Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 285 Besieged on all sides

"It's quite unstoppable."

Dong Zhao, who also watched the battle, also praised, but also felt a little distressed: "If you insist on taking it, the losses will be a bit big."

In the cabinet, Dong Zhao prefers logistics and is sensitive to losses.

"After all, Xiang Yan destroyed 200,000 elite warriors of the Qin Dynasty in history. In the battle with Wang Jian, it may not be all because of his inferior skills. The gap in national power between the two sides is also an important factor. Fortunately, the Prime Minister is safe and has no reason. Take the view lightly and take it lightly.”

Pang Tong stroked his beard, his eyes flashed, and he gave Jia Xu a small hand.

It was precisely because of Xiang Yan's status in history that Jia Xu, who had just arrived, decided to be careful. Looking at it now, he was really careful.

Dong Huang's army at this stage is not incapable of defeating a military formation like Xiang Yan's army, but it will have to pay a heavy price and require the Huben army to fight; if they want to defeat it head-on, Dong Huang will even have to personally lead the Huben army.

But such a price is obviously not worth it and is unnecessary.

War is not a street fight. Who said it has to be head-on?

Jia Xu's main purpose in this battle was just to see the capabilities of the frontline military commanders of this era.

"The enemy has such a strong army. If we can unite as one and make a desperate move... maybe we can hit Haojing City!"

Man Chong was also amazed.

Man Chong was also a versatile civil and military talent, and was also proficient in law. He was an important tool for Dong Huang to maintain internal stability.

"The enemy general can't hit Hao Jing, because I will kill him!"

Just as several of the elders on duty were praising Xiang Yan's military formation, as if they were praising their own army, Concubine Yan, who appeared out of nowhere, suddenly said something leisurely.

The elders immediately shut up.

Man Chong, who finally spoke once, decided to be transparent from now on.

If you are strong, you are justified!

Who told us that except for Zhuge Liang, none of the elders in Dayu could even break through to the first level of mythology?

"If such a trivial matter requires His Highness Dongjun to take action, what use do I have to do?"

Jia Xu responded to Concubine Yan with a smile.

It looked like a fat civet cat that had just been awakened, with a naive expression, but its claws had been quietly exposed.

Can Concubine Yan kill Xiang Yan among thousands of troops?


Jia Xu knew that Concubine Yan was not a braggart. If she said she could, then she could.

However, what is the price for killing Xiang Yan among thousands of troops? Seriously injured or killed?

No matter which one it is, it is a price that Jia Xu is absolutely unwilling to pay.

The situation is actually not that bad.

After all, this is just a conscious trial.

[Feng Linhuoshan, should he only have used half of his power this time? No, maybe there will be other surprises when the four Fenglin and Huoshan groups are combined... In short, this army belongs to Dayu! 】

Jia Xu silently calculated in his mind, and a series of sinister strategies emerged in his mind, including but not limited to using counterintuitive tactics to make the King of Chu kill Xiang Yan and his entire family.

There is no doubt that if Xiang Yan's help can be obtained, it will undoubtedly be of great help to Dong Huangjun in developing his own military formation.

It would be even better if all Xiang Yan's troops could be instigated to rebel.

This army has grown to its peak, but those who can compete with Wang Jian, even if they are inferior to Wang Jian, are stronger than most of Dong Huang's generals.

If they can surrender in an organized manner and bring hatred towards the Chu State, they can immediately be used as drills for attack! Dong Huangjun no longer needs to waste three to five years training his troops.

After seeing Xiang Yan's military formation, Jia Xu further realized the terrifying and important nature of the military formation.

He believes that for ordinary war agents, the additional topic that must be learned in this world is military formation. After this mission world, wars between legions and military formations may become mainstream.

Military formations add too much to war, and the ultimate of military formations is probably the powerful national-level legion skill of the Imperial Totem Sun Bird.

I have to say here that Dong Huangjun is ahead of the game again.

And once the [Imperial Totem·Sunbird] is blessed by the military formation, its power will inevitably increase to a higher level, and it may not be impossible to compete with the Great Qin Army head-on.

At the same time, Jia Xu speculates that learning military formations may be an important opportunity for military commanders to completely break through the gamification panel and become a natural person with domain power in the true sense.

