Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 133 Lord Wei, it was I who betrayed you again (Additional update from Junding)

Although this is an infinite world, it is not a game world, and no modulation mode can be enabled.

Dong Huang is developing, and other War Agents are not NPCs standing motionless under the tree. Even the natives of this world have their own ideas, even more than War Agents!

So far, more than one agent of war has fallen into the hands of the natives and turned into a little bit of insignificant nourishment in the infinite war space.

Just like Yuan Shao, although the war agent died and lost his foundation in Jizhou, he went against the wind and rose again in Xuzhou without the participation of the war agent at all.

On the other hand, Tao Qian's war agent, Tao Shang, although he became Tao Qian's son, he was tested by Tao Qian in the beginning. Because he failed in his homework, he was imprisoned in a small black room. Don't tell him about his plans to chase girls and dominate them. The world was over, and he couldn't even leave his house, until he encountered Zhang Kai's rebellion.

As a result, the pottery merchant moved from the small dark room in Zhou Mufu to a small dark room in a side courtyard, and his treatment was even worse.

The pottery merchant has always believed that all this is Yuan Shao's conspiracy, but what's the use of knowing it?

Yuan Shao didn't kill them just to appease people. Once this sensitive period passed, there would be someone who was good at figuring out what was going on and sent the three of them to meet their ancestors without even a hint from Yuan Shao.

[We must find a way to save ourselves, otherwise even if Yuan Shao doesn't kill me, I will die when the mission period is over! 】

The potter gritted his teeth and thought hard.

[Now that the Danyang soldiers have betrayed under the leadership of Cao Bao, the Chen family has always been a loser. The damn Mi brothers did not give their sister to me, but instead gave it to that good-for-nothing Yuan Shao. Damn it! 】

[Old thief Tao Qian who doesn’t use my tactics is even more hateful. If he had been willing to use my tactics, I would have taken Erqiao to the southeast a long time ago. How could he be trapped here! 】

The potter was going crazy.

But now he could only be helpless and furious, because he found that he didn't even have a confidant, let alone a soldier.

[I can only ask if the old guy has any backup plans. What a bad luck! 】

The potter was speechless and went to find old man Tao Qian who was lying on the hospital bed.

There were only three people serving Tao Qian's bedside. One was Tao Shang's nominal mother, Mrs. Gan. She was the daughter of the former Cangwu Prefect, Gan Gong. She was also from a well-known family, but of course she was useless.

The second person to serve was the potter's cousin Gan's daughter Gan Yu'er. She was the daughter of the potter's nominal uncle. The potter's uncle died early, and his daughter was raised by Tao Qian and his wife as his own.

This is a beauty with jade-like skin. To be honest, Potter has never seen a woman with such good skin in his life! He also proposed to Tao Qian to marry Gan Yuer, but was scolded by Tao Qian.

The third one is Tao Ying, Tao Shang's good brother, but looking at the way he is always attentive to Gan Yu'er, you know that his heart is not with Tao Qian.

"Father, I want to leave Xuzhou. Does Dad have any good ideas?"

The potter asked straight to the point as soon as he came up.

"Leave? Where do you want to go?"

Tao Qian glared at Tao Shang dissatisfied: Waste is waste. You want to leave at this time because you think our family will die not fast enough? The best solution for our family now is that before I die, I ask Yuan Shao to take care of your brothers for the sake of Xuzhou and treat you like worms!

Tao Qian was speechless. He really couldn't understand why you, an ordinary person with average ability, were so confident?

Tao Qian's words made the potter angry. If I knew where to go, why would I ask you?

Tao Shang couldn't help but want to say something to Tao Qian, but before he could say anything, he heard a sinister voice coming from outside the house.

"Yes, Mr. Tao, where do you want to go?"

A young man wearing a luxurious Shu brocade came in. His face, which was a little red after drinking, was full of cat-catching-mouse banter.

"Mi Fang? How did you get in!"

The pottery merchant was furious, and in his anger there was also a hint of anger at the revelation of the conspiracy.

"Your Tao family's guards have been bribed by me a long time ago. I don't even know how many times you wake up at night, let alone come in!"

Mi Fang looked at Tao Qian who was sitting on the bed with a shameless smile, and bowed sincerely: "Mr. Tao, I heard that your niece is stunningly beautiful, tsk tsk, she must be this one, she is really beautiful, I I want to take it home as a concubine, but I don’t know how much dowry Mr. Tao will give me!”

"You! Be bold!"

Tao Qian was furious.

If a good person doesn't come, he who comes will be unkind. He knows that if Mi Fang comes today, it will definitely be unkind.

Tao Qian struggled to stand up and said angrily: "Your brother doesn't even dare to talk to me like that!"

"Yes, you, a humble businessman's son, what qualifications do you have to marry Mei Mei?"

Tao Ying was also angry.

"Am I the son of a humble businessman?"

Tao Ying's words completely touched Mi Fang's nerves!

His low status is always his biggest pain. Why did the Mi family in history invest in the down-and-out Liu Bei at all costs? Isn't it because Liu Bei was down-and-out enough that he would not look down on them and give them high positions?

"I am humble! Okay, okay! You are the only one who is noble! I want to see how noble you are!"

He had been drinking a little and wanted to gain spiritual satisfaction by humiliating the Tao family who had offended him in the past. Now, naturally, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Mi Fang took a step forward and punched Tao Ying, who was indifferent to all four limbs and five grains, and then punched him in the face.

Now, Tao Qian quits.

No matter how you say it, I am a powerful family member of the Tao family. I am still your former parent. When I was in power, you were more obedient to me than a dog. Why do you humiliate me like this when I am no longer in power?

I can't bear it!

"I'll kill you, you uneducated bitch, and then ask Yuan Benchu ​​if this is what he meant!"

Tao Qian directly pulled out the sword on the bedside.

"Old guy, you dare to kill me!"

Mi Fang also became angry. Taking advantage of her youth and strength, she actually stepped forward, grabbed Tao Qian's sword, and stabbed Tao Qian to the core.


A woman screamed.

At the same time, the pottery merchant who secretly ran to the door at some point shouted and ran: "Mi Fang killed Tao Qian and Tao Zhou Mu!"

"Mi Fang killed Tao Qian and Taozhou Mu!"

"Mi Fang killed Tao Zhoumu because she molested Tao Zhoumu's wife and adopted daughter. Tao Zhoumu stopped her!"

"It's pitiful that Taozhou Mu has been guarding Xuzhou all these years, but he died at the hands of a villain!"

"Poor Taozhou Mu's adopted daughter has been engaged to the Han Emperor's uncle Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, but she is so humiliated!"

"Mi Fang, don't kill me!"

"Mi Fang, who ordered you!"

Mi Fang:......

"Catch him, don't let him shout again!"

Mi Fang quickly ordered her servants to catch the person, and then touched Tao Qian's nose.

It's over, completely dead!

Mi Fang suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, fell to the ground, and completely woke up from the wine.

He knew that he had caused a huge disaster.

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