Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 112 Cai Shi (Junding added)

"What, the generals of Jingzhou killed Wang Rui's uncle and nephew and surrendered with their heads?"

Xi Zhicai looked in disbelief at the vanguard officer Gan Ning who also looked helpless.

Gan Ning also spread his hands helplessly!

He finally grabbed the position of vanguard officer from Jiang Qin. He wanted to first defeat the Jingzhou Army and Navy Camp, and then attack Jiangling, but...

Not having gained any merit in the battle, all the Jingzhou soldiers happily surrendered. The way they were eating pots of milk and welcoming the king's army made Gan Ning wish he could become a bandit.

On the contrary, Jiang Qin, who went to Wuling, made many military exploits.

This is so irritating. You all surrendered. Where can I make meritorious deeds?

Without military exploits, how could he repay Dong Huang for his kindness?

Gan Ning was so angry that he didn't even want to enter Jiangling City. He left his lieutenant behind to receive the surrender, while he ran back to report the news himself.

Of course, reporting the news is secondary. The most important thing is that he wants to explore the connections and see where there is still meritorious service, so that the coach and military advisor can arrange for him to go there.

"Wang Rui and his son deserve to be killed! Bah, they deserve to be cut into pieces. They are just trash!"

Xi Zhicai was also annoyed.

A stick of incense before, he was still talking and giving guidance to the country, explaining to Gao Shun the strategy of pacifying Jingzhou!

But you told me that there was no need to fight in Jingzhou, because they killed Zhou Mu and surrendered! ! !

Xi Zhicai is both social and hateful!

My military exploits are gone!

Suddenly, Xi Zhicai suddenly dismounted his horse and strode towards the Yangtze River.

"Military advisor, what do you want to do?"

Gan Ning understood Xi Zhicai's mood very well and was afraid that Xi Zhicai, who had small arms and legs, would do something stupid.

"I want to pee into the river and let the rats in Jingzhou have a taste!"

Xi Zhicai unbuttoned his pants as he spoke.

I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and I live at the end of the Yangtze River. I urinate into the Yangtze River, and you drink my urine!

"What a brilliant idea from the military strategist! Count me in!"

When Gan Ning heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then became happy and hurriedly ran to stand next to Xi Zhicai.

Gan Ning found that this bohemian strategist was too much for his liking.

The two maintained good formation and were about to fire when suddenly Gan Ning shuddered!

There's someone behind you!

Gan Ning's sense of crisis that he couldn't urinate when there was someone behind him broke out. He quickly turned around and saw that it was Gao Shun.


Gao Shun's words are concise and concise!


Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning looked at each other and laughed.

At this moment, they suddenly realized that Gao Shun was just boring, but he was quite cute!

The men's friendship came very quickly. They served as soldiers together and showed off guns together. The barriers between the three of them seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

The next day, the main force of Gao Shun's army successfully entered Jiangling City and sent people to take over Xiangyang City and Jiangxia County.

So far, two of the three most important counties in Jiangbei in Jingzhou have completely fallen into Dong Huang's hands.

What is interesting is that Dong Huang visited Nanyang County, the last of the three Jiangbei counties in Jingzhou, just a year ago and robbed almost all the blacksmiths there.

Once Jiangxia County is acquired, the waterways between Yizhou, Jingzhou, and Jiangdong will be unblocked. If the nails of the four Jingnan counties are removed, the entire Jiangnan area will fall into Dong Huang's hands.

In order to achieve some meritorious service, with Gao Shun's consent, Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning immediately went to attack Changsha County. However, Zhang Xian, who had been fighting Wang Rui for more than a year, surrendered directly.

To be honest, Zhang Xian may not really want to surrender, but he has to bow his head under the eaves. Zhang Xian doesn't know the strength of Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning, but Zhang Wenyuan defeated an army of 100,000 with 800 , but it’s not far from Changsha County. This is too scary!

Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning had no choice but to attack Guiyang County again, but the prefect of Guiyang also surrendered immediately.

This makes Zhicai and Gan Ning disgusted. Is it so difficult for us to fight?

Together, the two decided to attack Lingling County again. As soon as they arrived, they found that Lingling County had been captured by Jiang Qin and Wuxi Barbarian King Samoko.

Xi Zhicai:...

Gan Ning:......

Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning were speechless, and Dong Huang, whose army had just arrived in Jiangzhou, was also speechless. My army hasn't left Shu yet, but Jingzhou has already been pacified?

Then why should I go?

What to do?

However, what has to be admitted is that Xi Zhicai and the others are mature subordinates and have learned to make contributions to their lord on their own.

To be honest, this kind of feeling of lying down and winning is really not bad.

Who doesn’t want to have fun at home with a beautiful woman in his arms, only for his boat to be destroyed in ashes?

However, after finally coming out, Dong Huang couldn't go to work right away. He had to take the army to sneak around, firstly to shock the powerful people in Jingzhou and Jiangdong, secondly to arrange specific personnel, and thirdly to naturally do a big job. One game.

Even if it's a big fight, it's a big fight.

Dong Huang had a premonition that after this expedition, the unification war would probably begin directly. After all, it was less than a year and a half before the end of the mission, and Dong Huang could no longer lead the army on a laborious tour. After one lap, return to Yizhou and then set off again!

The soldiers couldn't stand that.

Therefore, Dong Huang will most likely live in Jingzhou during this expedition.

The reason why I live in Jingzhou instead of Yangzhou is because Jingzhou is the node connecting Yizhou and Jiangdong. It is the seven inches of the snake. Once something goes wrong, Dong Huang will not be able to take care of both ends.

In this case, Jingzhou's stability becomes particularly important.

Dong Huang was even prepared to aggrieve himself - at the worst possible outcome, he would just repeat Nanzhong's old tricks and get married again.

The major big families all take a woman as their concubine, form an in-law alliance, and then vigorously promote a group of local wealthy families. Dong Huang doesn't even need their loyalty, he just needs them to be able to stay out of trouble for the next year and a half.

To a certain extent, there is no fundamental difference between Dong Huang's strategy and Wang Lun's bad idea for Wang Rui. The only difference is that Dong Huang is powerful, with an army of millions, and many advisers and generals. Minions, and Wang Rui and Wang Lun didn't even know where their confidants were.

When Dong Huang was traveling all the way to Jiangling, the city of Jiangling was also decorated with lights.

The wealthy clan of Jingzhou directly expanded the original state pastoral palace and waited in the most humble manner for the arrival of the ruler who could be called a tyrant.

Interestingly, in order to satisfy Dong Huang as much as possible, many of the female hostages that Wang Rui had forced to come to the mansion were not released. Some were released and then sent back by their families.

Among the people who were sent back was Kuai Qing, who was known as the most beautiful woman in Jingzhou.

Kuai Qing was shocked when she heard Cai Mao's request that she and her sister-in-law should live in the prefect's mansion and lead the family members of the prefect's mansion to serve Dong Huang.

She looked at Cai Mao in disbelief. She couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of Cai Mao, the powerful man in Jingzhou!

Don't you find it embarrassing?

Kuai Qing can't accept it at all!

However, what Kuai Qing didn't expect was that her brother Kuai Yue and Kuai Liang would also come to persuade her, saying that he was just there to help, not to seduce her.

The appearance of her brothers completely shattered Kuai Qing's last hope.

At this moment, she understood that sacrificing her was the common will of the entire Jingzhou wealthy family.

Thank you brothers for your tips and votes!

Lao Huang works part-time, working as a nuclear power donkey during the day, and only has time to code at night, so generally there are at most three updates from Monday to Friday, and more updates will be added if there is time on weekends or if the results are good. The specific details are based on the previous addition rules.

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