Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 204 A New Year’s gift to my adoptive father (five-in-one)

The Dayu Empire's intelligence network in this world is not tight.

Dong Huang handed over the intelligence work of Dayu to five people, one chief and four deputies, namely Li Ru, Dong Fei, Zhao Song, Chen Tiao, and Jingshan.

Among them, Li Ru is Dong Huang's cheap brother-in-law, and Dong Hui is Dong Huang's unrelated good sister and meat forest resurrection point. In addition to their own abilities, these two people also absorbed the ability of one of Cao Wei's Eight Tiger Riders. They are both civil and military and very versatile.

Zhao Song and Chen Tiao were the only two male attendants Dong Huang received when he entered Hanzhong. They played an important role in forcing Wu Yi to betray Liu Yan and capture Yizhou.

Jingshan was originally a member of Dong Huang's First Barrel of Gold Banner Guards Tiger Ben. He was sent by Dong Huang to protect Jia Xu. He was then cut into pieces by Jia Xu and sent to Dong Zhuo to die. Finally, he was sent to Dong Zhuo for the time specified by Jia Xu. Node killed Dong Zhuo. I don't know if it was because he swung the sword at that time, or for some other reason, but his ability seemed to have exceeded the limit of the exchange of arms, and his execution and comprehension were pretty good.

The abilities of these five people are naturally not bad, but because the Dayu Empire was established in this world for too short a time, the Dayu Empire failed to establish an effective intelligence network.

Dayu's information about the Song Dynasty mainly came from Liang Zhongshu.

Zhao Ji was greatly moved when he learned that Liang Zhongshu still led his troops to defend Daming Mansion after the defeat of Tongguan. After Song and Yu negotiated peace, Liang Zhongshu returned to Bianjing with the soldiers who were unwilling to surrender to the enemy, and was reused by Zhao Ji. He became a new celebrity in the Central Committee of the Song Dynasty.

General Da Dao Wenda and King Li Cheng under Liang Zhongshu also held important positions in the Forbidden Army.

For the intelligence of the Liao Kingdom, it mainly relied on the network of Zhang Jue and other surrendered generals.

It was precisely because of his inability to receive intelligence from the north that Dong Huang did not know the exact news that the Liao Kingdom had sent troops to attack the Jin Kingdom until November.

"Now that Liao's national power is empty, it must send troops immediately."

In the court, Xi Zhicai geared up and said.

Xi Zhicai was very excited: Jia Xu is the prime minister and cannot move lightly; Li Ru is the intelligence chief and will not move without permission; Fazheng has gone to Goryeo; Cheng Yu and Guo Jia are not here either; in this way, he can lead the troops in battle. It’s my turn as the military advisor (who goes out with the army)!

It’s now time to make great achievements!


Dong Huang still agreed to send troops. He looked at the map and felt that the best direction to send troops was Xijing Road, focusing on capturing Xijing (Datong) of the Liao Kingdom. At least the area within the Great Wall of Qin was under control. It was best to restore the boundaries of the Han Dynasty and even Occupying the entire area south of Yinshan Mountain, thus forming a strategic advantage over Liao and Xixia.

If you don't attack Xijing Road, you can only attack Zhonggying Road and Tokyo Road. However, if you want to attack Zhongkying Road, you have to cross the mountains, which is a huge challenge to the army's supply, and because it will cut the Liao Kingdom into two parts, it will inevitably suffer The Liao Kingdom's desperate counterattack was not worth the gain.

Attacking the Tokyo Road will directly enter the middle of the Liao-Jin war zone, which is likely to lead to the alliance between the two parties and become a target of public criticism.

To sum up, judging from Dong Huang's strategic vision, it is obvious that attacking Xijing Road is in the best interest of the Yu Empire.

What made Dong Huang happy was that this time Jia Xu, Xi Zhicai and others agreed with Dong Huang.

After everyone discussed and supplemented, they finally decided on the strategy of dividing the troops into two groups to attack Xijing of the Liao Kingdom.

Among the two groups of troops, the main force of the Northern Route Army was composed of Gao Shun as the chief general, Xi Zhicai as the military adviser, Le Jin and Gan Ning as deputy generals. Gao Shun was in command, Gan Ning's army was composed of 100,000 elite Dong Huang's troops and 150,000 surrendered soldiers, and Yan The servant army composed of Zhao Han'er left Juyongguan and captured Guihua Prefecture (only near Xuanhua and Zhangjiakou) to attack Xijing in a roundabout way.

On the southern route, which played a auxiliary role, Huang Zhong was the main general, and Huang Xu, Yang Fu, Han Shizhong, Wang Yuan and others were deputy generals. They crossed Yanmen Pass to capture Shuozhou, and then marched northeast to besiege Datong.

The Dayu army, which had been preparing for the Northern Expedition since the defeat of the Song Dynasty, quickly completed preparations for the expedition and quickly dispatched troops.

Unfortunately, Dong Huangjun did not catch the Liao army by surprise this time.

