Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 194 The Loyal General of the Song Family (1st update, please subscribe)

"what to do?"

Liu Yanqing was also desperate.

He knew very well that once Tong Guan's grand strategy failed, he would definitely be the unlucky scapegoat.

But if we really want to fight, we will definitely not be able to defeat him.

His 50,000 to 60,000 troops can only assemble the equipment for more than 10,000 men. Food and grass are even more scarce. There is only a dead end after exiting the pass.

There is no need to even leave the barrier. As long as the opponent attacks desperately, his men will probably abandon the barrier and flee.

Liu Yanqing was very confident about his group of men: he believed that they would collapse at the first touch, and that once he forced them to fight, they would dare to force him to surrender to Dong Huang's army. Of course, if they were given enough equipment and rewards, they would dare to confront Dong Huangjun head-on.

The soldiers were unable to fight, and Liu Yanqing was helpless.

But he was unwilling to surrender.

His mentality is actually the same as that of most generals of this era. I am unwilling to surrender to the Liao and Jin Dynasties and become my second minister. I cannot defeat them. I may be afraid of fighting or even lose, but I just will not surrender.

For a moment, Liu Yanqing hated Tong Guan so much that his teeth itched with hatred.

"What can be done?"

Liu Yanqing looked at his sons Liu Guangguo and Liu Guangshi.

At this time, he only dared to discuss it with his sons.

"For the current plan, we must either wait for Tong Guan to be defeated first, or find a scapegoat."

Liu Guangguo speaks out.

"Over there at Tongguan, there is an old manager and an army of 300,000 soldiers. How could they be defeated?"

Liu Guangshi was not optimistic that Dong Huang's army could cross the river and defeat Tong Guan's 300,000-strong army. After all, although the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty was a mixed bag, they were equipped firstly, and secondly, they were selected from the elites in the world, and their combat effectiveness was acceptable. Not to mention the Zhongshi Dao Division, they were one of the most capable elites in the Song Dynasty.

In addition, the Yellow River is in the flood season this season. To put it harshly, as long as Tong Guan burned the pontoon bridge, Dong Huangjun would not be able to cross the river.

"Then send people to Bianliang to release the wind. Tong Guan is afraid of the enemy like a tiger and dare not cross the river. He will let Hebei rot and be occupied by Dong Huang's army, so as to force Tong Guan to cross the river!"

Liu Guangguo said: "The eunuch Tan Zhen has always coveted Tong Guan's position. He can send someone to bribe Tan Zhen heavily to make Tan Zhen say bad things. Then Tong Guan will not be able to cross the river!"

"At that time..." At this point, Liu Guangguo said with a sinister face: "We will pass the news of Tong Guanjun crossing the river to Dong Huangjun. How could Dong Huangjun miss this great opportunity? By then, Tong Guanjun will be defeated, and we will Then take advantage of the main force of Dong Huang's army to annihilate Tong Guan's army to harass the rear of Dong Huang's army, and finally retreat to Taiyuan before Dong Huang's army can react!"

"As long as Tong Guanjun is defeated and we save Taiyuan, it will be a great achievement!"

Liu Guoguang told him the strategy he had been thinking about.

"There is no need to bribe Tan Zhen, that will only be self-defeating. Tan Zhen will take the initiative to speak!"

The cunning Liu Yanqing thought for a while and decided to partially adopt his son's opinions.

He believed that with Song Huizong's love for success and the pressure of public opinion from the Manchu Dynasty, Tong Guan would definitely be able to cross the river. As long as he crossed the river, Tong Guan would realize the terror of Dong Huang adding Liao cavalry.

The overall direction has been set, now the only problem remains...

"When the time comes, who can scratch Dong Huangjun's back?"

Liu Yanqing asked a very realistic question.

Based on the current situation of Liu Yanqing's army, it is not easy to select five thousand elites, and they are all infantry. If they attack the rear of Dong Huang's army with these people, even if they succeed, they will face the cavalry of Dong Huang's army coming for reinforcements. I'm afraid it's impossible to escape.

"Wang Yuan has been in battle for a long time and can be the main general; there is also a young general Han Shizhong who is very brave and has been suppressed by Tong Guan. This time just gives him a chance to prove himself!"

Liu Guangshi said quietly.

"Okay, let's do it!"

Liu Yanqing finally made the decision.

At this time, Tong Guan, who was stationed on the south bank of the Yellow River, did not yet know that his painstakingly designed plan was doomed to fail before it even started. The general he favored was not of the same mind as him at all.

Although neither Tong Guan nor Liu Yanqing thought about surrender, sometimes internal fighting is more terrifying than surrender.

What is more terrifying than the internal fighting is that some people have obviously surrendered, but they pretend to be loyal ministers, such as Liang Zhongshu.