The further the world level increases, the more ridiculous the gamified panels become, and the panels become less and less useful.

However, while it is ridiculous, Jia Xu also has some more exciting speculations - the special abilities of some generals may be related to the rules.

The most obvious examples are Diao Chan's Guanyue and Jia Xu's own chaos.

Jia Xu also speculated that when his own abilities improve again, Luan Wu's unique ability may give him new surprises.

Back to business.

The most important thing at this stage is how to defeat Xiang Yan's tribe with minimal losses, and how to let Chu destroy the Great Wall without knowing it without having anything to do with Dayu.

[You have to rely on other war agents. 】

Jia Xu narrowed his eyes and opened them slightly, like a tiger about to hunt.


Xiang Yan's resounding victory doubled the confidence of the war agents who followed Xiang Yan, and looked at Xiang Yan even more greedily.

Before, they only coveted Xiang Yu, but now they covet Xiang Yan's military formation more than Xiang Yu.

Smart war agents have linked the military formations to the generals' domain skills. Some even speculated that if Xiang Yu in this time and space was so fierce, would it be not only because he was fierce enough, but also because he was with How can the military formations of the Xiang clan achieve mutual success?

Regardless of the situation, in short, the morale of the war agents was higher. Those who originally wanted to escape secretly also mustered up the courage to follow Xiang Yan to fight to the end.

Thousands of people can chase and kill tens of thousands of opponents, and they have just defeated tens of thousands of their own elite, so there is nothing to be afraid of!

Our own elite \u003cDayu Army \u003cXiang Yan Army Formation.

The war agents compared their feelings and felt that it took dozens or hundreds of people to gather such a small number of elites. When the opponent already had such a strong naval force, could it be possible to gather more elites?

Some war agents are even so blindly optimistic that they feel that the Yu army's half-crossed attack this time is already the last resort. The next step is to collect the results of the battle - in the worst case, they can also drive the enemy into the sea, and once again To pacify Jiangdong, plow through other war agents in Jiangdong and seize a large amount of resources and war points.

It would be even better if this opportunity could be used to increase Xiang Yan's favorability or obtain the inheritance of the military formation.

To take a step back, even if you can't get Xiang Yan or Xiang Yu, it would be good to get the four generals of "Feng Linhuo" under Xiang Yan.

The agents of war were overjoyed and felt that they all had a bright future.

Xiang Yan, who had won a great victory, had a hint of joy on her lips.

Xiang Yan's thoughts are actually similar to those of the agents of war.

Although he had won easily just now, he also believed that this was Dayu's final counterattack.

Based on the information about Dayu's navy and land battles that came from Peng Li, Xiang Yan believes that today's battle is the true strength of Dayu's soldiers in land battles!

And how many more Dayu troops can there be with such strength? Can there be another hundred thousand?

Even if there are still 100,000 left, Xiang Yan is confident that he can win in one battle!

[Dayu is just strong on the water. 】

[No, it should be said that it is not strong on the water, but the navy of Chu State has been at peace for a long time. It has no experience in water warfare for sixty or seventy years and has not updated its ships for decades. This allowed Yu State to take advantage of the loophole! 】

[This battle is what makes Xiang Yan famous! 】

Xiang Yan thought to himself.

So, after a short period of repair, Xiang Yan's army set off again, aiming directly at Haojing. Along the way, they did not encounter any large-scale attacks by Yu's army. Even in the mountains suitable for ambush, they did not encounter large-scale attacks. of ambush.

Of course, small harassment is constant, including but not limited to various hidden arrows, traps, poisoning, and night attacks.

The army of war agents arranged by Xiang Yan on the periphery were miserable, but no matter what happened, as long as Dayu's army did not hit Xiang Yan's headquarters and his 20,000 regular troops, he would remain motionless.

Xiang Yanjun's 10,000-strong military formation headquarters was basically able to sleep soundly every night, showing the strong psychological quality of the elite army.

By this time, Xiang Yan had concluded that the Yu State was at the end of its rope, and its final trump card was to use exhaustion tactics to reduce the combat effectiveness of Xiang Yan's army, and then concentrate on a decisive battle with Xiang Yan's army. The location of the decisive battle should be the previous intelligence station. It's near Jinling.

