Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 210 The Song Army must be very strong (three-in-one)

"The troops at the rear of the enemy army advance and retreat in an orderly manner even if they are surrounded. They fight to the end. They are definitely their most elite troops. There cannot be too many such troops. It can even be said that all the elite troops in the enemy's Dingzhou City have been wiped out! The enemy’s remaining elite troops will not exceed this number, so we will win this battle!”

Wanyan Zongwang cheered.

Because of the special skin effects, Wanyan Zongwang couldn't tell from the clothes whether Dong Huang's army was elite or not, but a unit that could fight to the death with a casualty rate of more than 80% must be absolutely elite, right?

Comparing the combat effectiveness of the Liao Kingdom, none of the Liao Kingdom's Pishi Army had such a will to fight. The Liao Kingdom's hundreds of thousands of troops were beaten into dogs by Dajin's 10,000 to 20,000 troops! Facing twenty to thirty thousand Jin Kingdom's heavenly soldiers, this army actually fought back and forth, preferring to die rather than retreat.

In Wanyan Zongwang's view, this unit is more tenacious and elite than the most elite units in the Liao Kingdom. If we use this unit as the enemy's strongest elite to calculate combat strength, is that okay?

According to the proportion of elites in the general army, such elites will not exceed one-tenth of the entire army. Is that okay?

And our Dajin army has more than 6,000 elite troops that outperform this army, so this battle will crush the situation, no problem, right?

"Xi Gunai and I attack the enemy's reinforcements and take advantage of the situation to seize the two cities on the south bank of the Yalu River; Po Luhuo guards Dingzhou City. If the enemy dares to leave the city, destroy them and seize Dingzhou City!"

Wanyan Zongwang arranged.

Neither Wanyan Xigunai nor Wanyan Polu Huo had any objections.

They have been invincible since they started fighting with Wanyan Agu. They have developed arrogance and never think that there is a possibility of failure in such an arrangement.

Dayu? Isn’t it also a country founded by cowardly Southern barbarians?

There is nothing to be afraid of.

When Wu Ban commanded the 40,000 Goryeo troops clad in Yu skins to cross the river in uniform steps, Wanyan Zongwang concluded that these must be Dayu reinforcements.

Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Xigunai's troops launched a surprise attack on the troops crossing the river as planned.

The small 20,000 Korean troops who had crossed the river were frightened when they saw the tens of thousands of cavalry rushing towards them. However, when they thought about Dayu's father being there behind them, they regained a little courage and stood up their spears tremblingly.

Theoretically, if the cavalry charged into the spear formation, it would be extremely disadvantageous. However, Wanyan Zongwang, who was leading the troops, had never seen any formations. He first ordered the troops to shoot a wave of arrows, hoping to take advantage of this wave of commotion and find someone to attack. Remove the weak points of Yu's army, and then charge into the formation in one go.

However, what Wanyan Zongwang did not expect was that these Yu soldiers did not give him a chance to shoot the second arrow.

The courage that Dayu's father gave to the Goryeo soldiers had been exhausted after the first wave of arrows. The vast majority of the Goryeo soldiers obviously did not face the galloping horses and enemies that might kill them, and still held long weapons in their hands. The courage that could not move a spear almost collapsed at the first touch.

Immediately, the situation on the north bank of the Yalu River got out of control, and the scene was even more ugly than when Tong Guan fought his last battle.

In Dingzhou City, Xu Huang saw the defeat of the reinforcements and immediately led his troops out of the city. With his servant army as the vanguard, he fought head-on with Wanyan Polu Huo's troops who had been waiting for a long time.

The morale of Xu Huang's servant army was not particularly high due to Xu Huang's previous defeat, and Wanyan Po Lu Huo was not willing to use more than 2,000 Jurchen direct descendants as soon as they came up. Both sides started pecking at each other, and the war was very tense for a time.

This made Wanyanpo Lu Huo even more convinced that Xu Huang's troops no longer had elites. It also made him believe that Xu Huang was really anxious and had to go out because he was afraid that the reinforcements would be defeated.

Wanyan Po Lu Huo hurriedly sent a signal to Wanyan Zongwang, telling Wanyan Zongwang that he could attack boldly with confidence.

After receiving Wanyan Po Lu Huo's signal, Wanyan Zongwang, who had already found out that the proportion of people speaking Korean dialect in these Dayu reinforcements was high and had doubts, was relieved.

[Perhaps the Yu State had few soldiers and had to use a large amount of Goryeo waste! 】

Wanyan Zongwang thought.

