Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 207 I, Daliao, am not the Eastern Han Dynasty (Three in One)

Pretty Aunt Xiao Hu took the conspicuous Bao Pei Shizhe as the vanguard and drove straight to Yinma River.

The terrain near this section of the road is complex, and there are many places where ambushes are prone to ambush, so Pretty Aunt Xiao Hu walked very carefully.

Pei Shizhe, who was appointed as the pioneer by him, was even more careful.

To a certain extent, the vanguard is the cannon fodder for exploring the road. Pei Shizhe had no intention of being cannon fodder for Xiao Hu. He chose an exchanged soldier and led the infantry forward on a big horse under his own banner. After a while, he sent people to Xiao Hu's pretty aunt to ensure her safety. He himself took more than 3,000 cavalry under his command to drill into the ravine and decided to wait until the war was over.

I am the agent of war, and I am not your horse. Why should I die for you?

However, when he entered the valley, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and then thousands of arrows were fired from both sides of the valley.

"The enemy is a little cautious. They have all explored the way here."

Pu Hu spat out the grass roots in his mouth, looking excited and excited.

In a battle involving millions of people, he was able to catch up. If we stayed in our hometown, a battle involving 30,000 people would be rare.

Wang Ping next to him was very calm.

Wang Ping first took out the map and studied it carefully, and then considered the battlefield situation. He always felt that this army did not come to explore the road, but instead wanted to find a place to hide.

"The enemy's morale is unstable. This unit should avoid fighting and leave."

Wang Ping made a careful judgment.

"you mean?"

Pu Hupin tasted it.

The junior Meng Yan, Liu Yin, Lei Tong, Lingbao, Deng Xian, Liu Huang, Ma Zhong and others did not say anything and all looked at Wang Ping.

They were still convinced by Wang Ping's commanding ability. The most important thing was that even Pu Hu, who was barely considered a relative, was convinced by Wang Ping, and they did not dare to make any mistakes.

"The task His Majesty gave us is to ambush the enemy in the mountains and wait for opportunities to harass the enemy. If necessary, rely on the mountains to block their retreat."

Wang Ping first repeated the strategic objectives of his unit, and then said: "But I see that the enemy's soldiers are not united and their morale is scattered. Maybe we can..."

Wang Ping's eyes narrowed, and he stuttered a little because of his excitement: "Eat the enemy's forward... in one fell swoop!"

"That's hundreds of thousands of troops!"

When Pu Hu heard this, he patted his thigh and was delighted when he heard about the war: "We must not let them go!"

Pu Hu was originally a Taoist, he was warlike, and was better at fighting in the mountains. Although the total number of Wudang Feijun and other troops under Wang Ping's command was only 30,000, the enemy only numbered over 100,000. I'm afraid What!

"The terrain here determines that they must divide their forces to camp, maybe more than ten miles together. We can detour behind the enemy's rear at night and attack from the rear camp. The wind is still north, which is just right to set fire!"

Liu Yin, who has never had any decent achievements, is also gearing up.

"The Chinese army's camp and other camps must also be harassed and set on fire. The enemy will be frightened and will definitely be in chaos, but they must retreat before the fire upwind burns up."

Lingbao also suggested.

"I can attack the enemy's middle camp, or I can set up camp behind the enemy and set up an ambush to block the reinforcements sent by the enemy's main force."

Meng Yan also invited Zhan Dao.

Although these generals under Wang Ping are not very famous, they are definitely not useless, and many of them are temporary choices.

For example, Liu Yin was a general in the late Shu Han Dynasty. When Zhong Hui and Deng Ai destroyed Shu, he defended the Golden City and Zhong Hui could not capture it. In the end, Liu Chan surrendered and he had no choice but to surrender.

Meng Yan is a member of Meng Huo's clan. Historically, he served as the supervisor of the Tiger Infantry Army of Shu Han's elite troops and followed Zhuge Liang during his fifth Northern Expedition.

At that time, Zhuge Liang's main force was in Weinan and west of the Wugong River. Meng Yan led five or six thousand tiger infantry to the east of the Wugong River. Due to the rising Wugong River, Meng Yan's troops were cut off from the main force. Sima Yi led tens of thousands of cavalry to attack, but Meng Yan could not hold on. They moved and held on until Zhuge Liang came for reinforcements and drove back Sima Yi's army.

