Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 129 High-spirited (please subscribe)

"Liu and Xiao'er, don't you even care about your father's life?"

Gongsun Zan was furious.

In this era where filial piety was valued, he couldn't imagine that someone would use his father as bait to surround Wei and save Zhao!

"Come here, tell me about that unfilial son's beastly behavior throughout Youzhou and throughout the world!"

Gongsun Zan ordered.

"Liu He, it's actually Liu He!"

Gongsun Zan's war agent, Gongsun Jian, looked pale.

He never took Liu He seriously. To be precise, all the war agents did not take Liu He seriously, nor did they take Liu Yu seriously.

Liu He was so low-key that no one noticed him at all. The target of public criticism in the past two years has always been Dong Huang. Liu Yu, who showed no performance, seemed to be forgotten by everyone.

However, Liu He was ruthless when he took action! A hundred thousand troops were like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, plowing Yuyang County inside and out. They did not attack the city, but only attacked one person and kept you from leaving the city.

At this time, Gongsun Zan's food route was completely cut off.

What's even more irritating is that Liu He's troops are completely barbarians, driving cattle and sheep on the expedition, grabbing wherever they can for the sake of causing harm to the countryside, and not worrying about food routes at all.

"My lord, make a decision now!"

Guan Jing, the chief official, advised.

"What do you think?"

Gongsun Zan was still angry.

Gongsun Zan was a Han nationalist. He was very dissatisfied with Liu He's behavior of disregarding human ethics and reusing foreigners, and he wanted to eat his flesh raw.

"Liu He has an army of 100,000 barbarians, but we have almost no news, so these barbarians must be people from the Xianbei tribe in the west. Because they are far away from us and isolated by the grasslands, we have no knowledge at all!"

"In this case, we might as well contact Xianbei and Wuhuan in the east and tell them the news that Xianbei in west Xianbei has lost its troops and its generals are empty inside. The barbarians are looking for profit, so they will definitely attack west Xianbei. In this way, Liu He's army will inevitably collapse without a fight! And the princess is too weak to retreat. Go to Jixian, make peace with Liu Yu, and wait for the changes in the north!"

Guan Jing put forward a fairly pertinent suggestion.

"Yes! But we must first control Liu Yu! Send an order to capture Juyong City at all costs. Anyone who captures Liu Yu alive will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins and a three-level promotion!"

Gongsun Zan said decisively.

Therefore, Gongsun Zan's army desperately attacked the city, and when the main force of Liu He's army was still sixty miles away from the main force of Gongsun Zan's army, they broke through Juyong City.

If the historical process is followed, Liu Yu should have been captured alive by Gongsun Zan, but perhaps because he did not want to drag his son down, Liu Yu in this time and space actually took the courage and chose to burn himself.

Liu Yu's death announced that Gongsun Zan had achieved a staged victory in the years of disputes with Liu Yu, but it also completely released the shackles on Liu He.

If Gongsun Zan could capture Liu Yu alive and play Xiang Yu's tricks, Liu He would not dare to imitate Liu Bang, but now, Liu He is fearless.

[As expected of a good father who loves and protects his children, as I expected, he won’t cause me any trouble! 】

Liu He smiled in his heart and ordered the entire army to fight Gongsun Zan in a decisive battle.

Liu He's troops, who were all plain and simple, shared the same enemy. After setting up their positions, they refused to fight Gongsun Zan and instead used kite-flying tactics around Gongsun Zan's camp. Gongsun Zan, who had never seen such rogue tactics before, suffered a small loss.

"Cavalry shooting! Huh, let me show you what a real cavalry is!"

Gongsun Zan was also angry.

Knowing that if this situation continued, the army would inevitably collapse due to lack of food. He showed weakness to the enemy for three consecutive days and lost his troops. On the night of the third day, he gathered his cavalry for a surprise attack. The cavalry from both sides fought in the dark.

But as he fought, Liu He felt something was wrong, because Gongsun Zan had an invulnerable heavy cavalry under his command!

In this battle, Gongsun Zan, who had been beating foreigners called daddy for many years, won a great victory. Liu He lost at least 5,000 horses and was defeated for fifty miles.

