Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 149 Reversal (5th update, please vote for me)

Mi Fang's arrival was definitely a surprise to Dong Huang.

Although Mi Fang was famous for his betrayal in history, Mi Fang spent all her family assets to follow Liu Bei and retreated from Xuzhou to Jingzhou without surrendering. She betrayed Liu Bei only after Liu Bei had done a great job and owned the two states of Yizhou and Jingzhou. , which explains the problem very well.

Mi Fang made mistakes, but it was definitely not all his fault, and he might not even be the main responsibility.

For these historical figures, Dong Huang does not simply look at them with fixed impressions, and since he became a war agent, Dong Huang has improved not only in technology, but also in the city. Although he cannot be happy or angry, It's not obvious, but it can still be done with pretense.

Dong Huang received Mi Fang warmly and politely and accepted the gifts he sent - Mi Lujun, Gan Yu'er, Yuan Shao's sons, five thousand slaves, thousands of treasures and three hundred ships.

Dong Huang not only appointed Mi Fang as Zhen Yan's deputy on the spot, but also formally accepted Mi Luyun and Gan Yu'er as his concubines, and agreed to petition the court to grant Mi Fang a marquis title and exchange Yuan Shu's son for Mi Fang's brother Mi Zhu, and gave him to him in Jiangnan. One county was treated as private territory, and the five thousand slaves brought by Mi Fang were also returned to Mi Fang.

Granting territory is Dong Huang's recently invented means of winning over people's hearts. He will not stay in this world anyway, so he is extremely generous and divides independent kingdoms for his civil servants. It is not the food fiefdom that the Han Dynasty only receives salary, but large tracts. Large tracts of land were given directly to them, and they could do whatever they wanted.

Anyway, Dong Huang only needs their full cooperation in the next year. Of course, if he can win the hearts of a few more civil servants and generals because of this small favor, it will be even more profitable.

Dong Huang's generosity not only reassured Mi Fang, but also made Mi Fang burst into tears of gratitude.

In this era, there is no tolerance for traitors, and Mi Fang's behavior of killing his old master and putting his brother in danger is even more despicable, not to mention that he is still a humble businessman!

He originally thought that he came to Dong Huang, but was hidden by Dong Huang, and could only save his life and become a rich man. However, he did not expect that Dong Huang not only did not discriminate against him, but also reused him. This made him suddenly feel that he had met his soulmate. , met the Ming Lord.

Then, Mi Fang became more loyal.

Different historical figures have different methods of subjugation. Obviously, for Mi Fang, a businessman with low self-esteem and sensitivity, Dong Huang's attention was enough to make him feel deeply.

Mi Fang's character attributes are better than those of Dong Huang's brother-in-law Zhen Yan. They also have wealth-related skills, but Mi Fang has second-rate land and water combat abilities. In this world, being a prefect is more than enough.

Of course, if you want to compare with Dong Huang's famous general brothers, you have to punch a child.

With Mi Fang joining, the biggest benefit is the Mi family's fleet and the sailors who are familiar with the sea conditions. This directly doubles Dong Huang's naval power and gives Dong Huang greater guarantee for his plan to attack the Japanese slave country.

According to Dong Huang's plan, after the battle of Huainan was completed, Yuan Shao was defeated, and Xuzhou and Qingzhou were pacified, it would be almost winter. At that time, Zhu Heng would be able to lead the fleet to take the monsoon to the Japanese slave country. As for the battle after going there, No matter what, Dong Huang is beyond his reach.

In fact, the attack on the Japanese slave country can only be regarded as Dong Huang's willful plan against all opinions. A large number of his subordinates, including Fa Zheng, actually disagreed. However, with Dong Huang's prestige and control over the army, his This little willfulness did not encounter any resistance. Even Zhang Zhao, who was known for his direct advice in history, did not dare to say anything.

Compared with the long-term goal of conquering the Wonu Kingdom, the short-term goal of this navy with doubled strength is to enter the Huaihe River.

