Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 187 Sheep-taking Ceremony (please subscribe)

At this time in the Wonu Kingdom, Emperor Toba was on the throne, but it was his grandfather Shirakawa Hokō who made the final decision (the emperor after abdication was called the Emperor, and the Emperor became a monk and was called the Hokō).

Although the Wonu Kingdom was nominally unified at this time, and probably included central and southern Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and other regions, it was still full of factions and was in chaos.

There are many unstable factors such as the Fujiwara clan, monks, Shintoism, Genji, pirates, and bandits.

The Emperor's rule was also difficult.

After Dong Huang's army landed in Youzhou, Zhu Heng's troops ended their escort mission and headed to Kyushu Island to establish a front station.

Interestingly, when Zhu Heng arrived at Kyushu Island, he happened to catch up with the Wonu Kingdom attacking Kyushu Island.

And most of it has been captured.

Hiroyuki Shirakawa also understood the principle of not allowing others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch.

This scene made Zhu Heng furious. He decisively used the advantage of the navy to annihilate all the Japanese navy and cut off the retreat of the army that landed on the island. Then he went ashore and annihilated the panicked 50,000 army that landed on the island.

After that, Zhu Heng led his army to land on Honshu Island, marched along the Yodo River by land and water, and drove towards Heian Kyo or Luoyang City.

——After the envoys sent by the Wonu Kingdom to the Tang Dynasty returned home, they wanted to build a splendid city imitating Chang'an and Luoyang of the Tang Dynasty, and called one side of the city Chang'an and the other side Luoyang.

Then, because of lack of money, the scale of Japanese-style Changan Luoyang shrank again and again.

Moreover, because of the inability to master Feng Shui, there was a problem with the location of the city. "Chang'an" has been soaked in water for many years and has become a ghost land.

One theory for the reason why hundreds of ghosts roamed the night during the Heian period is that there were too many corpses in "Chang'an", which were so spooky that rumors were passed down from generation to generation.

And when Oda Nobunaga, a tall and powerful man of 1.68 meters in the Warring States Period of the Japanese slave country, launched Oda Kamiro, Luoyang refers to this "Luoyang", which is Heian Kyo.

The news of Zhu Heng's attack on Luo shocked Emperor Shirakawa. He quickly used Taira Masamori as his general and organized 50,000 elite troops, including 20,000 northern warriors, to block Zhu Heng's troops.

Facing an army twice as many as his own, Zhu Heng, who had successfully fought against the Japanese slaves, showed no fear. Zhu Heng, who had an absolute advantage in terms of soldiers and equipment, was full of confidence.

Previously, in order to further make up for the lack of marine and land combat strength under his command, Zhu Heng specially asked for rattan armor. Rattan armor is light, but its defensive power is not comparable to the bamboo samurai armor of the Wonu Kingdom. Even with the bamboo samurai armor, less than one-tenth of the warriors of the Wonu Kingdom have it, and most of the rest have it. All in rags.

There are differences in armor, and naturally there are differences in weapons.

In this era, the samurai swords of the Wonu Kingdom were already very good, and could even be used as tributes to the Central Plains Dynasty. However, good swords were not affordable for everyone. They owned less than one-twentieth, and Dong Dong The weapons of Huang's army had no obvious advantage; as for the weapons of others, they were completely crushed by Dong Huang's army.

In this case, Dong Huang's army was often able to break through the armor with one sword, but the Japanese army was unable to break through the defense.

In addition to the gap in weapons and armor, the two sides' commanding capabilities and military morale were also vastly different. Especially in terms of morale, Zhu Hengjun's morale was so high that everyone was ready to die, but the Wonu Army didn't even know why they were fighting.

After Zhu Heng briefly understood the battle situation, he decisively led the left and right armies with Lu Meng and Ding Feng, led the central army, and launched a head-on battle with the Japanese slave army. Without any fancy or surprise, he defeated the Japanese slave army's 50,000 soldiers. In the army, Ping Zhengsheng was killed by Zhu Heng's formation.

Then, Zhu Heng, with the power of victory, quickly surrounded Ping'an Jing.

Emperor Toba, who learned of the defeat on the front line and the siege of Heian-kyo, looked like a marionette at the incompetent and furious Emperor Shirakawa. In addition to being frightened, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pleasure.

No one wants to be a puppet, not even a 12-year-old.

But Emperor Birdsong was very smart and said nothing.

"These damn Song people, how dare they! How dare they! My 20,000 elite northern warriors!"

Emperor Shirakawa's heart was bleeding.

In order to take back power from the Fujiwara clan and other nobles, Emperor Shirakawa established the "institution" and relied on 20,000 northern samurai as his wings. But now, his 20,000 army was wiped out in one battle!