Some of the other generals were generals from Shu during the Liu Zhang period, and some were generals from the late Shu Han period. They were not simple figures.

If they are asked to command cavalry or fight on the plains, they may not perform very well, but when they command troops who are good at mountain warfare to fight in the mountains and forests, they are not afraid of anyone.

The worst thing is, just run away after losing the battle. Can you still catch up with me in the mountains?

The generals talked to each other and gradually formed a complete combat plan.

"Generals, what do you think?"

Finally, Wang Ping looked at Wu Tu Gu, who was curled up in several layers of cloaks like a mountain peak, and the three foster brothers who were dressed in almost the same way.

"I have no objection. Your Majesty said that you have a very smart mind and asked me to listen to you more. Whatever you tell me to do, I will do it!"

The sound of the protruding bone urns the airway.

"The same goes for us...Aqiu!"

The three adopted brothers froze into three lumps.

In this war, Dong Huang originally did not want these southern barbarian generals and troops to participate in the war, but these guys were so bored that they insisted on asking for a fight. Dong Huang felt soft and took them with him, and then arranged them here. on the battlefield.

Originally, they thought that the grass was growing and the weather was not bad, which would be a good opportunity to stretch their muscles. However, when a cold wind blew, they all wore several layers of clothes and were unwilling to move.

"That being the case, that's what we're going to do."

Wang Ping started the final arrangements before the war.

On the same day, we were near the town of Houshifeng. This is the most open location nearby and is surrounded by mountains and rivers. It is a good place to camp.

In the camp, Gao Shun was discussing the next direction with Huang Zhong, Xi Zhicai, Gan Ning, Zhang Ren, Xia Houyuan, Xiahou Dun and others.

Because Gao Shun is the guard here and has stayed the longest, he is also the leader of the front line this time.

"Your Majesty wants to have a decisive battle with the Liao army here."

Huang Zhongdao.

"But the terrain here makes it difficult for a large army to fight. It's okay for us to occupy a favorable position. The enemy's millions of troops and their camps will stretch for dozens of miles, right? This is an opportunity. The only problem is that the enemy seems to be upwind. , the wind and sand are strong this season, which may not be good for us!”

Zhang Ren expressed his concerns.

"Without such a huge advantage, the enemy may not dare to come. As long as we occupy a favorable position to contain the danger and defend the key point, the enemy can only attack hard or feint."

Xia Houyuan was not very worried, because Dong Huang's army was stationed at all the dangerous locations around him, and there were also Dong Huang's cavalry and Wudang flying troops ambushing in the mountains.

"If we don't take the initiative and fight first, everyone has seen the enemy's capabilities anyway. We can defeat their forwards first so that they don't dare to camp in the open area, and finally block their entire army.

It doesn't matter whether it's a hundred thousand or a million, it's all useless if it can't be used. Besides, war is not about quantity! I am willing to lead Qianqi to the robbery camp tonight to find out what is going on. "

Gan Ning asked for orders.

"That's fine."

Gao Shun and Huang Zhong exchanged glances, and seeing that Huang Zhong had no objection, he nodded.

Gao Shun, Xi Zhicai and Gan Ning have become very close ever since they peed on the Yangtze River. They are not brothers, but more like brothers. Gao Shun is steady and majestic, Xi Zhicai is resourceful and decisive, and Gan Ning is strong and brave. , the three of them also complement each other in character, forming a very tacit iron triangle.

So Gan Ning took the order and went to select the elite, preparing to give the Liao army a little more good looks, so as not to let Huang Zhong and Zhang Ren Zhuan be the best.

That day and night, Xiao Hu and Lianggu camped for ten miles and sent a large number of scouts to investigate in order to prevent sneak attacks.

As a forward, Xiao Hu has a lot of work to do. Not only does she need to build roads and bridges over mountains and rivers, but she also needs to clear up the unstable factors in the front and find suitable campsites for the rear troops... and so on.

So that night, Pretty Aunt Xiao Hu didn't sleep peacefully, especially since the scouts sent out to the surrounding mountains most likely failed to return on time, which cast a shadow over his actions.

"We must prevent the enemy from stealing the camp! Be smart."