As a person like Fa Zheng, it is certainly impossible to leave the Daming Mansion as a nail in Hebei.

Time goes back ten days.

After Pang De captured Xiangzhou and Taishi Ci captured Mingzhou, Fazheng and the two governors met in Daming Mansion.

Liang Zhongshu and Liang Shijie instantly sat on the wax.

His first reaction was to run away, but when he saw the majestic cavalry of Dong Huang's army, he only dared to close the city gate tightly.

Just when Liang Shijie was at a loss what to do, his subordinates Da Dao Wenda and King Li Cheng came to ask for a fight.

Li Chengdao: "The morale of the rebel army is strong, and the people in the city are panicked. If we cannot defeat the enemy, Daming Mansion will not be able to defend it!"

Wen Da also had the same view.

"Do you two have any good ideas?"

Liang Zhongshu Liang Shijie was helpless. Liang Shijie was not good at military matters. What he was good at was how to seduce people and plunder them.

"Not as good as a fighting general!"

Li Cheng told his plan.

"Huh? Is it feasible?"

Liang Zhongshu felt a little confused.

What age are you in, why should I fight with you?

"Tomorrow we can challenge him face to face in front of the formation. If the enemy general doesn't do anything, he will show his cowardice! Naturally, morale will plummet. We only need to hold on for a few days, and official reinforcements should arrive."

Li Cheng explained.

"All right."

Liang Zhongshu said, "Tomorrow, you two go to challenge, and I will beat the drum myself to cheer you up!"

"Your Excellency, we are not the ones fighting against the generals."

Liang Zhongshu's words made Li Cheng and Wen Da blush. Wen Da was the thicker one and said: "Suo Chao, the official soldier of the left-behind department, is the most powerful general in our Daming Mansion. I am planning to let Suo Chao's master and apprentice go out to defeat the enemy." Spirited."

Liang Zhongshu:......

"That's fine."

What else can Liang Zhongshu say?

Now that things have come to this, we can only make this decision.

When Suo Chao and his apprentice Zhou Jin received the military order to challenge the generals tomorrow, their whole bodies were numb.


In what age are you still fighting generals?

This is not about gangsters occupying territory and two bosses asking their subordinates to kill each other, but a military and national event!

He is impatient, not really stupid!

However, the leaders had already spoken, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead his disciples to raise an infantry of 3,000 horses to go into battle.

"I am Suo Chao, the official soldier of Daming Prefecture's left-behind department. Does that rogue general dare to fight me in front of the formation?"

Suo Chao shouted in front of the formation.

"What kind of official is the Zhengpaijun of the Left Behind Division?"

Fa Zheng is happy.

Fazheng has been studying the Song Dynasty quite a lot these days, but he really can't understand the official positions of the Song Dynasty. It feels too messy.

"It's probably equivalent to a horse archer, right? Maybe it's worse than that?"

Taishi Ci and Pang De were also a little confused.

"Kill him, do it cleanly! This battle will definitely make the Daming Mansion tremble! Just lead the cavalry into battle!"

Fazheng sneered.

Tan Zhen (?—?), a eunuch in the late Northern Song Dynasty. At the beginning of Fangla's uprising, Tan Zhen was first ordered to lead the army to go out. Later, Tong Guan was appointed as the envoy of Jianghuai, Jingzhe and Zhejiang, and Tan Zhen was appointed as the envoy of Zhejiang and Zhejiang. The two then jointly led troops southward. "In the fifth year of Xuanhe, after Tong Guan became an official, Tan Zhen served as the Xuanfu envoy to Hebei, Hedong, and Yanshan Fulu. After Tong Guan, he became the commander-in-chief of the northern frontline defense.

Liu Guangguo, the eldest son of Liu Yanqing, and the brother of Liu Guangshi, one of the four ZTE generals. According to "Xuanhe Lu", during the Jingkang Revolution, Liu Yanqing merged with Nan Guangguo to capture the Wansheng Gate, and led his squad to wait for more than 10,000 Western soldiers to come out. , they all protect and choose the front. Yanqing was captured and killed in Jinmingchi. Guang Guo took Wang Fu and his concubine Zhang to escape for more than ten miles. The captors chased her and killed her concubine and hanged herself.

When Wang Yuan was in Huizong of the Song Dynasty, he was recruited to conquer Xixia and made many military exploits. He was awarded the title of the third general of Xihe Lanhuang Road by the imperial court, with the right to know Ningyuan Village in Gongzhou. When the Qiang invaded, Yuan followed the imperial envoy and won the crusade. He moved with the commander-in-chief Huangzhou Fanbing General and knew Linzong Village. Later, he performed many battles against Xixia, Jingkang and later the conquest of bandits, and died tragically in the Miao and Liu rebellions.

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