Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 108 Sun Shangxiang: Dad? (Please subscribe)

Dong Huang called Jia Xu and showed him the battle report.

Jia Xu was also speechless.

"Fa Xiao is always in danger, Zhang Wenyuan is so powerful!"

Jia Xu commented.

Jia Xu was actually a little unhappy about Fa Zheng's greed for merit. Firstly, this is not safe. If Zhang Liao had not shown his power, Fazheng would have been in trouble; secondly, it would have made Dong Zhuo and other princes wary and suspicious of Dong Huang's ambitions, which led to Jia Xu's decision to level the world for Dong Huang. There are twists and turns in the strategy.

Having said that, doesn't Jia Xu know the situation in Jiangdong and Jiaozhou? If he really wants to fight, he can easily push Jingzhou, which turned into a pot of porridge, and then push Jiangdong flatly.

But what would Dong Zhuo think?

Before your wings are hardened, you are so ambitious that you want to conquer the river, right?

Jingzhou and Jiangdong, in Jia Xu's eyes, are the meat of the mouth. You can bite off the hard bones of Guanzhong first and then eat after accepting Dong Zhuo's inheritance!

Fa Zheng is still too young!

Jia Xu shook his head imperceptibly.

Fortunately, he had already made preparations before Dong Huang entered Shu, and everything could still be saved.

"Wenhe, what's the next step?"

Dong Huang was also speechless. Because the weather was too hot when he was in Nanzhong, Dong Huang was busy washing his hair all day long and forgot to communicate strategic issues with Fa Zheng, which caused Fa Zheng to exercise his freedom a little too much.

Sure enough, beauty is a stumbling block on the road to success!

Quit drinking!

"Let's attack Jingzhou. There won't be much difference in the early half of the year and the later half of the year!"

Jia Xu adjusted his status and gave new suggestions: "Now Wang Rui has just destroyed Liu Xiang and is fighting with the four counties of Jingnan. Both sides are exhausted. Zhang Xian, the governor of Changsha, has sent people to ask for his surrender many times. Jingnan There are also many barbarians who are willing to die in the service of our lord. Brothers Huo Du and Huo Jun are both from Jingzhou. Previously, I asked them to contact the wealthy families in Jingzhou, and there are many people from the wealthy families who are willing to serve as internal correspondents!"

"The attack on Jingzhou will only take ten months! By then we will be connected with Jiangdong."

Jia Xu is very confident.

"Let Gao Shun Governor Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Gan Ning and others go?"

Dong Huang asked.

Gao Shun and Zhou Tai's troops were originally preparing to go to Jingzhou, but now it can only be said that the time has been slightly advanced.

"My lord, go in person."

Jia Xu suggested.


Dong Huang didn't want to go.

Going out to attack Jingzhou in Shu would always remind him of the defeat of Yiling by the Big Ear Bandits, and he didn't want to go.

"Recently, the King of Liang may have envoys to question Jiangdong, and there may be changes in Liangzhou. My lord, go out for a walk first to relax, and everything will be resolved within three months at most!"

Jia Xu explained.

"Wen He won't accompany me?"

Dong Huang only has a few advisers. Fa Zheng is in Jiangdong, Cheng Yu is in Liangzhou, and Xi Zhicai is in Gaoshuna. Jia Xu may need to stay to guard the rear and coordinate the overall situation.

Dong Huang suddenly felt a little helpless.

I don’t want to use my brain!

Dong Huang is very self-aware, and he does not think that his wisdom will definitely surpass that of the wise men of this era.

"The drama talent is worthy of a big job, Dong Gongren also has a great talent, and Mrs. Wang also has a wonderful strategy! As for me... I ask for the right to make my own decisions!"

Jia Xu first recommended two people, and then praised Wang Yi in front of Wang Yi, who was standing by the guards, and finally Tuqiongdeng saw them.

"All right!"

Although he was a little reluctant, Dong Huang still reluctantly agreed with Jia Xu's statement. He wanted to give him a sword and let him perform his duties, but for some reason, he suddenly had an idea and took out the Jade Seal of the Kingdom and handed it to him, and summoned The main generals formally granted Jia Xu corresponding powers.

Jia Xu held the jade seal in his hand and was moved to tears, while others looked at the jade seal passed down from the country, but their eyes were burning!

The national jade seal!

This is the national jade seal!

Everyone knows very well what it means to pass on the national jade seal!

Then think of the rumors about the emperor's anger in Yizhou, and the fact that Dong Huang had many concubines with unspeakable looks in his harem. The combination of these factors made every civil servant and general's heart beat fast!

This is not the King of Chengdu who lives in a corner. This is clearly the Lord of Destiny who changes dynasties!

The thoughts of making achievements, changing dynasties, and being famous in history instantly boosted the morale of Dong Huang's civil servants. No one wanted to persuade Dong Huang to stop his expedition. Instead, they all geared up.

