Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 236 Prelude to the Great Navigation

In the autumn of the sixth year of Dayu, Huang Zhong's 400,000-strong army, which had accumulated a year's worth of supplies and troops, marched westward. On the pretext that the Xizhou Uighurs allowed the Liao soldiers to cross the border, the troops were divided into two groups and launched a thunderous attack on the Xizhou Uighurs.

Huang Zhong drove straight to the royal court and killed the falcon king Bileg. Before winter came, he swept through the Western Regions, rebuilt the Western Regions Protectorate, and gathered troops and horses in Qiuci to accumulate food and fodder to prepare for the Western Expedition next year.

In the same year, Fazheng's troops ended their northern expedition.

This method of warfare resulted in the Northern Expedition sweeping and massacring thousands of tribes and more than three million people in the northern desert. The remaining tribes such as the Mughals, which had not yet grown up, trembled, expressed their surrender, and presented tributes such as beauties and famous horses to Dong Huang.

Fazheng also realized his ideal of carving stones on Yanran and drinking horses on Beihai.

After this battle, at least until the end of this mission, there will be no more threats from the north.

The battle between the Fazheng and Huangzhong legions brought Dong Huang an income of 221,481 war points. Xizhou Uighur is not considered a fifth-level country, and no additional rewards are calculated.

After these two major battles, at the end of the sixth year of Dayu's reign, Dayu's only enemies in traditional China were the Southern Song Dynasty, Dali, Tubo and the dispensable Huangtou Uighurs.

From the time when Dong Huang came to this world in the second year of Dayu to the present, Dayu's shipbuilding technology and navigation technology have also developed by leaps and bounds.

Zhu Heng and others have established Yingzhou, Goryeo-Nurgan (near the Heilongjiang estuary)-Dongning (near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)-Beining (Chukotka County) and Yingzhou There are two waterways to the Bering Strait from the Kuril Islands - Dongning (near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) - Benin (Chukotka County). The waterway to the Aleutian Peninsula has also been explored, but because Due to factors such as climate and ships, these waterways are not mature.

On the contrary, the waterway from Dayu to Mayi is very mature.

Mayi means "the land of black people" in native language and is located in the northern Philippines.

The indigenous people of Mayi are actually small black people in Southeast Asia.

The Kunlun slaves of the Tang Dynasty may also be these little black people.

These aboriginal people, who had not even entered the slave era, were no threat to Dayu's army. Zhu Heng easily conquered them, allowed them to live a civilized life, and happily became slaves of Dayu's army.

With this continuous effort, Dong Huangjun has actually been able to make several big voyage attempts.

Of course, the dangers involved are unpredictable. After all, this is still the age of sailing. Ocean navigation mainly depends on luck, ocean currents, monsoons, and technology. It is likely that several fleets and tens of thousands of people will be lost before a feasible route can be explored.

But for Dong Huang, it didn't matter whether he could come back or not. As long as he could send his army to the American continent, it was victory.

Dong Huang, who still has fifteen years in this world, does not need to establish a colonial economy, and the troops he sent there do not need to come back. He only needs to continue to conquer, conquer, and conquer again in America!

Dong Huang only needs to conquer, just destroy more enemies, kill more war agents, and get more war points.

In this process, it doesn't matter even if the people's power is overdrawn.

As for the money issues in this world, there are still gold and silver mines in Yingzhou anyway, and the money obtained from external plunder is enough for Dong Huang to squander for a long, long time.

When Fazheng returned to Haojing with great joy, his whole body felt numb.

"Shall I go on a big voyage?"

Fazheng couldn't believe his ears.

But when he thought about it carefully, hey, he was really the most suitable for big voyages.

Although Dong Huang's navy was strong, and many of its navy generals were also capable, the level of land warfare was so stretched that even he couldn't stand it. And he was not only capable of water warfare but also land warfare, he was also capable of medical treatment, and he could deal with some strange things. There are many ways to use strange things, and they are indeed the most suitable for opening up new maps.

Moreover, with the unanimous consent of Dong Huang, Jia Xu, the cabinet, and Dong Huang's entire harem, Fazheng had to go.

"That's good, at least you don't have to face these cold looks."

Fa Zheng laughed to himself: "Besides, if I don't need to return, I won't be able to send women to His Majesty. With this expedition, I finally don't have to send women to you anymore!"

Fa Zheng, who was always being stabbed in the back for no apparent reason, and who was misunderstood for his outstanding military exploits but who had achieved his current high position by constantly giving away girls without thinking, breathed a long sigh of relief.

He made up his mind that when he went to America, he would never let Pianfan return to Dayu.

I will definitely not send a daughter to His Majesty again this time, hahahaha!

Fazheng was complacent, but did not notice the smile in Jia Xu's narrowed eyes.

"By the way, Your Majesty, you need to make adequate preparations to transport the army. You must have a reliable route. Moreover, there may be many war agents on the unknown continent, and there may also be powerful countries. For the first time I’m afraid that the troops sent will need to be around 100,000 to ensure a firm foothold!”

After Fazheng expressed his worries, he said: "Song State still has many sailing talents, and Cheng Zhongde also has many good generals under his command. I suggest that Cheng Zhongde and I go on the expedition together."

"Cheng Zhongde? After the Song Dynasty is destroyed, that's okay."

Dong Huang nodded.

It will take one to two years to test the shipping routes and build more and larger sailing ships, so it is not too late to wait until the Song Dynasty is destroyed. Anyway, the Southern Song Dynasty is like a harem waiting for a long time for her husband. She has already Once everything is clear, Dong Huang can eat it at any time.

On the other hand, Jia Xu's eyes flashed after hearing that Fa Zheng wanted Cheng Yu.

Obviously, he understood the subtext that Dong Huang did not understand, and his eyes shone with approval.

The matter of the great voyage was thus settled, and the next focus became how to annex the Southern Song Dynasty.

In recent years, under the control of the "four thieves" such as Empress Dowager Wei, Tong Guan, Liang Zhongshu, and Cheng Yu, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty were in dire straits.

Li Gang, Kou Zhun and others who advocated the Northern Expedition were sent to Qiongzhou. Chen Dong, who wrote an impassioned petition, was killed. Yao Gu and his son, who had complained about the four people, were persecuted and seized the army. The whole country was in a state of surrender from top to bottom.

Of course, although they were powerless against Dayu, they were very good at dealing with internal rebellions. Fang La's troops, which had a chance to survive because Dong Huang went south, were eventually wiped out by Cheng Yu who mobilized the Southern Song army. Many war agents also turned into wonderful war points one after another. .

With the support of Empress Dowager Wei and the laissez-faire of Tong Guan, Liang Zhongshu and others, Cheng Yu had initially completed the reorganization of the main forces of the Southern Song Dynasty and firmly controlled the military power.

And this also made Song Jiang, who nominally became the fifth person in the Song Dynasty as the second in command of Liangshan, see it in his eyes and remember it in his heart.

As the fifth person in the Southern Song Dynasty and the fourth person in the court, Song Jiang knew that even if he defected to Dong Huang, he would not be able to obtain a higher status.

The unprecedented status in the court allowed Song Jiang to completely sit on the side of the Song Dynasty.

I, Song Gongming, am the most loyal minister of the Song Dynasty!

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