After the fall of Nanjing Road, the Liao army had strengthened its defenses in Juyong Pass, Yanmen Pass, Yu Pass and other directions. General Geng Shouzhong was stationed in Guihua Prefecture, and from the southwest, Yelu Foding, the general of the Tibetan tribe, sent 50,000 troops to garrison Shuozhou and Shuozhou. Along the Sanggan River such as Yingzhou, Xiao Yixue was promoted to stay in Xijing, commanding the Pishi Army and other elite guards to guard Xijing.

There was no problem with this deployment in terms of tactics or strategy, and it even predicted Dong Huangjun's prediction.

In fact, given the current geographical situation of Yu and Liao, there is not much room for maneuver between the two sides.

After Shi Jingtang, the reason why the Central Plains forces have been so obsessed with acquiring the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun is because the geographical location here is so good, and the various mountains are natural barriers. If the Liaoxi Corridor and Juyongguan are blocked, the northern nomads can only Able to stare.

After occupying the land of Yanyun, those are the only ways to get out of the fortress. Daliao only needs to focus on defense.

However, despite the focused defense, everyone in the Liao Kingdom really did not expect that the Yu Kingdom would actually fight.

The reason is very simple. They felt that Dong Huang's army in Shandong had only a few troops and strategic reserves before. It captured Youzhou and swallowed up so much territory of the Song Dynasty, and they still had to digest it.

Under normal circumstances, it would take at least three or two years to digest it, right?

However, Dong Huangjun still sent troops.

On November 10, the traces of Gao Shun's army were detected by Geng Shouzhong, the guard of Guihua Prefecture of Liao State.

Geng Shouzhong considered that there was no strong city in Guihua Prefecture and it would be unfavorable to defend it. So while reporting the news, he decided to use the superior field capabilities of the Liao army to annihilate Gao Shun's forwards first.

Geng Shouzhong, who was familiar with geography, set up an ambush at Yao'er Ridge in Jiming Mountain.

Zhang Ren, the forward general of the Yu Army who was good at ambushes, looked at the terrain and was immediately happy.

This kind of terrain is obviously conducive to ambush. Is it possible that someone would be ambushed stupidly?

Zhang Ren asked his deputy Zhang Yi to hold his general's flag and form a camp at the foot of the mountain, while he and his deputy Xu Ding led the cavalry to circle the mountain.

Geng Shouzhong was dumbfounded when he saw it.

No matter how good the ambush is, there is nothing you can do if the enemy doesn't come up.

The question before Geng Shouzhong now is whether to withdraw his troops. If he does not withdraw his troops, Zhang Ren will probably make a dumpling - although Zhang Rende will need to take a detour for a day or two.

But if the troops were withdrawn, let alone the impact on the morale of the troops, it would be very unacceptable to give up the best strategic point on the road and let Dong Huang's army pass safely.

Moreover, what if Zhang Ren is just pretending to wait until he withdraws his troops and then fight back?

Real war is like this. Sometimes you don't need to fight with real swords and guns. You just need to change your position and make a gesture to determine the final success or failure.

I didn't even take off my pants, I just moved my mouth, why did you come out.JPG

"My lord, please stop this."

The subordinate suggested.

"Okay. Retreat..."

Geng Shouzhong hesitated for a moment and then said: "We can pretend to retreat first, withdraw half of our troops, and see if the enemy infantry is fooled. If we can destroy the enemy infantry first, we will have the advantage!"

To be fair, Geng Shouzhong was not a mediocre general. From beginning to end, there were no problems with his tactics.

If Zhang Ren had been the Ming army during the Tumubao Incident, he would have suffered heavy casualties here. However, when the level of everyone is not much different, some so-called strategies have no advantage. At this time, the competition is That’s the general trend.

Of course, Zhang Yi saw the Liao army retreating with the banner, but he was not in a hurry to attack. Instead, after the whole army had a good meal to build up their strength, he sent a vanguard of more than 500 people to hold the banner. Shield moves forward carefully.

When Geng Shouzhong saw how cautious Yu Jun was, he decisively withdrew without further entanglement.

Zhang Yi's troops took the opportunity to occupy Yao'erling, and then followed Geng Shouzhong's troops unhurriedly. Although hundreds of people were ambushed and injured during the period, Zhang Yi didn't care.

At this time, Geng Shouzhong was blinded. He was unable to distance himself, which meant that he could not march quickly, which meant that he was likely to be attacked from both front and rear by Zhang Ren's troops.

Geng Shouzhong had no choice but to send his lieutenant to intercept Zhang Yi's troops and prepare to cut off his tail to survive.

However, Geng Shouzhong overestimated the morale of the Liao army in this era.

As soon as they heard that they were going to be abandoned, these soldiers who had been cut off gave up their duties and almost collapsed at the first touch, and almost attacked Geng Shouzhong's main force.

Geng Shouzhong had no choice but to march slowly, but was blocked by Zhang Ren. Under attack from both sides, Geng Shouzhong was defeated and died in a fierce battle. The rest of his troops surrendered.

