"I didn't expect that there are really brave people among the princes' armies."

Zhang He looked at Cao Cao's troops from a distance, and he sneered repeatedly.

"It looks like there are about 10,000 or 20,000 people. Do 10,000 or 20,000 people dare to sneak attack our camp? Our army is cavalry, what is the use of infantry sneak attack? Even if the sneak attack is successful, is it possible that they can catch up with us? And talk about them Are there cavalry behind? But if there are cavalry, shouldn’t they use the cavalry’s mobility to kick the camp overnight and take advantage of the situation to cover up the enemy?”

Xu Huang, who was standing next to Zhang He, was also a little puzzled.

With Xu Huang's military literacy, he naturally understood the importance of coordination between infantry and cavalry.

When stealing a camp in the dark, if only the infantry invades, due to the speed, even if they can enter the camp, it will be difficult to cause chaos quickly. As long as the cavalry takes advantage of the chaos to attack, set fire to kill and disrupt the enemy's command system, the army will not be able to do so quickly. Only by taking advantage of the situation to cover up and kill can the results of the victory be truly magnified.

"When I was observing the formation today, I discovered that the rebel army does have an elite cavalry. Judging from their clothing, they should be Youzhou cavalry! However, please don't forget, the rebel army is different from us!"

Zhang He sneered again.

When he was a general in Jizhou, Zhang He suffered enough from factional struggles.

In the army of this era, the interests of the same party and the opposition of different parties were divided into many different small factions according to different clans and villages. There were many conflicts between different states and counties. Coupled with the exploitation and fighting of officials, it was simply chaotic. It became a pile of porridge.

To describe it simply, there are many demons in the temple but strong winds, and there are many bastards in the shallow water!

If this is the case in the same township and county, let alone different states and counties!


Xu Huang and Xu Gongming recalled the performance of the cavalry when they kicked ten camps of the princes' armies during the day, and suddenly realized: "The princes seem to be in harmony, but they are fighting on their own. When the cavalry fought during the day, they did not risk their lives to buy time for their companions. Otherwise, we How can it be so easy to knock down ten camps in a row! I think the cavalry must not have acted with this force this time!"

Xu Huang judged the thoughts of Gongsun Zan's troops, but he was cautious by nature, but he was still a little hesitant: "I'm afraid that the cavalry is following these infantry and will attack while we are annihilating this infantry!"

"In the camp, my lord has already prepared, there is no need to worry! We only need to attack from the rear when the rebel army launches an attack. The rebel army will definitely be disrupted! As for the possible cavalry, why don't you and I each leave a thousand soldiers behind?" Do you want people to act as suspects? If the Youzhou cavalry really comes, will you take the opportunity to block the attack, and wait until the rebel infantry is defeated before engaging in a decisive battle with them?"

Zhang He suggested.

In Zhang He's view, although the Youzhou cavalry is strong, it is not as strong as the Central Army cavalry, Liangzhou cavalry and Bingzhou cavalry of the Han Dynasty. Now they are fighting at night. As long as there is a buffer delay to prevent the Youzhou cavalry from exploding chrysanthemums in one go, With his hands free, Zhang He was confident that he would deal with this group of Youzhou cavalry who were beggaring their neighbors.


Xu Huang nodded, and then ordered his men to send out scouts and report the general situation and speculation about the Youzhou cavalry to the camp.

When Cao Cao marched for most of the night and was almost exhausted, he easily entered the camp with his strong men in one breath. Before he could cause a scene, he ran into Gao Shun's trapped camp and a large number of elite soldiers. ambush.

First, a wave of thousands of crossbows were fired to cover the area, and then the retreating camp led a charge. At the same time, the cavalry ambushing behind also acted at the same time. With a multi-pronged approach, Cao Cao's army collapsed almost instantly.

With two arrows stuck in his body and his helmet missing, Cao Cao looked around at a loss and had no choice but to gallop on his horse and flee.

As a result, when passing by the hillside, he was ambushed by two sergeants hiding in the grass. They fired two shots and stabbed Cao Cao's horse down.

Cao Cao fell from his horse and was swarmed by two soldiers, one on top of another, pressing on him.

At this critical moment, a young general came on Pegasus with two strong men, but it was Cao Cao's war agent Cao Ze and the brothers Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan.

Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan slashed two infantrymen to death with their swords, dismounted and rescued Cao Cao, but Cao Ze got an extra horse from nowhere and helped Cao Cao mount his horse, and the four of them fled in confusion.

However, the four of them escaped less than four miles before they were entangled again by the cavalry under Zhang He and Xu Huang.

