Who are the three ladies Liu, Feng and Bian?

Mrs. Liu is Yuan Shao's wife, Mrs. Feng is Yuan Shu's wife, and Mrs. Bian is Cao Cao's concubine, Cao Pi's mother, and the historical Queen Wuxuan.

Let the three of them dance in front of the formation, where would Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao put their faces?

More importantly, did Dong Huang really just ask them to dance?

just in case……

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao all expressed disbelief! Don’t even dare to think about it! But I just couldn’t help but think about it!

These days, the notoriety of Dong Zhuo and Dong Huang's uncle and nephew has spread all over the country! They would not believe that Dong Huang could control themselves!

In this era, there was no cuckold term, but Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao all felt a little heavy on their heads!

They know that if they don't do something, they will definitely become the laughing stock of the world, and even become a clown recorded in history books!

"I'm going to destroy the entire Dong family!!!"

Yuan Shao said bitterly.

"The Dong thief must be cut into thousands of pieces, and all the women of the Dong family must be used as military prostitutes!"

Yuan Shu was also resentful!

"The Yuan family is still in Luoyang!"

Cao Cao thought further and sighed leisurely.

The Dong family's persecution was so severe that they didn't even have time to take away all the children! Yuan Shao only brought his eldest son Yuan Tan and his second son Yuan Xi with him. He left his youngest son who was still drinking milk and several wives and concubines at home! Yuan Shu only had time to take away his son Yuan Yao, while his wife, concubines and two daughters were still at home!

Cao Cao was more fortunate than the two Yuans in that his wife, Mrs. Ding, his eldest son Cao Ang, Cao Ang's biological mother, Mrs. Liu, and his father's clan were not in Luoyang. Mrs. Bian was just his concubine.

Concubines are sometimes used to entertain guests. Even dancing before the battle is not a big deal, but if she is the wife, it is really a slap in the face!

The more critical point is that if Dong Huang dares to insult even the wives of two Yuans, will the uncles and nephews of the Dong family touch the entire Yuan family next?

"He dares!"

Cao Cao's words made Er Yuan turn pale instantly!

Although they didn't think anyone would dare to touch the Yuan family, the fourth generation and the third Duke, the problem was that the Dong family were not politicians playing tricks, but a bunch of vulgar and brutal warriors from Liangzhou who didn't follow the rules and didn't care about the consequences!

However, after being frightened, Yuan Shao suddenly raised his eyebrows, and Yuan Shu even looked happy!

A bold idea couldn't help but emerge in their minds: if the Yuan family died, and most importantly, if the eldest son of the Yuan family, Yuan Ji, died, wouldn't they become the legitimate heirs of the Yuan family? , become the inheritor of Meng's Yi, and take over the Yuan family's huge political resources?

No wonder the two of them have the same idea. In fact, if Yuan Ji lives, he will become the next head of the Yuan family without doing anything. In the end, he will firmly occupy the position of the three princes. No matter how good Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu are, they are just his foils. !

But if Yuan Ji dies, then Yuan Shao, who becomes the legitimate son through adoption, will legally become the heir of the Yuan family due to his elder advantage; and as far as Yuan Shu is concerned, Yuan Shao is his mother-in-law after all. If Yuan Ji dies, Well, in terms of blood relationship, he is the orthodox heir of the Yuan family!

At this moment, the two outstanding children of the Yuan family couldn't help but have other thoughts that were not common to outsiders!

But if they want to support their dream to become a reality, they have to make Dong Zhuo even more furious. And the best way to make Dong Zhuo furious is undoubtedly to achieve greater victory on the battlefield!


Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were even more desperate to cry.

Yuan Shu lost troops and generals one after another. From Sun Jian to Yu She, his main focus was participation.

Yuan Shao was not much better, his general Yan Liang Wen Chou was just gone, and he suffered a huge defeat. But what is better than Yuan Shu is that Yuan Shao's bravery at the last moment gained him a lot of points, making the princes realize his reliability and the soldiers recognizing his courage.

But in any case, regardless of the bravery of the generals, the elite soldiers, or the morale of the entire army, the coalition of princes is at a disadvantage. In addition, the princes have their own thoughts and want to use force to force Dong Zhuo to surrender or destroy the Yuan family. Not an easy task!

"In short, we can't go on like this. We have to find a way to win, otherwise the princes' army may not even have the courage to face the Dong thief directly!"

Yuan Shao said angrily.