After defeating Geng Shouzhong, Zhang Ren easily captured Guihua Prefecture and advanced towards Xijing with great momentum.

Compared with the North Road, where the generals of both sides battled with wits and courage, the South Road, Huang Zhong's side, was almost evenly matched.

In the Liao-Jin War, the Tibetan armies in the southwest and northwest of the Liao Kingdom were famously weak brigades, and this was naturally the case in this time and space.

The heroic general Han Shizhong easily defeated the southwestern envoy Yelu Foding who was arrayed outside Shuozhou City, and took advantage of the situation to capture Shuozhou.

This envoy from the southwest of the Liao Kingdom who had surrendered to the Jin Kingdom in history decisively chose to lead his deceived tribesmen to surrender. Huang Zhong ordered Han Shizhong to take Yelv Foding to conquer the northwest states and tribes, and ordered Huang Xu to lead the army. In various parts of Yingzhou, he led the main force to Datong Mansion to join forces with Gao Shun's army.

The two sides soon met in Xijing City.

Xiao Yixue was considered a rare loyal minister and a general who was barely capable in the late Liao Dynasty. Historically, he performed well in the Liao and Jin wars.

Faced with the harsh situation of Dayu's army being attacked from both sides, Xiao Yixue ordered people to go to Zhongjing and Shangjing to seek help while reinforcing the city.

Because Xiao Yixue was a tolerant and fierce man, even though he took office for a short time, he was still very popular, and the whole army felt united.

Gao Shun and Huang Zhong first ordered the soldiers to fill in the moat, and then ordered the Pili chariots to attack with stone bullets. At the same time, they also used various offensive methods such as digging tunnels.

Moreover, Dong Huangjun's tunnel digging was not to dig into the city, but to dig deep beside the city wall and destroy the foundation of the city wall. This made Xiao Yixue's traditional way of dealing with tunnel warfare useless.

After that, there was another lengthy Thunderbolt attack.

After bombarding for more than half a month, the Datong city wall finally collapsed with a crack dozens of meters long. Dayu's servants, who had been recharging their strength for a long time, launched a brave attack, but they had already been bombarded these days. The demoralized Liao army was retreating steadily.

Seeing that the gap was about to be missed, Xiao Yixue quickly led the elite Pishi Army to attack.

However, what disappoints Xiao Yixue is that the absolutely elite Pishi Army, which was brave and fearless in the early days of the Liao Kingdom, has been expanded and corrupted many times, and its current combat effectiveness is actually not much different from that of the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty.

This is very embarrassing.

On the other hand, Dayu's army of servants were like wolves and tigers.

In fact, this is understandable. As we all know, most of the armies that betrayed their old lord at the end of the dynasty will receive a bonus of doubling their combat effectiveness when facing the old lord's army.

Fortunately, Xiao Yixue is not a loser. With his ability at this time, if he enters the infinite war space, he should have skills that can greatly increase morale and combat effectiveness.

Without avoiding the arrows and approaching the battle in person, the Liao army, whose morale had doubled, was like a tight virgin, and finally squeezed out the Yu army that had forced its way in little by little.


Huang Zhong, who can be called a great humanoid sniper in the cold weapon era, looked at this scene with a sneer. Five hundred steps away from Xiao Yixue, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow. With the blessing of his own ability, he shot an arrow through Xiao Yixue's throat.

As soon as Xiao Yixue died, the Liao army collapsed immediately. The Dayu Empire troops quickly entered the city, and most of the Liao army chose to surrender.

At this point, Xijing Road was basically occupied by the Yu army.

At this time, Huang Zhong received news that there had been changes in Taiyuan, so he led the main force back to Hedong Road, leaving only Han Shizhong, who could not be contacted for a while, to assist, while Gao Shun's troops were dispersed to several nearby major cities. , begins Cat Winter.

Now that it is approaching the twelfth lunar month, it is too cold and we must cope with the severe cold weather.

Yelu Yanxi and his ministers guessed right. The weather was indeed the enemy of Dayu's army. Even if there were sufficient supplies, most of Dong Huang's army still lacked the experience of fighting on the grasslands in the cold winter.

But as long as they try to avoid the cold winter and don't go deep into the grasslands for the time being, with the elite of Dong Huang's army, there is no problem in braving the severe cold and fighting on the Datong front line.

The entire battle of Xijing, although not to say it was devastating, was almost uneventful. It just took a while to attack Xijing.

The joys and sorrows of people are not the same.

In the second year of Dayu, Dong Huang was invincible and conquered a large territory, while the Song Dynasty and Liao Dynasty were struggling.

History has been changed beyond recognition with the participation of war agents. Both the Liao and Jin Kingdoms have tasted the bitter fruits of war agents.

Although the war agents of the Liao Kingdom on Nanjing Road were either killed by their own people or fooled by Dong Huang's blitzkrieg and did not play their role, in the second Liao-Jin War, the Liao Kingdom was located on Tokyo Road and Shangjing Road. , Zhongkyo Road and other places of war agents, but played a prominent role.

