Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 222 Song Qinzong: We’re sure!

While the Song Dynasty court was busy with its own thoughts, Hua Xiong's troops had already captured Moutuogang.

The magical Song Dynasty actually made the same magical mistake as in history.

Historically, the Jin army had already crossed the river after marching for a month. The Song people did not take any precautions against Moutuogang. The same is true in this time and space.

What kind of place is Moutuogang?

This place is located in the northwest of Bianjing. It is the seat of Tiansi Prison, the capital of the Song Dynasty. It is the horse breeding place of the Song Dynasty and the main source of horses for the cavalry of the Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty.

When Hua Xiong occupied this place, there were still more than 30,000 horses here, and there were mountains of cud beans.

Hua Xiong calculated that the beans here were enough to feed all the cavalry and horses of Dong Huang's army for a year!

Hua Xiong laughed and said to his deputy Han De, "Bianjing is really my blessed place."

Hande laughed silently.

Han De knew what Hua Xiong meant. In the past, Hua Xiong would always get injured in various ways every time he served as a vanguard, but this time, not only was he not injured, but he also made many achievements. The victory of Moutuogang could directly reduce the logistics supply of the army by at least half.

You know, horses eat more than people, and they eat very carefully. They are very difficult to take care of and put a lot of logistical pressure on them.

With Moutuogang's horses and kudos, Dong Huang's army's lost horses could not only be replenished immediately, but the grain and grass needed by the horses no longer needed to be transported from the rear.

"However, the slaves of Korea and Japan are really useful. They eat less, work more, and they work hard without any complaints. Apart from being a little thinner, they don't have any shortcomings at all!"

Hua Xiong sighed again.

In order to balance the needs of agricultural recovery and war, Dong Huang basically did not recruit Han people for this war. Instead, he recruited a large number of poor people and soldiers from Goryeo and Yingzhou who did not have enough to eat or wear warmly, as well as the prisoners of the nobles who had been attacked. They managed the people in the same way that the Koreans managed the Japanese and the Japanese managed the Koreans. They also gave them the opportunity to transfer to management positions and even become auxiliary soldiers, regular soldiers, and return home to become nobles, which fully mobilized their enthusiasm. .

This makes each of them more oxen and horses than oxen and horses.

What's more, even if you are a civilian husband in Dayu, the food will be much better than in your hometown.

As for being exhausted from time to time, sorry, no one cares at all.

The fall of Moutuogang frightened all officials in Bianjing even more.

No one in the civil and military circles of the dynasty thought of defending Moutuogang, and no one thought of moving their horses in advance, which deeply disappointed Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

Wu Min, Li Gang and others also more or less realized the fact that they did not know how to fight.

At this time, Liang Shidao put forward the suggestion of reusing Liang Shijie, which was unanimously approved by Song Qinzong Zhao Heng, Wu Min, Li Gang, Bai Shizhong, Li Bangyan, Yu Wenxuzhong, and others among the "Six Thieves", including his party members. The right to speak has been lost.

These people can only continue to surround Song Huizong Zhao Ji, or make other plans.

Even among the important ministers who also surrounded Song Qinzong, Li Gang was extremely at odds with Bai Shizhong and Li Bangyan, and they were trying to undermine each other. In addition, Zhong Shidao, the general of the Western Army who had just received the order from King Qin, and another The generals of the Western Army, Yao Gu, were extremely discordant. Historically, Yao Gu also intentionally or unintentionally killed Zhong Shidao's younger brother, another member of the Western Army, General Zhong Shizhong.

It can only be said that the Great Song Dynasty was turbulent and complicated, and its complexity even exceeded the chaotic wars and relations among the Eastern countries.

But in any case, the Song army finally decided on a defensive strategy and appointed Li Gang as the personal camp envoy and the bodyguard and cavalry commander, promising to do things cheaply.

Set up five armies: the central army, the front army, the rear army, the left army, and the right army, each with 30,000 troops.