Heavy cavalry, this is Gongsun Zan’s trump card!

As long as we can figure out the bilateral stirrups, the emergence of heavy cavalry is a certainty, and Gongsun Jian's greatest contribution to Gongsun Zan is the bilateral stirrups.

At dawn, Gongsun Zan once again sent out all his cavalry, using the cavalry to clear the way and the infantry to march in formation, forcing Liu He's troops to fight decisively.

But the newly defeated Liu He refused to fight, and just rode and shot all the way, wearing down Gongsun Zan's cavalry.

For two consecutive days, the war between each other turned into a war of attrition on horseback and archery.

Although Gongsun Zan's cavalry had few cavalry, they borrowed infantry shields for cover, and the casualty rate was far lower than Liu He's cavalry, which had a numerical advantage.

After three days of this, when Gongsun Zan's troops felt that the opponent was nothing more than this, a turning point appeared. Liu He suddenly released his cavalry to defeat Xue Jun.

The sudden heavy cavalry clearing the way surprised Gongsun Zan's army.

"Damn it!"

Gongsun Zan was furious.

It is very cumbersome for heavy cavalry to wear armor, and it is impossible to wear armor all the time, so at this time Gongsun Zan's heavy cavalry is always in a state of preparation for war.

But how could Gongsun Zan's light cavalry be the opponent of Que Xue's army, which Liu He selected from hundreds of thousands of people and had only 2,000 men?

Even though Gongsun Zan personally supervised the battle and let the light cavalry use their lives to buy time for the heavy cavalry to gain armor, the cavalry was still pierced by Liu He, but Xue's army directly entered Gongsun Zan's middle army, and Gongsun Zan's younger brother Gongsun Yue died in the battle.

For Gongsun Zan, the only good news is that his heavy cavalry has also finished wearing armor. The bad news is that Liu and Xiao Shiwan's cavalry rushed into the formation, and then Xue's army dug into Gongsun Zan's center, creating a central flower.

Gongsun Zan's infantry, which had long been demoralized by Liu He's cavalry, was defeated after a short period of resistance.

Gongsun Zan had no choice but to break through to Jixian under the protection of the heavy white horse cavalry and the remaining cavalry.

However, Liu He had been planning for so long, and this time he even risked huge losses to charge into the battle with cavalry. Naturally, he was ready to annihilate Gongsun Zan's troops.

Under the pursuit of Liu He's troops, Gongsun Zan's heavy cavalry was exhausted and was gradually surrounded on a small hill.

Gongsun Zan, who knew that Liu He's troops would not give him a chance to fight, was also decisive. He ordered the entire army to abandon their armor, destroy and burn it on the spot, and then after the last meal, he took advantage of the night to launch a surprise attack on Liu He's troops.

Liu He and his subordinates did not expect that Gongsun Zan would be so decisive. He originally wanted to fly the kite leisurely, but was approached by Gongsun Zan's personal troops who were determined to die. They were instantly defeated. Gongsun Zan actually gained a local advantage and fought. Not a bad result.

But this was also Gongsun Zan's last glory.

At this time, he is like an overlord at the end of the road. No matter how well he fights in local battles, he cannot change the fate of destruction.

In the end, Gongsun Zan was shot into a sieve, and the battle ended with Liu He's victory.

[I only wish I didn’t have a strong general to kill the general and capture the flag! 】

The loss of more than 15,000 men and more than 20,000 horses made Liu He heartbroken.

If he had a strong Zhang Fei, he would have killed Gongsun Zan long ago. Why is it like this!

However, although the losses in this battle were huge, Youzhou was no longer invincible. The next Liu Biao in Jizhou did not have a cavalry as powerful as Gongsun Zan. Dong Min's Xiliang cavalry was worthy of note, but Dong Min was not worth mentioning.

【Youzhou, Bingzhou! I am coming! 】

【Heaven, here I come! 】

[Only the one who laughs last is the real winner. I will decide the land north of the Yellow River! 】

Liu He is in high spirits!

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