Xiang Yan even thought out the tactics of Dayu's army: it was nothing more than a frontal battle with elite troops, and the navy troops from behind made a surprise attack.

[Hmph, what a small trick! 】

Xiang Yan was full of confidence and urged the army to advance as planned. He would not attack the cities he passed along the way, but only wanted food and grass.

However, what made Xiang Yan angry was that Dayu's army actually fortified the walls and cleared the country all the way. Xiang Yan's army received very little supplies. A rough calculation showed that the remaining food and grass was only enough for the army for two months.

[Two months is enough! 】

Xiang Yan never forgets to cheer herself up.

The army continued to advance.

Perhaps because of the rainy season, the weather became worse and worse. It rained from time to time and there was heavy fog in the early morning, which made Xiang Yanjun miserable.

The morale of the elite soldiers under the War Agents, who were responsible for almost all the dirty work of auxiliary troops, route exploration, guarding, transportation, etc., dropped sharply. Fortunately, the elite soldiers under each War Agent were not very many, usually three to five thousand, which is not bad. It's easy to control, otherwise deserters may appear.

This day, there was another heavy fog.

Xiang Yanjun was still marching in the fog.

During the previous heavy fogs, Xiang Yan was not without worry that Dayu's army would take the opportunity to make a sneak attack, but it turned out that he was overthinking it.

So this time he still ordered the army to move forward.

The Chu army had a detailed map of Jiangdong, so they were not afraid of getting lost in the fog.

Of course, for safety reasons, Xiang Yan still ordered a quarter of his troops to lie on the cart in armor and be pulled forward by auxiliary soldiers. In this way, even if they encounter an ambush, these elites can immediately attack them. Jump into the fight and buy time for other armorers.

However, this time, Xiang Yanjun walked for a long time, but still did not see the sun.

This made Xiang Yan feel that something was wrong.

"First, bury the pot and make rice."

Xiang Yan decided to take a rest first.

However, bad news soon came: half of the army transporting grain and grass was gone!


Xiang Yan was horrified: "Count the number of people in the entire army!"

However, the result is that the number of people cannot be counted at all, because I don’t know when the heavy fog, which originally had a visibility of about a hundred meters, has become less than ten meters, and the messengers here have not gone far. If you are far away, you will be lost.

"There's sorcery!"

Xiang Yanhu's eyes widened and he shouted: "Wind!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

The gale force formation quickly gathered, and its momentum merged with Xiang Yan's.

Xiang Yan waved his halberd, and the 2,500 warriors of the Gale Wind Army waved their weapons in the same direction as Xiang Yan.

When the momentum combined, it turned into a strong wind and blew away the heavy fog.

"The general is mighty!"

The fantasy scene made Gongye Defei and other licking dogs shout.

However, before Gongye Defei and others finished speaking, the fog gathered again.


Gongye Defei also realized that the situation was not good.


Xiang Yan frowned and shouted again.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

Two thousand five hundred invading fire troops roared at the same time, and the fire energy rising to the sky concentrated on Xiang Yan, burning away all the fog in the sky.

The four military formations of "Fenglinhuoshan" under Xiang Yan can not only be integrated into one, but each one also has independent specialties and has very comprehensive capabilities.

But this time, although the fog was dispersed within a radius of three to five miles, the sky in more places and higher up was still white.

"Damn it, how come there is such a wide range of witchcraft? Is it the witchcraft of those Nanman Baiyue people? I've never heard of them having such witchcraft!"

Xiang Yan's heart sank.

However, he is still not afraid now.

"The invading army held hands and dispersed in a formation. The rest of the army was on alert! I want to see how big the fog is."

Xiang Yan decided to use the invading fire army as human-shaped torches to disperse the fog and witchcraft.

Fire defeats ghosts and evil spirits. The Fire Invasion Army is not only aggressive like fire, but also has strong restraint on evil spirits.

However, what shocked Xiang Yan was that as soon as his invading army dispersed, the heavy fog struck again in a more violent manner. Even with Xiang Yan's eyesight, he could not see the invading army ten feet away. The fiery red gas.

"Damn it!"

Xiang Yan finally realized that something was wrong.

