Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 220 Why did Your Majesty rebel?

With the help of the animal tamer Dong Zhen (King Mulu), Dong Huang easily tamed the two Haidongqing tributes from the Kingdom of Jin and the four little tigers secretly sent by Cheng Yu.

These six little beasts are all female, and they are quite humane.

Especially the four little tigers, they are furry and silly, and they are just perfect to be used as foot pads when they are coiled around your feet.

When it comes to tigers, Dong Huang thinks of big tigers, and when it comes to big tigers, Dong Huang thinks of Bu Lianshi. Unfortunately, Bu Lianshi is not yet an adult, so it is naturally impossible for him to give birth to a good daughter for Dong Huang.

Fazheng returned to the throne and held peace talks with Yu Jin, leaving Dong Huang completely free.

Therefore, when Cheng Yu's latest news came that the main force of the Song army was in quagmire in the southeast, Dong Huang ordered the southern expedition.

Dayu used the excuse that Song State allowed Liangshan to invade Dayu and break the agreement. Taking Zhao Yun's troops who were familiar with the situation as the vanguard, he sent troops with lightning speed.

Zhao Yun's troops made a surprise attack on a snowy night and captured Yingtian Mansion, and then rushed northwest, launching a surprise attack from the south of Chenliu, and captured Chenliu, an important town located southeast of Bianjing, and blocked Bianjing's escape to the southeast or southeast reinforcements. path of.

The main force of Dong Huang's army marched along the south bank of the Yellow River and met General Yao Youzhong, who was responsible for the defense from Shandong to the Yellow River, his chamberlain Liang Fangping, and Jingdong's deputy envoy He Guan.

As early as the withdrawal of Dong Huang's army in the first Yu-Song War, the Song people began to arrange defenses on the Shandong front line, and selected the four points of Huazhou-Dongming-Dingtao (Guangji Army)-Yingtianfu as Support, among which the Huazhou-Dongming-Dingtao line is defended by Yao Youzhong.

However, what is ridiculous is that among the men and horses under the command of Yao Youzhong, except for Yao Youzhong who has 30,000 elite men, although the other two men have reached 70,000, most of them are replenishment of the Song Dynasty Forbidden Army. "Senior Walkers often When he got on his horse, he grabbed the saddle with both hands and didn't dare to let go, which made everyone laugh."

How could such an army be a match for the wolf-like tiger Dong Huang's army?

Le Jin, who has had no decent achievements in recent years, showed no fear in the face of the Dongming Fort, which had been reinforced for a year. He first ordered his servants to attack from all sides to find weak points, and then led the generals and personal guards to take the lead in beheading the generals and seizing the flag.

Facing Dong Huang's army who rushed to the top of the city without fear of death, He Guan's troops could not resist and dispersed. Dongming then attacked.

Huazhou was put in charge of Gao Shun's command, who had been replaced from the front line. Facing Gao Shun's command, which had twice the number of people as himself, Yao Youzhong did not dare to fight easily, and could only watch the main force of Dong Huang's army heading straight for Bianjing.

Dingtao was handed over to the general Hua Xiong. Hua Xiong, who served as the vanguard this time, was finally not injured again. Three days after the siege, Hua Xiong personally risked his bow and arrow and led his army to capture Dingtao, which had no intention of fighting. Liang Fangping, the chamberlain, saw If you can't do anything, you will jump from the tower to your death.

After that, Le Jin and Hua Xiong merged and advanced. Le Jin commanded the infantry and Hua Xiong commanded the cavalry.

Changyuan was captured easily, and then he went straight to Chenqiao, the place where Longxing was in Zhao Song Dynasty.

It wasn't until Dong Huang's vanguard approached Chen Qiao that Zhao Ji believed that his good son-in-law would attack him again a year later.

Zhao Ji's first reaction was to run away, just like he did when the Jin Dynasty moved south for the first time in history, and planned to leave the prince Zhao Huan to supervise the country.

After all, Zhao Huan is already eighteen years old and has been a prince for almost ten years. He also has the experience of serving in the Yu army camp. It is right to entrust him with the important task of guarding Bianjing?