Pretty Aunt Xiao Hu warned her again and again.

Of course, the Liao army also knew the horror of being stolen from the camp. Officers at all levels also issued strict orders, but when it came to the lowest level soldiers, the degree of implementation varied.

Some elites naturally follow three steps, one post, five steps, and one post, changing guard on time, but there are also troops with a common problem at the end of the dynasty. The oppression of soldiers has reached the limit, and those standing guard are also the lowest level of being squeezed. They are exhausted and waiting. After eating and washing my feet, my corps commander went to stand guard. When I got to my post, I fell asleep soon after.

Wang Ping's troops launched a night attack at Zishi, and the night attack was carried out first by Wutu Gu's men.

Wearing three layers of heavy armor, Wu Tu Gu was like a humanoid tank. After speeding up, he jumped directly over the railing of the last camp of the Liao army and jumped into the camp.

Before the soldiers standing guard could react, the protruding bone, which had grown to a height of three meters and three meters, was split in half with a knife, which had grown twice under the influence of spiritual rice and others.

With Wutu Bone's size, an ordinary sword strike would be enough to kill a fifth-level soldier.

After quickly cleaning up the surroundings, Wu Tu Gu still had the energy to cut down the fence from the inside, allowing the army to enter.

After Dong Huang's army entered the camp, they began to make noises and set fires.

Because this is the last battalion of the Liao Army's vanguard battalion, it should have the lowest chance of being attacked. However, it suddenly failed to react, and there was chaos.

The commander of the rear camp of the Liao army was quite courageous and wanted to control the situation with his own soldiers. As a result, Wu Tu Gu was delighted and slashed at him with a seven or eight meter long sword.

How could the Liao army commander block the mountain-like protruding bones? He was cut in half in a few blows, and the situation suddenly got out of control.

With the help of the whistling little north wind, the fire spread quickly and soon burned to the next Liao army camp.

It was not just this camp that was attacked by the Liao army. From the rear camp to the main camp, seven or eight places were attacked. Several places were breached and burned. The Liao army inside was howling like ghosts and wolves, either constantly attacking the camp in front or Running wildly to both sides of the mountain.

The Chinese army camp led by Aunt Xiao Hu was composed of elite Pishi troops.

Although most of the Pishi Army has been corrupted to a level that is only better than that of the Song Dynasty Forbidden Army, there are still many elites among them, and it is precisely these elites who serve under Xiao Hu Lianggu.

They tenaciously repelled Wang Ping's two attacks and destroyed Wang Ping's attempt to burn the Chinese army, but that was all.

Bai Ge's elite troops were able to protect Liu Bei's retreat, but they could not change the situation of Yiling's disastrous defeat.

The same is true for the Chinese army led by Aunt Xiao Hu.

The fire that stretched for several miles in the rear and was constantly approaching the Chinese army made Xiao Hu Lianggu realize that she was defeated, and it was a disastrous defeat.

"Dig the trench well and be sure not to let the fire spread!"

Pretty Aunt Xiao Hu commanded calmly.

As long as the central army and the front army are preserved, if the rear army and logistics are lost, they will be lost. Anyway, the main force is coming soon. At worst, I will apologize to Yelu Yanxi again.

Pretty Aunt Xiao Hu was also willing to risk her life.

However, what he did not expect was that the former army, for which he had placed high hopes, also collapsed.

The fire in the rear could not be concealed from anyone, and the front troops who saw the fire were all panic-stricken. Gan Ning, who had been preparing to rob the camp, saw the opportunity, and while sending people to notify the main force of the attack, he personally led the army to rob the camp.

The Liao army, which had no intention of fighting, fled in chaos, and Gan Ning actually kicked five camps in a row.

When it was almost dawn, only three camps of the Liao army were still holding on, and there was a faint...

Of course, the fire in the front could not hide the main force of the Liao army in the rear.

Emperor Tianzuo of Liao hurriedly ordered Xiao Feng, the commander of the imperial camp, to send reinforcements to check the situation.

Although Xiao Fengxian also has the word "Fengxian" in his name, he does not have the courage and courage of Lu Fengxian to charge into the battle with dozens of people.

Faced with this unclear situation, he immediately thought of Situ Sihong, who had made great contributions in the last war against Jin.

