Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 181 A worse era (please subscribe)

Escape is not an easy task.

As soon as Wu Yanguang's Chinese army withdrew, the Liao army was immediately defeated. Except for some of the Chinese army's cavalry who could keep up with Wu Yanguang's pace, most of the remaining cavalry had no choice but to kneel down and surrender.

The abandoned Princess Tianshou turned pale with anger and ran away, but her horse was shot dead by Pang De with an arrow. She fell off the horse and became a prisoner.

In fact, with Pound's martial arts skills, if it was a life and death fight, Princess Tianshou would have been killed long ago. But who made Hua Xiong and Fazheng want to give this woman to Dong Huang!

He wanted to capture her alive, but it was difficult to touch her body, and she was afraid of hurting her. The combination of various factors prevented Pang De from capturing Princess Tianshou.

However, although Pang De and others were merciful to Princess Tianshou, they treated his female cavalry with swords in hand and quickly defeated them.

Since Wu Yanguang fled, it was naturally impossible for Zhuozhou to hold on.

The defender of Zhuozhou had no choice but to surrender at Kaicheng.

Fazheng asked Zhao Yun to pursue Wu Yanguang personally, while he began to organize the prisoners.

In fact, Fazheng played charades with Jia Xu last night not only because of Fazheng's skin, but also because Fazheng was afraid that Jia Xu would preside over the battle.

It would be bad if Jia Xu killed all these troops in order to improve the ability of the Shadow of Death.

Because of the improvement in world level, the lowest level regular armies in this world are all second level in strength, the third and fourth level ones have become the main force, and the fifth level ones are the rare and absolute trump cards. The overall strength is one level higher than that of the trainee mission world.

So if Jia Xu wants to kill, most of the soldiers actually meet the conditions to become ghosts.

Although the main purpose of Fazheng is to get some skin, it is also true to remind Jia Xu not to go crazy. He is reminding Jia Xu in a very subtle way, if you dare to kill the surrendered soldiers indiscriminately at this time, I will snatch the ghost soul from you.

Jia Xu asked Fazheng to preside over this battle, and naturally he saw through Fazheng's obscure thoughts and reassured him.

He, Jia Wenhe, is not an ignorant person. How could he kill innocent people indiscriminately when employing people?

If you want to kill, you have to wait until the mission is almost over before killing!

Of course, it was purely an unexpected surprise that Jia Xu took advantage of Qin Yilu's mouth to make an idle move, but ended up cheating Fazheng again.

In short, the battle of wits between smart people is so simple and unpretentious that if they are not on the same channel, they will not even know what the other party is saying.

At this time, Fazheng didn't know that he had been tricked by Jia Xu again.

At this time, he just wanted to seize Wu Yanguang to achieve full success.

By then, with the power of completely wiping out the main force of the Liao army in Youzhou, Youzhou can be easily pacified. Once the operation is completed, they may be able to obtain an army of 200,000 immediately.

After that, you need to beat the Song Dynasty severely and beat the Song Dynasty into a coward. After the beating, the big coward changed his face when he heard about Dong. Not only did he not dare to take action, but he also obediently offered food, grass, property, etc. as annual coins, becoming Dong Huang. Logistics base, so that Dong Huang could concentrate on destroying Daliao and Jin.

After destroying the Liao and Jin Dynasties, Dong Huang turned around and slowly dealt with the Song Dynasty.

After all, although the emperor and a large number of high-level officials of the Song Dynasty were Dong Huang's strongest allies, the civilian force was still relatively abundant.

If you want to destroy the Song Dynasty first, you will probably fall into the quagmire of war and lose more than you gain. Then you will be attacked on both sides and lead to defeat; but if you destroy the Liao and Jin Dynasty first, you will not only be able to destroy powerful enemies and obtain elite soldiers, but also need Worried about Da Song's backstab.

Even if it's a backstab, it doesn't matter. We have to have confidence in the imperial army and the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

As long as the emperor of the Song Dynasty does not change, they will be Dong Huang's staunchest allies.

Zhao Yun did not disappoint Fazheng, and Wang Yi even gave Fazheng a big surprise.

Through interrogating the prisoners, Fazheng already knew that Wu Yanguang was defeated by Wang Yi and lost his troops, resulting in heavy losses to the elite and low morale. This made him look at Wang Yi with admiration.

What surprised Fazheng even more was that after Wang Yi noticed the unusual movement of Wu Yanguang's army, he actually set an ambush on the road that Wu Yanguang would pass after his defeat and captured Wu Yanguang's remaining soldiers. After that, generals Xu Huang and Zhao Yun successively In a flanking attack, Wu Yanguang was killed and the army was annihilated.