Suanzao's 400,000 troops formed hundreds of camps. Dong Huang's wave of cover-up attacks just now broke through ten camps, killing 40,000 to 50,000 people.

One-tenth of the casualties, the impact on morale can be imagined!

What's more, this is not the first defeat of the Allies!

In fact, from the time when Bao Zhong died in battle, to Sun Jian's disastrous defeat, to his failure in single combat, and then to being defeated by ten battalions in a row, the Allies had never won!

"My lord, I see that Dong Huang's troops are so arrogant with their successive victories that they can evacuate in a majestic manner even though they suppressed the prisoners and a large amount of supplies. Not only did they abandon the most important mobility of the cavalry, but they also seemed to have no vigilance! A arrogant soldier must be righteous. Defeat, I think Dong Huang’s troops are arrogant soldiers!”

Before becoming a trainee war agent, Zhang Da, who had read many historical time-travel novels, offered advice: "It's getting late now. Dong's men have been fighting fiercely for a day and have brought many prisoners with them. They will not be able to move fast or move." Far away, I estimate that the place where Dong’s camp is probably within fifty miles, and Dong’s arrogance will definitely not camp well, nor will he think that we would dare to fight back after our successive defeats. Therefore, if we choose an elite soldier to attack tonight, we will definitely win. !”

"Zhang Zhonglang's words make sense!"

Cao Cao glanced at Zhang Da, who was a military general, and agreed: "The Art of War says: Take the enemy by surprise and attack them unprepared! If our army pursues and attacks overnight, we will definitely win!"

"Although Cao Cao is not talented, I am willing to take the lead in defeating Dong!"

Cao Cao asked for orders.


Yuan Shao hesitated.

To be honest, he couldn't make up his mind at the moment. He felt that what Zhang Da and Cao Cao said made sense, but he was afraid of failing again.

"My lord, I see that Thief Dong only has 20,000 soldiers and horses. Even if he wins for a while today, it is impossible not to suffer losses, and it is impossible not to be tired! Not to mention how much strength can the cavalry show in night battles? We have an army of 400,000 people, and we selected 30,000 men who dared to die for a night raid. How could we possibly fail!"

Yuan Shao's confidant Xu You also advised.

"Okay! With Meng De as the main general, the entire army will select 30,000 men who are willing to die and fight back against the Dong thieves overnight! Bogui has many cavalrymen, who can be Meng De's deputy general!"

Yuan Shao arranged.

"The last general takes command!"

Cao Cao looked happy.

"Among the princes, I am the only one who leads the cavalry in battle all year round. I am not talented and cannot cooperate with the infantry. In this battle, it is better to act separately!"

Gongsun Zan's face was not very pretty. He sneered and left angrily!

You must know that among the various princes who challenged Dong, although he did not have the largest number of soldiers and horses, they were definitely the most elite. The quality of the cavalry was deservedly the first, and the number accounted for more than half of the Suanzao Camp. Therefore, with What made him become a lieutenant after a eunuch?

Is it because he, Cao Mengde, is as cowardly as you, Yuan Benchu, and can't even keep his wife?

In addition, Yuan Shao humiliated Guan Yu today, new and old hatreds add up, it is strange that Gongsun Zan can give Yuan Shao a good look!

Who among the princes does not know that Liu Bei is his younger brother, and Guan Yu is his younger brother's younger brother. Doesn't looking down on Guan Yu mean looking down on him, Gongsun Zan?

In the end, Guan Yu didn't win, but weren't both of Yuan Shao's generals killed by the formation? He also caused the defeat of the princes’ armies! With your level, why should you order me, a general who is invincible in northern Xinjiang!

At this moment, Gongsun Zan's dissatisfaction with Yuan Shao reached its peak!


Gongsun Zan's lack of respect made Yuan Shao so angry that he almost overturned the table!

However, after all, he is not even the leader of the alliance. If the princes who lead the troops and invest in the alliance do not give him face, there is nothing he can do!

"Benchu, the overall situation is important!"

Cao Cao, who looked equally unhappy, had no choice but to persuade, but in his heart he felt despair about the future of the coalition of princes.

The leader of the coalition did not dare to cross the river. The various princes had their own agendas and were not subordinate to each other. The soldiers' morale was low and their equipment was poor. This gave him no hope of victory at all.

Thanks to book friend Dianlang for the 100-point reward!

Book friend Huangquan Qingju’s monthly pass!

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