As a result, Dong Huang's order was quickly passed, and his subordinate Wen Wu showed astonishing mobility and quickly prepared everything needed for the army to go out.

But when Dong Huang was preparing to go on an expedition, the envoy from Chang'an arrived.

The envoy was not here to blame Dong Huang for secretly sending troops to capture Jiangdong. In fact, before the envoy set off, Chang'an had not received news that Dong Huang's army had occupied Jiangdong.

The message conveyed by the envoy this time was that Empress Fu was happy to have a son. The Emperor of the Han Dynasty would hold a grand ceremony for canonizing the crown prince next month, and ordered all princes to go to Chang'an to observe the ceremony.

After the formal imperial edict, there was also a private message from Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo emotionally and delicately told the family's longing for Dong Huang and their admiration for the strategy of Li Daitao Jiang proposed by Dong Huang. Dong Zhuo proudly told Dong Huang that Li Daitao Jiang was The plan worked, and Queen Fu gave birth to a son for him, who was about to become the crown prince!

When Dong Huang saw this letter, his scalp went numb with embarrassment.

A year and a half ago, Dong Huang had just finished communicating with Queen Mother He and Tang Ji, and confidently went to Dong Zhuo to persuade Dong Zhuo to let Queen Mother He and her son go. However, Dong Zhuo's suspicion was aroused by his abnormal behavior at that time. Finally, he managed to fool him, and it was at that time that Li Daitaojiang came up with his bad idea.

In the end, Dong Zhuo really believed it.

"Lord, you can't go!"

After sending away the envoy, Jia Xu burned Dong Zhuo's private messages.

The flickering light of the fire shook Jia Xu's shadow, which was cold and terrifying.


Dong Huang felt that Jia Xu's expression at this moment was a bit scary.

"My lord, just go to Jiangnan. I heard that there are many beautiful people in Jiangnan. My lord, you can relax. As for the reply, just leave it to Xu!"

Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Ah good!"

The greatest advantage of Dong Huang is that he listens to advice.

If possible, he would rather be Liu Chan.

Of course, with the lineup of his men, if he can be Liu Chan with peace of mind, he will really be invincible. However, if he wants to imitate King Wei Wu and go into battle in person or learn the micro-management of Kaishen Logistics, no matter how good his foundation is, he will be invincible. Can't stand the torment.

Dong Huang went home to sleep carelessly, but Jia Xu's face became even colder.

【You have a way to die! 】

[Your Highness Prince Liang, for the sake of my lord’s great cause, please die! 】

Jia Xu silently sentenced Dong Zhuo to death.

Perhaps Dong Zhuo just wanted to give his son a platform and really missed Dong Huang, so he asked Dong Huang to return to Chang'an!

But can I come back after going to Chang'an?

Jia Xu would not let Dong Huang go if there was any possibility of danger.

What's more, the risks are not low!

Once Dong Zhuo learned that Dong Huang secretly occupied the entire Jiangnan area, how could he possibly let Dong Huang back!

Since there are risks if you go, and if you don’t go, you will break up, then let’s break up first!

Jia Xu called over his exclusive losers Hu Che'er and Qin Yilu, and gave them such instructions.

The two quickly took the order and left.

"I want you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!"

Under the candlelight, Jia Xu's shadow stretched very long.

Dong Huang knew what Jia Xu would do. But he didn't ask.

When Liu Chan was enjoying himself in the harem, he would not ask Zhuge Liang how to make the Northern Expedition.

Enjoyment is enough!

Resting on Da Qiao's white silk jade legs and watching the fan dance led by Xiao Qiao, Dong Huang's thoughts had already flown to Jiangnan.

Beautiful women come out of the water town!

But at this time in Jiangnan, what outstanding beauties are there?

Dong Huang's requirements are not high, just a historical beauty who can reach the sixth level standard.

Don’t let those who don’t leave a name in history!

Because today's Dong Huang has already broken away from the low-level taste of being a beautiful woman, just like those who broke away from the low-level taste of shampoo shops after getting rich and started looking for style men from college students, young models, Internet celebrities and even female celebrities. Now there is no such thing. Women who left their names in history hardly attracted his interest.

There is no other way. As one becomes well-informed and his status improves, his requirements will naturally become higher.

But the problem is, today's Gong Yaoji hasn't grown up yet, has she?

In addition to the concubine Sun Shangxiang, Sun Jian seems to have two or three daughters and a younger sister. I don’t know what she looks like or how old she is!

Like many of the concubines of King Wu of the Wei Dynasty, they are either too young or not even born yet, and they don’t know where to look for them.

What should I do?

I'm not a Cao thief, so I can't go to Wu Guotai, right?

I don’t want Xiangxiang to call me daddy!

Wait, it doesn’t seem impossible!

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