Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 21 Proposal to move the capital


Li Ru was a little surprised. Apparently he didn't think Zhang Yan could refuse the conditions proposed by Dong Huang.

"Read this letter!"

Dong Zhuo handed a letter to Li Ru.

Li Ru opened it and saw that it was a reply from Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan first praised Dong Zhuo in the letter, and then changed the topic and said that his troops were all rebels who were not affiliated with each other and lacked food and equipment. It was difficult for him to persuade everyone to send troops. He asked Dong Zhuo to give him more time. And provide support with grain, grass and weapons.

"He dares to think!"

Li Ru obviously saw through Zhang Yan's empty glove.

"In this case, I'm afraid Lu Fengxian may not be able to win the Shangdang!"

Li Ru sighed.

If Shangdang cannot be captured, Jizhou cannot be threatened, which directly affects Dong Zhuo's grand strategy of destroying the princes.

"It seems that Zhang Yan has capable people under his command. However, although he is unwilling to take chestnuts from the fire for us, he may not really be able to resist the temptation to capture Jizhou. I guess he may want to wait for an opportunity to capture Jizhou after we and Liu Biao are both injured. !”

Li Ru thought for a while and gave his own judgment.

If Dong Huang were here, he would definitely be able to guess that Zhang Yan's war agent played a role. Although Li Ru didn't know about the war agent, he still guessed Zhang Yan's plan!

"However, what I'm more worried about is that Lu Fengxian will directly seize Bingzhou and demand Bingzhou's pastoral care after his attack on Shangdang fails!"

Li Ru gave an even worse possibility.

"It's not impossible! After all, he is originally from Bingzhou, and most of his subordinates are Bingzhou soldiers."

Dong Zhuo nodded, acknowledging Li Ru's concerns.

With Dong Huang's outstanding performance, Dong Zhuo no longer had such a big demand for Lu Bu. Coupled with Dong Huang's persistence in throwing dirty water, Dong Zhuo and others eventually wore colored glasses when looking at Lu Bu and had a low evaluation of him!

"However, Bingzhou is a poor place with many Xiongnu and other foreign tribes, so there is no harm in giving it to Lu Fengxian. Let him defend us against the foreign tribes and contain Jizhou!"

Dong Zhuo was very open-minded.

With Dong Huang's strategic plan, Dong Zhuo was not very interested in merging states. He only wanted to wipe out the princes and actually control the sacred places of Jizhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou and Jingzhou.

"That's all it can do!"

Li Ru sighed.

In the final analysis, Dong Zhuo's army still lacked troops, had a shallow political foundation, and was full of internal factions, otherwise it would not have reused Lu Bu, who was born in the Bingzhou Army.

"Next, let's talk about moving the capital. We still have to move the capital as soon as possible!"

Dong Zhuo mentioned moving the capital again: "Now that Huang'er has won a great victory and the Yuan family has been destroyed, no one should dare to oppose moving the capital!"


Li Ru hesitated.

He had no objection to moving the capital.

The so-called relocation of the capital is actually an enhanced version of demolition.

Once the capital is moved, all the wealth accumulated by millions of people in Luoyang over two hundred years will be in the hands of Dong Zhuo's army. Then he, Dong Zhuo's confidant and son-in-law, will naturally benefit from it. However, the thought of the persuasion from his staff made him hesitate.

While Li Ru was hesitating, the guards came to report that Dong Huang asked to see him.

"Huang'er, why are you here? But there's something going on at the front?"

Dong Zhuo was surprised by Dong Huang's arrival. He knew that Dong Huang was fighting vigorously on the front line, and his successive victories had forced the Allied forces, which clearly had superior strength, to not dare to fight.

Logically speaking, the situation is very good, so there is no reason for Dong Huang to come back?

Could it be that something went wrong on the front line?

Dong Zhuo was a little flustered.

"Uncle, there is nothing wrong with the front line. Because the rebels dare not go out to fight, I have ordered my generals Huang Hansheng, Taishi Ci, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and others to command the cavalry, intercept and kill allied scouts everywhere, and also attack Yingchuan, Chenliu and other places , It’s a pity that the jujubes are backed by Yanjin and are supplemented by grain and grass from Jizhou, otherwise the rebel army’s food route would have been cut off long ago.”

"My nephew considered that there were still soldiers and horses from the princes in Hanoi, Luyang, Yangzhai and other places, and they might be cut off, so he did not tangle with the rebels in Suanzao."

Dong Huang briefly introduced the situation on the front line, and then explained the purpose of his visit: "My nephew came here because he heard that my uncle wanted to move the capital!"

"Huang'er thinks the capital cannot be moved?"

Dong Zhuo frowned: "Huang'er, do you know why I must move the capital?"


Dong Huang nodded.

Dong Huang had always thought that Dong Zhuo moved because he was afraid of the military power and cruelty of the princes, but before coming to persuade Dong Zhuo, Dong Huang specifically consulted Jia Xu, and got a deeper reason from Jia Xu's mouth.

"My uncle wants to move the capital. Firstly, he wants the princes to leave Luoyang, where they have been running for a long time, and become rootless people. Secondly, because there is insufficient wealth and food and military pay, he needs to seize money and food from the rich and powerful families in Luoyang."