Although the war agents have few soldiers, as long as they have domain skills, they can provide certain bonuses to the soldiers. Under the supervision of the generals of the Liao army, the war agents are also extremely brave.

Because Yelu Zhangnu's rebellion was put down without achieving any results, it was naturally impossible for Yelu Yanxi to escape in embarrassment like in history, so it was impossible to have the Battle of Hubu Dagang that led to the defeat of the Liao Kingdom in history.

The two sides launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle in Yaosi (now near Fuyu County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province). The Jin Army's war agent troops defended as cannon fodder, while the Liao Army ordered the war agent troops to attack. The war lasted for more than ten days. The war agent troops on both sides suffered heavy losses. Many people were left naked, and many unlucky ones died directly in battle.

Such a casualty rate frightened the war agents in the Liao camp. As soon as they heard that it was their turn to lead an attack tomorrow, some of the war agents immediately quit.

Anyway, if you stay here, you will definitely die, so I might as well run away!

At worst, surrender to the Jinren!

The agent of war did not have the integrity to be loyal to Daliao, so a camp roar occurred that night.

Wanyan Aguda seized the opportunity and decisively led an army of 20,000 in a surprise attack, hoping to expand the results.

Not all the war agents in the Liao Kingdom are useless. Xiao Chuxuan, a trusted war agent under Prince Consort Xiao Temo, has long seen through the nature of war agents and is preparing to take advantage of this opportunity.

When Wanyan Aguda entered the main camp of the Liao army, thousands of crossbows suddenly fired.

Warriors worth thousands of gold were shot and killed. The clan generals Wanyan Gao, Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Yidai, etc. were shot dead on the spot. Wanyan Aguda was also hit by two arrows.

Most people would have beaten the horse and retreated at such a time, but Wanyan Aguda was not an ordinary person.

Wanyan Aguda wiped the blood on his face and shouted: "I have raised an army with you to blame the Khitans for their cruelty and want to establish a country on their own. This is the end of the matter. If everyone does not fight to the death, our clan will perish. Please follow me." revenge!"

After saying that, Wanyan Agu took the lead and rushed towards the enemy formation.

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

The Jin army seemed to be collectively buffed into a fanatical buff, and everyone charged with Wanyan Agu without fear of death.

But at this moment, Xiao Chuxuan's soldiers seemed to have been frightened by something, and they even forgot to change their crossbow arrows.

[Damn it, is it the ability of the founding monarch? 】

Xiao Chuxuan's expression was frighteningly ugly.

The heroic generals in the mission world may not have personal panels that allow you to intuitively feel their abilities, but as the world level increases, the abilities of these children of destiny will be revealed in various ways.

For example, thousands of arrows pass through, but none of them touch the body; for example, the morale of the subordinates is so high that they are fanatical; for example, running for thousands of miles does not get tired or lost; for example, luck is frightening; for example, the enemy will encounter to hail, wind, sand, lightning and meteorites; for example...

In short, it will only become more and more fantasy.

But Xiao Chuxuan's problem is that although he has two lieutenants, neither of them has the ability to calm down.

And when Xiao Chuxuan's soldiers recovered from the shock, suddenly there was another gust of wind and sand, blocking the sight of Xiao Chuxuan's crossbowmen.

【Damn it! 】

Xiao Chuxuan was desperate.

He vaguely remembered a certain battle fought by Wanyan Agu in history, which was exposed to the sudden change in weather and the flying sand and rocks.

In fact, many emperors recorded in official history had abilities of one kind or another. Occasionally getting a bit of wind and sand was just a basic skill, but a meteor shower from the sky would be called ruthless!

The ensuing battle was completely devastating.

Although Xiao Chuxuan's crossbowmen still fired the second round.

But it's just like a middle-aged man's second round. Not much can come out, and the probability of hitting will be greatly reduced.

This time, they only shot more than 500 Jin Army cavalry before they were rushed into the formation by the angry Jin Army.

The Liao army's spearmen prepared by Xiao Chuxuan in advance were overwhelmed by the momentum of Wanyan Aguda's troops, and collapsed at the first touch without exerting any effect. Xiao Chuxuan's crossbowmen phalanx was then almost completely wiped out.

After the great victory, Wanyan Aguda took advantage of the situation and penetrated Xiao Temo's central army, causing Xiao Temo's army to be defeated.

Wanyan Aguda ordered his younger brother Wanyan Sheng (Wanyan Wu Qimai) to continue leading the pursuit and expand the victory. However, he himself fainted and fell from his horse due to excessive bleeding and severe injuries.

And his horse also fell to the ground and died because of being hit by arrows and fighting in succession, and it fell on Wanyan Aguda's leg.

Wanyan Aguda's coma prevented the Jin Army from maximizing its advantage in this battle.

Although Wanyan Wu Qimai was the second emperor of the Jin Dynasty, his prestige was much lower than that of Wanyan Aguda. When Wanyan Aguda was stunned and people were panicking, he could only pursue the defeated troops all the way to After reaching the top of the mountain, he had no choice but to teach the teacher.