Emperor Shirakawa felt that the sky was about to fall.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Where's Master Abe? Where's Master Abe? Please ask Master Abe to come over quickly. Isn't his onmyoji capable of performing a hundred thousand shikigami? Let Master come over quickly and annihilate these hateful Song people!"

Emperor Shirakawa yelled in collapse.

Master Abe, as mentioned by Emperor Shirakawa, is the fourth-generation grandson of the Great Onmyoji Abe Seimei. He is also the head of Yin and Yang of this Yin and Yang House. He is the highest officer of the Yin and Yang House. It is said that he is very good at catching ghosts. A piece of talisman paper can transform more than a dozen ghosts. God formula.

The already desperate Emperor Shirakawa could only place his last hope on him.

However, no one could respond to him.

After a long time, it was his adopted daughter Fujiwara Shoko who replied in a low voice: "Father, Master Abe...Master Abe went out with the army and died in the battle!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Emperor Shirakawa became angry and stamped Fujiwara Shoko: "How could Master Abe die? You are such a cheap maid, how dare you confuse people's hearts!"

Emperor Shirakawa was so angry that he beat his daughter for the first time.

Emperor Shirakawa likes daughters, whether they are adopted daughters or biological daughters.

Historically, he married his adopted daughter Fujiwara Shoko to his grandson Emperor Toba, and he and Fujiwara Shoko gave birth to several uncles and aunts to Emperor Toba! Emperor Toba was also asked to abdicate the throne in favor of his adopted son and uncle.

If normal historical development continues, Fujiwara Shoko will marry Emperor Toba in two years, and it is very likely that she will marry with a pregnant belly!

Historically, Emperor Shirakawa's physical collapse was also related to the death of his favorite daughter.

All in all, a lot of information.

Dong Huang would not learn from him.

Facing the furious Emperor, Fujiwara Shoko did not dare to speak out and fell to his knees obediently.

Seeing that no one responded to him, especially his grandson's old godly look, the angry Emperor Shirakawa immediately yelled: "You trash, haven't you always wanted power? Today I will give you all the power, go Come out of the city, surrender, and beg for forgiveness from the Song people!"

At this moment, Emperor Baihe seemed to be possessed by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and he learned the trick of shirking the blame without any teacher. His core thought was only one, I will not be the king of subjugation.

No, I am no longer the emperor, I am just a monk. The emperor is my unfilial grandson!

Of course, given the character of Emperor Shirakawa, it is not certain that Emperor Toba was born to him and his daughter-in-law.

In short, after thinking about it like this, Emperor Shirakawa actually felt at ease.

Emperor Toba, who was named, had no choice but to stand up and accept the order. Of course he knew that surrender was not a good deal, but in order to survive, what could he do?

However, as soon as Emperor Toba stood up, the loyal remnants of the northern samurai came to report that Fujiwara Tadamichi Kaicheng had surrendered.

Emperor Shirakawa and Emperor Toba immediately collapsed on the ground.

When Dong Huang came to the Japanese Nu Kingdom, although the Japanese Nu Kingdom had not yet been pacified, the capital, the two emperors, and the main nobles of Heian Kyo had all become prisoners.

Seeing this scene, Dong Huang suddenly had a bold idea.

Dong Huang ordered Zhu Heng to clean up Ping'an Jing and seized a large amount of property: 14 million pieces of silk, 15 million pieces of stuff, 3 million gold ingots, 8 million silver ingots, and countless treasures. There are also more than 50,000 young women as well as the Tiancongyun sword, eight-foot magatama, national seal, jade seal, etc. that are symbols of the royal family.

Dong Huang had Emperor Shirakawa, Emperor Toba and all the queens, middle palaces, concubines, princes, princes, grandsons, consorts, princesses, clans and nobles watch the whole process.

After that, Dong Huang released Jinling City and ordered Emperor Shirakawa, Emperor Toba and their clans, kings, princes-in-law, and most of the concubines and princesses to be naked, with ropes tied around their necks, and wearing lambskins, and be led in front of the army. Sheep ceremony.

Emperor Shirakawa (July 7, 1053 - July 24, 1129), the 72nd emperor of Japan.

Emperor Shirakawa was the first emperor to implement imperial government (the emperor who abdicated was called the emperor, and the emperor who became a monk was called the emperor). He ushered in the era of imperial government and gradually regained the imperial power that had been lost since the mid-Heian period. However, the establishment of the academy continued to intensify the conflicts between the old and new nobles, which eventually led to the rise of the two major samurai groups, Taira and Minamoto. Emperor Shirakawa was the instigator of the political chaos in the late Heian period.

The most interesting thing is that Emperor Shirakawa asked his son to marry his aunt, and his son also married his biological sister. Emperor Shirakawa also married his adopted daughter to his grandson, and then he and his adopted daughter gave birth to an uncle to his grandson. After letting his uncle succeed to the throne, Emperor Shirakawa was still confused with his daughter.

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