Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 161 Cai Yong: My daughter was kidnapped again? (Ask for monthly ticket)

Dong Yue's surrender gave Dong Huang a reliable fulcrum in Hebei, and he could calmly dispatch his troops to attack Jizhou and Youzhou from Bingzhou.

Of course, as for how to fight, Dong Huang said, just leave such small things to Jia Xu. I have been fighting for more than half a year, can't I just enjoy it?

Then play music and then dance!

I have never lived in the Chang'an Palace, nor have I enjoyed the singing and dancing performances of Yangchun Baixue in the Chang'an Palace.

As for Dong Huang's usual suspension of power and delegating power, Jia Xu said that in the war in Bingzhou direction, Gao Shun will be the main general, Xi Zhicai will be the military advisor, Zhang He, Xu Huang, Tai Shi Ci, Hua Xiong, Pang De, Zhu Ling, Guo Huai, Hao Zhao, Wang Chang and others are already deputy generals, so there is no need for him to come forward in person.

However, Dong Huang, the hands-off shopkeeper, did not consider the balance of power among his subordinates, but Jia Xu intended to bring Fazheng, Xi Zhicai, and Cheng Yu into a state of balance.

At the same time, the military achievements of the generals in each department must be similar.

As for Jia Xu himself, although he has the power to control all the generals and even lead half of Dong Huang's army, except for the bodyguard Hu Che'er and Qin Yilu, the useless person with no lower limit, he has no relationship with any general in the army. There are close contacts and there is no real direct army.

This is also an important reason why he has not been slandered in any way.

He perfectly made himself the executor of Dong Huang's orders, not the agent.

Without Dong Huang's authorization, he had no military power at all, and he would not fight for military power.

In this regard, he is somewhat similar to Li Ru.

When Li Ru was under Dong Zhuo, he did not have a direct army.

Jia Xu was very happy with Li Ru's arrival because he had a new tool man.

Jia Xu accidentally revealed something to Li Ru during a work chat: "Tang Ji, the concubine of Hanzhong King Liu Bian, is suspected to be pregnant."

If you were an ordinary counselor, you would only find it strange: Does it matter to me that the concubine of a deposed emperor is pregnant?

But Li Ru is not an ordinary person. He is a smart person who is prone to overthinking.

Back then, before Dong Huang gained momentum, Li Ru sensed that there was something wrong with Dong Huang. If Dong Huang hadn't been quick-witted and Dong Zhuo wasn't willing to doubt Dong Huang, Dong Huang might have gone cold.

Jia Xu's words made Li Ru couldn't help but start thinking: [If it was just Tang Ji who was pregnant with Liu Bian's son, then there would be no need for Jia Xu to say it. Considering that Dong Huang seemed to have done something to Tang Ji and Queen Mother He when he was guarding the palace, the truth came out - the child was Dong Huang's.

Since the child belongs to Dong Huang, does Jia Xu have any profound meaning in bringing it up at this time?

Li Ru almost instantly thought of Dong Zhuo getting Fu Shou pregnant and giving birth to a son, and then forcing Liu Xie to make Dong Zhuo and Fu Shou's son the prince of the Han Dynasty.

So, what is Dong Huang’s purpose? Do you want to follow Dong Zhuo's old path and make his and Tang Ji's son the prince?

If so, then the problem is, Tang Ji is not the empress, and Liu Bian is just a deposed emperor!

Therefore, the truth came. Jia Xu wanted him to get rid of the troublesome Liu Xie, help Liu Bian regain his position, and then let Liu Bian appoint Dong Huang and Tang Ji's son as the prince with the dignity of the emperor!

So how to get rid of the troublesome Liu Xie?

It is obviously inappropriate to directly depose the emperor. If you want to depose the emperor, there is no need to tell him Li Ru.

Moreover, the impact of deposing emperors one after another will not be good.

Based on all the considerations above, there is only one truth - Jia Xu wanted me to kill Liu Xie so that Liu Bian could rise to power in a fair and just way! 】

After learning the "truth", Li Ru immediately prepared a glass of poisoned wine and sent Liu Xie on his way, claiming that Liu Xie was frightened during the rebellion between Li Jue and Guo Si, died of a convulsion and died of a serious illness.

Dong Huang only received the news of Liu Xie's death the next day. After hearing the news, Dong Huang was completely confused.

He really had no idea about Liu Xie. The most he could do was ask Liu Xie to give in. But in history, Liu Xie, who lived for decades and whose descendants became nobles in the Japanese slave country, died like this?

Dong Huang glanced at Jia Xu, who said that I didn't know anything: I just heard about the news that Tang Ji might be pregnant, and couldn't help but mention it to Li Ru. I don't know whether the news is true or false! I don't know anything! In short, everything has nothing to do with me.

Dong Huang glanced at Li Ru again, and Li Ru immediately said: "My lord, a country cannot live without a king for a day..."

"Let me succeed? Is it too sudden?"

Dong Huang, who had consumed too much energy last night, couldn't help but say.

In fact, when he was in Hefei, Fazheng gave him an unused crown gown made by Yuan Shu's order, and warmly invited Dong Huang to visit Yuan Shu's palace. It's just that Dong Huang is too lazy to go.

Dong Huang was as frank as if he was awake, and directly put Li Ru out of control.

Li Ru obviously just wanted to let Liu Bian succeed to the throne first, but at this time, he, a newcomer, did not dare to say that he would not let Dong Huang become emperor, so he could only look helplessly and pitifully towards Jia Jia for help. On the body.

"Ahem... My lord, the world is not yet unified, so we can let the King of Hanzhong succeed to the throne to stabilize the people's hearts. My lord has the virtue to rebuild the Han Dynasty, and the title should be further improved! Considering that the world is still undecided and the wealth is insufficient, it should not be wasted too much. Your Majesty The succession ceremony can be held together with the lord's."

Jia Xu coughed and relieved Dong Huang and Li Ru.

Dong Huang blushed, knowing that he had made a mistake, he stopped continuing the topic: "Let Wen He arrange it."

Dong Huang didn't want to worry about this kind of thing, after all, he didn't have much brains to begin with.

The establishment of a new emperor did not cause any disturbance, and the Gongun princes did not have any objections. Those who had objections were kidnapped by Li Jue and Guo Si and were killed in Hedong. Those who escaped by chance encountered the Xiongnu again. soldiers.

In short, except for people like Cai Yong who knew current affairs, everyone else was dead.

And as luck would have it, Cai Yong's daughter encountered rebels again.

What's more coincidental is that the leader of the rebels is an ugly-looking man who is good at wielding two halberds.

Poor Cai Yong's little daughter Cai Zhenji was kidnapped by the evildoers. If Dong Huang, who was handsome, charming and charming all day and night, had not appeared as a hero to save the beauty, I really don't know what would have happened...

Cai Yong:......


I only have two daughters!

My daughters have all had marriages!

But what can Cai Yong do?

He could only watch with a smile as his youngest daughter became Dong Huang's concubine, and as an old father-in-law, he had to do his best to organize the enthronement and promotion ceremony for Liu Bian and Dong Huang.

"King Qin, King Qin... Hey, you are going to make this Guanzhong your fiefdom! Are you not hiding your thoughts?"

Cai Yong looked at the title appointed by Dong Huang and couldn't help complaining in his heart: "I hope you, the King of Qin, will not die in the second generation, otherwise my daughters will be in trouble!"

I started a business trip today and will be back on the 5th. I’ll start with the second update tomorrow and make up for it on the weekend.

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