"My sons, the enemy has no more troops to send. We can only send some Goryeo trash to make up for the loss. Follow me across the river bank, completely defeat the reinforcements of Yu State, and capture Baozhou!"

"After the city is broken, if the sword is not sealed, the women's belongings can be used at will!"

Wanyan Zongwang used the most effective method to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army in the cold weapon era: burning, killing and looting.

In the age of cold weapons, the easiest way to create elite soldiers was to win a few battles and slaughter a few cities.

Winning a battle can boost the army's confidence, while massacre can stimulate their bestiality and desire to continue fighting.

Only with animal nature and no fear of death, this is an elite soldier!

As for teachers of benevolence and righteousness in the true sense, it cannot be said that there are none, but there are really not many.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

After hearing the reward promised by Wanyan Zongwang, the Jin soldiers went crazy and kept rushing across the bridge. They were so impatient that they even wanted to drive their horses into the river.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ban sneered in his heart, but he looked panicked. He didn't even care if the flag fell and was trampled by the defeated soldiers. He was as panic-stricken as a lost dog.

Wanyan Zongwang knocked down all the commander-in-chief's flags of Wu Ban, and burst into laughter. He said to his left and right: "The Yu army is only a little stronger than the Liao army. Most of the generals have the same moral character as the Liao army. From this point of view, the southerners are all inferior." Trash, the whole world should belong to me, Dajin!"

Wanyan Zongwang never believed that anyone would be willing to use so many well-equipped troops as cannon fodder. What's more, he felt that this army was no longer comparable to the Liao army, and might even be stronger than the Liao army, which was in line with the standard of ordinary regular armies in this era.

In a sense, these can be regarded as elite soldiers. No one is really so extravagant as to waste these elite soldiers, right?

However, how could Wanyan Zongwang have imagined that in order to achieve his goal, Xu Huang could even use the Xiliu Battalion that he personally trained as cannon fodder?

The madness of the Jin army and the escape of Wu Ban further aggravated the collapse of the servant army, but they only hated their parents for losing two legs. Some knelt down to beg for mercy, some were pushed into the river by their companions, and some did not know how to run away. Where is it.

The Jin army followed the trend and pursued it for an hour, chasing Wu Ban and the defeated soldiers to the foot of Baozhou City. Wanyan Zongwang, who originally wanted to chase Wu Ban into the city, found that Wu Ban had hidden in the infantry formation of about 10,000 people. .

"You still dare to form an array?"

Wanyan Zongwang felt that something was wrong, but the Yu army was defeated so miserably before, with 40 to 50,000 people saying that they were gone. When he saw the troops with the same armor but only more than 10,000 people, he decided to charge again.

Maybe one wave can end the battle?

This time, Wanyan Po Lu Huo led the troops to charge into the formation with cavalry and archery.

However, what horrified Wanyan Po Lu Huo was that the enemy's spear array could only fire two waves of arrows before his cavalry was within range.

A wave of divine arm bows are designed to shoot people; a wave of heavy crossbowmen are designed to shoot horses.

What Wanyan Po Lu Huo didn't know was that the Beiwei army under Yue Fei in another time and space liked to use this tactic. Some would shoot people and others shoot horses, and then use long knives, heavy armor, and military formations to defend and counterattack, thus The invincible cavalry of the Jin army was severely damaged.

Wanyan Po Lu Huo left behind more than a thousand soldiers in one wave, including at least five hundred elite Jurchens.

However, this also aroused Wanyan Po Lu Huo's bravery, and the golden soldiers under his command seemed to have received some kind of bonus. Everyone opened their eyes wide with anger, roared fearlessly and rushed towards the Dayu Army's formation, and launched the third attack. There was a wave of arrows, even mixed with armor-piercing heavy arrows.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is the Goryeo Army or the previous Liao Army, there will be turmoil and even chaos when they are attacked by arrows. However, this army of only ten thousand people, although some unlucky comrades around them were injured or even died, others were injured and even killed. No one frowned. The melee troops holding Mo Dao stood still and coldly waited for the arrival of the cavalry, while the crossbowmen behind them calmly fired the second wave of arrows.

Wanyan Po Lu Huo certainly didn't know that the heavy cavalry under Dong Huang were basically all Liangzhou elites who had sworn loyalty to Dong Huang, while the heavy infantry were all exchanged fourth-level elite soldiers.