At that time, the main forces of Liao and Jin were confronting each other, and Situ Sihong, who had made great achievements by capturing the traitor Yelv Zhangnu, led a partial army of nearly 30,000 people into the rear of the Jin Kingdom, and launched a plowing and hole-sweeping campaign, which exploded violently. The Chrysanthemum of the Jin Kingdom wiped out more than 30 Jurchen small and medium-sized tribes whose main members went out to fight, and set up an ambush to annihilate a Jin regular army of more than a thousand people. It can be said that they have made outstanding military achievements.

However, after such great achievements, you did not share half of the profits with Mr. Xiao Fengxian, nor did you offer any gifts. If you don't explore the way, who will?

Situ Sihong did not hesitate after receiving the order, and immediately led his headquarters to expand to 40,000 troops to support.

Like most of the war agents in the Liao camp, Situ Sihong also has little loyalty to the broken ship of Daliao, but it is not without benefits to rely on the broken ship of Daliao. The broken ship still has three pounds of nails, not to mention Let’s talk about Daliao, which has a vast territory.

Situ Sihong's strategic plan is very clear. Either he can rise to become the overlord of one side in the wars of Song, Liao, Jin and Xia. At worst, he can follow the path that Yelu Dashi walked, leaving Yelu Dashi with no way to go.

For the war agents who were born in the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Dashi was their common role model, and the Western Ocean Horses were their common riding target - if the Western Ocean Horses of this period could pay attention to hygiene, bathe frequently, and have no sexually transmitted diseases if.

For the war agents in the Liao Kingdom, if this is not possible, they can still go north to conquer the vast area north of the Beihai! You can even try to go to the Americas by land along the Bering Strait. If you can go to the Americas, with their weapons and equipment, it will probably be another crushing game.

No one doesn't like a crushing game.

Situ Sihong, who had a clear goal, used his Liao generals as the vanguard to explore the path. As a result, the pathfinder encountered an ambush in a valley, suffered heavy losses, and had to retreat.

Situ Sihong didn't care much about this defeat. He just told Xiao Fengxian the intelligence he had obtained and his own judgment: the enemy probably wanted to annihilate Xiao Hu Jinggu's troops, so they set up an ambush on the road to block the reinforcements. It was recommended to quickly Quickly dispatch infantry to defeat the blocking enemy troops overnight and carry out rescue as soon as possible. Delay will lead to change!

Realizing that the situation was urgent, Xiao Feng first adopted Situ Sihong's suggestion and asked Emperor Liao Tianzuo overnight to send 50,000 infantry to attack the Dayu army responsible for blocking the attack.

It's not that he doesn't want to send more people, but the mobilization of the army is not a simple matter. It doesn't mean that he can bring out 600,000 to 700,000 people, not to mention that it is still dark.

Being able to select 50,000 troops who dare to attack the enemy in the mountains in the dark is already extraordinary.

These people were able to march and fight in the dark mountains at night without collapsing. They were definitely the elites of the Liao Kingdom.

As for more people, Xiao Fengxian did not dare to mobilize.

In fact, if hundreds of thousands of people really take action, I'm afraid they will roar.

Dong Huang's troops, Liu Yin and Meng Yan, who were responsible for blocking the enemy, were not afraid when faced with an army several times their own. They calmly relied on the terrain to create a tenacious blockade, and took advantage of the cover of night and their expertise in mountain warfare. With his advantage, he constantly launched surprise attacks against the Liao army who were discrediting the attack from various unexpected positions. He abruptly blocked the Liao army that was ten times his own and beheaded thousands of people.

Taking advantage of the time bought by the second division, the main force of Wang Ping's division and Gao Shun's division launched a fierce attack on Xiao Hu's prettygu's Chinese camp.

First there were waves of rockets and crossbows, and then the troops formed by the Liao soldiers and others were driven to launch wave after wave of attacks without fear of death.

The fence of Xiao Hu Jinggu's camp was forcibly leveled by the corpses of Dayu's servants. Dayu's army stepped on the corpses and continued to enter Xiao Hu Jinggu's camp from all directions. The protruding bones that had been recharged for a long time rushed forward again like a humanoid tank. Formation, leading the elite forcefully broke up the military formation in front of Xiao Hu Jinggu.