Brothers Xiahou Dun and Xia Houyuan knew that the situation was critical, and gritted their teeth and said: "The situation is critical, we two brothers are going to stop the pursuing troops, my lord, leave quickly!"

As for Cao Ze, the Xiahou brothers didn't say much, because they knew that Cao Ze was a scumbag, and it was already very difficult for him to be able to ride a horse.

"The thieves catch up, what will you do?"

Cao Cao was also in a hurry. When he entered the Widow's Gate at night, he was chased by Dong Huang's men and lost Cao Hong. This time he was defeated by Dong Huang again. Could it be that he would lose the Xiahou brothers again?

"If we die, we will die together; if we live, we will live together!"

At the critical moment, Cao Cao was tough!

"There can be no Xiahou in the world, and there cannot be no impartiality in the world."

Brother Xiahou said with emotion, and Xiahou Yuan even glanced at Cao Ze sideways.

As the agent, Cao Ze understood the situation and stabbed Cao Cao's horse lightly with his sword. The horse suffered pain and ran wildly with Cao Cao on the road.

On the other side, Dong Huang, whose adrenal glands were increasing rapidly amidst the shouts of death, also stabbed Cao Cao's horse lightly with his sword. The horse was in pain, and it carried Dong Huang to the road and ran wildly.

However, although they are also running wildly, the rider's mood is completely different!

Cao Cao was like falling into an ice cave, and Dong Huang was like soaking in a hot spring.

"General... General! There seems to be an enemy outside. General, don't you want to take command personally?"

The delicate Mrs. Huan's heart was beating fast. When she heard such shouts of killing before, it happened to be when Dong Huang's army broke into camp. Now when she hears such shouts of killing, Mrs. Huan can't bear it. Stress reactions such as trembling, stuttering, and heavy breathing may occur.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a clown!"

Dong Huang was very indifferent. With the arrangements of the poisonous warriors and the fierce generals who had caused chaos in the country, he felt at ease.

However, when he saw Mrs. Huan's charming face, she couldn't help but start teasing her: "The person here is Cao Cao and Cao Mengde. Do you think he is here to save the beauty?"


Mrs. Huan was stunned at first, and then she looked resentful: "This concubine belongs to the general!"

The warriors are half dead in front of the army, but the beauties are still singing and dancing under the tent!

This was a very demoralizing thing, but Dong Huang's army did not think so.

They just think that Dong Huang is like Mount Tai collapsing in front of him but his appearance remains unchanged. He is strategizing and winning thousands of miles away. The generals felt that their lord had given them enough trust!

The reason for this is very simple. First, Dong Huang gave too much, trust, promotion channels, official positions, money, beautiful women, everything he could give, Dong Huang was generous; secondly, because Dong Huangjun It has not been defeated since then, and each time it was a glorious victory with minimal casualties. The morale of the army has been improved long ago. Dong Huangjun looked at the Kwantung Allied Forces just like he looked at the chickens and dogs!

Under this situation, even if Dong Huang really asked the three ladies Liu, Feng, and Bian to dance in front of the battle or even do other things, Dong Huangjun would only think that Dong Huang was sure of victory and the princes' army was a local chicken. Wardog, the morale will only be stronger, and the soldiers will only admire Dong Huang's boldness even more!

"Let's play music and dance!"

Dong Huang beat the drum of joy.

Mrs. Huan, who was worried in her heart, could only dance to the beat of the drums. Her knees were sore from dancing all the time, and her mouth was numb from singing. She was sweating and panting. After that, Dong Huang announced the end of the dance music. At the same time, This night attack also came to an end.

The brothers Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan were indeed brave, blocking Zhang He and Xu Huang, and also entangled the pursuers.

However, the strength of the two of them was about the same as that of Zhang He and Xu Huang. However, Zhang He and Xu Huang had hundreds of elite soldiers under their command, and more and more generals were gathered under their command. Brothers Xia Houchun and Xia Houyuan were completely surrounded by Dong Huang's army. In the middle of the war, he couldn't even commit suicide and was captured after fighting hard.

General Jin, another member of Cao Cao's army, surrendered to Gao Shun after being defeated and wounded.

As for Gongsun Zan's troops, as Zhang He and Xu Huang expected, Gongsun Zan prepared to take advantage of the chaotic battle between Dong Huang's army and Cao Cao's army, but was defeated by Huang Zhong and Tai Shici arranged by Jia Xu. , lost troops and generals, fled in embarrassment.

So far, tonight's two night attacks have ended with Dong Huang's victory.

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