Infinite War Begins with Cao Thief

Chapter 287: The Nine Clan Implicated in the Battle for Xiang Yu (Add bells, please vote for me and

As early as when Zhuge Liang used the east wind to help Zhou Taishui defeat Xiang Yanshui's army, news of Xiang Yan's defeat and surrender had already begun to spread in the areas north of the Yangtze River.

These messages are not necessarily spread by the Dayu Army. The intelligence organization of the Dayu Army is not that strong yet.

The person who first delivered these messages was actually Chun Shenjun.

Chun Shenjun needed Xiang Yan's defeat to avoid the fate of crossing the river.

He really didn't want to cross the river at all. He was afraid that if he crossed the river with his front foot, Li Yuan would cheat him on his back foot. His subordinates, from Zhu Ying, who had been with him for many years, to He Ning, who had just recently become famous, also advised him not to cross the river.

So as soon as it was confirmed that Xiang Yanshui's army was defeated, Chun Shenjun called Zhu Ying and He Ning with great sadness and told them the "bad" news.

Zhu Ying and He Ning understood this, especially Zhu Ying, who immediately used Chun Shen Jun's intelligence power to widely spread the news of Xiang Yan's defeat and surrender, and put all the responsibility for Chun Shen Jun's inability to cross the river on Xiang Yan.

At the same time, another news was also widely circulated, that is, Chun Shenjun was too afraid to fight and betrayed Xiang Yan, resulting in Xiang Yan's defeat.

The core of this news is that Chun Shen Jun has evil intentions. From the loss of Jiangdong to Xiang Yan's defeat, it is all Chun Shen Jun's conspiracy. There is even a vivid story about Chun Shenjun taking this opportunity to "eliminate dissidents, support the bandits, gain self-respect, seize military power, and prepare for rebellion."

Chun Shenjun could tell at a glance that this must be Li Yuan's conspiracy, so he was not to be outdone and asked Zhu Ying and He Ning to deal with it quickly.

So, "Li Yuan first plotted to murder Qu Leng to frame Chun Shen Jun, and then plotted to frame Xiang Yan to frame Chun Shen Jun. Finally, he wanted to kill Chun Shen Jun, the leader of the country, and then plotted to murder the King of Chu, help the young prince to ascend the throne, and his sister Li Yan The conspiracy of "controlling Chu State" has also been spread.

For a time, there was no fighting on the front line, but the public opinion war in the rear was going to knock the dogs brains out.

Various rumors were surging in the capital of the King of Chu, which made the King of Chu feel very worried.

The King of Chu is not stupid, but now he can't tell which rumor is true, which rumor is false, or whether they are all false, or whether they are all half-true.

Just as the King of Chu was wavering, a new rumor arose: Li Yan was already pregnant with Chun Shenjun when she entered the palace, and Li Yuan made Li Yan pregnant by dedicating Li Yan to Chunshen Jun and letting Chunshen Jun get Li Yan pregnant. After that, Chun Shenjun sent Li Yan to the palace.

King Chu:...

Do you really think I'm stupid? Don't you know if my wife is pregnant? I've played with more women than you've ever seen. I don't know if a woman is a virgin? I wonder if the woman gave birth to term?

The king of Chu was furious.

He had realized that someone was fishing in troubled waters.

But then new rumors emerged.

Rumor has it that the reason why the King of Chu did not discover that Li Yan was pregnant with Lord Chun Shen was because among the three thousand disciples of Lord Chun Shen, there were people who were good at witchcraft and used witchcraft to hide it from the King of Chu's inspection.

Li Yuan now wants to kill Chun Shenjun just to hide this secret.

The rumors spread so well that King Chu also became suspicious for a while.

You know, Chun Shenjun's three thousand disciples all have special skills. If there are any special techniques...

King Chu Kaolie's head was as big as a bucket for a while. He even went to the witch temple to worship the ancestors, hoping to get guidance. It's a pity that the ancestral spirit of Chu State has been in a state of decline since Bai Qi attacked Yingdu and burned the tomb of the ancestors at Yiling, and was unable to give him any guidance.

It is shameful to say that by the time Bai Qi broke Ying, it was the second time that the Chu king's tomb had been looted by the army.

Although he did not receive effective guidance, the thorn in his heart was buried, and even the way King Chu Kaolie looked at Li Yan was wrong.

After all, when it comes to cuckoldry, except for a few who can be ecstatic, the vast majority of men cannot remain calm.