However, Aunt Xiao Hu actually stood under the banner of the Chinese army and beat drums to boost morale.

These elite soldiers of the Pishi Army, one of the most elite units of the Liao Army, were inspired by Xiao Hu's beautiful aunt. They were inspired by the pride that their ancestors had when they forced Zhao Er's donkey cart to drift. Blocked the protruding bone.

"Really elite!"

Gao Shun, who was standing on a temporary high platform to watch the battle, looked at his left and right generals Gao Lian and Wei Yue. He was preparing to use the trap.

Under normal circumstances, when the military formation is destroyed, the enemies should scatter and flee. Those who can reunite the military formation are definitely the best among the best.

Gao Shun guessed that this may be related to Xiao Hu's skills.

"General Gao, don't be anxious, it's up to me."

Huang Zhong stopped Gao Shun's urge to kill himself: "It's okay if the enemy general doesn't show up. Since he has already showed up, don't blame me for being rude!"

Huang Zhong bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow at Aunt Xiao Hu's temple. Aunt Xiao Hu was unable to dodge and was hit by the arrow and died.

Huang Zhong then bent his bow again and shot an arrow through the drum of the Chinese army.

The third arrow actually broke the rope binding the Chinese flag, and the Liao army's flag fell down.

"Dayu Wansheng!"

Huang Zhong's sharp shot made the Yu army's morale explode again. But at the moment when Xiao Hu's pretty aunt died and the Chinese army's flag fell, the Liao army seemed to have been ripped out of its bones. Except for a few who were still fighting to the death, most of the Liao army was still alive. Some of them knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this point, Yelu Yanxi's 150,000 forward army had all been defeated.

Except for the troops who were initially defeated by Xia Houyuan and Zhang Ren through an ambush, among the remaining troops, 20,000 to 30,000 people died in the fire attack, 20,000 to 30,000 people fled into the mountains and forests, and 20,000 to 30,000 troops fled to the mountains and forests. Some died in the battle, and the rest surrendered and became prisoners.

At dawn, Emperor Liao Tianzuo, who finally lost his patience, ordered more troops to attack Liu Yin and Meng Yan's troops in turn, but the two troops had already disappeared.

The furious Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Dynasty ordered the mountain to be searched, and at the same time he ordered to contact Xiao Hu's troops in the former army to find out the truth.

However, what was waiting for him was the news that the entire army of Aunt Xiao Hu had been wiped out from the mouths of several defeated soldiers.

"My 150,000 troops were wiped out in one night?"

Yelu Yanxi's first reaction was to run away, her second reaction was anger, and her third reaction was whether the news was false.

"First kill all these deserters!"

Yelu Yanxi first issued a cruel order, and then asked Xiao Fengxian: "What good strategy does Fengxian have?"

"Your Majesty, we should advance cautiously to prevent the enemy from repeating their old tactics... How about dividing the army into three groups, with the main force stationed at Yuanyangbo, conquering the Southwest Recruitment Department along the way, subduing the Fanbu, waiting for Xixia reinforcements, and then gathering forces to attack Yu from the southwest. Army; attack Guihuazhou all the way, and then seize Juyongguan, this way can just echo the army attacking Yuguan. If we break through the pass all the way, Youzhou will be lost and regained, and the Yu Kingdom will also lose its foundation, and it will definitely be defeated!"

Xiao Feng first pointed out a lot of things, but the core meaning was only one: don't go, let's take a step back.

Xiao Fengxian is not a simple figure. His status is equivalent to the father of the Jin Kingdom. Before, when the Jin Kingdom had not raised troops and was very weak, someone persuaded Yelu Yanxi to kill Wanyan Aguda, but Xiao Fengxian persuaded him to stop it.

In the original history, after Xiao Fengxian's persuasion and vicious tricks, Yelu Yanxi chose to escape many times when it was time to fight, and killed his concubine Xiao Sesu and his son King Jin, forcing General Yelu Yujian to rebel. Lost military morale.

In short, the Jin Kingdom was able to rise smoothly and destroy the Liao Kingdom, and Xiao Fengxian contributed a lot.

Xiao Fengxian was a man of extraordinary beauty, eloquence, outstanding political ability, and good at grasping people's hearts. Together with his sister Xiao Yuanfei, he served Yelu Yanxi very comfortably.