In this battle, Xiao Te's final army of 450,000 troops lost more than 60%, and the morale of the Liao army was low.

Yelu Yanxi, who had an army of 700,000, did not dare to fight the Jin army with high morale, and planned to withdraw to Beijing. However, within a few days, the Yelu Zhang family slaves rebelled.

Yelu Yanxi was furious and personally led troops to attack, but was defeated again at Hubu Dagang.

Later, Jinzhou governor Yelu Shu also rebelled and responded to the rebellion of Yelu Zhang's slaves.

Yelu Yanxi was so angry that she decided... to go back to Linhuang Mansion in Beijing to enjoy herself.

In terms of enjoyment, Yelu Yanxi is not inferior to Dong Huang at all, but Dong Huang enjoys it because someone helps him win the battle, and when necessary, Dong Huang dares to lead the troops himself, and he will never be afraid of the enemy. This was not the case before.

However, on his way back to Linhuang Mansion, he finally got the news that Xijing was attacked by the Yu army and was in danger.

Yelu Yanxi calculated the time difference and estimated that Xijing might have been captured by now.

Faced with this New Year's gift, Yelu Yanxi was so angry that he almost chopped down the messenger.

This twelfth lunar month, there are many emperors who are also in a bad mood.

After the Xixia Emperor Li Qianshun learned the news that Xijing had changed hands, he was extremely anxious, and his queen Yelu Nanxian even went to the palace many times to cry.

Yelu Nanxian should be the representative of Fudi Mo in this era. Historically, he died of grief and anger after hearing about the demise of the Liao Kingdom. Of course, it is also possible that he was killed by Li Qianshun and then put it in a nicer way.

However, in history, when the Liao Kingdom was about to fall, Li Qianshun still sent Li Liangfu to lead more than 30,000 troops to rescue the Liao Kingdom, which was regarded as being loyal and benevolent to the Liao Kingdom.

It's just that at this time, Li Qianshun didn't have the energy to send troops, not only because the battle in Weiming Chage on the front line was difficult, but also because Xixia was also extremely unstable internally.

A group of Zoroastrian fanatics appeared in Xixia. Taking advantage of the main force of Xixia, they stood up to rebel one by one, clamoring to establish the Persian Empire in the East. They set fires everywhere all day long, and Hengshan was about to be burned bare.

To put it bluntly, Li Qianshun now has too much to take care of himself.

Song Huizong Zhao Ji was not in a very good mood, after all, the harem was so much smaller.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Western Army has not yet been defeated, but has shown strong combat effectiveness, which makes him sleepless and sleepless.

If the Western Army is not defeated, he will not have a good life this year.

[Damn the Western Army! Wasteful Tan Zhen! 】

Zhao Ji's general Xi Jun and Tan Zhen both held grudges.

This winter, among the Eastern countries, the only one who can have a good year is probably the Emperor of the Yu Empire, Dong Huang.

Today, Dong Huang came to Madam Yan's palace for the rare occasion.

Since Lu Bu's death, Dong Huang was not that interested in Mrs. Yan.

The main reason why I can spare time today is because today is Lu Lingqi's eighteenth birthday. As a good father, of course I have to come over to celebrate her birthday.

Speaking of which, Lu Lingqi is Dong Huang's first adopted child. Any first time is always impressive, such as the first unforgettable love affair, the first bloody battle...

Because Dong Huang arrived early to give Lu Lingqi a surprise, when he arrived, Lu Lingqi and Mrs. Yan had not yet appeared. Only Wei, who was wearing a rose-red gauze, was ecstatically serving Dong Huang and drinking. Someone wanted to They went to invite Mrs. Yan and her daughter, but were stopped by Dong Huang.

Dong Huang was also curious, what were the mother and daughter doing?

In the bathroom of Madam Yan's palace, a pair of beauties who looked like sisters were taking a bath. Both beauties were born with silver hair, tender skin, slender bodies, and curvy figures.

The only difference is that one is more mature, charming, sexy and hot, while the other is more youthful, heroic and energetic.

Naturally, these beauties are the mother and daughter Mrs. Yan and Lu Lingqi.

The cruel time was obviously used to letting go of beauty when she was a child. It did not leave any vicissitudes on Yan in her thirties, but instead carved out mature gifts and rich flavors for her free of charge.

And this unique taste, with the blessing of wild beauty, has been qualitatively sublimated, just like the juice of a peach when it is about to be broken, any man can't help but want to take a sip.

What's even more wonderful is her pair of straight and slender legs, which are not inferior to Hu Sanniang in terms of length, and not inferior to Ma Yunlu in terms of firmness and fitness. They can be called the best and most playable legs.

There is no doubt that Mrs. Yan has a good figure that countless women envy. However, Lu Lingqi is not envious, because Lu Lingqi's figure is not inferior to Mrs. Yan, and even worse in some places.

For example, the length of the legs, the exquisiteness of the feet, the fullness of the figure, the fairness of the skin...