Li Gang personally led the central army, and general He Guan, who had escaped with his life, led the front army to defend the north of the city; Ministry of War Shangshu Sun Fu and commander Xin Chengzong led the rear army to defend the south of the city; Liang Shijie, who had performed brilliantly in the Battle of Daming Mansion, led the left army to defend the west of the city; General Liu Yanqing, who had "illustrious military exploits" in the first Yu-Song War, led the front army to guard the east of the city, protecting Yanfengcang, an important area for grain and grass protection, and Fanjiagang, a highland outside the city.

When Song Qinzong saw this arrangement, the generals on all sides were all knowledgeable soldiers, and they had all performed brilliantly before, so he immediately felt that this was a sure thing.

In particular, Sun Fu, the guard in the south, after reading Qiu Jun's emotional poems, unexpectedly found the strange man Guo Jing, who was able to perform Liujia. He claimed that he could capture Dong Huang and wipe out Yu's troops without any danger. The Song court was convinced, especially Song Qinzong. , Sun Fu, and others, they simply regarded Guo Jing as a reincarnated immortal god. Not only did they appoint him as an official, they also rewarded him with tens of thousands of gold and silk. According to his request, they searched for 7,779 people whose birth dates matched their horoscopes. Train into an army.

After Guo Jing, Liu Xiaojie and other recruiters, sometimes called strong men, sometimes called Beidou Shenbing, or called Tianque generals, joined Sun Fu's army.

There were four famous generals who helped him, and gods came down to earth, which made Song Qinzong extremely happy.

He even went to the road that his father Huang and Zhou Bangyan walked to explore the depth, leaving behind a lot of wind and frost.

What surprised Song Qinzong even more was that the Song Dynasty successfully repelled Dayu's first attack.

The person who made great contributions this time was Liu Yanqing.

This time Liu Yanqing performed as a Northern Song Dynasty general should. He piled grass under the city and lit it on fire at night to prevent the Yu army from attacking at night. During the day, he patrolled the city in person and used the nine-niu cannon to smash the ladders of Yu's servants. .

Wang Zongliu, the deputy capital commander in front of the palace, led more than a thousand troops to the city to fight. However, he was defeated by Le Jin, and Gao Shidan, who was in charge, was beheaded in the forbidden formation.

But such a small defeat would naturally not be reported to the emperor.

Liu Yanqing used his natural talent to portray a small defeat into a great victory that was used to attack and behead more than a thousand people.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with beheading more than a thousand people. The total number of dead Song soldiers and Dong Huang's servants was indeed over a thousand.

Emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty was overjoyed when he heard the news and ordered Liu Yanqing to be the general to protect the country.

"Liu Yanqing didn't escape this time?"

Dong Huang, who was watching the battle from a distance, was shocked.

Although Dong Huang did not send out elite troops to attack the city this time, and then asked the Yingzhou servant army to serve as cannon fodder to test the city. When Wang Zonglio went to fight, Le Jin asked Yu Jin to lead the Yanzhao army to attack, but even so, Liu Yanqing's bravery could not It was enough to surprise Dong Huang.

"Li Cheng, Tong Wei and others sent letters one after another, telling the truth and falsehoods in the city: Liu Yanqing's troops in the east of the city were adapted for elite soldiers of the Western Army; Sun Fu in the south of the city was not familiar with military affairs, but Guo Jing seemed to be really good at magic; the guard in the west of the city For Liang Shijie, Li Cheng, and Wen Da, Li Cheng expressed his willingness to welcome the army into the city; to the north of the city was General He Guan, the commander-in-chief; and among the Forbidden Army there were many who had been released by our army last time. They were all grateful for His Majesty's benevolence and righteousness, and had no intention of fighting to the death. "

Jia Xu recounted the latest information, and then said: "I believe that the two of them did not lie."

"Huh? I thought it was Liang Zhongshu who was going to surrender!"

Dong Huang chuckled.

"What a scholar!"

Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and sneered.

I've been having bad luck recently. First I got food poisoning, then I caught a cold, and then the group disappeared. Today my dad threw away all my blind boxes again, saying it was because raising little ghosts had bad feng shui. I... ugh...

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