Dong Huang, who owned a full set of Han barracks and Nanman barracks, under Jia Xu's operation, exchanged almost 50,000 pieces of fourth-level Royal Forest Lancers, Royal Forest Sword and Shield Soldiers, Imperial Guards Tiger Ben, Imperial Guard Infantry, and Imperial Guard Halberds. A heavy infantry regiment composed of the most powerful infantry of the Han Dynasty. These exchange units are fearless when their morale is full. Coupled with the most powerful armors and weapons of this era, they are even more powerful. .

This is also the reason why although Zhou Tai only had five thousand heavy infantry under his command, he still dared to face the Jin's heavy cavalry head-on. Wu Ban, who held his breath and hid in Zhou Tai's army formation, entered the cavalry square formation on both wings with Wu Yi and Wu Lan, waiting for new fighters.

The second wave of arrows took away more than a thousand people from Wanyan Po Lu Huo, but at this time Wan Yan Po Lu Huo had an arrow on the string and had to shoot.

Wanyan Po Lu Huo's entire army accelerated, and before the third wave of arrows arrived, they charged head-on into the Dayu army's formation.

According to Wanyan Po Lu Huo's experience, even the most elite Pishi Army of the Liao Empire would definitely collapse in the face of the attack of the Dajin Cavalry, not to mention that the previous Dayu Army had already collapsed at the first blow.

However, facing the cavalry in front of them, Dayu's army just raised their swords and slashed indifferently.

The two powerful armies collided together, some of their men and horses were shattered, and some were killed by the collision of the Jin army.

But at this moment, no one stepped back.

Wanyan Po Lu Huo was shocked, and Wanyan Zongwang who was rushing to the side was even more shocked.

What kind of strong army is this?

Wanyan Zongwang realized that something bad was going on.

However, his first reaction was not to retreat, nor was he angry that Wanyan Polu Huo dared to charge head-on. Instead, he personally led the elite cavalry to bypass the flanks and prepare to charge from the flanks.

Zhou Tai was overjoyed when he saw this.

Ever since Shouchun was captured in the Battle of Huai River in the previous world, Zhou Tai had not fought a happy battle. He, the naval commander, was about to become the transportation captain. This time, he finally managed to get Fa Zheng to share his progress. By giving credit to women, he got an opportunity to fight on land from Fazheng, and he must seize it.

Zhou Tai led the cavalry directly towards Wanyan Zongwang.

"The general of the Yu army is actually here? The whole army, follow me and kill the enemy general at all costs!"

Wanyan Zongwang, who was originally worried about the situation on the battlefield, was overjoyed.

Dingzhou City.

Feeling that the time had come, Wanyan Xigun released the only two thousand Jurchen elites under his command and decided to defeat Xu Huangjun in one fell swoop.

As expected, Xu Huang's army collapsed at the first touch and fled to both sides. The only thing standing in front of him was the 3,000 infantry that had been blocked by the Chinese cavalry.

[The mantis' arms are like a chariot! 】

Wanyan Xigu smiled disdainfully and did not order his subordinates to slow down. He continued to penetrate forward, and then...

Wanyan Xigunai was shocked by the blood all over the sky.

This was the first time that he didn't blink an eye when he was hit to death, and before he died, he had to chop down the army that would die with the enemy.

Four to five hundred of his two thousand Jurchen elites died immediately, and three to four hundred of Xu Huang's infantry were also killed.

For Wanyan Xigunai, what was even more terrifying was that his cavalry had lost its impact, but Xu Huang's troops quickly entangled his cavalry.

"Damn it, back off!"

Wanyan Xigu Nai shouted.

Heavy cavalry without impact would have too many flaws when facing heavy infantry, especially the flaws in horses.

Wanyan Xigu must keep a distance.

However, how could Xu Huang, who had been waiting for this opportunity for so long, let him get his wish?

As soon as the flag was waved, Han Juzi and Lu Weihuang immediately led the Hu and Ben heavy cavalry, who had been fishing among the cavalry, into formation to attack. They directly faced Wanyan Xigunai's troops who turned around and returned to the army in preparation for re-arrangement. They chased and shot at the same time.

Cavalry and archery have never been separated. Dong Huang's Tiger and Horse heavy cavalry were all trained by Dong Huang as officers' seeds. Even those who were really not good at archery would be equipped with crossbows to enhance their long-range capabilities.

Now, Wanyan Xigu felt even more aggrieved.

Wanyan Xigunai's lieutenant hurriedly called the rest of the troops to come to the rescue. However, these servants, composed of soldiers from various ethnic groups, were already very tired when they fought with Xu Huang's servants. Now, seeing Jurchen's father being beaten, There were only a few hundred riders left, and they still dared to attack head-on, but for a moment they stopped moving forward.