On the altar on the other side, Zhuge Liang, who was wearing a seven-star robe, wiped the sweat on his forehead without leaving a trace, with an air of immortality and a calm expression on his face.

In his heart, Zhuge Liang was also secretly frightened. This time he used the eight formations of stone soldiers and the two great abilities of fog, observing the stars at night and doing the magic on the altar. Moreover, he had already broken through to the first level of mythology. That's it, Xiang Yan almost got out of sight.

It can only be said that Xiang Yan's military formation does have merits.

However, what if it opens up the field of vision? Can he lead people to break out of the eight stone formations composed of thirty-six mountains?

This time, in order to capture Xiang Yan and his troops alive, and to make Haojing City truly foolproof, Jia Xu specifically asked Zhuge Liang to place the Eight Formations of Stone Soldiers in the thirty-six mountains of Thirty-Six Cave.

In order to let Xiang Yan walk into the trap without any doubt, Zhuge Liang deliberately placed heavy fog in the direction of Xiang Yanjun's advance several times, and finally trapped Xiang Yanjun here.

"Kill out the war agent army outside the formation, and then it will be 'embarrassed on all sides'."

Jia Xu opened her eyes and squinted like a cat lying on the ground with its paws holding the tail of a frightened and struggling little mouse.

Under Jia Xu's order, Dayu's army, who had held back their anger, attacked from all sides and wiped out the remaining Chu army outside the Eighth Formation of the Stone Soldiers.

Perhaps it really had something to do with the sacrifice of Hua Xiong. This settlement was incredibly smooth.

Dong Huang received the news when he was halfway back from Kuaiji. The news was delivered personally by Jia Xu and Yan Fei.

Dong Huang was sitting on the throne. The gentle Concubine Yan felt sorry for Dong Huang because of the long journey and was squeezing his shoulders. The black and white young Siming was kneeling on the left and right, beating Dong Huang's legs.

Dong Huang rested his head on Concubine Yan's chest and stretched out two fingers. The discerning Moon God quickly turned his back to everyone and took a cigarette from his chest to Dong Huang. During this period, he looked at her provocatively. Concubine Yan glanced at her, but was ignored by Concubine Yan. But the quirky Yan Lingji smiled at Concubine Yan, snapped her fingers with her right hand, made a ball of flame, and lit a cigarette for Dong Huang.

Dong Huang took a puff of cigarette intoxicatedly, blew out a smoke ring, and then asked: "Is this trapping Xiang Yan? They won't commit suicide, right?"

Dong Huang also cares about Xiang Yan's safety.

Even more concerned than Xiang Yan himself.

Just listening to Jia Xu's dictation, Dong Huang felt that Xiang Yan's army might be more powerful than Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei. It would be best if such talents could be retained, but could such people really be recruited to surrender?

"Xiang Yan's troops are determined and will not commit suicide easily. I have already arranged for the recruitment and surrender. Now that the Chu navy has been defeated, Xiang Yan's troops are also trapped. Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan are suspicious of each other. Baiyue It has also been put down by your Majesty, and our army has a stable foothold in Jiangdong. I suggest that your Majesty should not rush back to Haojing, but can go to Yingzhou first."

Jia Xu spoke.


Dong Huang raised his eyebrows, but the years of tacit understanding with Jia Xu made him immediately understand Jia Xu's true purpose.

Jia Xu is about to use an underhanded move, and it is most likely the underhanded move used by Song Jiang and Wu Yong to force Qin Ming and others into Liangshan.

If Jia Xu really wanted to use underhanded tactics, then it would naturally be inconvenient for Dong Huang to appear in Haojing.

As long as he is not in Haojing, even if Xiang Yan reacts one day, he can completely shirk that everything was done by his subordinates and has nothing to do with him. There is still room for relaxation between him and Xiang Yan, and Xiang Yan also treats him The possibility of returning home is at least at least possible. Even if it is to revenge against the Chu State, Xiang Yan will stay and assist Dayu for a while.

If he stays, even if Xiang Yan returns home, he may still have knots in his heart in the future.

Of course, with Jia Xu's ability, even if he uses underhanded tactics, it is impossible for Xiang Yan to find out or leave traces behind. At most, Xiang Yan may become suspicious in the future.