Of course, the more important point is that Lu Lingqi has the unruly, confident and domineering character that Mrs. Yan does not have.

Mrs. Yan had a poor background when she was young. When she got older, she was dependent on others and had to learn how to please men and how to bow down to others.

To put it bluntly, Mrs. Yan's wildness is a shell she has to disguise in order to survive, and going with the flow is her essence.

But Lu Lingqi is different. Although Lu Lingqi was fluent in childhood, she has followed Dong Huang all these years without suffering any grievances. After Dong Huang became emperor, he not only had the title of eldest princess, but she was also the eldest sister of the underage children in Dong Huang's palace. , when out of the palace to play, they are also cheered by each other.

In the eyes of everyone, she is the real eldest princess.

Such an environment and the heartfelt respect and awe of others made her naturally no longer subservient, but instead developed a domineering attitude that looked down upon her peers.

The environment in which a person grows up is really important.

She gently wiped the water droplets from her daughter's body, and gently touched Lu Lingqi's collarbone with her jade hands. Feeling her daughter's delicate and smooth skin, Mrs. Yan unconsciously felt a trace of jealousy.

【How could I be jealous of my daughter~】

Madam Yan shook her head mockingly, removing this ridiculous idea from her mind.

"Stop playing in the water and get dressed quickly. Your Majesty is coming soon. Didn't you say you prepared a gift for His Majesty? What exactly is it? Let me take a look first and check it for you. Don't make His Majesty unhappy. ."

Mrs. Yan urged.

In fact, Mrs. Yan has always been worried. She is afraid that her daughter will be arrogant and do something extraordinary.

To be honest, once Lu Lingqi angered Dong Huang, Mrs. Yan would naturally not be able to protect her.

In troubled times, duckweed can hardly protect itself, but for whom can it withstand the wind and waves?

"I'm ready, Father will definitely be satisfied!"

Lu Lingqi puffed up her chest confidently, her eyes shining brightly.

A drop of crystal water falls from a high place, like a greedy lens, magnifying many wonderful scenery in a flash.

"I want to call you His Majesty the Father!"

Mrs. Yan made some old-fashioned corrections.

Etiquette is really important. Although Dong Huang never sticks to trivial matters, Mrs. Yan is still afraid of being caught gossiping.

To be honest, Mrs. Yan's status in the palace is not even as good as Lu Lingqi's.

There is no way. Although there are not many women that Dong Huang really owns and recognizes, even Zhao Ji is far inferior in quantity, but the quality is really unparalleled in ancient and modern times. Even a beauty like Madam Yan has no confidence that she can It occupies a place in Dong Huang's heart.

"Don't worry, Father will definitely be satisfied!"

Lu Lingqi wiped her body clean with confidence, put on a shoulderless and sleeveless black inverted triangle leather jacket and leather skirt, put on knee-high black leg-wrapped leather boots, put on a phoenix crown, and put on a phoenix crown with confidence. Her silver-brown hair was pushed back, she turned around and asked with a smile: "Mother, am I beautiful?"

"Beautiful, of course she is. My Lingqi is the most beautiful!"

Mrs. Yan said proudly, but deep in her eyes, there was a hint of worry unconsciously.

[I hope it’s not what I thought! 】

Mrs. Yan could only persuade herself.

"That's good!"

Lu Lingqi turned around generously and looked at her mother who had not yet emerged from the bath. Suddenly she got a plan and saw that she snatched away Madam Yan's clothes with lightning speed, before Madam Yan could react. Before coming over, he turned around and left, locked the bathroom door, and then told the maid: "I will kill anyone who dares to open the door without my order!"

"Obey...obey, Your Royal Highness, Princess!"

The two maids shivered.

Lu Lingqi smiled, put on Mrs. Yan's skirt, and turned it around in a circle. She felt pretty good, and then returned to the bedroom. As soon as she entered the door, she was shocked and saw Dong Huang eating leisurely. liquor.


Lu Lingqi was surprised.

"Lingqi? Come and sit. Hey, why are you wearing your mother's clothes?"

Dong Huang was a little curious.

"It's...a little cold..."

Lu Lingqi awkwardly took off her mother's clothes, revealing a bright leather outfit. Even Dong Huang was a little distracted for a moment.

With a delicate face, unruly eyes, waist-length hair, fair skin, tall figure, and tight leather clothes, Dong Huang felt like he had been stabbed for a moment.

【See no evil, see no evil! 】

In line with the mentality of not seeing anything inappropriate, Dong Huang shifted his gaze and said: "You are also a hairpin girl. When you grow up, come and see what gifts I have prepared for you."

As he spoke, Dong Huang took out a golden hairpin with nine phoenixes about to take flight.

This is a golden hairpin that Dong Huang asked Pu Yuan to build and spend 9,999 war points to strengthen in the space store. Its quality has reached the sixth level. It has the effect of keeping the body clean and accelerating the recovery of injuries and conditions. .

"Father, please put it on for me, please."

Lu Lingqi casually removed the phoenix crown on her head, hooked her hands around Dong Huang's neck, and said charmingly.

