Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 122 Er Xu (fifth update, please subscribe)

Dong Huang looked at Fazheng with a smile.

Fazheng was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Xu Kun, who was hiding in the crowd, felt his face burning, like a glow on his back, as if everyone was staring at him and laughing at him.

This made Xu Kun feel ashamed.

For a moment, Xu Kun felt that he was a joke. He did not hesitate to regret his marriage and sell his daughter. What he gained was not glory and wealth, but becoming a laughing stock. From then on, he had no place in the land of Jiangdong, or even in the entire history books.

The reason why Fa and Xu were like this was that Lu Kang sent an article "An Message to the Thieves of Dong" to both sides of the river.

The content of the memorandum includes but is not limited to the infamy of Dong Huang's evil deeds, filth and harem, and excessive debauchery. At the end, he scolds Xu Kun for being shameless. He forced his daughter to repent and become Dong Huang's concubine just for the sake of advancement. This is truly the most shameless thing in the world. The great one.

Lu Kang announced that from now on, he would lead his troops to attack Dong Huang and restore peace to the world!

Dong Huang took it as a joke when he first read the article, but at the end he was confused: When did I marry Xu Kun's two sons and daughters?

Since I came to Jiangdong, in addition to taking in Er Qiao, I have also taken in Er Wu. When did I take in Er Xu?

Immediately, Dong Huang realized that this must be related to Fazheng. The so-called Er Xu was most likely the two of the so-called Twelve Beauties of Jinling!

Dong Huang is quite funny.

He found that every time Fazheng wanted to find a woman for himself, he would always cause some accidents; this was the same as Hua Xiong would always get hurt every time he wanted to be a pioneer.

It’s very confusing and mystical!

"Which of the hundred sons of King Wen and the one son of King Zhou is debauched? Everyone has a love for beauty. I heard that there is a lady in the Xu family. What's wrong with asking for her?"

Dong Huang laughed loudly and threw the message to Chen Lin: "Kong Zhang, I leave it to you."

"I obey the king's orders!"

Chen Lin quickly took over the message. In his heart, he secretly vowed to give Dong Huang a satisfactory answer.

Chen Lin and Dong Zhao joined Dong Huang in the same group, but now that Dong Zhao is in a high position and has Dong Huang's trust, he has been engaged in some dispensable clerical work!

He also wants to make progress!

Xu Kun was so moved that tears filled his eyes, he knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

He knew that with Dong Huang's words, no one could accuse him of betraying his trust by selling his daughter for glory! Not only was his reputation saved, but so was the reputation of the Xu family, and even the reputations of his daughters.

This scene also moved the other advisers and generals present so much that they did not even care whether there was anything wrong with the "hundred sons of King Wen" in Dong Huang's words.

In fact, all the civil and military personnel present knew that this incident was originally caused by Fazheng's desire to offer a daughter to Dong Huang and Xu Kun's half-hearted push. Dong Huang was also a victim to a certain extent.

However, Dong Huang was willing to take this kind of notoriety on himself instead of pushing it on his ministers, which fully demonstrated his love for his ministers and his broad-mindedness and responsibility as a master.

Who doesn’t like a responsible boss who also cares for his subordinates?

Young and promising, take responsibility, know people well and be generous and open-minded!

What is this? This is the posture of Mingzhu!

As for lust, is lust a problem?


Even for King Wen of Zhou in history, the recorded son was twenty times younger than King Zhou of Shang? But who among the world has not lifted King Wen of Zhou to the sky and trampled King Zhou of Shang into the ground?

Many wives, many children, many blessings!

In order to have more children, Tian Chengzi did not hesitate to let his retainers play with his women. The children he gave birth to were all named Tian, ​​and they were distributed to various places, eventually replacing Jiang Qi! Does anyone in the world make fun of Tian Chengzi?

Dong Huang is a capable person who loves to work hard and takes care of all sexual matters. What's wrong?

No better than Tian Chengzi!

An example of a wise king, an example of a wise king!

Although Infinite War Space does not provide numerical calculations of loyalty, the loyalty of these civil and military personnel has been slightly improved because of this incident, and their loyalty has greatly increased again.

"My lord, I have humiliated my minister to death. I, Zhu Heng, ask for a battle. I am willing to lead my troops and behead Lu Kang's dog!"