As for where to go after leaving Bianjing, Zhao Ji did not want to go to Huaihe and Zhejiang this time as in history. This time he wanted to go directly to Shu.

There is no way, who makes Jiangnan still in war!

However, just as Zhao Ji wanted to leave, he was stopped by Wu Min, a bachelor of the Zhongzhi Academy, and Li Gang, a living man.

Li Gang stabbed his arm and wrote a letter with blood: "The Crown Prince supervises the country, and it is a normal ceremony. Now the enemy is attacking, and your safety is in your breath. How can you still observe common etiquette? If you have an unfair position and have great power, how can you call on the world and hope for success? What? If the false crown prince uses his title to guard the clan for His Majesty, win the hearts of the officers and soldiers, and defend the enemy with death, the world can be protected."

So Zhao Ji decided to abdicate and let the crown prince Zhao Huan succeed him.

As soon as Zhao Huan succeeded to the throne, Zhao Ji wanted to run away.

Wu Min, who was afraid that if Zhao Ji ran away, all the dignitaries in the city would follow him and the situation would get out of control, he once again admonished: "Officials, are the cavalry of the Song Dynasty as powerful as the cavalry of the Yu State?"

Zhao Ji was silent.

Wu Min added: "There are traces of the Yu State cavalry outside the city now. If the official family is lucky now, what if they are caught up by the Yu State cavalry in the field..."

Wu Min looked at Zhao Ji's changing face and continued: "The city of Bianjing is strong, and there are 150,000 armored men. There is sufficient food and grass in the city to resist the Yu army, and there are still a large number of elites from various places in the Song Dynasty. If we call in King Qin, Then there will be no less than a million soldiers!"

"Okay, just follow what Aiqing said."

Zhao Ji nodded helplessly.

However, Zhao Ji has come back to his senses and secretly hates Wu Min, Li Gang and others: When I was about to escape before, you didn't tell me that Yu State's cavalry was powerful and that Bianjing could definitely be defended; but now I abdicated, but he refused to let me go. He also told me how powerful the Yu cavalry was, and Bianjing would be fine! Your real purpose as co-author is to take this opportunity to force me to abdicate, right?

But Zhao Ji's city made him endure it.

He decided to wait until his loyal minister Tong Guan came back with an army to support him.

[Perhaps, we can find a way to invite my good son-in-law Dong Huang into the city, let him depose Zhao Huan, kill these damn traitors, and then put me in power again? 】

[Isn’t it true that what Dayu wants is land, wealth, and women? I have a lot of them in Song Dynasty! At worst, we don’t want anything north of the Huaihe River, or even north of the Yangtze River! 】

Zhao Ji rubbed his vagina and thought.

Before, Zhao Ji lost his mind because of fear, so he made the confused decision to abdicate. Now he can't leave, and the power, especially the military power, has been handed over to Zhao Huan, so Emperor Zhao Song has an innate sense of crisis. , allowing his smart IQ to occupy the high ground again.

Only the weapon and the name cannot be faked. It is the responsibility of the king!

So, before Zhao Huan, the new emperor, had his butt heated up, his old father had already begun to think about how to stab him in the back.

However, his son Zhao Huan was not an easy person.

"I will personally go to Shaanxi to raise troops to restore the capital city. We must not stay here!"

Song Qinzong Zhao Huan said solemnly.

Now, Wu Min, Li Gang and others can no longer be punished.

Wu Min, Li Gang and others pledged their lives to ensure that the Yu army would not be able to break the city, so Zhao Huancai reluctantly agreed to defend the city.

However, when Li Gang entered the court early the next morning, he found that the imperial guards, chariots, and imperial guards were all on display, and the six palace soldiers were being lifted into the chariot. Obviously, the new emperor of the Song Dynasty was ready to escape. Already...

Li Gang felt a rush of hot blood rushing straight to the Tianling Cap, his blood pressure soared, and he felt so angry that he couldn't help but feel angry!

To be honest, this father and son are really weird...

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