Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 246 You don’t do anything that other people do!

Faced with the concentrated outbreak of dead bodies almost without warning, the agents of war could only release their troops in order to protect themselves.

It is almost impossible for war agents who can survive to the third mission world to be fools. Most of them are geniuses with good ability and luck. Naturally, they also know the importance of seizing advantageous terrain, and they also know how to let soldiers move as far as possible from space. Bring more dry food, but you can't hold on to water for too long. Besides, not all soldiers want to be as luxurious as Dong Huang and wear full body armor.

Even the improved infantry armor worn by Dong Huangjun's elite today cannot protect against modern weapons of the establishment, and it cannot even protect against certain pistols, but it can protect against the bites of dead bodies, but many people There are many soldiers, but there are still a large number of leather armors or even no armors, which can only be ignored.

Of course, if we only face a disproportionate number of dead bodies at this level, the cold weapon legions that form the military formation can also chop melons and vegetables, but the problem is that dead bodies can never sleep, which can be called a perpetual motion machine, but what about people?

"Shhh, don't make a sound, you'll attract dead bodies."

Dong Huang quietly watched the drama by the window, and blocked Marikawa Shizuka's mouth to prevent her from making any sound.

"Hey, wait, the voice..."

Dong Huang's eyes suddenly lit up.

He recalled a sea green and gave a simple command.

Hai Dongqing quickly flew away again, and then hovered over the war agent army that had just blocked Dong Huang's route.

The agent of war, who had formed a military formation and had almost cleared away the dead bodies around him, did not notice Hai Dongqing in the sky. At this time, he just wanted to quickly clear out a few buildings, then establish a defense base and gain a foothold as soon as possible.

Now, more than half of the nearby dead bodies have been cleared away, and he has seen hope of establishing a base. However, at this time——


The kite flies to the violent sky.

A sharp, high-pitched cry resounded above the head of the agent of war.

The agent of war was startled. When he looked up, he only saw a white shadow passing by.

"Is there an eagle here?"

The agent of war raised his eyebrows, then turned pale: "It's broken, damn it!"

Obviously, this war agent knew that the dead body had no vision but developed hearing, but it was already too late.

Soon, the army of the agents of war was surrounded by dead bodies coming from all directions, crowding towards the army of agents of war. The huge number directly squeezed the dead bodies in front, penetrated the soldiers' spears, and crowded in front of the soldiers. , and then opened his mouth.

One, two, three...

More and more soldiers were injured and infected, and the situation suddenly got out of hand.

"Too cruel."

Dong Huang couldn't bear to watch this scene and could only look at Marikawa Shizuka in his arms.


Marikawa Shizuka had no strength left and could only let Dong Huang manipulate her.

Here, Mr. Dong killed a war agent without any effort or a single soldier. Over there, Jia Xu and others also blocked and killed people along the way.

The biggest advantage of Jia Xu and his party is investigation.

Jia Xu and Fazheng worked together to control the ghost that ignored physical obstacles. They really took down the enemy's pants.

Jia Xu: There is a suspected war agent here, and there are only a few people around him.

Huang Zhong: Okay, take an arrow from me, Old Huang.

Fa Zheng: There is a suspected survivor in the room over there. She is a beautiful woman. Write down the location and tell His Majesty.

Wang Yi: Fa Xiaozhi has a way to die!

All in all, Jia Xu and his party went very smoothly.

The only thing that was a little surprising was that a war agent who was far away got the first step, and it took a lot of time to render him and the corpses of his subordinates harmless.

There is no way, there are 3,000 sixth-level Zhuge Liannu, 7,000 seventh-level armored cavalry front troops equipped with divine arm crossbows and improved infantry armor, plus Huang Zhong's buff of penetrating Yang with a hundred steps, and 70% of Yue Fei's Jingzhong on Fazheng buff, Guo Jia's sacrifice buff, as well as the buffs of Huang Diewu, Ma Yunlu, Qiong Ying, etc., as well as many eighth-level generals who personally lead the troops. Among the war agents who have only experienced two worlds, they are Invincible - unless the enemy can replace all their weapons with modern firearms.

But the question is, do the entire Bedlord City have enough guns for a thousand guns?

And these firearms are basically in various police stations. Now that the world is in chaos, these firearms must have been issued by the police to maintain order or commit evil.

This is also the reason why Jia Xu did not go to the police station immediately. If he did, he would probably lose more than he gained.

As for why there are no government armed forces such as the police to protect water plants and power plants, firstly, this city only has the police as an armed force. Secondly, if the end of the world comes and you have a gun, the first thing you want to do is What?

It may be to find and protect family members first, or it may be to rob food and water, or it may be to satisfy the evil in the heart. It is absolutely rare to be willing to abandon the family to protect the city's water and power supply facilities.

Therefore, no one cares about this most important place.

So Jia Xu successfully took over the place and began to build fortifications.

There are mountains, water, and rocks here, as well as commanding heights and hiding spots, as well as facilities such as hydropower plants, dams, and walls. It is indeed a very good base.

While Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong and others were directing the construction of fortifications, Cheng Yu and Fazheng focused all their attention on controlling corpses. The corpse soldiers who controlled them joined the ranks of the dead bodies and followed the pre-marked locations. If there is any river or lake, they will throw a few unsuspecting dead bodies into it. Sometimes, in order to prevent the dead bodies from climbing up, they will twist off the heads of the dead bodies, mainly to pollute all water sources.

While polluting water sources, they also set fire to places where they could.

The main character is ruthless.

Sometimes when there is an empty supermarket, the usable items are brought back. The ones that cannot be used or cannot be removed are killed and contaminated with the flesh and blood of the dead bodies.

If you encounter an army of agents of war, try to make noise from multiple directions to attract more dead bodies to besiege them.

Even though Cheng Yu and Fazheng couldn't control many corpse soldiers, and their combat power was not much better than that of a single dead body, they were extremely handy when they were mixed among the dead bodies to do things that were not humanly possible.

In terms of not being human, they actually coincided with Dong Huang, who used Hai Dongqing's cry to attract dead bodies and trap the agents of war.

After the initial fortifications and traps were built, Jia Xu's inhumane actions intensified.

Jia Xu cut off water and electricity to the entire city.

In the original plot, the protagonist group could go to Nan Lixiang's house to take a nice hot bath and enjoy the apron benefits after a day of killing. Now...

Cry, beg, struggle, and then...die!

For Jia Xu, the only regret of this mission may be that he was unable to bring Li Ru over due to the limited number of people. You know, Li Ru is very good at burning cities...


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