"Okay, okay, I really can't do anything to you!"

Dong Huang fulfilled the little birthday girl's wish, helped her tie up her hair and inserted the gold hairpin with her own hands.

Lu Lingqi had as long legs and tall body as Hu Sanniang. When Dong Huang inserted the golden hairpin, he naturally got close to her. His masculine breath hit Lu Lingqi's face, and Lu Lingqi's face suddenly turned red.

"Come, see if you like it?"

Dong Huang wanted Lu Lingqi to look in the mirror.

But Lu Lingqi saw herself reflected in Dong Huang's pupils: her skin was greasy, her cheeks were reddish, her pupils were water-cut, and she looked stunning.

"Of course I do, but..."

Lu Lingqi suddenly lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to look at Dong Huang, but let Dong Huang's breath hit her face, and whispered: "Father, do you know what Lingqi wants most?"

"What is it? As long as I can do it."

Dong Huang didn't mind fulfilling the wish of his favorite daughter on her birthday.

"I want Father's Fang Tian Hua Ji!"

Lu Lingqi lowered her head nervously, not daring to look into Dong Huang's eyes.

"Fang Tian Hua Ji, okay, no problem."

Dong Huang was startled, and then he understood that Lu Lingqi must want the Fang Tian Painted Halberd, the trophy she got from Lu Bu, and definitely nothing else, and she immediately agreed readily.

"Thank you...Father!"

Lu Lingqi was a little excited, but also a little nervous. She lowered her head and rested her forehead on Dong Huang's chest. She was embarrassed and asked, "Father, can you give me some advice on how to use the halberd?"

"Of course!"

Dong Huang smiled and touched Lu Lingqi's head.

Dong Huang has never been a self-respecting person, and he doesn't mind teaching Lu Lingqi everything he has.

After all, Lu Lingqi is also a general under his command, right? The stronger you are, the better you can help yourself conquer the world.

Although Lu Lingqi has just grown up, her talent and fighting power are stronger than many adult generals, and even stronger than Huang Zhong's daughter Huang Wudie. She is a girl worth cultivating. If Dong Huang doesn't teach her everything, who should he? Give everything to everyone?

"Then father, can you go to mother's place with me to practice? Her place is big, and the New Year's gift I prepared for father is also placed there."

Lu Lingqi's ears were red and her voice became softer and softer. She was obviously ashamed of her excessive demands.

But Dong Huang has always been generous.


Dong Huang responded.

Then Dong Huang glanced at Wei, who did not dare to disturb her during the whole process, and said: "Prepare hot meals and have dinner together in the evening. You and Mrs. Yan can sleep together tonight!"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wei was overjoyed.

Mrs. Wei knew her position very well, so her requirements were not high. She only hoped that she could serve Dong Huang well and drink some soup, and that she could have a boy and a half girl in the future. It was enough to have hope.

Women in the harem, especially women who are not favored, have only this ability.

Mrs. Wei was satisfied, and Lu Lingqi was even happier because she was finally able to learn the halberd technique that she had always wanted to do.

In the previous world, she was the daughter of Lu Bu. Lu Bu was famous for being good at using halberds. However, she spent most of her time following Dong Huang and never learned Lu Bu's halberd skills that made the world look down on her.

Fortunately, according to her mother-in-law, Dong Huang's halberd skills are much better than Lu Bu's. When a halberd is used, it is airtight. It is like a golden dragon exploring a cave or a long bow shooting at the sun. It is extremely powerful. Incomparably, plowing the courtyard and sweeping holes makes people crazy.

In order to confirm the truth of what her mother said, Lu Lingqi even asked the Wei family specifically. Although the Wei family rarely saw him, she also praised Dong Huang's halberd skills. He boasts that he is rare in heaven and unparalleled in the world.

My mother-in-law and Aunt Wei, who have witnessed Lu Bu's best halberd skill in the world, both said so. How can it be false?

Lu Lingqi is eager to try.

"Is this the Fang Tian painted halberd used by my father? It's so long, and it can't be held with one hand!"

Lu Lingqi exclaimed in surprise when she touched Fang Tian's painted halberd for the first time.

I really don’t know how my father can swing such a long and thick Fang Tian Hua Ji.

Although she also wanted to practice Fang Tian's painted halberd, her father's Fang Tian painted halberd was too long and thick, right? Can a woman use it?

"Used to it!"

Dong Huang explained patiently: "Among all the long weapons, Fang Tian's painted halberd is the one that tests the most control ability and skill!"

Dong Huang held Lu Lingqi's hand and asked her to touch Fang Tian's painted halberd with her own hands, feeling the temperature of this exquisite long weapon. He introduced it from the tip of the halberd: "The tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd is sharper than the long weapon." The spear is longer than a horse spear, and is good at thrusting. It is important to kill with one hit, and you will see blood wherever you go!"


Lu Lingqi was able to figure it out. She lightly brushed the halberd blade with her fingertips, feeling the temperature of the halberd blade, imagining the scene of the halberd killing all directions and seeing blood as soon as it came out. She couldn't help but get excited.

