Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 229 Your Majesty, don’t panic

In the spring of the fifth year of Dayu, it is February.

Dong Huang worshiped Fa Zheng as the Grand Marshal of the Western Expedition and commanded an army of 450,000 troops divided into five groups to conquer Xia.

From north to south and from east to west, the first line was led by Le Jin, who commanded the Yu Jin, Li Tong, Zhe Keqiu, Zhe Yanzhi and other legions, with a total force of about 150,000, attacking Xia from the direction of Linzhou and Fuzhou. state.

The second line, with Zhang Ren as the commander, commanded Wang Ping, Pu Hu, Gao Pei, and Lei Tong, with a total force of about 100,000, attacked Yinzhou from Suizhou.

After the two groups have completed their set goals, they will continue to attack westward.

The third route, with Huang Zhong as the commander, commanded Xiahou Dun, Xu Shu, Zhao Qu, Huang Xu, Wu Li and other troops, with a total force of about 150,000, attacked Weizhou and Lingzhou from Huanzhou.

The fourth route, with Xia Houyuan as the commander, commanded Yan Xing, Liang Kuan, Fu Qian, Zan Tongmei and other troops, with a total force of about 70,000, attacked Huizhou from Lanzhou.

The fifth route, with Guo Huai as the commander, commanded Fan Quan, Sun An, E Quanzhong and other troops, with a total force of about 30,000, harassed Liangzhou from Xining.

The five armies attacked almost at the same time, immediately causing the Xixia court to mourn.

Xixia just had a bloody battle with the Song State the year before last. Although it won, it did not gain much benefit. Instead, the war with the Song State lasted for nearly half a year, which caused the Zoroastrianism in the territory to increase greatly. In the blink of an eye, it has brought disaster to the Xixia Dynasty. one-third of the population.

Later, Xixia had to fight with these Zoroastrian fanatics, but the cities of these guys were in dangerous terrain and were easy to defend and difficult to attack. It took a lot of effort for Li Qianshun to destroy them.

Until now, only nine-tenths of them have been destroyed, and this has seriously affected Xixia's agricultural production. Xixia, which has all the people in arms, is already exhausted.

Just a month before Dong Huang sent troops, Xixia had just disbanded most of its troops, but now Dong Huang's army came again!

Li Qianshun, the leader of the Xixia Kingdom, felt like he was going crazy.

Li Qianshun had to recruit troops again.

In Li Qianshun's view, the Yu army's five-pronged expedition to summer was a bit like the Song Dynasty's five-pronged expedition to summer. You must know that the Song Dynasty suffered a disastrous defeat.

The strategy adopted by Xixia at that time was to lure the enemy deep, block it with fortified cities, and then cut off its food routes.

The leader of the country, Li Qianshun, Wei Mingcha Ge, Li Liangfu and other generals all felt that they could replicate the war example against the Song Dynasty, and decided to use Lejin, Zhang Ren and Huang Zhong as the breakthrough points. As for the partial divisions of Xiahouyuan and Guohuai, Li Qianshun, who had insufficient troops, decided to Just let it be and wait until the main force of Dayu's army is defeated before making any plans.

Li Qianshun once again recruited about 350,000 combatable troops across the country, giving 250,000 to Wei Mingcha Ge to deal with Le Jinjun and Zhang Renjun, and 100,000 to Li Liangfu to resist Huang Zhong's troops. At the same time, he sent people to Daliao Dad. Ask for help.

In March, Weiming Chage's troops fought with Yue Jin's troops in Xiazhou and failed.

Huang Zhong's troops captured Xiaoguan, Meilizhai, and Pingxia, and confronted Li Liangfu's troops on the Weizhou front line.

Because of the disparity in soldier morale and equipment, Li Liangfu did not dare to take the initiative.

Xia Houyuan's troops captured Sabu Zongcheng and surrounded Huizhou (Jingyuan, Gansu).

In early April, Guo Huai's troops attacked Liangzhou (Wuwei, Gansu).

Throughout April, the Xixia Army and the Dayu Army fought fiercely, with each having its own victory or defeat.

The Xixia Army has never found a suitable opportunity to retreat.