In Fazheng's plan, this fleet is actually the real killer weapon against Shouchun's enemy forces. Once this fleet takes advantage of the recent large amount of water in the Huaihe River to enter the Huaihei River from the sea and blockade the Huaihe River, Shouchun will fall into Dong Huang's army. Surrounded on all sides, not only did they lose the food and grass support from Xuzhou, they also lost their retreat and fell into a real death zone.

But not everyone can imitate the overlord of Chu and sink his boat, and not everyone can risk his life like the Bingxian and survive. At least Yuan Shao can't, nor can his crooked army.

As long as this strategy can be achieved and Yuan Shao's main force is eliminated, Xuzhou can be easily pacified.

This is why Fazheng knew that Le Jin's troops were likely to be attacked by water and were even in danger of being destroyed, but he still wanted to let them march - Fazheng needed them to hold back the main force of Yuan Shao's army and let them see it completely annihilated. The hope of the main force of Dong Huang's army was to ensure that they would not easily cut off their tails to survive.

People can hurt tigers, and tigers can hurt people.

When humans and tigers fight, it is not so easy to tell who will be the final winner.

To be fair, Xu You and Guo Tu are both wise men, and their thinking is often more prudent and comprehensive than the immature Fa Zheng thinking. Unfortunately, they have too few cards to play.

Fazheng was so extravagant that he could use 100,000 elite soldiers as bait, and he was confident that even if he lost 100,000 elite soldiers, he could completely annihilate the main force of Yuan Shao's army. As for Yuan Shao, his initial plan was not to win in a head-on battle, but to defeat Liu Bei. Dong Huang's army and the main force of Dong Huang's army drowned together.

However, what neither Fazheng nor Xu You expected was that Liu Bei and Guan Yu would not play according to the routine.

Guan Yu, who had a deep grudge against Dong Huangjun and was unwilling to be outdone by the still young Sun Bofu, used a water attack strategy in advance.

Guan Yu's water attack was not ineffective. Although he failed to capture Chengde City, it was impossible for all of Le Jin's nearly 100,000 troops to camp at a high enough place, so thousands of people were lost. In addition, Affected by the continuous rain, it was difficult to light a fire to eat hot food and cooked water. Many people in the army also fell ill, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

However, Guan Yu, who also had difficulty fighting in muddy water, failed to achieve greater results.

The greatest significance of Guan Yu's battle was that the road from Shouchun to Chengde was completely destroyed. Even if the flood receded, he would not be able to continue his march for a while, and he had to be careful of the plague.

Such a result was very frustrating for Fazheng. He would rather Le Jin was flooded in Shouchun than Le Jin in Chengde, because it made him lose control of the situation in Shouchun.

Yuan Shao and Xu You were also dissatisfied, because they originally planned to wait until Yue Jin's headquarters, preferably when Fazheng and even Dong Huang's main force came to Shouchun, before flooding them all with water. , As a result, Guan Yu did such a thing, not only did not achieve enough results, but it made the enemy wary of water attacks. What if the enemy feels that this season is not suitable for advancing, and has to wait until the end of the rainy season before advancing?

Without the help of Dashui, how can we resist Dong Huang's million-strong army?

Do you rely on Guan Yu?

Yuan Shao and Xu You were helpless.

And their helplessness soon turned into horror.

A grain transport official came to report that a large number of Dong Huang's ships had appeared on the Huaihe River. They had captured Xiacai, an important town in northern Huaibei, by surprise, blocked the Huaihe River, and cut off the transportation between Xuzhou and Shouchun.

Another scout came to report that Zhao Yun's troops had captured Dangtu and were advancing towards Shouchun with Dong Huang's Huaihe navy.

"how come!"

After hearing the bad news, Yuan Shao vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted again.


Thank you brothers for your support, thank you very much! I have a day off tomorrow, only three updates, and will continue the day after tomorrow!

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