A series of rumors made King Chu Kaolie feel that there was no one trustworthy around him.

But Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan, who were on the front line, felt like they had been shot at the same time.

Chun Shenjun: Someone wants me and Li Yuan to die!

Li Yuan: Someone wants Chun Shenjun and I to die!

But who is so hateful?

Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan summoned their disciples to think hard: First of all, it seems that no one above the Chu court can threaten their status, and there is no one who can take the initiative to stand out, but they can do anything for the powerful, so The officials in the court cannot completely rule out the suspicion; secondly, the other sons of King Chu are still young, and it seems that they will not engage in such a trick to seize the legitimate heir, but the prince's mother's family still cannot completely rule out the suspicion; finally, if it is an enemy country, If so, it is possible that preparations have been made in advance, but the energy should not be so great...

After thinking for a while, they felt that everyone was a suspect, but no one seemed qualified to be the real mastermind behind such a big thing!

So who could it be?

Finally, under the reminder of the war agent, Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan changed their minds and began to investigate according to the principle of who would benefit the most and who would be the most suspect.

So, if something happens to both Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan, who will benefit the most?

At this time, there was a new rumor in the Chu capital: Xiang Yan and Qu Leng were framed and defeated by Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan because they were loyal to the King of Chu, and Xiang Yan was the most loyal minister.

Moreover, as more and more scandals and scandals emerged about the relationship between Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan, the officials and nobles who gradually realized that the trend in the court was wrong began to speak up for Xiang Yan, especially because of Chun Shenjun's previous Song Yu, who was favored by Huang Xie but neglected and dismissed from his post, danced the most happily.

Song Yu is a descendant of the duke family of the Song Dynasty. He was born in the Chu Kingdom. He first served Qu Yuan, and later became favored by King Kaolie of Chu. He has famous works such as "Dengtuzi Lustful Ode", "Nine Bian", "Yangchun", "Baixue", etc., "Dengtuzi" The special meanings of the words "Yangchun Baixue" and "Xiaoliba people" originated from Song Yu.

However, due to Chun Shenjun's favor, Song Yu gradually fell out of favor and was dismissed from all positions last year.

So Song Yu's jumping out was actually understandable.

Of course, there must be someone else behind Song Yu.

Song Yu's appearance made Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan furious. This is because the first poet after Qu Yuan even wrote a gorgeous poem to vindicate Xiang Yanming's injustice.

A piece of poetry that is gorgeous enough to be passed down for thousands of years, enough to make Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan infamy for thousands of years. It’s strange that the two of them can’t be angry!

What made the two of them even more angry was that with Song Yu as a leader, a large number of princes in Chu State began to write letters one after another to plead grievances for Xiang Yan.

In the mouths of these princes, Xiang Yan is the number one hero in the sky and a well-deserved loyal minister of the Chu State. Many princes either went there in person or sent people to go to the residence of the Xiang family and other places. I went to my hometown to express my condolences to the Xiang family...

Chun Shenjun:......

Li Yuan:......

He Ning:......

Other agents of war:…

Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan, who didn't know the truth, believed that these people were lying when they spoke for Xiang Yan, but they were serious about wanting to mess with them! But they couldn't figure out how these little feudal lords far away from the center had the courage to take action against the two of them? Are they crazy?

However, He Ning and other war agents realized that these people were taking the opportunity to please the Xiang family, and even took into account Xiang Yu, who would have been born at least fifteen or sixteen years according to historical development.

First form an alliance to take down the biggest enemy, and then each can rely on their own abilities. This can be regarded as the basic practice of war agents.

As long as you can afford it, space can offer a variety of security covenants.


He Ning found that the development of things had exceeded his expectations.

According to He Ning's plan when he first came to this world, he wanted to defect to Lord Chun Shen first, gain a foothold before killing Li Yuan, and then follow Li Yuan's path to let his attendants give birth to King Chu's son, and then kill Chun Shen. Lord Shen finally took control of the court and used his own abilities and full support for the Xiang family to deal with Qin.

Later, when the situation came to a point where Xiang Yan had to be given up, He Ning had no choice. For the sake of his grand strategy, and because he was unable to do anything, he could only support Chun Shenjun to trap Xiang Yan.

But at that time, he had already planned to take good care of Xiang Yan's descendants, and even planned to accept Xiang Yan's sons as adopted sons.

As a result, before he had time to act, the situation had already deteriorated.