However, compared with his ability to please and flatter, Xiao Fengxian's military ability is really average, and his courage is not very great.

The Yu army first easily captured Nanjing, which was guarded by Yelu Chun and others, and then defeated Xijing, which was guarded by Xiao Yixue and others. They also wiped out Xiao Hu's army of hundreds of thousands in one night. Such combat power was really scary. Xiao Fengxian.

But Xiao Fengxian was a smart coward. He would not directly say anything about the army retreating. Instead, he said in a roundabout way that we should go to a position further back to prepare for war, and then look at the situation of other armies before making a choice.

If the other routes were defeated, then it would be understandable for us to withdraw again. It was all due to the inability of the friendly forces to do so. With such ineffectiveness of the friendly forces, His Majesty also regained hundreds of kilometers of land near Yuanyangbo. It was also a great battle. Win.

"Your Majesty, no!"

As soon as Xiao Fengxian finished speaking, Yelu Yujian couldn't bear it anymore.

"Your Majesty, the morale of our army has been low since we were working hard on the expedition. Now, although there has been a small defeat at the front, the main force has not been damaged. And it is precisely because of the small defeat at the front that our army has become a mournful soldier. Your Majesty should inform the entire army of the tragic situation of the soldiers on the front. Personally inspire the whole army and avenge the former army! In this way, with united efforts, we will not worry about being unable to defeat the traitor army!"

Yeluyu persuaded him.

Yelu Yujian actually didn't know whether his strategy would work, but he knew that once the army retreated, its already low morale would completely disappear.

Moreover, the retreat of nearly 700,000 troops is not a simple project. Once the enemy takes advantage of the situation, it can easily turn into a huge defeat.

After Yelu Yujian finished persuading, the civil and military people in the big tent immediately divided into two waves. Some supported Xiao Fengxian, and some supported Yelu Yujian. They argued with each other until they almost started to fight.

Emperor Liao Tianzuo felt dizzy after hearing this.

In fact, he didn't know much about military matters, but he knew one thing very well: Dong Huang's army's combat effectiveness seemed to be no lower than that of Jin's army. It would be dangerous if Dong Huang's army got entangled!

Thinking of this, the number one runner in the late Liao Dynasty decided to run away!

Emperor Tianzuo of Liao was very similar to Dong Huang in one thing, that is, safety came first.

The decision of Emperor Tianzuo of Liao made Yelu Yujian and other main war factions angry.

"You bastard who is afraid of war and harming the country, I will definitely kill you sooner or later!"

Yelu Yujian said bitterly when he passed by Xiao Fengxian.

Yelu Yujian's words made Xiao Fengxian narrow his eyes: Your Majesty's sister who dotes on your wife is great, aren't you? Doesn't Your Majesty love my sister anymore?

Xiao Fengxian decided to strike first and kill Yelu Yujian first.

Speaking of which, Yelu Yujian is a member of the clan and Yelu Yanxi’s brother-in-law and brother-in-law. Yelu Yujian’s wife’s sister is the King of Jin, born to Yelu Yanxi, and the King of Qin, born to Xiao Fengxian’s sister, is in a competitive relationship! At present, King Jin's support rate is higher. In this case, we might as well just do nothing...

After the ministers left, Xiao Fengxian secretly met with Yelu Yanxi again, and said: "I heard rumors that some people said that Yelu Yujian colluded with the consort Xiao Yu to conspire to support the king of Jin, Yelu Ao and Luo..."

"How old is King Jin?"

Yelu Yanxi laughed, obviously not taking this seriously.

Historically, noble rebellions in Daliao always supported prestigious clans like Yelu Chun, or clans with soldiers and generals like Yelu Zhangjianu and Yelu Shu. Who would support a child with no hair? ah.


What can a little boy do? No woman can do it!


Xiao Fengxian smiled, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said: "Your Majesty, who would support a child who is not yet an adult? I, Daliao, are not the Eastern Han Dynasty..."


Yelu Yanxi's face suddenly darkened.

No matter how uneducated Yelu Yanxi was, he still knew some things about the Eastern Han Dynasty, especially the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Xiao Fengxian's words reminded him of Dong Zhuo immediately.

Don't powerful officials like Dong Zhuo just like to support underage emperors?

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