"Okay, I just wanted to check out the progress of the Sanxian Mountain strategy!"

Dong Huang laughed.

The Yingzhou of this world is the three huge islands of Yingzhou, the abbot of Penglai. Dong Huangjun has basically completed the attack on Penglai and is preparing to enter the largest Yingzhou Island!

Speaking of which, Dong Huang would come and scan Yingzhou in every large mission world. This had almost become a habit. However, in the previous two mission worlds, resources could not be brought to the personal war space, so the strategy was of little value. But this world is different.

Yingzhou in this world can really be built as a rear base, and it is the kind where resources can be exploited in a plundering manner.

That night, Dong Huang and Concubine Yan fought to the death.

Concubine Yan is not going to Yingzhou, she has to stay to look after Dong Huang's house and supervise the training of Dong Huang's civil and military officials.

So tonight, Concubine Yan became Concubine Miao for a time.

At first, the doors were bolted and closed, then gradually the doors were blocked, then the doors were opened, and finally the words were flowing...


a month ago.


Yingzhou Island.

A short-haired kendo wife with an extremely plump figure cut off a giant python with a clean and sharp sword that did not suit her figure.

(Kasura Manami and Katsura Heart)

"My dear mother, you are so real!"

Next to the married woman, a little loli in a Gothic dress couldn't help but clapped her hands and said with joy.

"Thanks to Yan Ye!"

The short-haired wife hugged the Goth Loli into her arms and said with a smile. After speaking, she looked at Gui Yanye beside her tenderly.

"My mother is already strong enough."

Gui Yanye, who has a figure that is better than that of a short-haired wife, and a charming, water-like appearance that is better than that of a short-haired wife, tilts her head and smiles, holding Gui Xin tightly in her arms.

(Gui Yan Ye and Gui Xin)

Gui Yanye, who looked like a young woman in her twenties, hugged Gui Xin. She didn't look like sisters, but like mother and daughter. And her mother, Gui Manami, looks like sisters to Gui Yanye.

It's no wonder that Gui Yanye has spent more than 20 years in the infinite war space, and he has spent another 20 years as a slave by Dong's side. It's strange that he is immature.

In fact, when it comes to actual age, Katsura Yanye is better than her mother Katsura Manami.

It seems that Gui Yanye was able to meet Gui Manami and Gui Xin because of the third mission.

As a plot character, her third mission is slightly different from Dong Huang's. The first scene of her third mission is to save herself.

She didn't know how to save her, but the time she entered happened to be when Zha Cheng had not yet turned into a man, so she raised the knife and dropped it, from Ito Makoto to Sawoe in an instant. , chopped it all over, and then not only completed the first level, but also obtained many attendants including Katsura Manami, Katsura Heart and others.

After that, Gui Yanye used the huge accumulation gained from joining Dong Huang in the second mission world to hack and slash all the way through the third mission world. After completing three levels, he decided to stop and successfully entered the fourth mission world.

With her excellent swordsmanship talent, Gui Yanye is now at the ninth level and has three generals under her command; her mother Katsura Manami is also very talented and her swordsmanship has reached the sixth level.

However, compared to her swordsmanship talent, her mother's strongest talent was management talent. She easily helped her manage her personal war space in an orderly manner and gave Gui Yanye many rational suggestions.

This time Gui Yanye brought Gui Manami and Gui Xin out not only to relax, but also to find a place to release the city.

For War Agents, releasing the city naturally means the risk of being captured; but the fact that the city can be upgraded and exchanged for troops also makes War Agents want to stop.

There is no city to replenish the army at any time, and the few soldiers they have cannot last the forty-nine-year mission.

However, when Gui Yanye climbed up and looked far away, she suddenly froze, her legs couldn't help trembling, and she collapsed to the ground as if her strength had been drained.

"Sister/Yan Ye!"

Katsura Manami and Katsura Heart were shocked at the same time.

Katsura Heart didn't know what was going on, but Katsura Manami, who had been through it all, frowned.

[Why is my daughter acting like this suddenly? 】

With doubts, Gui Manami couldn't help but look in the direction Gui Yanye was looking at before. She only saw a huge fleet on the vast sea heading here, with the sun hanging on the ship. The sacred bird flag is particularly dazzling in the sun.

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