Being on the front line, he simply could not get timely information about the capital and the ministers. The only information he had was what Chun Shenjun and Zhu Ying told him, which put him into a great passive position.

【The lotus leaves in the sky are infinitely green! 】

He Ning finally understood the helplessness of those frontline generals in the history books: you fight life and death in the front, but there are all kinds of conspiracies and plots behind you.

[Now it seems that if you want to get Xiang Yu, you have to be ruthless! 】

He Ning secretly made up his mind: If you want to steal my food, then I will just lift the table!

"For this plan, I'm afraid we have to cooperate with Li Yuan."

He Ning sighed and said.

"Cooperating with Li Yuan..."

Chun Shenjun quickly understood what He Ning was thinking. It was just for the two of them to cooperate and kill those who fanned the flames and wanted to reap the benefits.

But, will Li Yuan be willing to cooperate?

Chun Shenjun turned his attention to Zhu Ying, the first conspirator.

"Sir, Li Yuan is more anxious than us! Li Yuan's only foundation is Li Yan and the prince she gave birth to. The other party is talking about Li Yan and the prince. This is digging into Li Yuan's roots!

Li Yuan's only choice is to cooperate with us and show the king that the young master and Li Yuan have been cooperating sincerely, and then show the king that all the rumors are caused by the Yu State and people with ulterior motives in the country. The purpose is to "make three men become tigers", so that the monarchs and ministers of Chu will be at odds, thus giving the Yu State an opportunity to take advantage of it!

The young master can even cut off his will and send it to the king to show the king that the young master is dedicated to serving the public. If the king does not believe in the young master, the young master can commit suicide after defeating the country of Yu! "

Zhu Ying directly told a poisonous plan.

A heart-wrenching plot.

In this era where trust is valued, as long as Chun Shenjun cuts off his hair and becomes the leader, it means that if the King of Chu still does not believe it, Chun Shen Jun must commit suicide, otherwise Chun Shen Jun will become a laughing stock and will be completely unable to survive.

But does King Chu really not believe it?

As long as the King of Chu is not stupid, he must believe it and pretend to believe it even if he doesn't believe it. Otherwise, he will deliberately force the death of a pillar of the country. Not only is it unethical and chilling to countless people, but he will also become a laughing stock.

If King Chu Kaolie is really not very enlightened, you can also arrange for someone to tell him the story of "King Chu Jueying": The women of your ancestor King Chuzhuang were almost married to their husbands in the dark, how could they not be the same? Those who have gone too far will be rewarded in the end; if you consider King Lie to be less virtuous than your ancestors, you can't even regain your old capital. Besides, you are not really being bullied. How can you force the minister to death for this reason? If you dare to do this, you are the sinner of Chu State. If Chu State is going to perish, it will be all because of you! If our ancestors were not allowed to eat blood, it was all because of you!

In short, after a series of operations, Lord Chun Shen can be rectified, and King Chu Kaolie can also gain the reputation of a righteous king. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

"That's what I say!"

Chun Shenjun was surprised at first, then understood and nodded in agreement.

Zhu Ying's strategy is very vicious and has certain risks, but the risks are not very high. Because what Zhu Ying said is actually the unspoken rule of this world. The generosity and intensity at the bottom may be passionate, but the generosity and intensity at the top is probably just a political show.

The contact between Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan was very harmonious.

Li Yuan also realized the seriousness of the matter. In fact, Li Yuan's political acumen was stronger than Chun Shen Jun. He had realized that someone wanted to kill him and Chun Shen Jun. It was a matter of life and death, and he and Chun Shen Jun The conflict between Chun Shenjun can naturally be put aside for now.

But if the two of them want to cooperate, there are two problems that need to be solved: they need a scapegoat because of the unfavorable battle on the front line, and they even need to win another battle to increase their status in the heart of the King of Chu; at the same time, Qu Leng's death also needs a scapegoat. We can't have anything to do with these two!

The scapegoat is naturally Xiang Yan.

It can only be Xiang Yan.

In their mouths, it was precisely because of Xiang Yan's disastrous defeat that Chun Shenjun's army was unable to cross the river, and that Li Yuan had no navy to cut off Jiangdu's reinforcements, making Jiangdu unable to attack for a long time.