"Here is the twig, also known as the crescent blade. The biggest difference between Fang Tian's painted halberd and ordinary spears is that it has increased cutting ability. When using Fang Tian's painted halberd, it can not only stab directly, but also chop. The methods are flexible and diverse , can deal with different enemies, and of course, the requirements for users will be higher."

Dong Huang continued the introduction patiently.

Fang Tian's painted halberd is one of the most skillful among long weapons. It requires more practice to use it in order to gradually master the essence.

"Yeah, I understand."

Lu Lingqi can figure it out.

After all, her talent was there.

"This is the handle of the halberd. It is very long and thick. It requires strength to hold it!"

Dong Huang continued to introduce: "There are many ways to hold Fang Tian's painted halberd. You can flexibly choose the position according to the need to defeat the enemy. It can be a little back, a little in the middle, a little forward, or you can move flexibly from time to time, but the speed You have to be fast, you have to be flexible, you can't just hold on to a dead position, and at the same time, you have to pay attention to the blood splashing from the direction of the halberd blade."


Lu Lingqi nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and moved her hands up and down tentatively on Fang Tian's painted halberd. However, maybe because it was too dry in winter, Lu Lingqi always felt that the movement was not smooth, so she took advantage of Dong Huang not paying attention. He secretly spit on his hand twice to lubricate it, and when he used Fang Tian's painted halberd, it immediately became much smoother.

Lu Lingqi couldn't help but praise her wit.


Dong Huang took a breath of cold air: She is indeed the daughter of Marquis Lu Wen. Her talent in using a halberd is absolutely amazing, and she can learn it by herself without a teacher.

"Finally, here is the handle of the halberd. Generally, you don't need to hold it, but you can also hold it if you want to imitate a spear and use a carbine!"

Dong Huang finally introduced.


Lu Lingqi nodded again like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay, how to use the Fangtian Painted Halberd well depends on your own understanding. I can't teach you step by step all the time. You can also practice it yourself and give it a try!"

Dong Huang finally concluded.

The master leads the door, the skill lies in the individual.

Dong Huang was busy with everything, and he didn't have time to teach people how to use Fang Tian Hua Ji over and over again.

But Lu Lingqi is obviously the kind of person with great talent.

"Father, please be optimistic. I'll give it a try. If I find anything wrong, can you teach me?"

Lu Lingqi held Fang Tian's painted halberd alone for the first time. She was a little frightened and couldn't help but act coquettishly.

"All right!"

Dong Huang's principle is that he has no principles, so he decisively gave Lu Lingqi another chance.


Hiss, hiss, hiss——

Dong Huang kept sucking in cold air.

Lu Lingqi's talent for wielding a halberd is so terrifying!

If things continue to develop at this rate, it won't be long before Lu Lingqi becomes his number one general.

So, when Mrs. Yan finally got out of trouble and secretly returned to her bedroom, she happened to see Lu Lingqi enthusiastically learning how to use the halberd.

Mrs. Yan was stunned.

When Lu Lingqi saw her mother coming back, she suddenly smiled, knocked her little head coquettishly, and stammered in embarrassment: "Oh... Father... Wuwu... I also have a New Year's gift... Wuwu ...Gululu...I want to give it to you!"

"Maybe two!"

Not knowing what she thought of, Lu Lingqi suddenly smiled happily.

The characters from the Liao Kingdom who appear in this chapter are all official historical figures.

Xiao Yixue, whose courtesy name is Tefen, is the queen of the uncle's and young father's house. Sexually willing. During his longevity, he served as drama officer.

At the beginning of Tianqing Dynasty, I learned that my uncle Guo was in charge of everything and moved to the front of the palace to inspect the affairs. Jinbing rose up and became the deputy commander of the march. After losing the battle, he was dismissed from office. In the sixth year, he served as the military envoy of Wuding Army and moved to Xijing to stay. Next year, the drama thief Dong Pang'er will fight against Yi Shuixi and defeat him. He was made prime minister of the Northern Prefecture by Gong, and was appointed Zuopushe, and also served as the commander-in-chief of the Northeast Road. In the tenth year, the Jin soldiers fell into Shangjing, and the imperial edict also served as the military envoy to stay in Shangjing and command the army on the Northeast Road. The government is tolerant and fierce, and the poor people of the people are always encouraged and sympathized with, and everyone loves them.

In the second year of Baoda, the Jin army arrived, Yi and Xue's army was defeated, and they moved to the southwest to recruit envoys. The people of the tribe were scattered and refused to go. When Tian Zuo moved to the palace, his attendants were always inspected before paying homage to the palace. Wherever the Jin soldiers passed by, the defeated soldiers of all the camps gathered together in the capital, and Yi Xue was sent to stay in the capital to appease them.

Next year, Lu Yanlun rebelled in the city, and Yi Xue was imprisoned for several months. He was released because he had no fault as an official. Later he was killed by Yelu Dashi.

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