So far, the largest Liao army unit in Yanyun Land had been annihilated and captured 150,000 to 60,000 prisoners. However, the proportion of cavalry and elite soldiers among the prisoners was not high.

Of the 80,000 elite Wu Yanguang took away from Nanjing City, less than 20,000 were left and chose to surrender. The rest were either burned to death or died in battle.

None of Wu Yanguang's Eleven Yao and Twenty-eight Stars escaped. Except for one who became a prisoner due to his gender advantage and beauty bonus, the others were sacrificed to heaven.

To be honest, these former Han people did not have a good impression of the foreign tribes in the north. If the barbarians in the south could still be gentle, it would be best to kill all the foreign tribes in the north.

Therefore, these foreign generals related to Star Power were all beaten to death unceremoniously and became the nourishment for the generals of Dong Huang's army.

Wang Yi and Fa Zheng met politely.

After Wang Yi handed over the command of Xu Huang's troops to Fazheng, he led the 10,000-strong Tiger Army and went straight to Haojing. From the beginning to the end, he did not accept any prisoners or the heads of Wu Yanguang and other generals. Needless to say, Princess Tianshou and her female cavalry.

In Wang Yi's words: "The great victory is due to your command as a military advisor. It is all your fault. Naturally, you should be responsible for the sacrifice of prisoners. The little girl will not interfere."

In this regard, Fazheng could only smile bitterly.

He knew that when Wang Yi went back, he would probably tell Dong Huang's other concubines that he had prepared another princess and thousands of female soldiers for Dong Huang. By then, he would have done justice before the woman was sent away. The target of public criticism.

Fortunately, Fa Zheng has long been used to this kind of thing.

With the more than 100,000 troops under Governor Xu Huang, and the captured Liao troops, Fazheng's troops suddenly expanded to more than 300,000.

But this time, Fazheng no longer had the embarrassment of having to divide his troops because he could not command the army when he accompanied Dong Huang on the Northern Expedition from Jinling.

Today's Fa Zheng has also grown.

Fazheng selected 30,000 elite soldiers from the surrendered soldiers, led by Zhao Yun, who was famous among the Liao soldiers. Taking advantage of the fact that the Song Dynasty had not yet received news of the great victory here, with the cover of Xu Huang's troops, they crossed over at night. The Song Army's Bazhou defense line went around behind Bazhou City.

Later, during the Chou period, they launched a surprise attack on Yijin Pass in Bazhou at night.

Waqiao Pass, Yijin Pass, and Yukou Pass were important military barriers to defend the Liao Kingdom in the Northern Song Dynasty. Among them, Yijin Pass in Bazhou was the core, and Waqiao Pass and Yukou Pass were the two wings.

These three passes, as you can see from their names, are related to rivers. Waqiao Pass guards a bridge connecting the north and south of the Sanggan River. Yijin Pass guards an important crossing of the Sanggan River. Yukou Pass is where the Sanggan River meets the mouth of the Yellow River. A key pass in the siltation area near the junction.

Because the lower reaches of the Yellow River in this era traveled northward through Cangzhou and entered the sea downstream of the Sanggan River, this section was quite difficult to navigate. Moreover, because of the low-lying terrain, many saline-alkali lands, and the small population, it was easy for the enemy to take advantage of it. Therefore, the Song Dynasty vigorously built these three Important border defense area.

As for the defense power of these three cannot be said that there is none, but it has little effect on the Jin people's march south.

There is no way, who made Song Jun so bad?

[Name: Wang Yi]

[Star level: Five-star fourth-level wise and strategic hero·Smart and strategic deputy general]

[Field Skills - Cunning Strategies: Good at coming up with cunning strategies. There is a 20% chance that you and your army will be immune to the enemy's chaotic skills; personal magic damage is increased by 30%]

[Passive skill - Zhenlie: You and the female generals and attendants to whom you are loyal will not betray! 】

[Passive skill - Dual Cultivation: If you practice both law and martial arts, you will have outstanding performance! 】

[Fixed skills: 1. Two-star infantry general: When the number of infantry under his command is more than two-thirds, the commander will be raised by two stars; 2. One-star cavalry commander: When the number of cavalry under his command is more than one-half, the commander will be raised by one star. 】

[Personal skills: 1. Level 4 of martial arts; 2. Level 4 of physical fitness; 3. Level 4 of argumentation (level 4 of speaking ability). 】

[Vice General Zhilue: Everything about her, including the generals and guards, are loyal vassals of the general! In scenes with a limit on the number of heroes, the deputy general will not occupy the hero quota! 】

[Equipment: Level 5·Eternal Sword; Level 5·Seven-Star Sword]

[General Guards: Fierce Female General Guards X50]

[Evaluation: With her, you no longer have to worry about cuckolding! 】

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