As for those who cry out for Xiang Yan and Qu Leng, they are naturally greedy ministers who have been bribed by the Yu State; Song Yu has been flirting with the Yu State for a long time because he fell out of favor, and now he just jumps out to frame Zhongliang; those who cry out for Xiang Yan Feng Jun, there must be people who don't know the truth, but most of them are probably ambitious people who want to take advantage of the chaos and rebel.

In short, both Li Yuan and Chun Shenjun are innocent and loyal ministers.

Both of them were willing to die to prove their innocence.

Qu Leng's death was a conspiracy of the enemy country. The enemy country must have a killer organization comparable to the Qin State's network in order to assassinate Qu Leng and create rumors and cause chaos in the capital.

Li Yuan and Chun Shenjun's petitions were delivered to the palace as quickly as possible; at the same time, Li Yan took her two sons to the witch palace and hanged herself to prove her innocence.

At this time, King Chu couldn't bear it anymore.

The King of Chu ordered the arrest of Song Yu and several of the most popular princes. At the same time, he comforted Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan with kind words, and hurried to persuade Li Yan.

As soon as Li Yan heard that King Chu was about to arrive at the gate of the witch palace, she hurriedly hanged herself with her two sons.

The King of Chu appeared just in time and rescued Li Yan and his two sons. However, the second son seemed to have serious side effects due to his weak body and almost failed to save him.

Li Yan didn't care about her son at this time. She just cried loudly in the arms of King Chu: "Your Majesty, just let us three mothers die. It's just gossip outside. Your Majesty doesn't trust us. Come on, Your Majesty, look at you." Your son, his eyebrows, his forehead, his eyes, nothing about him looks like you! Now that we have all become the laughing stock, just let us die!"

With that said, Li Yan suddenly broke away from King Chu's arms, took off the golden hairpin from her head, and was about to kill herself. King Chu was so frightened that he quickly hugged her again.

"Queen, my queen, my Yan'er, I realize my mistake!"

The King of Chu also looked more and more like his eldest son, and the more he looked like him. Coupled with the severe torture of the palace servants who verified Li Yan's identity before entering the palace, it also confirmed that there was really nothing wrong with Li Yan, and Li Yan did indeed look good. She was beautiful, good at serving others, and bore him two sons. The King of Chu finally realized that he had misunderstood his beloved concubine.

But the woman holding the king bomb is not so easy to coax.

Li Yuan's message to her before was very clear. This was her best chance to make her son a prince!

Li Yan "cannot wish to die" and started crying again holding her son. Only then did she realize that something was wrong with her second son, and she cried even more sadly, even scratching King Chu Kaolie's face.

King Chu Kaolie was also truly angry.

He reluctantly persuaded Li Yan by saying "I will declare Li Yan's eldest son as a prince on a certain day" and "I will never let go of anyone who spreads rumors", and then he directed all his anger at the Xiang family, Song Yu and others.

King Chu Kaolie ordered that the Xiang family be punished three days later. Song Yu and all the princes who spoke for Song Yu and Xiang Yan were jailed and tortured for their words and deeds. Anyone who cried out for the Xiang family would die!

In fact, King Chu Kaolie was able to order the Xiang clan to be punished in such a decisive and ruthless manner, not only because of his anger, but more importantly because of political considerations.

He has realized that this is a political turmoil that is shaking the country.

As a politician, he knew very well that he could not simultaneously kill Jun Yin, Chun Shenjun, who had been in power for many years, and Li Yuan, who he had consciously cultivated to check Chun Shen Jun, especially since the two of them commanded hundreds of thousands of troops and were responsible for the frontline war. in the case of.

What's more, Li Yan really has no problem, and Xiang Yan did suffer a great defeat that destroyed almost all of Chu's naval forces and may even cause the situation in Jiangnan to get out of hand!

In this case, Chun Shenjun and Li Yuan can't deal with it, so they can only deal with Xiang Yan, who has suffered a defeat and whose current situation is unknown and is very likely to be dead, and Song Yu, who has fallen out of favor before.

As for those feudal lords who jumped out... Wouldn't it be better to jump out? Only by jumping out can we legitimately take over their wealth, territory, and soldiers, thereby enhancing the country's power!

Without knowing the terror of Qin in the future and Xiang Yan's achievements, Xiang Yan, the defeated general who may have died or even surrendered according to the information known to King Chu, as well as Song Yu and other war agents who jumped out, Feng Yan You gentlemen, naturally become the best scapegoats.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan and to check and balance Chun Shenjun to pave the way for his son, under Li Yan's suggestion and his own consideration, he also recalled Li Yuan and asked Li Yuan to take charge of attacking the feudal lord who dared to resist.