This made Xixia's senior officials anxious.

Due to the recruitment of large armies in successive years, Xixia has delayed spring plowing for two years. The soldiers, especially the tribal soldiers, are also very tired. Especially as the weather gradually gets hotter, the fear of war in the Xixia army becomes even worse.

As the most outstanding general in Xixia, Brother Wei Mingcha felt increasingly uneasy.

He knew very well that Xixia, which had been fighting for years, could no longer fight a protracted war. The previous battle with the Song Dynasty could only be said to have damaged the surface, but the war against the Zoroastrian Cult had damaged the foundation.

Under normal circumstances, Xixia would have to recruit at least 500,000 troops to fight against the Han's nearly 500,000 troops. However, Xixia can no longer afford to recruit 500,000 troops.

"I really envy the Han people. They can easily gather an army of 500,000 people!"

Brother Wei Mingcha couldn't help but sigh.

However, what Wei Mingcha Ge didn't know was that Dong Huang's army of nearly half a million was actually just a cover.

Dong Huang's real trump card is the 350,000 troops led by Dong Huang himself.

The so-called Five-Road Expedition to Xia was just a smoke bomb released to help Dong Huang's army achieve success in one fell swoop.

In this world, only Dayu has the luxury to invest 500,000 troops and 500,000 civilians just to cover the main force.

Dong Huang, who occupied the essence of the Liao Kingdom and most of the areas north of the Yangtze River in the Song Dynasty, had a total military strength of less than 2 million after nearly a year of training and training.

Dong Huang even specially separated 60,000 tiger soldiers and a large number of fourth-level summoned troops. In the newly trained army, he took over half of the grassroots officers and the vast majority of mid-level and high-level officer positions, thereby ensuring the loyalty of these armies. and combat effectiveness.

This time, Dong Huang attacked Xia. Dong Huang directly mobilized 800,000 troops, more than 1 million civilians, and more than 1.5 million livestock. The military strength can be said to be more abundant than when he attacked the Song Dynasty before. The purpose is to destroy Xixia in one fell swoop.

If in history, the Song Dynasty spent a hundred years launching many wars against Xixia but failed to destroy Xixia, it was because the Song Dynasty’s own factors accounted for most of it; then even Temujin fought five times before conquering Xixia. It shows the resilience of this country.

But Dong Huang didn't want to fight five times. He wanted to achieve success in one fell swoop, unify the East as soon as possible, and then start a global war mode.

That's why Dong Huang mobilized so many troops in order to crush Mount Tai and determine victory or defeat in one battle.

In late April, the main force of Dong Huang's army was 350,000 elite men, with one man and three horses. They also carried a large amount of siege equipment, grain and grass supplies with carriages and other animal power. They detoured from Xijing to the grasslands outside the Yellow River and entered Xixia territory. (Langshan Pass in the southwest of Wulatezhong Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, near Gujilusai) Heishan Weifu Army Division, which Xixia used to defend against the Khitan, was defeated, Oluohai City was captured, and it was renamed Jilusai.

Then the army moved south along the Helan Mountain and the Yellow River, and went straight into Xingqing City (today's Yinchuan), the capital of Xixia.

The sudden change made the Xixia officials completely dumbfounded.

Li Qianshun did not expect that Dayu would not follow the routine and conduct a five-pronged expedition against Xia without fighting. The main force would actually make a big detour from the north. The north is precisely where Xixia's defenses are weakest.

Because he was so good with Daliao that he almost had to wear a pair of trousers, and because the war on the southern and eastern fronts was tight, Li Qianshun not only did not increase the strength of the Black Mountain Weifu Army Division, but instead reduced its strength to less than five thousand. As a result, when Dayu's army arrived, Xixia was completely blinded.

At this time, the total strength of Xingqing City was only about 30,000 people. Even if all the people were soldiers, they could only gather 100,000 people to defend the city wall, but the elite level of the soldiers was really worrying.

"What can I do about it?"

Li Qianshun almost turned gray overnight.

"Your Majesty, don't panic, Daliao will definitely come to rescue us!"

Li Qianshun's queen Yelu Nanxian said with great confidence.

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