Seeing this, Wanyan Xigu Nai could only escape from the side of the battlefield, leaving the front battlefield to Xu Huang and the Jurchen servant army.

However, even so, Wanyan Xigunai could not escape. Five miles away from the front battlefield, he was overtaken by Dong Huang's army and shot into a hornet's nest.

On the frontal battlefield, the Jin army, which had lost its leader, was quickly and easily defeated by Xu Huang. At least one third of them chose to surrender.

Then, with the remaining two thousand or so infantry as the main force and the crossbowmen as cover, Xu Huang stepped across the blood-stained bridge and set up a formation south of the bridge.

Xu Huang believed that if the formation was set up on the north side of the bridge and they saw that they needed to pass through the narrow bridge and then attack the military formation, the defeated Jin army might not cross the river from here. But if the formation was set up on the south side of the bridge, then the opponent would feel that Defeating the Yu army of 3,000 men will be able to cross the river. On the contrary, it will be more likely to attack the military formation composed of horses, antlers, caltrops, spears, swords, etc. After all, this military formation looks like there are only more than 2,000 infantry. and about a thousand crossbowmen.

Xu Huang may have some shortcomings in commanding a large army in battle alone, but he is a well-deserved master in this specific tactical aspect. Historically, he has been able to defeat Guan Yu head-on, who shook the morale of China. His ability can be imagined.

His biggest shortcoming is that he doesn't take soldiers seriously.

However, in any case, tactically, he has already mastered the Jin Army.

Xu Huang was waiting for work here, while on the other side, Wanyan Zongwang also followed Xu Huang's calculations and suffered a huge defeat.

This was a no-frills battle between elites. Tactically, Wanyan Zongwang had a slight advantage because he led his men to surround Zhou Tai as soon as he came up.

He felt that as long as he killed Zhou Tai, he could seal the victory.

However, Zhou Tai, who was trapped in a tight siege, became more and more courageous as he fought. Wanyan Zongwang saw with his own eyes that Zhou Tai was stabbed at least seven or eight times, but he acted as if nothing was wrong. The more he fought, the more courageous he became, killing more than 20 elite Jin Army soldiers , even Wanyan Zongwang himself was stabbed by Zhou Tai in exchange for injury.

This is the first time Wanyan Zongwang has seen such a fierce general who is not afraid of death.

To be honest, he was scared.

Seeing that the general was trapped, Dong Huang's army also burst out with astonishing fighting power. Niu Jin, Pan Zhang and other fierce generals came to help one after another. Zhou Tai's general guard was even more fearless. They worked together and actually fought a Counter siege.

Wanyan Zong saw that the situation was not good and decided to retreat.

But with his withdrawal, the situation suddenly got out of control. All the Jin troops immediately followed and retreated, and Wanyan Po Lu Huo even abandoned the army.

As a result, the Jin Army ushered in its first major defeat since the founding of the army.

Wanyan Zongwang ran fast and Zhou Tai could not catch up, but Wanyan Po Lu Huo had his head wrenched off by Zhou Tai.

Wanyan Zongwang was defeated and fled all the way to the bridge. When he saw Xu Huang's troops, his heart dropped.

He knew that Wanyan Xigu was also defeated.

However, this was also expected. Ever since he saw the power of Dong Huang's army's Mo Dao formation and the Tiger's Iron Cavalry, he knew that Dong Huang's army was a strong army that was not weaker than the core strength of the Jin army.

If this army treats the Liao people with the same attitude, it will definitely lose. Of course, as long as it takes it seriously, it is still unclear who will win.

"Go upstream and cross the river!"

Wanyan Zongwang, who endured the pain, made a decision that Xu Huang hated.

Xu Huang felt that he had made such a concession, and the enemy would definitely charge into the formation. However, Wanyan Zongwang, who saw the power of the Modao formation, realized that it was a trap, and would rather go to the dense forest upstream to find a place to cross the river, rather than charge here. .

As a first-line star of this era, Wanyan Zongwang's actual level may not be worse than Xu Huang's, and he is even better than Xu Huang in the use of cavalry.

Wanyan Zongwang knows the choice very well.

He knows very well that the most important thing now is not even to take out the remaining thousands of remnant soldiers, but to take out the information about the Yu army. Even if there is only one person left, as long as the information is brought to Wanyan Aguda, that is victory.

So in the future, no matter how Dong Huangjun pursued, he insisted on having a dozen people forcibly cross the river to pass on information every three to five miles.