As for Chun Shenjun, the King of Chu granted him all the military power on the front line to show his trust in him.

For Chun Shenjun, this order from the King of Chu was actually a mixed blessing. The good news was that he finally took over all the military power; the bad news was that he was strictly ordered by the Chu King to capture Jiangdu and defeat Jiangdu. Get rid of Dayu's only stronghold in Jiangbei.

Taking Jiangdu was not only out of strategic necessity, but also out of Chu's face and dignity.

But is Jiangdu really that easy to get?

the answer is negative.

Now that the rainy season has arrived, the existence of Dajiang and Hangou not only allowed Dong Huang's navy to pass unimpeded, but also allowed Chu's army to besiege the city from two directions, making it impossible to fully utilize its strength advantage.

Moreover, the loss of the navy means that important areas along the river need to be fortified everywhere. Otherwise, once Chun Shen's army confronts Dayu's army in Jiangdu, and Dayu's army lands elsewhere for a sneak attack, what should we do?

Chun Shenjun could only order the army to attack Jiangdu, and at the same time write a letter requesting that beacon towers be set up or even built at important places along the river, especially on the tributaries of the river, to prevent Yu's army from going north to cause trouble; at the same time, he asked the King of Chu to choose an important place upstream to speed up shipbuilding. , train the navy, and send troops as far as possible to the south bank, at least to defend the area west of Pengli Lake for a major counterattack.

Chun Shenjun's letter is still an afterthought. The biggest question before the Chu capital's war agents is, should the Xiang family be saved?

If you don't save him, he will be beheaded soon!

After beheading, even Xiang Yu’s father is gone. If his father is gone, how can there be Xiang Yu?

what to do?

"Save the Xiang clan, and then go to South Korea. It just so happens that there may be Chao Banshee, Madam Hu, Fox Beauty, Yan Lingji, and Purple Girl in South Korea..."

"Bah, the most important thing is that there are Zhang Liang and Han Fei! It doesn't matter whether these women are there or not. They are just fun people in the derivative world. It doesn't even matter whether there are Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang who did anything to Guigu Shame. , the important thing is Zhang Liang and Han Fei! They will not be weakened no matter in the parallel world of the Warring States and the end of Qin Dynasty! We have Zhang Liang and Han Fei in literature, and Xiang Yu in military affairs, how can we be so scared?"

"Fuck, let's fight! Chen is so close to South Korea anyway!"

At this time, the Chu State had not yet moved its capital to Shouchun, and its capital Chen was very close to both Han and Wei.

"That's still the old rule. Rescue people collectively and share risks. What's the advantage... The other Xiang family members all rely on their own abilities, but Xiang Kui needs to give birth to a son for each of our female attendants, but they are not allowed to name Xiang Yu. As for who If the attendant gives birth to the real Xiang Yu, then everyone will settle down with their destiny!"



"Xiang Kui is going to have a baby with my real wife!"


Although there seemed to be something strange mixed in between the War Agents, the covenant was concluded very quickly. Many War Agents divided their labors and cooperated, and suddenly launched an attack.

That night, fires rose up all over Chendu, and the entire capital was in chaos. A large number of war agents' troops rushed towards the Chu palace. The frightened King Chu, who was confused about the situation, quickly commanded the main force to guard the palace and seize the time to quell the chaos. .

However, the real purpose of the war agents is to imprison the Xiang family in prison.

"My dear concubine, everything is exactly as you expected!"

King Chu, whose face had not yet recovered from the injury, had just recovered from his shock. He hugged the waist of a coquettish woman and said with a smile.

"It's all down to the king's command. These princes and the Xiang family are really planning something evil!"

The beautiful little bird lay in the arms of King Chu, drawing circles on King Chu's heart with one small hand, and made the little bird of King Chu lean on her with the other hand, and said in an adoring tone.

There are war agents who want to rob the Xiang family, and there are war agents who can think of the war agents who want to rob the Xiang family.

To this day, raising a group of beautiful female attendants and sending them to the dignitaries in the mission world has become a common practice for many agents of war.

This woman is a woman carefully cultivated by a certain war agent, just to deceive other war agents.

The sweet King Chu narrowed his eyes in relief.

And just as he squinted his eyes, a regular army of more than 30,000 people gathered in the military formation and attacked the army of war agents who had broken the prison.

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