took the initiative to send it to his door!

Where can I find such a good person?

The more King Duosi looked at Meng Huo, the more he liked him, and he did not treat him harshly along the way.

But the Meng Huo brothers were dejected. They never thought that the Nanman, known for their loyalty, would have so many young men!

Until they arrived in front of Dong Huang's army camp, the Meng Huo brothers were cursing.

The three adopted sons of the brothers, who had recently served as envoys to receive the surrendered chief of the Southern Barbarian tribe, were delighted when they saw this.

"Hey, isn't this Brother Meng Huo? You've only been away for a few days, why are you back?"

The second child, Dong Cha, surrounded the prison car and marveled.

"I used to ride horses and oxen, why did I switch to a car today? Not to mention, this two-wheeled car is quite unique!"

Dong Hui, the third child, also learned the yin and yang strangeness without any teacher.

"You're not going to surrender this time? Brothers, don't throw away the prison car, use it as a stretcher. Brother Meng Huo still needs it!"

The boss Dong Jin is not polite this time.

"Wuna kid! You, you!"

Meng Huo's face turned red with shame and anger, and he passed out without taking a breath.

In his busy schedule, Dong Huang reprimanded the three brothers, arranged for the doctor to treat Meng Gongbao, and then visited King Duosi to comfort him.

At this point, Meng Huo naturally refused to surrender.

Dong Huang gave the Meng Huo brothers dry food, horses, armor and weapons and sent them off.

After leaving, the Meng Huo brothers looked at each other in silence.

Nanzhong is so big, but there is no place for them to stay.

"Yang Feng, the master of Cave 21 of Yinye Cave in West Yinye, has always been proud. He has elite soldiers in armor who may be able to help him."

Meng You, who was racking his brains, suddenly thought of someone.

Yang Feng is the Yinye Cave, and the Meng Huo brothers are the Yinhang Cave. Just from the names, you can tell that they are related to the silver mines. If there is silver, there will be money, and if there is money, there will be soldiers and horses.

"Try it! The Yang family is also a member of the same party, so they won't vote for Dong Huang and kidnap our brothers, right? Isn't he afraid of others' ridicule?"

Meng Huo, who had become a living doctor, could only drag his brother to find Yang Feng.

"What? Meng Huo is here? Advising me to send troops to fight my father? Hahahaha, you're laughing so hard!"

Yang Feng slapped his legs and laughed wildly.

"I'm worried that I don't have any new skills, and I can't compare with Jinhuan Sanjie and the others. No, here comes the credit!"

"Meng Huo is such a good person!"

Yang Feng almost died laughing.

As a result, the Meng Huo brothers were kidnapped again.

"Don't worry about the death of a fox, because things hurt others. You and I are the masters of each cave. We have no injustice in the past, so why do you harm me?"

Meng Huo, who was kidnapped again, felt sad and cried and asked.

"I'm Han, as my father said! I'm different from barbarians like you who are ungrateful and shameless!"

Yang Feng said disdainfully.

Entering Dong Huang's camp again, Meng Huo was already familiar with the journey.

However, what Dong Jin didn't expect was that Meng Huo really came here on a stretcher this time.

The reason was that he was sick with qi, had a high fever and was unconscious.

"Tsk, tsk, retribution!"

"You don't know the destiny, you deserve it!"

"Don't be sick. What if you infect my father? Bury him quickly!"

The three foster brothers exchanged words with each other, and the conversation quickly progressed to where digging holes to bury people would not affect Daying's feng shui.

Perhaps sensing the strong malice of the three adopted brothers, Meng Huo woke up unexpectedly. Then when he opened his eyes and saw the big faces of the three adopted brothers, he immediately vomited another mouthful of blood and passed out.

Meng Huo is still strong. At this point, he is like a gambler who has even lost his wife and children. He has already become red-eyed and just wants to win back at all costs.

So, of course he won't surrender again.

He was let go again by Dong Huang.

Perhaps it was because he had a high fever that reminded him of high temperatures and fire. This time he decided to go to the Zhurong tribe for help!

"Even if we two brothers marry Queen Zhu Rong, we still have to borrow troops to avenge her!"

Meng Huo, who was very confident in his appearance, discussed with his younger brother Meng You.

Meng You was actually tired of all the hard work and just wanted to lie down and not fight anymore, but he didn't dare to resist Meng Huo, so he could only nod along dejectedly.

The worst he could do was to be tied up again, Meng You had long been used to it.

He has experienced a lot of binding techniques, such as rear master, tortoise shell, edged rope, upright... He has experienced a lot, not to mention, it is quite exciting.

When Queen Zhu Rong heard the news from her subordinates that Brother Meng Huo had come to ask for help, her expression was even more exciting than King Duosi and Yang Feng!

"Meng Huo is such a good man!"

Queen Zhu Rong happily hugged her daughter Hua Wan - the heirs of the Zhu Rong clan are all called Hua Wan, just like the queens of the Zhu Rong clan are all named Zhu Rong. In summary, this flower garland is Zhu Rong in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"Huawan, the fact that King Dong Huang will become your father is as certain as your figure!"

Queen Zhurong laughed.

Of course she would be greedy for such a great hero like Dong Huang and the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven!

It's just that she is worried that the Han people value chastity and look down on her, a thirty-six-year-old barbarian queen, so she has been very worried!

Although, she is naturally beautiful and looks like she is in her early twenties when dressed up, but after all, she has given birth to two children, and her figure...

Queen Zhu Rong's figure is well-toned and has no fat, but she can't see her toes when she lowers her head and can't hold one with both hands, which makes her deeply inferior!

What a huge insult!

Her daughter, who is destined to be with her, are two extremes!

But isn’t Meng Huo here?

With the merit of catching Meng Huo and the gifts from the Zhuzhurong tribe, she should be qualified to become the king's concubine!

I heard that the king is wise, powerful, tall and strong. It’s really...

Queen Zhu Rong's face turned red.

Seeing her mother's infatuated look, Hua Wan curled her lips.

She also wants a big hero. How about you go away, old woman?

The main reason why Hua Wan did not return to Dong Huang was because of Queen Zhu Rong's nymphomaniac.

[Happiness is not something you have to wait for, it is something you strive for! 】

Hua Wan secretly made up her mind: Don’t you want to use Meng Huo as a way to get married? I won't let you do it.

Huawan decided to secretly let Meng Huo go. But in order to prevent the old woman or Dong Huang from learning about Meng Huo's private release, which would give Dong Huang a bad impression, Hua Wan decided to find a tool man.

It just so happens that Huawan also has a ready-made tool-her stupid Ou Doudou brings the cave master!

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