Dong Huang analyzed it carefully.

The third is to let the soldiers see the blood and return to their hearts.

Of course, Dong Huang did not say the last point.

"Did Jia Wenhe teach you?"

Dong Zhuo's eyelids twitched, Dong Huang's purpose was almost achieved.


Dong Huang nodded.

The reason why Dong Zhuo wanted to move the capital was very complicated and could not be summed up in one sentence of cruelty. The most important point was actually what Dong Huang did not say: in order to let the soldiers see blood and return to their hearts.

Dong Zhuo's troops were too mixed and their loyalty was worrying; Dong Zhuo's generals also looked forward to promotion and wealth. Dong Zhuo not only needed to integrate his troops to make them return home, but also needed to meet the needs of the generals. Therefore, he needed money, and he needed a lot of it. Money; we need women, we need many women; we need official positions, we need many official positions!

And these happened to be concentrated in the hands of high-ranking officials in Luoyang. If Dong Zhuo wanted to take them, he had to grab them!

The purpose of moving the capital to Luoyang and even burning Luoyang was to force these guys to reveal all their wealth so that he could rob them all!

However, Dong Zhuo also knew very well that even if he only targeted wealthy families, once the looting started, it would be impossible to stop it, and all the people would suffer in the end.

But the hair is like a leek that comes back to life after being cut off, and the head is like a chicken that is cut off and crows again, so being a dead person is nothing.

It was after listening to Jia Xu's advice that Dong Huang realized that he could not stop Dong Zhuo from moving the capital at all, because moving the capital was just a means for Dong Zhuo to seize wealth to satisfy his subordinates. As long as Dong Huang could not satisfy Dong Zhuo's subordinates' need for promotion and wealth, It could not stop Dong Zhuo from moving the capital.

All Dong Huang can do is to do his best to reduce the casualties of ordinary people!

"Jia Wenhe suggested that I persuade my uncle to threaten to move the capital and burn the city to force the civil and military officials, aristocratic families, and wealthy households in the city to leave first, and then we can send troops to plunder their money and food; as for the ordinary people in the city, there is no Even if they are moved away if necessary, Luoyang City does not necessarily have to be burned down!"

"Now that we have the advantage of military strength, whether we want to capture Jizhou or Yuzhou and Jingzhou, we need to turn around from Luoyang. Luoyang is deserted and is at our disadvantage!"

"Jia Wenhe also suggested that we capture Nanyang and contact the threats from the direction of Jingzhou; march into Hanoi and cut off the food routes of the jujube princes. If so, the princes of Guandong will collapse!"

Dong Huang did not dare to show off himself too much, lest the change in personality arouse Dong Zhuo's suspicion, but pushed everything on Jia Xu.

"Huangdi trusts Jia Wenhe!"

As soon as Dong Huang finished speaking, Li Ru said something leisurely.

He was a little jealous of Jia Xu's analytical ability, which made him make up his mind that he must not let Jia Wenhe come to Dong Zhuo's side in the center. It would be best to let Jia Xu work by Dong Huang's side for the rest of his life.

"Brother, I am a martial artist, so I can fight in battle, but I really can't do anything about these things!"

Dong Huang spread his hands, his face honest and helpless.

"If Luoyang is not burned, who does Huang'er think can defend it before defeating the princes of Guandong?"

Dong Zhuo asked.

"Anyway, as long as it's not me, it's okay. My uncle promised me that Yizhou is mine. I'm still waiting to go to Yizhou to become the emperor! My generals are not good either. I only have a few generals. I rely on them to fight the war! Jia Not even Wen He, I’m the only counselor!”

At this moment, Dong Huang's head shook like a rattle, like a child guarding his beloved toy.

However, it was Dong Huang's somewhat childish behavior that made Dong Zhuo feel relieved.

He was really afraid that Dong Huang was here to invite him or had other ideas.

"I have my own plan for this matter. Huang'er has been working hard all the way, so go and rest early! By the way, the Yuan family's wife has been sent to your General's Mansion. Go and have a look!"

Dong Zhuo waved his hand and issued an order to expel the guests.


Dong Huang was happy and nodded, but as soon as he stepped out, he retracted his head: "Uncle, don't forget me as a reward for looting Luoyang, and my subordinates. We are fighting on the front line. To die, I just want to make some money and have fun!"

"Go! I can't do without you!"

Dong Zhuo laughed and waved.


Dong Huang turned around and left, but after walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "Uncle, all my subordinates are old bachelors, some of whom have never even touched a woman's hand. Don't forget to leave me some money when you move the capital." Thousands of beautiful women will be my wives!"


Dong Zhuo was about to laugh at Dong Huang's shamelessness and threw the knife he was playing with.

Dong Huang took the sword with a smile, and found that the knife was more than a foot long, decorated with seven treasures, and extremely sharp. He immediately put it into his arms and walked away with a smile.

After confirming that Dong Huang had really left this time, Dong Zhuo closed the door, glanced sideways at Li Ru, and said reprovingly: "You look like there's something wrong with Huang'er? In what way is he different from how he was before?"

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