Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 139 Where is my daughter-in-law? (Please subscribe)

Yuan Shao stood in Shouchun's palace in high spirits.

This is the palace, or royal palace, that Yuan Shu carefully prepared for himself.

Yuan Shu's ambition was very great. Once upon a time, he thought that he was already at the top of the world. In terms of origin, he was the legitimate son of the Yuan family of the fourth generation and the third prince. In terms of territory, he owned Yangzhou, Yuzhou, parts of Jingzhou and Xuzhou, covering an area of It is not an exaggeration to say that half of the Han Dynasty is in his hands.

Therefore, not only did he usurp the title of King of Chu, but he would have even directly ascended the throne if Dong Zhuo and Dong Huang were not pressing down on him.

However, everything he had prepared now, including the crown robes for enthroning, the altar for worshiping heaven, the palace for pleasure, and thousands of beauties, all became Yuan Shao's.

Yuan Shao looked at the dragon chair that Yuan Shu had imitated, which was more magnificent than the one in Luoyang Palace, and he really wanted to sit on it.

But he held back.

The biggest difference between Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu is that as a concubine, he knows when to be patient.

"Stop it!"

Yuan Shao walked out of the hall with great restraint.

Now that Shouchun is over, Cao Mengde has the good sense to hand over Yuan Shu's body and retreat. This means that Yuan Shao can also pass the message to Runan, the home of the Yuan family. By then, Yuan Shao will be equivalent to owning Xuzhou, Yuzhou and part of Yangzhou's strength has greatly increased.

Once he completely digests Yuan Shu's remaining strength, he will become the second largest prince in the world.

Thanks to Yuan Shu being too useless, Yuan Shu did not lose much of his troops until Yuan Shao occupied Shouchun, which in turn brought Yuan Shao at least 150,000 troops. At this point, Yuan Shao's total troops could basically reach 20. fifty thousand. As long as he is given a certain amount of time, he can even expand to 400,000.

This is also an important basis for him to resist Dong Huang.

"My lord, now that Shouchun has come to an end, we should immediately send troops to take over Hefei. At the same time, we should contact Lu Kang, the governor of Lujiang, and persuade him to obey my lord's command. At that time, along the Yangtze River, there will be Chen Deng and Chen Yuanlong guarding Guangling in the east, Hefei in the middle guarding Chaohu, and Lujiang in the west. The wings will surely stop Dong Huang’s army.”

Xu You pointed to Jiangshan and said: "Moreover, Jiangdong is vast and sparsely populated, and food and grass cannot supply the army for a long time. As long as the lord can stop Dong Huang's army from going north this year, Dong Huang's army will no longer have enough food and grass to go north from Jiangdong within three years." .”

"What Ziyuan said is true!"

Yuan Shao nodded, revealing his mouth full of big gold teeth, reflecting the light of grace and wealth in the sunlight.

"Who is willing to send envoy to Lujiang?"

Yuan Shao asked.

"My lord, I am willing to go!"

Mi Zhu, who had never made any decent achievements, stepped forward.

Mi Zhu cherished this opportunity to climb a high branch, especially when Yuan Shu died and Yuan Shao became the only direct descendant of the Yuan family, Mi Zhu felt that he had made a big deal with high returns.

[In the past, it was nothing more than Lu Buwei’s rare things being able to live in, right? 】

Mi Zhu is in a good mood, very good!

"Okay, Zizhong, then this important task will be left to you!"

Yuan Shao nodded.

Yuan Shao still liked Mi Zhu very much, not only because Mi Zhu spent all his family wealth to help him, but also because Mi Zhu was graceful, generous, honest and elegant, good at riding and shooting, and very graceful. If he could be born into a noble family, he would definitely be a famous person.

It's a pity that his background delayed him.

After receiving Yuan Shao's permission, Mi Zhu immediately took the order and left.

However, Mi Zhu hadn't left for long before he came back with a disgraced envoy with a gloomy look on his face.


Yuan Shao gave Mi Zhu a strange look.

