Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 106: Even if the peaks are gone, the sky will not be full (Junding will be updated)

Ever since Huawan taught Dong Huang how to ride an elephant, Dong Huang fell in love with riding an elephant.

The elephant is so big that a special chariot can be placed on it. This chariot is larger than the four-horse phoenix chariot that Dong Huang rode with Queen Mother He and Concubine Tang.

Dong Huang lay in the chariot, moving up and down as the elephant moved forward.

The good daughter Hua Wan sat beside the sedan, opened the curtains of the sedan, and exposed her little head to look at the scenery.

I don’t know what interesting scene she saw, but she yelled excitedly and her face turned red.

This made Queen Zhu Rong very dissatisfied. She was afraid that her daughter would disturb her king, so she quickly covered Hua Wan's mouth.

However, a barbarian is a barbarian. He stays in the wild mountains and a third of an acre of land all day long. He has long hair and little experience. He has never seen the real scenery.

Queen Zhu Rong was just curious about what her daughter saw, so she stretched out her little head to take a look. As a result, she turned red with excitement and shouted!

So, she was gagged by her daughter and pulled into the sedan.

Wang Yi, the deputy general who was on duty today in the sedan, grinned and chuckled: A barbarian is a barbarian, he has never seen the world!

Queen Zhurong was connected to Huawan and her daughter, so she immediately grabbed her and asked her to take a good look at the scenery outside.

It didn't matter, Wang Yi was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

The scenery outside is so beautiful. The mountain peaks are thick and straight reaching into the sky, like swords and spears. They stand tall and majestic.

There was also the sound of gurgling water, like a rushing waterfall, which aroused people's imagination.

Seeing that the three girls were attracted by the scenery outside, Dong Huang also became interested. He looked far into the distance, and sure enough, he saw mountains and peaks on both sides, with different heights near and far. There were also twigs bearing fruit, and the big papaya was as white as snow.

"It's such a wonderful place in the world! The dangerous peaks, clear springs, rare treasures, and fruitful fruits make people want to leave!"

Dong Huang couldn't help but sigh.

"What I like is different from father. What I like is Lingtian Giant Peak!"

Hua Wan pointed at a steep mountain outside the window and said with a smile.

The mountains in Nanzhong don't have such dangerous peaks that reach straight into the sky.

"Whatever the king likes, I like what I like!"

Queen Zhurong, who was lucky enough to be Dong Huang's concubine, had her whole heart devoted to Dong Huang, and whatever Dong Huang said she would do!

Wang Yi just smiled and said nothing.

Although one of these two women is Dong Huang's concubine and the other is his goddaughter, and both have noble status, she still looks down on their barbarian status, but she will never show it!

Wang Yi was very satisfied to be able to become Dong Huang's concubine and to be able to accompany Dong Huang to make plans and participate in secrets.

Regarding Queen Zhu Rong's conspicuous bag intentionally or unintentionally, Wang Yi just found it funny - there are so many homogeneous pretty girls around your husband, aren't you afraid of your husband's aesthetic fatigue?

Those who serve the emperor with their beauty will be in love with them when their appearance fades; those who serve the emperor with their virtues will last forever!

She, Wang Yi, serves the king with virtue.

However, there was one thing to say: the mountain peak was really big. Even she, who was always calm, couldn't help but look excited and almost exclaimed.

The journey back to Chengdu was safe and sound, and Chengdu civil and military officials, led by Jia Xu, went out of the city ten miles to greet him.

When the welcoming people looked at the mighty team, especially the hundreds of war elephants at the front, they were completely excited!

Dong Huang first listened to the reports from Jia Xu and others.

On the days when Dong Huang left, Yizhou was not peaceful!

Jia Xu, Zheng Burke, and Duan Yuyan first blocked the news of Dong Huang's victory, and then spread the news that Dong Huang was infected with the disease in Nanzhong. This allowed Yizhou powerful people who were dissatisfied with Dong Huang's high-pressure rule to see an opportunity, including Ma Qin and Gao Sheng. Dozens of powerful giants including Huang Yuan, Xu Ju and others rebelled.

Then, they were forcefully suppressed by Jia Xu, who was well prepared. All the population, land, food, and goods they controlled were confiscated to replenish the treasury, making Dong Huang's treasury more full and human resources also greatly liberated. Dong Huang The hundreds of thousands of young men they brought and the local elites they recruited were all given land, slaves and women.

Zhen Yan, who was in charge of taxation and business, also made a lot of money under the guidance of his mother Zhang, which made Dong Huang couldn't help but sigh, it's better to be one of his own!

Dong Huang, who was in a good mood, let go of his treasury and generously rewarded the money, treasures, land and women gained from Nanman and Yizhou to the meritorious people. For a time, Dong Huang's subordinates burst into joy.

Then there was the celebration banquet, which lasted for three days before it ended.

At this time, Dong Huang, who had worked hard all the way, finally calmed down and could be gentle with his concubines and check their practice results.

After this inspection, Dong Huang discovered that there is a huge difference in people's cultivation aptitudes. Zhang Yulan, for example, is extremely talented.

While others had only learned some body movements and improved their flexibility, she was already able to use her tongue to pull a string in her mouth.

In order to reward Zhang Yulan for her hard work in cultivation, Dong Huang and Lu Meng specially made delicious food for her.

Zhang Yulan, who has never eaten meat or fish, felt for the first time that she could eat some meat and fish.

The following days were boring.

Dong Huang's dedication in Nanzhong led to the madness of the tigresses at home.

Of course they didn't dare to show off to Dong Huang, but they tried their best to win favor. So much so that when mother-in-law Zhang saw Dong Huang again, she cried with distress.

"Huang'er, those women don't know how to love you at all!"

Zhang Yu looked at his uncle with a distressed expression and couldn't help scolding his three daughters.

Zhen Jiang, Zhen Tuo and Zhen Dao behaved like little rabbits in front of their mother, not daring to refute a word.

Dong Huang had the dinner that day at Zhen's house.

Zhang Yu personally stewed some tonics for Dong Huang and told Dong Huang to replenish his body and not to be tired.

Brothers Zhen Yan and Zhen Yao had a rare opportunity to get closer to Dong Huang, so they toasted one after another.

This pair of brothers with average abilities are now both senior officials with two thousand dan, and they are still the kind who hold real power. Their future is unlimited.

Of course they knew how they got their position, and they wanted to be obedient. Dong Huang said the moon was square, but they would never say the moon was round.

But something disappointing happened tonight. There was a problem with a batch of goods from the Zhen family. Zhen Yao went to deal with it first, but it didn't go well, so Zhen Yan went right after.

It is said that the problem is so serious that I will not be able to come back that night.

Naturally, Dong Huang would not scold them for this matter.

After three rounds of drinking, Dong Huang was a little tired, so he decided to stay in Zhen Mansion.

Zhang Yu has always reserved a room for Dong Huang in Zhen Mansion, and it is the best room, an independent compound.

This is also a way for the Zhen family to please Dong Huang. You don’t have to come, but our door will always be open for you.

Dong Huang slept well this night.

I don’t know where the Zhen family learned this custom. It said that a son-in-law and his daughter could not sleep in the same room in the natal family, so Dong Huang slept alone at first.

But in the dead of night, Zhen Jiang, who had been left out for too long, climbed into Dong Huang's bed.

"Hey, how come your figure has improved so much?"

Dong Huang felt a little surprised.

What surprised him even more was that Zhen Jiang's three adult sisters also came soon...

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