Although Wanyan Zongwang died before being able to cross the river due to serious injuries, and his troops were either lost, starved to death, drowned, killed, or surrendered, the information about Dong Huangjun's army was passed on Got out.

After receiving the information from Wanyan Zongwang, the entire Jin Kingdom was shocked.

This was the first defeat since the founding of the Jin Kingdom, and it also cost six or seven thousand real Jurchens!

"The State of Yu actually came here with strong troops and horses?"

The king and his ministers of the Kingdom of Jin looked at each other in silence.

This is too scary. After all these years of fighting with the Liao Kingdom, hundreds of thousands of people have fought in battles, but the combined total of the Jin Kingdom did not kill so many Jurchen warriors!

Although a large part of these Jurchen warriors are Jurchens who have recently joined, their combat effectiveness is unquestionable.

"The State of Yu is temporarily invincible. We can repair it first to find out what's going on. After waiting for the 200,000 troops to be ready, we can then take revenge on them. The top priority now is to quickly occupy Tokyo, the Liao State, and use the resources of the Liao State's Tokyo Road to organize the army." Prepare for war!"

Wanyan Aguda said calmly, as if his biological son was not among the dead.

"Your Majesty, the revenge of the second prince..."

Immediately, a Jin general expressed dissatisfaction.

"I told you, wait until the 200,000 troops are ready!"

Wanyan Aguda said coldly.

He felt sorry for his own blood, but Wanyan Aguda was a king first, and a father second.

Of course Wanyan Aguda hated Dong Huangjun with a passion, but he also knew very well that if he fought with the Yu army now, the Jin Kingdom would undoubtedly be defeated. The reason was very simple. The Jin Kingdom was too small and the nation was too complex. Well, even if they are also Jurchens, those new additions are not because of his charm or lofty ideals, but purely because they have had enough hard times and want to follow him. He went from victory to victory, grabbing money and grabbing money along the way. Grab women for food and enjoy the colorful world!

Wanyan Aguda must satisfy their desires so that he can mobilize them like a finger, otherwise, he will definitely suffer backlash.

"Pass my order to prepare the army for war. In ten days, we will send troops to Tokyo!"

Wanyan Aguda said arbitrarily.

This time, three grassroots households were suddenly wiped out, and Wanyan Aguda had to look for help from the Liao Kingdom to make up for it.

Seeing that Wanyan Aguda had made a decision, the generals quickly took the order and left, but Wanyan Aguda called Wanyan Gushen back.

Wanyan Gushen, also known as Wanyan Xiyin, was a Jurchen wise man who founded Jurchen writing in history and served as the prime minister.

"Ceres, do you know why I asked you to come?"

Wanyan Aguda asked.

"But to negotiate peace with the Yu people, do you need me to send an envoy?"

Wanyan Xiyi guessed.


Wanyan Aguda nodded and said: "No one thought that the Yu people's elite soldiers were so strong. We really are not suitable for fighting on two fronts, so we must negotiate a peace. The others are rough people and can't do this, so you have to go. I have a pair of sea greens, and I will bring ginseng, mink skin, dongzhu, etc. as gifts to the envoy to promote a collegial discussion and explore what is going on in the Yu Kingdom."

"Ceres understands."

Wanyan Xiyi nodded.

"By the way, I heard that the Yu State was separated from the Song State and had a war with the Song State? So the Song State and the Yu State must be mortal enemies, right? The Song State can block such an elite attack from the Yu State, and the army should be very powerful. Strong, right?"

"You say, how about we form a secret alliance with the Song State and deal with the Yu State together?"

Wanyan Aguda had a sudden thought: "I have seen the rough road map of the Song Dynasty. The Jingdong East Road where Dayu rose is closer to Bianjing of the Song Dynasty. Dayu did not attack the capital of the Song Dynasty, but took a detour not far away. It is unreasonable no matter how you look at it, Wan Li went to attack Beijing in the Liao Kingdom. The only reasonable explanation is that the Song Dynasty had strong troops, and even Yu's army was not sure of victory!"

The more Wanyan Aguda talked, the more he felt that his idea was right.

When he said this, Wanyan Gushen also felt that it made sense: "Then I will find a way to send someone to the Song State. It is best to promote an alliance between the two countries and jointly deal with the Yu State. Only the Song State can hold back the Yu State. We Only then can we have enough time to destroy the Liao Kingdom."

"However, Your Majesty..."

Wanyan Gushen stopped talking.

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