"My lord, as soon as I went out, I met the envoy sent by Lu Kang to ask for help. The envoy said that because Lu Kang was angry that Dong Huang had accepted his daughter-in-law, he sent a message to attack Dong Huang, but Dong Huang preempted it. Now Dong Huang is Huang's tens of thousands of troops surrounded Shu County and were in danger."

Mi Zhu briefly introduced what he learned.

This statement immediately stunned Yuan Shao and others present.

To attack Dong Huang with the strength of a county? Is Lu Kang so brave?

"No, Lord, Hefei and Guangling may suffer!"

Counselor Guo Tu suddenly slapped his thigh.

"What Gongze said is true! The success or failure of Shu County does not affect the overall situation. Once Hefei falls, the main force of Dong's thieves can go straight to Shouchun! My Lord, make a quick decision!"

Xu You also suddenly became anxious.

"Ziyou, Gongze, what can you teach me?"

Yuan Shao also panicked.

"Be prepared with both hands. Hefei must be saved. The lord can send a general as a vanguard to rescue Hefei quickly. At the same time, the lord should be prepared for the fall of Hefei. Once Hefei falls, the rebel army will move north along the Fei River to attack Shouchun. The Lord set up camp along Feishui early that morning, and built a large camp on Bagong Mountain to form an angle with Shouchun and keep the enemy away from Shouchun!"

"Now, the rainy season has arrived. Although it is good for Jiangdong's ship march, the flood may not be an opportunity for us!"

Xu You said quietly.

There are many examples of the weak defeating the strong in the military. Dong Huang is not invincible by making good use of the power of heaven and earth.

"My lord can also ask the eldest son to lead troops to Runan and take over Yuzhou. Runan is in an important position. It can defeat Jingzhou in the west and support Shouchun in the east. It must be obtained as soon as possible!"

Guo Tu added.

To be fair, there is no problem with his suggestion strategically. Runan is the foundation of the Yuan family. Yuan Tan, the eldest son of Yuan Shao, can easily get the full support of Runan, but his suggestion made Xu You frown. .

Xu You was very dissatisfied with Guo Tu's suggestion, for no other reason than the dispute over establishing the throne.

Xu You couldn't help but wanted to refute, but before he could speak, a senior official rushed to report: Mi Zhu's younger brother Mi Fang killed Tao Qian, the late Xuzhou governor, after molesting General Liu Xuande's fiancée and the niece of the late Xuzhou governor Tao Qian. Qian took his sister to the sea and fled.

Yuan Shao:......

Xu You:......

Guo Tu:……

The three of them looked at Mi Zhu in unison, and Mi Zhu became so angry that she fainted.

The first thing Mi Zhu Youyou did when she woke up was to swear an oath: "My lord, I am willing to cut off the traitor's head with my own hands to pay homage to Mr. Tao's spirit in heaven!"

After saying that, Mi Zhu crazily kowtowed to Yuan Shao and confessed.

He knew that Yuan Shao's words at this time could determine the life or death of the entire Mi family.

"If the Mi family does not cultivate their moral character, then they should not be included in the Yuan family's family wall, and they should not marry into the Yuan family."

Yuan Shao said leisurely.

"The Mi family has little virtue and dare not have wishful thinking. All we want is..."

Mi Zhu's heart was bleeding, but she had to continue crying and praying for Yuan Shao's forgiveness.

He knew that all his years of hard work had been in vain because of Mi Fang's bastard behavior. In the future, the Mi family may not have the opportunity to achieve a class jump for several generations, but what can he do? People have to bow their heads under the eaves!

"Mi Fang is Mi Fang, and you are you! Are you willing to continue to be responsible for the military resources of the army?"

Yuan Shao made his own conditions: If you want me to spare your lineage, I will take out all the money of your Mi family!

"Zhu Bi is so heartbroken that he will live up to his lord's trust!"

Mi Zhu knew what Yuan Shao was up to, but what could he do now?

[Mi Fang, Mi Fang, fortunately you killed a mascot. If you had killed Yuan Benchu’s people, I’m afraid our whole family would have to be buried with him! 】

Mi Zhu sighed leisurely.

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