Zhu Heng was impressed by Dong Huang's magnanimity and was the first to challenge him.

Zhu Heng was a native of Wu County and came from the four surnames of Wuzhong. In history, he killed Chang Diao and Zhuge Qian under Cao Ren, captured Wang Shuang alive, and assisted Lu Xun in defeating Cao Xiu. He was regarded as one of the more outstanding generals in Jiangdong.

However, Dong Huang's impression of him came from his maid.

Dong Huang forgot where he had read it, saying that Zhu Heng had a maid from the Luotou clan, whose head could separate from his neck and fly out at night, and fly back again in the morning. It is said that this branch of the Luotou clan later traveled eastward to Japan, where they were called Feitou Man.

If he hadn't seen Zhu Heng, Dong Huang would have forgotten this legend. Now that he remembered it again, Dong Huang realized a problem: According to the strength setting of the legend, this flying head barbarian is not strong, it can only fly its head. , and even have to work as maids to make a living; at the same time, they may also have mastered a stable shipping route to Japan!

As for whether the flying-headed barbarian really exists, considering that Dong Zhen, the king of wood deer, has appeared, and the protruding bones of nearly three meters tall who eat beasts like eagles and snakes all day long have also appeared, then there will be a flying-headed barbarian. It doesn't seem strange that the weak chicken Luotoushi is like this.

If there really is a Luotou clan, there are waterways, and there is really the technology to sail to Japan, then it would not be a bad idea to collect some ships and send an army to conquer Japan!

"Hugh Mu, don't be anxious!"

Dong Huang stopped Zhu Heng.

To be honest, it's not that he looks down on Zhu Heng, but these Jiangdong generals generally have a problem: they won't fight after crossing the Yangtze River!

Zhu Heng is pretty good. Apart from not wanting to be subordinate to others and accepting other people's orders, his record is pretty good. He has defeated Cao Ren's troops in history, but others...

See how Sun Shiwan led a group of Jiang Biaohu ministers and an army of 100,000 people to be chased by Zhang Liao's 800 men. Not only was one killed, but several elites were also lost, and he only escaped with his own life.

After stopping Zhu Heng, Dong Huang mobilized his troops and appointed Zhang Wenyuan as the chief general, Le Jin, Wu Yi, Wu Tugu, Han Hao, Chen Wu, Ling Cao and others as deputy generals. He commanded 100,000 infantry and cavalry and crossed the river to attack the land. Kang.

This arrangement is actually meant to appease Zhang Liao. With Zhang Liao's seniority, it was somewhat inappropriate for him to cooperate with Fazheng before. And Zhang Liao has achieved such a beautiful record, he must be allowed to take charge of it alone, otherwise it will not only be Zhang Liao and other veterans will also have opinions!

Now Dong Huang's three major generals are in charge. From west to east, they are Huang Zhong guarding Liangzhou, Gao Shun guarding Jingzhou, and Zhang Liao who is about to make the northern expedition. According to Dong Huang's plan, after Zhang Liao defeated Lujiang, he would directly attack Jiujiang and attack Yuan Shu, officially kicking off the Northern Expedition.

As soon as Dong Huang finished arranging the battle, Chen Lin had already finished writing an eloquent two-thousand-word "Preaching the Lujiang River for the King of Chengdu":

Therefore, there are extraordinary people, then there are extraordinary things, there are extraordinary things, and then there are extraordinary achievements. The husband is an extraordinary person, so it is also an extraordinary thing.

...According to historical records, unprincipled ministers are greedy, cruel and fierce, especially in Kang...

That is to say, the four states of Riyi, Jing, Jiao and Yang are advancing together...

Those who win the title of Kang head will be granted the title of 5,000 households and be rewarded with 50 million yuan. Don't ask any questions about those who are partial to the generals and officials in the school. Promote the favor widely, give rewards by banning talismans, and announce it to the world, just like laws and decrees.

This appeal is almost a replica of the historical appeal Chen Lin wrote for Yuan Shao against Cao Cao. It is both literary, artistic and offensive.

It's a pity that compared to Chen Lin, Dong Huang is just a father-in-law and can't recognize all the words, let alone the allusions in it. But when he saw Fazheng and others applauding, he knew that there should be no problem with this memorandum, so he ordered it to be published. Message, prepare to cross the river to attack Lu Kang!

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